
22 Reviews
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A nice twisty whodunnit...
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Always liked Peter Davison..infact all the actors in this series were favs. Of mine..Brian Glover..etc..the story is a good one with nice touches and not that easy to work out which I like...good for the old brain cells..never suspected the doc..but of course a lot of whodunnits and crime's the one person who stays close to the case that's the killer.

One goof though..when Campion looks around the door at a drugged Lugg on the bed it's Glover...but when he falls on the bed during the fight with the's another actor...bit of an error there I thought..maybe they had to have a stuntguy instead of Glover in case he was hurt accidentally..which of course would be strange as Glover was also a very good wrestler who could easily take bumps and bruises..great cast and very watchable..
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NCIS: Black Sky (2023)
Season 20, Episode 22
Puzzled ending..!!
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A good plot this one..nice follow up Ep...plenty of action ...twists and of the best "new" far.

But the ending has me baffled..who is this guy at the end Torres wants to kill..cant be his dad..because he has already been in the show...remember Ep.."Sangre" his undercover CiA who is this guy.?...a relation...uncle...friend of the family..someone who double crossed him or his family and almost had them killed before they had to flee after their dad had to go quickly..leaving Nick and family..destitute..and having to go to their aunts to doubt all will be revealed next season..but usually a reveal is just that ..a complete reveal telling the viewer who the stranger is...NOT in this case for some reason and a bit fraustrating. Ah well roll on next season and we will find out who the stranger is then.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Blood Bank (2023)
Season 14, Episode 9
great fun this one
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode...a lot of laughs...worth watching for Kensi take out of two baddies with a tray... that girl sure can kick ass...interesting they mentioned Ukraine.very topical...but not overdone...I like these quirky episodes..something a bit different..great to see Arkady in a prominent role in this one and his stand off witb his Ex girlfriend Mira was hilarious...and quite moving at the end ...great stuff..story line good and liked the idea of the auctioned piece being Russian and an Oligarch trying to sell the faberge egg , after his slush fund was sanctioned , although they didn't say Faberge in the show. I never usually give full marks but for this one 10/10.
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Public Eye: The Fall Guy (1975)
Season 7, Episode 5
A quirky episode
8 November 2022
This episode was fun..S. P. had a great part in it as the revenge girl...only one continuity problem...a bit odd...

In the hotel room with Bradley when she reads the note...Tuesday says..Frank Marker..

But when Frank first meets Bradley in Gash's office and Frank reads the note...he says it was anonymous could have come from anyone..

So my question is why did Tuesday when reading the note in the hotel say Frank Marker if the note was not signed...and how did she know Frank Marker in the first place because she had never met him and Alison didn't tell her because she didn't want Tuesday to know her plans.

Very odd...can anyone explain that..would be curious to see if I'm right or not

anyway good episode and Gash comments are a joy from "Rycott "....for all Minder fans..hee hee.
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NCIS: A Family Matter (2022)
Season 20, Episode 1
7/10 crossovers...but worked it out...a bit obvious
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yep...not a bad episode...maybe at times too many characters in one place at one time .. I lik crossovers and i think this one worked and good its a continued epeosode...But..

I thought their prisoner protested too much and also the guy was a top hacker...surely that must have been a clue for the agents that he was the raven...also as someone said already the Russian guy died in 2012 as per the poster. I worked out he must be the raven the second time they talked to him.

So I would have given the episode a six but gave it a seven because of the crossover..

Also watch the relationships dont overdo it ...the focus should be on the crime and catching criminals,,,

All in all writers could be more deceptive in their writing and try to fool us better...jeez even Murder she wrote episodes were harder to work out than this one...
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MI-5: Episode #9.8 (2010)
Season 9, Episode 8
Eh !!!
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nope just didn't work...absolute nonsense

1 / In his nightmares John not once ever dreamed of blowing up innocent embassy staff..

2 / We are expected to believe Harry would give John his gun after he told Harry the supposed truth about tbe bombing

3/ Why would they risk shooting Maya by shooting at the car when a chopper is minutes away and would stop them

4 / All in all they were so up themselves ...this series was supposed to be about stopping terrorists... but end of series 9 ..was far too much about them...more like a spy version of Emmerdale..or the worst soap.. Crime of passion...Eh !!! Come on.. very disappointing.

Albany story was a good idea but the john story pretty garbage.
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Midsomer Murders: Scarecrow Murders (2021)
Season 22, Episode 4
Good episode with one spoiler....
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good episode...creepy scarecrows...liked the scarecrows in the pews in the church...really bizzare...

BUT.....spoiled by the scene where the hubby says to his wife " come on we agreed hand it over " which point she handed him her smartphone.

Now I discounted a secret lover possibly I thought online shopaholic

no that wouldnt really be a good storyline

one thing left....gambling addiction on online casinos.

What they should have done is not shown the phone at that point and kept us guessing as to what the hubby meant.

So from that point it was fairly easy to work out what was happening even although I didnt guess the perpetrators.

Ok the end twist was clever...but shame about the phone scene.
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Detective Montalbano: Il metodo Catalanotti (2021)
Season 15, Episode 1
Far to many pauses script poor
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very strange episode...all over the place...Salvo's infatuation for the young forensic scientist and looking vague with too many pauses throughout.

A weird guy who had power over his cast members...and made them do "Trials" whaaaaat !!!

Some really weird stuff ..totally ridiculous plot.. Wax dummy that sidekick didnt spot wasn't real.

C'mon who wrote this garbage.

I like black humour but this verged on insanity...and finally...two things Salvo ends livia by phone what !!

And instead of double bluffing us with the girl disappearing into the distance on the train after saying goodbye to Salvo..

what did the writers do....

.. The obvious that any fool knew was coming and could have worked out..namely... she got off the train to be with Salvo...everybody ..aaah..what a load of crock..earlier she made it very clear she wanted to be single..also she was going to a better job...I think they made this episode deliberately so bad that viewers and fans would never want another one...poor all I can say ..going out with a wimper.

Ps...only feeble excuse I can give is the fact covid was still going strong when they filmed maybe had to make adjustments to suit and maybe had problems...but still had a writing time schedule to stick too. Still.. a poor ending episode to a great series.
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Detective Montalbano: Le ali della sfinge (2008)
Season 7, Episode 2
Good episode spoiled...
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good episode with a serious problem the abuse of young women by handlers who got them to steal from their guardians...

But it was spoiled for me by the old pervert who drilled a hole in his bathroom wall to watch his young 22yr old guest bathing .Montalbano on hearing this , and also the fact the old pervert had tried to pay the girl for sex which she refused.. ,, instead of arresting him simply ignored what the old pervert said and carried on looking at the pictures of the naked girl the old pervert had taken when the girl was unaware.

Salvo was only seemingly interested in the tattoo. I did find that part distasteful and unbelievable that Salvo hadn't arrested the old pervert.very surprised no other reviewers mentioned this ...a shame because quite a good episode apart from the pervert who for me spoiled the episode. Because of this only giving episode 4 stars .
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Eh...whàaaaaaaaaat !!
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched first prog after seeing a trailer on Scottish news...

Great for Visit Scotland...but after that total dross...

Ok so we have to believe its an entertainment show first...and real truthful events second ...

But really the trick with hearing p pipe sounds being played back on a digital recorder..c'mon..obviously they used two recorders and played back the so called US mediums' effort on the hidden one...the sound was far more faint..than the shown recorder..

If it was real it would be world news ...stop press "pixies alive and living in a Scottish castle play pipes on TV show "

What a joke ..

If its not true and a load of hunkum ...


read Randys' offer of a million dollars for anyone who can prove such far in around 15 yrs...NO ONE HAS CAME FORWARD WITH ABSOLUTE PROOF to try and claim the cash

I wish all that on the program was true but as they say nowadays

Fake news...
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Sherlock: The Sign of Three (2014)
Season 3, Episode 2
Nope not for me this one
20 May 2022
Good grief the filler part of Sherlocks Speech almost sent me to sleep ...then the violin..nope not for me far too slow drawn out ...too many cases...too many pregnant pauses....and twists ...drunken scenes uneccessary.. very lazy production in my opinion...three stars only for this one.
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Midsomer Murders: Death of a Stranger (1999)
Season 3, Episode 1
Forgot all about this Ep....
6 April 2022
This was midsomer at its best ...crazy characters..infidelity...dna tests.oh and why do people who stuff animals always look weird on telly...only one thing ...can anyone answer..who was screaming in the woods at the end when Marcia and barnaby were staring..was it the ghost of Darrow...can anyone explain that bit...I haven't a clue..very surprised no reviewers mentioned that part.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Murmuration (2022)
Season 13, Episode 12
Doing what it says on the tin...
29 March 2022
This was a good episode with a bit of a mystery involved...what was causing this...who were they...where did it go....woooooo spoooky...well not really but some nice tension in the camp...with puzzlement all around...however if you watched the similar NCIS New Orleans episode would have guessed what was going on as I did.

Unfortunately they lose One Star for the title which gave a strong hint to the episode plot line.

But it was back to what we love IA etc ...real science and tech...great stuff and a who done it as well...keep up this standard and we will all be grateful.

Oh but less of the Kensi Deeks drama...
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Kavanagh QC: Time of Need (1999)
Season 5, Episode 3
Good storyline but a puzzle at the end
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good episode..acting as usual..high standard..penelope wilton as usual top drawer.....but I was left asking myself why , if she admitted having sex with a minor...she was not arrested at the end ...very puzzling ..can anyone explain ?
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NCIS: Hawai'i: Lost (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Getting better...hmmmm !!
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Plot wasn't too bad..nice twist with the fingers guy ...whistler part , a bit more , is good because it lets us see more of her dept and what she does instead of previously concentrating on her relationship or walking in and out the NCIS office...characters are starting to come together .. I do think though they should transition Jane Tennant into main NCIS show by away of a joint op ...and make her the new Gibbs...needs to have an injection of pace with a sassy woman boss...iether her or Abby from the NCIS coastguard episodes.
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NCIS: Sturgeon Season (2020)
Season 18, Episode 1
Strange episode...and not in a good way
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with most of the other reviewers....even worse than the cowboy singing episode...too disjointed ...nuff said...oh and Mcgee got shot ...really.!!!...why didnt gibbs shoot the pilot....
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NCIS: Collective Memory (2021)
Season 19, Episode 9
Different type of episode
7 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This ep. Was off the wall.... I thought the lawyer looked a bit shady...but being a friend of the victim all his life...find it difficult to believe he could execute her Or had her executed...did he know about her illness...that was never really explained..and may have been a reason for a mercy killing which would have been more believable if he knew she was terminally ill and arranged for her own execution.

I think that would have been a better concept. Also isn't it great that suddenly after all these happy years with his client and friend probably going for dinner etc..after killing her son..this guy breaks down with sorrow...c'mon who you kiddin'.

Like the hologram idea though.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Divided We Fall (2021)
Season 13, Episode 5
Some puzzling parts
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All in all I'm still scratching my head over this episode...

1/ Was the admiral related to the spy ?

2/ The admiral took a huge risk in what he did...if the guys HAD given her a gun...what would she have done.

3/ why was a phone call allowed ,surely if they can track the bad guys the bad guys can track them.

4/ what was the admirals plan ...he must have known her fellow crew would try to rescue her so what was the point of a safehouse with his team sitting ducks.where was the back up.?

5/ Having an adoring daughter who had a loving mum all those years who as a sleeper gave up her life ...was she protecting her daughter because she had no choice ?

6/ Too many unbelievable parts in this episode.. with a lot of questions .

7/ I worked out the ending with her as the spy because everything pointed to that...otherwise the episode would just have been another shoot out...

8/ Only thing I didnt see coming was the admirals involvement in the spy shooting.

9/ Did leave a bit of discomfort not telling his team the truth...but telling the interrogator...if they find out could be problems for the admiral .

10/ another series with Mr Shatner springs to mind describing this episode

" Weird or what "
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NCIS: Hawai'i: The Tourist (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Good Show but Blonde Agent a distraction
3 November 2021
This episode was good with a few twists which some of which I predicted ...I still cant get my head around." Whistler" ...she seems to just appear and have some friction with. Tennant...I would consider fading this character out of the show ...doesnt add to it...I did think Julie White added to show ...great actress...lot of fun lines.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Indentured (2021)
Season 13, Episode 3
Certainly hit a nerve...
29 October 2021
A lot of vitreolic reviews about this episode..Ok it was a bit contrived and we guessed who was gonna be arrested.

Thing is you guys need to wake up and smell the coffee..remember january ...

Some programs reflect society and if it were extreme left wingers in the next episode I wouldn't have a problem...bad is bad...whoever the perps are.
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Blind Spot (1958)
Run of the mill but some great actors
27 September 2021
Good fun...with R Mckenzie sounding a bit like Connery in the untouchables...difficult to lose that Scots accent eh ..great to see all the future famous actors... 2 out of dads army..also a very young G Jackson...and M Caine..plot a bit run of the mill...sort of british noire...but the soon to be famous actors step it up a notch.
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NCIS: Blood in the Water (2021)
Season 19, Episode 1
Ok but not enough twists
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad episode..not the best but will get better when the killers are being tracked in the next episodes..and Gibbs hopefully is back with his team..although I think Mcgee will have more of a say after his speech to Gibbs..who was impressed.

More of straight story..not enough twists in the tale.
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