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Duel (1971 TV Movie)
Truck Drivers Revenge
4 March 2002
I can't quite understand, why this truck driver had it in for Dennis Weaver. Just because he passed him on the highway, doesn't mean he had to use his truck, as a weapon. There should have been police officers, such as a highway patrol to stop the truck driver and arrest him right away. His face was never shown. As many times David Mann was on the road, he should have lost that old mean sadistic truck driver.
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Chiefs (1983)
Great Story: I would Give It A+
21 February 2002
Charlton Heston, was a great narrator in this series. Through three generations, how murders were happening under their noses. The murderer was among them. Each Chief investigated the murders. I didn't like Sonny Butts. He was a womanizer and likewise wasn't police material. They should have found another Will Henry Lee. It did keep your attention. However you know the murderer, from the first.
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A Funny Man
8 January 2002
Harold Peary played the good role of Gildersleeve. His laugh was his trademark. He use to be in radio, before coming to movies. In one episode I like was when the bicycle split into going in separate directions and he yelled LeRoy. This was funny. We need more movies of this gender.
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Hand in Hand (1961)
Conflict In Religion
27 November 2001
I saw this picture, about three to maybe four times, on the CBS Children's Film Festival. This program came on Saturday afternoons. I highly enjoyed this picture. There was a conflict in religion. The Boy, who was Catholic and the Jewish girl. I think people shouldn't put others down, because of their faith. People have a freedom of religion. Nobody shouldn't force their church or belief's off on anyone else. In the middle, of the movie, the boy accused the girl of killing Christ. The girl denied it. Many people believe, that Jesus was the King of the Jews. Other's say the Jews crucified Christ. The Roman's did it. A murderer named Barabas was freed, in exchange, for Jesus to be crucified. Pilate tried to free Jesus, because he couldn't find fault. The mob got more angry screaming blasphemy and crucify him. Finally Pilate said away with him, let him be crucified.
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A Movie With Good Meaning
24 November 2001
I frankly give this movie an "A+." It had a great story line and meaning. When Denzel Washington asked all of the player's Who Is Your Daddy? He was refering, that he was. He was like a second father figure, to whole football team. I very much liked his character. The sad part was when one of the team Captains died, at the end of the picture. They all sang Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Goodbye. Farewell to a dear friend and brother. I devote this movie to all football players.
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A Good Program For Troubled Teens
24 November 2001
Usually kids, who get into trouble, with the law, are the ones, who live in the Principals office. The Scarred straight program has worked a lot for kids, who have been caught, on the first offense. Whether it's shop lifting, joy riding or loitering, the police have picked up these kids and warned them, to stay out of trouble. However it doesn't get through to them. So strict reenforcement has to be applied. Load up all kids, who have shop lifted, or has been constantly been in trouble, with the school Principal, on a bus and take them to a state institution. Have a tough guard, like a Marine drill Sergeant, there to greet them. Escort them through the main gate. Next have all of these kids put on Prison uniforms. This will give them more feeling, what it's like on the inside. Take them to a room, with a surveillance camera, and the toughest inmates, to get these kids straight. They may use profanity, but talking tough to these troubled kids might save their lives and make them walk the straight plane.
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Freedom Song (2000 TV Movie)
Music Of Freedom
16 November 2001
There was a lot of bigotry, in this movie. Everyone should have a right to vote. No matter what race or ethnic group, America was based on freedom. At the end, when they were singing in jail, I liked it, when the deputy or jailer told them, "If they didn't stop singing, he was going to take away their mattresses." They replied "No problem Brother." You can take my mattress away, because I'm going to let it shine.
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Tribes (1970)
A Flower Child At A Marine Boot Camp
16 November 2001
We were in the time, of the Vietnam war. The hippies or would you call flower children were against it. That's why they rebelled. I don't agree with what they did. A man should be a man. Long hair I hated that style, of the 1970's.Men should go to Barber shops and wear short hair. Darrin McGavin the drill Sergeant, was disgusted, when this hippie showed up at boot camp. His exact words"How dare you show up, at my boot camp like that." The other Sergeant wanted him so bad, in his platoon. He ran away and Darrin McGavin talked him into coming back. However this other Sergeant got him in his platoon. He made things more tougher. I likewise like Darrin McGavin, when he was Kolchak: The Night Stalker. I can't blame McGavin, for being sore at the hippie, for his chanting rituals.
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Terror In Texarkana
15 November 2001
As many times, I have been to Texarkana, I never knew about the phantom killer. When this movie was released, I went and saw it. The line was very long, that night, I will never forget it. This movie along with Psycho, is where I draw the line. I don't go for this gory horror like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Nightmare On Elm Street. If this happened today. Police officers would be warning kids, not to park. At night the police, sheriff's department, state troopers and a SWAT team, would be on the case, trying to capture the phantom.
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Night Gallery (1969–1973)
A Wholesome Frightening Television Program
15 November 2001
I liked the TV program Night Gallery. In the opening credits, it would have been good, if they used the same theme and picture, of the long dark hallway, with doors. Just like the movie version in 1969. It gives you a feeling, that the show is suspenseful and full of mystery. My favorite episode was "The Waiting Room." This was all about Cowboy's. The first time I saw this I was in fourth grade. The kids at school, the next day talked all about it.
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Night Gallery: Pilot (1969)
Season 1, Episode 0
Thrilling, Suspense & Mystery
15 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Well I liked this movie. About like Hitchcock, there's a surprise. Roddy McDowell got what he deserved. Killing his Uncle, who had Pneumonia. The painting, which displayed a coffin, ran McDowell crazy. Of course Ossie Davis the butler, got taken at the end. Joan Crawford, a blind lady, who underwent an eye transplant. However a blackout took place, when she thought, she was going blind again. Last the Nazi, who wanted to be a fisherman. He got into the wrong painting. A painting of torture. Yet he tortured Jews, during the War. What comes around goes around.
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A Lady, Who Befriends A Ghost
15 November 2001
Rex Harrison, did a great job, of playing the ghost of Captain Daniel Gregg. He also had compassion, for Mrs. Muir. The part I like best was when the old bitties came in and tried to get Mrs. Muir, to move out.

Captain Gregg became invisible, he picked them up bodily and tossed them, out the door. Good for him. Also getting Mrs. Muir, to write a book was a plus. I give this movie an "A+."
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The Dark Side Of Jodie Foster
14 November 2001
I hated this movie. I always thought Jodie Foster, would be innocent. In Napoleon and Samantha and Tom Sawyer, she played good roles, along side Johnnie Whittaker. She was bad, in this picture. Especially the sexual scene, where she undressed and got in the bed, with the boy. fornication and adultery. No kid of mine, would see this garbage. It should have been censored.
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Kids Can Be Devious And Sadistic
13 November 2001
This movie has a good moral lesson. Laney Boggs, was however treated like dirt. Taylor Vaughn, a high class snob, who gets it for prom queen, feels her importance. I don't like her. It makes you wonder about her morals. Laney wasn't much for getting into the lime light. The boys were mean and sadistic, for making a bet, that she would be prom queen. If I had my choice, I would rather have Laney than Taylor. Laney was more quiet and cared much, for her studies in art. However she came out a winner. She encouraged Zack, to get own with his life.
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Psycho (1960)
A Prey To Norman Bates
12 November 2001
Janet Leigh, who played Marion Crane, stole money, from her employer George Lowery. She left town, with the stolen money, changed cars, then went onward, to the Bates Motel. I believe she had a guilty conscience and she was going to go back and confess to her crime. Little did she know, that she would be dead before morning. After being stabbed in the shower, her body was plunged into the moat. She should have been honest.
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The Eyes of Charles Sand (1972 TV Movie)
Scary and Erie
3 November 2001
When Charles Sand opened the coffin, at the beginning, of the movie, a frightening sight was about to begin. His deceased uncle opened his eyes and there were no eye balls. Just the whites. Then he raised up and pointed his finger at Charles. This would give you the creeps. If this happened, in a funeral parlor, there would be an evacuation.
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It's Vice Versa In This Movie, Than The Andy Griffith Show.
31 October 2001
The reason I say Vice Versa is because Don Knotts, who played the Corporal is a rank above Andy. I really liked this movie. Only Andy played the dumb one. On his show as the Sheriff of Mayberry Don Knotts, is a bit looney. Whenever his gun goes off, Andy holds out his hand, for Barney to hand over the gun. Lots of times Andy would tell Barney to butt out, in personal matters. In this movie Don Knotts has an argument, with the Sarge, while Andy bends the ring, with his foot. You know the rest of the story. I liked it when he saw the Psychiatrist. This was a laugh. He asked him "Does his Mother beat him?" He went off the end.
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Bigotry In Alabama
28 October 2001
Sissy Spacek played a good role. It wasn't right for black people, to be treated, because they're different. They should have the same rights, to ride the bus, vote and attend school. The 1960's were when the civil rights took place. The country was changing. Blacks have always voted here in Arkansas, even before my time. I didn't like Sissy's husband's brother, who was a bigot. I'm glad he slugged him, for slapping his wife.
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Racism In Mississippi
14 October 2001
Back in the Twenties, thirties, forties, fifties and sixties, black people have always voted in elections. It wasn't right, for the three civil right workers, to be murdered. They were helping the black people, to exercise their right to vote. The U.S. Constitution, should guarantee freedom, for all. Nobody no matter, what race, creed or ethnic group, should be told not to vote, because they're different. I'm shocked that the Sheriff's department, were part of the Klan. They're hired to serve and protect law abiding citizens. Apparently these lawmen, were outlaws and had no business wearing a badge.
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Racism In Mississippi
14 October 2001
Back in the Twenties, thirties, forties, fifties and sixties, black people have always voted in elections, here in Arkansas. It wasn't right, for the three civil right workers, to be murdered. They were helping the black people, to exercise their right to vote. The U.S. Constitution, should guarantee freedom, for all. Nobody no matter, what race, creed or ethnic group, should be told not to vote, because they're different. I'm shocked that the Sheriff's department, were part of the Klan. They're hired to serve and protect law abiding citizens. Apparently these lawmen, were outlaws and had no business wearing a badge.
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A Troubled Teen
11 October 2001
Young girls who, run away from home, don't see danger. Pimps hang out in bus stations and airports, to catch these young girls, and lure them into prostitution. The young guy, who befriended her, gave her good advice to go back home. Even the Sheriff took Dawn, to the morgue and tried to convince her, that prostitution is dangerous. I would recommend, this movie to all teenagers. Church groups and Police departments, should use this movie, as an example, to our youth.
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House on Greenapple Road (1970 TV Movie)
A Suspense Thriller
11 October 2001
I really enjoyed this movie and I wish it was released to video. In the opening scene, where Janet Leigh's daughter Eve Plumb comes in, raises chills. There's blood on the refrigerator door. You wonder, what happened. Where there's blood then there must be a body. Could it be Janet Leigh was murdered like in Psycho, by Anthony Perkins? You start detective work, investigating and come up, with your own clues.
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A Great Horror Movie
11 October 2001
As for the gory movies of today, This movie is not as scary as The Nightmare On Elm Street. I wish this movie could be released to video. I haven't seen it, since I was a child. Please put this movie on tape I likewise wasn't fond of Parley Bear, when he played Mayor Roy Stoner, on The Andy Griffith Show.
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