
3 Reviews
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Get Carter (2000)
Had to be watched, lucky I had time on my hands anyway...!
13 October 2001
Well, firstly I'm not sure if this film has been given a UK cinema release, I watched a US DVD.

I must admit I wrote off this film before they had even started shooting it - I had imagined it being set in NY etc... with loads of 'eat lead ******er' and wall to wall machine guns. I loved the fact that the 1971 version was very true to life in that the rain never ceases and Carter bought it on a dreary day on the outskirts of an offshore coaltip.

People are always 'updating things for the new millennium' when they really don't need to be touched, and the fact remains for me that the original version wins hands down on all scores. Quite how Caine agreed to be involved in this is beyond me, and only serves to prove his best work is (mainly) far behind him.

So, 5/10 I'm afraid from me, I really can't believe that many of the reviewers havent seen the original - but that would probably explain the high average rating - despite it all a good storyline never dies...
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The Detectives (1993–1997)
Direct from the 'sex and toilets' school of comedy...
7 October 2001
I guess its pretty mediocre stuff at the end of the day, but its often so stupid you can't help but laugh - plenty of toilet gags. Almost every episode is (or seems to be) produced on a shoestring budget, and its certainly true the quality of them is a 'mixed bag'.

Ironically the 2 minute weekly sketch this series was developed from I always thought was the low point of Jasper Carrots show.

Remember comedy critics - theres loads of unfunny shows out there to knock before you pick on this one.
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Happy(?) Ending
6 October 2001
Too many reviews to go over old ground, I totally love this film although I'm not sure if I could ever watch it again knowing the outcome... Thats my main point really, people are bemoaning the 'happy' ending, well, if a life alone in a single location for eternity is your idea of heaven..?!

To be honest its just a tragic ending as it would have been if we had been left at the 'trapped' stage but for all its faults it might help explain just a little more what the future had in store.

Plenty of 'if Kubrick had directed...' cries too, but I hated Eyes Wide Shut, remember Kubrick didnt get out the house very much in his final years - maybe that wouldnt have shown so clearly in a 'fantasy' future film though.

Just a thought...
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