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i heard the book was at least good.
2 December 2008
It's really hard for me to rate this film. i didn't like it at all. Yet i still kept wanted to watch it.

Even though it's a true story, all of the characters were like stereotypes. The British guy, the french guy, etc. So the acting was terrible, especially by the girl who played Amber. Shane West was really annoying. If that's how Darby really was, then i am not missing out on not listening to their music. He seemed like a pretentious attention whore who tried standing out just to get attention. And it showed a few of his phases where he changed his way of dressing and being. He never seemed like an original guy so i have no idea why he was so loved. If it was the stage show, Iggy Pop did much more than Darby. But Shane West always had this cocky smirk on his face even when he was trying to look sad. He was great at crying though! The Bronx as Black Flag was cool.

The direction was pretty great. Except a few of the scenes you could tell were staged and didn't feel organic or real. Like when they were shooting up, they were in a conveniently lit spot just for them.

i grew up listening to punk bands but never The Germs. i didn't even know who they were until a friend mentioned them. So i'm not biased when it comes to them and am not a fan. The movie was a 'meh' for me. i definitely didn't like the music. This movie is more for fans than people interested in movies. If you want to see a good indie biopic, see Control about Ian Curtis of Joy Division.
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Superjail! (2007–2014)
Good/rarely bad.
2 December 2008
This is a better than average show. It's completely surreal and almost as original. i've watched Adult Swin ever since the beginning and while this is not the best show ever on CN, it's not even close to the worst.

Every episode starts out with the same criminal being arrested by the jailbot. After he is arrested he gets carried off to the Superjail. It gets crazy from there. The warden who is greatly played by the great David Wain is a crazy man in a purple suit. He has an assistant who is a highly pitched timid little man. And he guard who is a man looking woman (who has a bulge?) that beats the guts out of anyone who gets out of line.

It's extremely violent and over the top. It reminds of of the movie El Topo only it makes more sense, kind of. It's very surreal and gets out of hand easily but that's not a bad thing. While i've never laughed at it, it's very entertaining and never predictable. The only thing you should expect is it almost turns into chaos and twists completely. The writers most likely don't even know where they'll be going with it.

The animation is very old school and looks great especially compared to shows like 12 oz mouse. It isn't the best animation, but it's still nice.

But the shows is very entertaining and i enjoy it a lot. But if you're off put by the surreal craziness need a constant plot of it then it obviously not for you.
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Robot Chicken (2001–2022)
A show of few.
2 December 2008
There are only a few shows that i absolutely hate. One is Mind Of Mencia. This show is another.

The jokes (if you can call them that) are uncreative and could easily make people stupid. That isn't a joke. The only thing they seem to think is funny are crotch hitting jokes, terrible puns, and fart jokes. How is any of that funny?

The only plot to this show is a newly cyborg chicken is forced to watch random and crudely written sketches.

This show is so absolutely horrendous that i would rather play ET for the Atari or watch Manos: Hands of Fate than watch this show. At least their creators admit to not putting any time or effort into those. The 60 titles they came up with for this show seems like the only effort they put in. Even those potential titles sucked.

It's astonishing that people love this show. It has almost the same amount of viewers as Family Guy. At least that show has a plot and is funny. With shows expertly written like Boondocks on Adult Swim there is no excuse as to why this show is so popular. Maybe if you're a casual TV watcher and don't know good writing or story lines, then you will love this show and think all of the pop culture references are funny. The only other excuse to liking this show is that you must be high or have lost a lot of brain cells from constant drug use.

Coming from someone who has no life and watches over 6 hours of TV a night. The show is so bad that i leave the house to walk 2 miles both ways to the gas station at 1 am (my time). Do not waste your time. You could be doing something much more productive like cleaning or watching Ernest movies. His movies are Citizen Kane compared to this garbage. This is one of the worst and unfunny shows ever in the history of TV and is a good reason this site needs scores under zero. If you have any intelligence, do not waste your time on this crap.
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It depends really...
28 May 2008
i was really looking forward to this DVD just because The Decemberists are one of my favorite bands (until the newest album) but i was incredibly disappointed.

The documentary never explained any of the other members' stories other than Colin's so it's like the rest of them aren't important enough. It briefly mentions what they did beforehand, but it never actually goes into as much detail (or any really) than it does for Colin's past with Tarkio. If you're just a fan of Colin's then you'll enjoy it. Anyone looking for any info on the other members won't find anything.

It did show the recording of "Picaresque" which was nice but if you have seen it once, you may not want to see it again.

Once you watch the documentary then there isn't much left but the live footage and videos.

-"The Tain". It's pretty strange and is 18 minutes of watching shadow puppets which can get pretty boring. Unless you're truly interested in the entire 18 minute song being acted out in front of tissue paper with shadow figures on sticks, then it probably won't hold your interest for long.

-"The Bachelor and The Bride" was filmed in the same shadow puppet way but is much better. This was probably my only favorite thing about the DVD.

-"Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect" is an amazing song and the video is worth seeing if you agree. Otherwise, not worth your time seeing as how it's not anything special either.

-"Sixteen Military Wives" their biggest single. It's an awesome video which strangely reminds me of Rushmore (which is blatantly borrows from). But once you have seen it for the 8th time like i have then you may get sick of it.

-"The Soldiering Life" is a video of clips of old war footage. i never really liked the song, but if you do then you may like the video.

What's left is the live footage. If you have never seen the band live then it is great to have. Also, it's great being able to skip songs you don't like or have gotten sick of.

Overall i'd say that it has value for a short while, then you'd be wanting to sell it at a local indie record store (like a hipster would). There is artwork and are menus by Carson Ellis, but you've seen all her work already so it just looks like all of their other artwork and nothing special. Even the easter eggs are boring.

It was a huge disappointment for me. Maybe i shouldn't have expected so much... or maybe it really is just a lackluster DVD.
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Gay Robot (2006 TV Movie)
Creed is still a crappy band.
14 August 2007
This is seriously one of the funniest shows, movie, anything i have ever seen. If you didn't guess, it's about a gay robot. Not only that but he's a college student.

Nick Swardson is great as the voice of gay robot delivering hilarious lines in a robot voice. Most of which are stereotypes of gay people like how he loves penises, and also just perverted things like about Gay Robot wanting pubic hair installed and how a date he has later will let him comb his pubes. Nick Swardson also plays his field hockey playing room mate. Jon Glaser (also hilarious) plays the man who made gay robot. The reason he turns out gay is because Jon Glaser accidentally spills wine cooler on Gay Robot while he is being built.

It started out as a pilot for Comedy Central (which they later declined which is ridiculous because they allow crap like Mind of Mencia on). It's been up on Myspace for awhile now and if you haven't seen it, you definitely should. i've seen it at least 5 times and it's still hilarious. i can't wait for more.
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The Hillz (2004 Video)
Abortion on film.
2 January 2007

A bunch of untalented actors got together and shot the worst movie ever. i was only watching this because the whole 'white suburban rich kids starting a gang to be taken seriously' plot outline sounded funny to me but it was extremely boring. This was really bad. Really really bad.

Usually in movies you're supposed to care about characters but there aren't any in this movie who deserve it. The main character is stupid and you can tell he doesn't care about being in the movie at all not only by his awful acting but it seems like he can't even take his role seriously. His narration in it was so boring and poorly done that it just gets painful after awhile. Paris Hilton was disgusting and horrible in it. She actually gets slapped up by her boyfriend and that was probably the only enjoyable part in the entire movie. There are police officers in it who are wearing boy scout uniforms for some odd reason (one of them gets killed by one of the "thug ganstaz").

Everything about it was extremely amateur; camera work, script, direction, acting, and editing. A lot of scenes didn't make sense and were completely irrelevant to anything that was happening.

This was just painful to watch and don't waste your time. Don't pay to rent this disaster. It will just encourage them to make more movies which is not what we need. Someday this may have some novelty value and be so bad it's good, but for now it's just one of the worst films i have ever seen.

-15 out of 10.
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Midnight Mass (2003)
Why God?
2 January 2007
This movie is dreadful. It's like a bunch of goth kids got together (probably drunk) and just shot a night of them all hanging out except more fake blood.

It opens with a hard to watch montage of news stories. It's really scrambled and i'm not sure why they put it into the film. It looks ugly.

It looks like it was shot on a broken camcorder by one of their drunk goth kid friends. The editing is bad as well as the 'special effects'

The acting is terrible and completely over the top and it doesn't help that the script is cliché and boring. The atheist main character looks like a dwarf next to the drunkard preacher.

It's just a really, really bad movie. It seriously seems like a bunch of goth kids got together and filmed this movie for a couple hundred dollars. Don't waste your time on this crap.

They may have had good intentions, but it was still a terrible film.
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The only thing worse might be cancer.
1 January 2007
This movie was absolutely terrible and just plain boring.

If the dictionary were a movie, this would be it. All they do the entire time is explain what each card they're playing with does to their opponent.

i was never a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan and this is a good reason not to be. i have no idea how such a dull film could actually be shown in theaters, money maybe? Plain and simple; DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE. Do not even let your children see it. You should be arrested for child abuse if you do. No child will enjoy this unless they're a sadist, which i don't know any children who are.
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BloodRayne (2005)
i really should start drinking...
1 January 2007
...this is really embarrassing for me to admit, but i have seen this film all the way through.

It was horrible. The acting was terrible, the special effects sucked, the direction was amateur at best (but it was Uwe Boll after all...). It had an extremely cliché script (which had nothing to do with the video games it's based on). It was set in Romania, but almost everyone had an American accent.

Just seeing the trailer was evidence enough that this movie was going to be terrible and of course it was. i just knew that i had to experience it being a hardcore gamer and a terrible movie lover. The whole idea of the brilliant actor known as Michael Madsen as a 19th century vampire sealed the deal that it was also poorly cast.

There is one good thing about this movie; the incredible acting by Sir Meat of Loaf (or as i call him, Bitchtits from Fight Club)who played Leonid. Give him an academy award for this performance. It's just amazing.

There is no God.
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Date Movie (2006)
If the Holocaust were a film...
1 January 2007
A cinematic masterpiece!! This should be shown at film schools teaching them not to make a film this bad.

ironically, i actually saw this on a date at the $1 cinema, and it was the worst, most unfunny, boring, and most unoriginal film i have ever seen. It wasn't even so bad it's funny (which was i think it's intent.)

There are so many so-called 'jokes' that have nothing to do with a date film. Here's just a small list: A Michael Jackson joke. Paris Hilton's Carls Jr. parody. A Pimp My Ride joke. A Napoleon Dynamite joke.

i could go on and on but it wouldn't be worth it. DO NOT see this film. It's just complete garbage. You will not laugh once and you will sit there being bored until it finally ends and you ask yourself "Why Me?" It deserves a negative score but that's not possible on IMDb nor is a zero, so i'll just give it an extremely generous 1.

Thank God i broke up with the girlfriend i saw this movie with. Obviously if she had taste this bad, that i didn't need her in my life.
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Kazaam (1996)
At least Shaq has rapping to fall back on...
23 December 2006
i was given the book version of Kazaam for my 8th birthday, and people always say the book versions are always better than the movie, but this time they were wrong. At least with the movie it's over soon.

The acting in this is terrible, which i expected from a film with Shaq who plays a magical rapping genie that comes out of an old ghetto blaster (which there was probably a good reason he was trapped in there). The kid in the film that plays Max is whiny and a terrible actor. He's bullied by neighborhood kids, which i don't blame them because he's a little douche bag.

The story is just plain stupid and extremely cliché. About a boy who's father is always working and never around who finds a new friend who makes his life better and eventually helps him reconnect with his father.

Even at 8 years old i thought this was a stupid idea. It's a surprise any of the people whom worked on this film had careers after wards because it's an embarrassment and should have never been made. i could ramble on even more about how this movie sucks, but you should already know just by reading the plot.
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