
16 Reviews
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Last Holiday (2006)
Unrealistic in the Best Possible Way
29 May 2024
Come on, people. It's a feel-good movie that does what it needs to do! We get stars like Queen Latifah and LL Cool J. Can you really complain? I was almost at tears during some parts of the movie. Every win and loss wrenched my heart and slapped me with emotion. I was thoroughly satisfied by the movie's end. I felt inspired and changed. Good movies will do that to you.

I saw someone complaining about Christmas being a small part of the movie. Sure, it was. But it's not called "Last Christmas." It's "Last Holiday." So whether it's literal Christmas or approaching New Year's, you're losing the point of the film if you're knit-picking about the timeline.

Short and sweet iteration: I recommend you watch it with family. It's a great movie that will butter you up with smiles. The plot is very fairytale like, so please just pause realistic logic during the runtime and dream.
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Insecure (2016–2021)
I'll Keep It Short for You
29 May 2024
It's a show worth the watch (the first season at a minimum). People can say what they want, but they can't deny how groundbreaking Insecure really is. Finding relevant shows that feature Black leads (that isn't explicitly about racism or slavery) comes far and in-between. There are classics like Good Times, Martin, and the like. Insecure has been part of the new era to show Blackness unfiltered. Yes, it's still stereotypical at times, and the show appeared to be in an idea washing machine for a little bit (After all, Issa didn't intend to focus the show on Issa and Molly's personal lives).

My review boils down to this: 1) Yes, the sex was excessive and unnecessary 2) The swearing is intense but it CAN be funny at times 3) The plot is at least bearable at all times. The comedy doesn't disappoint and I was honestly excited to start each season when it came out 4) This show can only carry so much weight. It's not meant to show the authenticity of ALL Black life (that's simply too much for the screen). It nevertheless deserves some credit for what it accomplishes throughout (which are life and problems outside of typical race relations).
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Atlas (2024)
I Honestly Don't See the Problem...
26 May 2024
Atlas follow a woman of the same name who must hunt down an AI terrorist. You get much of what you expect from sci-fi in this one, with a few cliches of scenes that supposedly represent the future. (I found the several shots of little robots in the background particularly hilarious because it added nothing to the movie or its appeal).

With that said, I enjoyed the film. Jennifer Lopez did phenomenally. She quite literally blew me away with her performance in this one, and I was gripped towards the end with unexpected emotions. The movie as a whole was giving budget Metroid, if you get the reference. Admittedly, it did not reach Metroid's pinnacle of originality and complexity, but Atlas tries. She comes close. And for that, I arrive at a 7.

Unless you reallllllllllly hate Jennifer Lopez as an actress or expect this movie to break the glass ceiling, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Somewhat Binge-worthy
2 May 2024
I can't complain. It was an all-around enticing show that gave a complex look into handling obsession. There were still moments of fuzziness, times when a character was (unrealistically) inconsistent or scenes lacked any substance. I also think the last episode needs a rework. It was too rushed for the amount of weight it attempted to carry, and it left me wondering why it was ever added in the first place. Also, the characters were incredibly difficult to sympathize with, and as such made it that much more difficult to stay engaged for the entire series. I don't know how much of this story is true, but I believe enough creative freedom exists to "wow" the viewer more.

Expect a good watch with a few yawns at the end.
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Saltburn (2023)
Almost Remarkable: An Intriguing Yet Fuzzy Tale
28 April 2024
From the get-go, I was on the fence. All the character introductions were a bit all over the place and incoherent with the necessary foundation I expected for a psychological thriller like this. I say this as someone who has watched the film in its entirety, and I'm sure the cast could've been cut a significant percent and performed just the same. Still, I took my chances with Oliver to understand what he was up to at Oxford (or really, *who*).

Albeit slow and teetering the stereotypical elitism narrative, the plot was becoming. The quick and evolving idolization of Felix perhaps helped the plot survive. Although the obsession took several turns that had me satisfactorily aghast, it eventually collapsed into the questionable realm of the grotesque-which is fine but needs justification. The plot was on strings by that point. Oliver may have become a fuller character, but he was full of inconsistencies that didn't add up.

If this movie were a full course meal, the ending was severely undercooked. It confounded in all the wrong ways and directed the film into trite material. Gone were the necessary elements of mystery and any hope of an ending that was worth the watch. All of the psychological build up was irreversibly sneezed away by parading "twists" that added nothing more than screen time.

I arrived at 7 stars out of generosity and some scenes that carried the film. Like many productions these days, it had potential but couldn't quite reach its pinnacle state.
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An Original, Edge-of-Your-Seat Series
4 October 2023
I'll keep it real. During the first 10 or so minutes of the pilot, I wasn't really feeling this show. It felt too cliché in all the horror elements that Stranger Things did 10x better.

But then I kept watching. And I. Couldn't. Stop. I'm truly blown away by the originality of these writers to construct episodes and plots I have yet to see in TV. If the comparison does justice, it's like Get Out mixed with a little bit of Us. I laughed. I cried. I mmmhmm'd. It's an unapologetic show that gracefully covers race relations without being over-direct about it.

My only complaint is toward the end, in which the plot twists came at the cost of some logically unsound events. Had these latter story elements been as pristine as the surprises, I might've leaned toward a 10. The acting of the main characters are perfect; some of the lesser seen characters felt a little kiddish. I also felt like the backstory we got of (you know who) felt unfinished and rushed. You can't possibly do a backstory justice in just one episode and a few cheesy flashbacks.

Overall amazing. Will definitely watch it again once I start to forget the plot a little. Truly worth (most) every minute.
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More like Transformers: Autobots on Autopilot
17 August 2023
I'm a sci-fi geek that loves robots and futurism, but even my zeals have limits when it comes to a poorly-made film. There were so many epic shots and could've-been heartfelt moments that weren't even close to hitting the mark of remarkable. Every scene came across as stale footage with zero emotional strings attached. To give you the full picture, here's some major points about my experience.

3. Recycled Content/Ideas

Understandably, you don't always have to reinvent the wheel, but you have to have some aspect of originality. Everything in the movie felt seen, like I've already crossed the road a million times over. Fight scenes that should've been energetic seemed flat and boo-worthy. So what there are robots blasting laser beams at each other. Am I supposed to gawk because I see a Transformers logo and some slow-mo kicks?

2. Static Characters

What really took me to Snooze Town was how artificial the characters came across. You would think that humans would be the most relatable; it turns out that hieroglyphics had more dimensions than them all. I can handle some cringy jokes, but deliberately minimizing everyone's arc to heroes that save the day (eventually) is just so tried and tired. It's monotone heroism, and heroes that you don't care to save the day are the worst ones to have.

1. Zero Substance

For the grand prize, the film couldn't induce emotions in two hours!! I wasn't even close to crying for any losses or tragedies in the movie. A scene was either dry or cheesy, both of which leaves an unsettling taste in your mouth. And the actors, the cinematography cannot be the ones to blame! It's the BORING lines and dull acts. No amount of CGI can redeem an underdeveloped script. In short, it would've made a better 20-minute episode adapted for kids.

All that to say, it will disappoint you. I wasn't a die-hard Transformers fan before, and I certainly won't be one now.
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Don't Think. Just Watch It
13 August 2023
After some 30 years since his last mission, Maverick appears as a pilot that has only achieved mediocrity. The time comes for him to prove himself when a NATO threat calls for a fleet of elite pilots to extinguish the target. You're in for a heartfelt journey filled with elegant supersonic jet maneuvers, Navy salutes, and nostalgic callbacks to the initial Top Gun.

This film struck the immaculate balance of action and storytelling. There was hardly a dull moment in the movie, and even though I felt that there should've been more to Maverick's arc than flying, I think we see enough of his life on the ground to know the real him. I especially loved his interactions with the other pilots--one pilot in particular. The juxtaposition undeniably made the aftermath of the first film feel real, raw, and relatable to anyone who has experienced loss.

It's an energetic adventure that will take you to the skies.
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From Plumbers to Heroes (ish)
13 August 2023
Follow Mario and Luigi on an epic, spontaneous adventure across dimensions to the Mushroom Kingdom! Just like in the games, Bowser's the single-minded villain with plans to get Peach. Mario and Luigi just so happen to come across a magical pipe to enter the magical realm of obstacle courses, split kingdoms, and super powers via the yellow question mark box. You're in for a wild, wild ride as Mario (and eventually Luigi) punch high to save the day.

Considering the audience for this film, I wasn't expecting in-depth characters or plot. Some scenes could've transcended the movie had there been more intentionality on creating a compelling story. Without spoiling, I feel like some of the newly introduced characters could've provided an exceptional backstory to Mario and Luigi. Instead, their history acted as a comedic break to the dystopian opening.

As the film went on, I noticed that a lot of emphasis was put towards content instead of story. In other words, you get to witness all of what Super Mario Bros. (the game) had become over the years. This could've been a touching inclusion for dedicated gamers, but it instead sacrificed essential space for maintaining a good plot. So many moments were traded for cheese, all for a wink towards a Super Mario Bros. Feature that didn't fit well with what was already happening.

A family-friendly, game-inspired film that needed some streamlining and focus to be remarkable.
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Dare Me (2019–2020)
Pompoms and Dirty White Sneakers
11 August 2023
For a series I watched about five times now, you would think it deserves 10 stars. While missing the mark by the slightest, I can assert that this has been the most intriguing series yet about cheerleaders. It's not AT ALL like Bring It On or other works that attempt to bring as much depth to cheerleading as Dare Me.

Addy and Beth are best friends in high school, both of which happen to have a knack at cheerleading. Yes, there's some mean girl energy going on, but there's more to these characters than what meets the eye. As you progress through the episodes, you quickly become aware of what these two teenage girls are capable of and the very limits of their friendship.

My one-point deduction comes from some shallow scenes that don't merely meet the depth of others (though this is mostly towards the end of the series). One thing for certain, it wasn't intended to be a limited series, but in a way, it checks out. The drama is messy enough to keep you going but clean enough to avoid soapy-ness. The finale will have your jaw to the floor, and by then you'd have gotten a taste of what it means to be a cheerleader in that small-town world.

A golden find among television series; few shows have the character arcs of Dare Me.
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Every Gamer's Dream
11 August 2023
This movie will transport you into a hyper immersive world of games and mystery. Meet Wade Watts, your average gamer who knows a thing or two about lore. He'll introduce you to the fascinating product of Gregarious Games and tag you along for his own journey in uncovering the creator's last puzzle.

As someone who has rewatched this movie multiple times (and will do it again), I can guarantee satisfaction for anyone that's curious about tomorrow's gaming experience. You don't have to be a gamer to relate; as users of the internet, we all can draw some relatability from Wade's time both in the digital world and the real one.

Several reviewers have noted that the movie doesn't live up to the book. It's certainly different, and the plot doesn't line up. But to say that the movie disappoints? I heavily disagree. Particularly in the real world scenes, there are some awkward moments. A few, unrealistic, but keep in mind what this movie is trying to accomplish. It's supposed to be a dreamy look into life-altering gamer gear, so some scenarios were bound to be idealized and work in Wade's favor. (Not to mention showing off those mind-bending renders).

There's no movie quite like this. Don't let the book's expectations and subjectivity ruin the view of this fascinating work.
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Hijack (2023)
Seatbelts On: You Aren't Ready for This One
10 August 2023
Enter Sam at the airport. It's your typical TSA check-ins for an international flight, save a few foreshadowing surprises. He boards the plane, buckles up, and counts down the time for arrival in England, his home. Sam could be anyone; Sam could be you. The minimalistic approach in drama (just enough to keep you going, not enough to appear trashy) gives Sam an unquestionable relatability and a naturally fitting protagonist role. We meet many other characters in this action-packed series, and in case you haven't caught the hint yet, it's all about regaining control of a hijacked plane.

I know what you must be thinking. The same scenery and nugatory matters of flight affairs can't be enticing enough for seven episodes--but it is! Somehow, someway, I never grew tired of the happenings of the plane. Along with cuts to reactionary scenes on the ground, every visual of the series is gripping, all the way to the gasp-worthy ending.

Now, no show is without its faults. While there is more than enough mystery to go around, I found myself lost in searching for all the answers, many of which were never revealed. I'm also not completely satisfied in character depth. Since there were so many, a lot of them were shallow, almost like extras but in the foreground. (So, character development was at a minimum.)

It's a captivating series, though just shy of being extraordinary.

NOTE: A lot of reviewers are questioning the accuracy of the series since we live in a post 9/11 era. To that end, I respond with "When is television ever accurate?" A lot of illogical decisions/scenarios happens within the series, but in a way, it's these flops that you can sniff out without trying that draw you in as well. Getting riled up over a questionable decision by a character is getting a reaction out of you, and out of that reaction, you either see what their stupidity gets them or tune off because you can't handle low IQs. Basic television, folks.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
"Stereotypical Barbie" in a Stereotypical Movie
6 August 2023
First, the good bits. I thoroughly enjoyed the cast, even got to see some favorites in semi-major roles. For a blockbuster movie like this, good acting is to be expected. I also, as many fellow viewers pointed out, enjoyed the intricacies that made the movie seem like it was scripted by a kid. That was the whole point with the floating and dramatics-things that can only happen in imagination actually happen in the movie.

Now, while I enjoyed the movie and didn't see it as preachy at all-in fact, I think it did a great job of saying what Barbie stood for if it wasn't a perfect woman no girl could become-it could've been better. The plot, while purposely childlike, seemed rushed and half-finished towards the end. Without going to a means of spoiling, I wished for better character development and realism in stead of useless scenes that did nothing but spotlight good looks and physique. This movie COULD'VE been a transformational experience along the lines of "when perfect isn't good enough." I really just got a couple rounds of laughs, some nods of approval, and mere silence looking at a movie that even it didn't know where it was going.

TL;DR - It's a good movie-not a great movie.
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Madam Secretary (2014–2019)
Worth All Six Seasons
23 June 2023
Listen, there's few shows that can get me interested in politics. Ever since I watched The Diplomat, I was craving more diplomacy in action. This show started off quite disappointing with a hard-to-watch pilot BUT it does get better! Like many classics, you have to get past the initial noise of writers figuring out what to write and actors knowing how to act.

And for the love of God, all this "propaganda" and "too political" nonsense has got to go. If you care THAT much about how a show ABOUT POLITICS discusses the matter, maybe you should just stick to reality. Of course the lot of this show is unrealistic but I honestly don't see a problem with it since it's widely entertaining. I fail to understand people who are unsatisfied with this show because it isn't a carbon copy of reality. From the elections and politics that actually take place-trust me-WE KNOW.

If you've gotten this far, give the show a chance. Take it at face value though-don't take it SO seriously. I figure if you actually work in the government sector, it could be an interesting watch but certainly not impossible.
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What You'd Expect & More
23 June 2023
Don't mind the 1-star and adjacent reviews-clearly these movie goers either cannot appreciate Black comedy or was expecting some Stephen King-type horror plot. You get what you get with this film: some recognizable stars, plenty of good laughs, enough suspense to keep you going.

By all means, there are plenty of areas where the movie could've improved. While I don't think the horror elements need to be too clearly defined for a comedy, I would've appreciated more scary moments without the "cheese" (ie typical slasher film moments that felt cliché). I also think more character development wouldn't hurt. I loved the characters themselves but no one's arc was nearly developed enough.

All this is to say--see the movie for what it is: a dare to turn the narrative of what it means to feature black characters in horror films. It's meant to be edgy with a whiff of political. And if you can't accept that, then this movie isn't for you.
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Two Summers (2022– )
Disappointing and No Character Development
14 June 2022
What a waste of time! I tried with this show up until the last episode and almost flipped at the dull and infuriating ending. I won't spoil but man did this series do the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do. What could have been a touching and empowering story became hard-to-watch victim blaming at its finest.
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