
21 Reviews
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Not That Scary As The Trailer Shows
28 November 2009
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i watched the film with my friends and we were laughing through most of the Movie because it was just funny, they leave the door open, the girl doesn't realise she is being dragged off until the "beast" pulls her on the floor and she hurts herself. The only people that screamed in the cinema and the cinema at that showing was basically full and the only people who screamed were 4 girls on the very back row.

It looks real but at the same time if i was her boyfriend i would have left her for dead obviously the demon isn't going to if it is after HER if he leaves it might lessen the beasts attacks and the boyfriend as stupid as he is decides to "borrow" a Ouija board and then they go out and LEAVE it wow real smart I'm glad he died at the end i don't care that the demon possessed her and I'm weirded out by the fact that she stared at him for so long while he lay asleep i don't know how this shocked America so much but i don't think it will shock many people in Britain definitely not me and my friends who are (some of us) horror fans
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why is this crap popular
22 November 2009
i have not seen new moon but my sisters have a they said they really enjoyed it which is why i KNOW it's crap because they think 2012 looks good and they have seen Twilight and i saw it a few weeks ago and it was awful usually in vampire movies there are staples people follow like vampires cant go out in the sun because they will burn to death but in Twilight if that idiot looking Edward goes out into the sun he SPARKLES gold what the hell what i find even more funnier is that my sisters said they didn't like twilight because it had terrible actors and it wasn't directed well but they enjoyed new moon, WHAT they are desperately confused they only see the film because they have read the books and if the first one was and the second is being directed by the guy who did Golden Compass maybe it isn't a good idea to see it because you will know it's crap my friend is going to see it but in his defence he said he couldn't care less about the film because he is going with a load of girls. The only thing i agree on with my sisters is that the actors are terrible Kristin Stewart throughout the film keeps talking about death and cold things and then Edward and i just wished her character had died in the movie because that probably would have cheered her up and Edward is even worse because he is as spaced out as a drug addict and his eyes are always wide as if he is shocked and the baseball scene in Twilight was horrible a lot of CGI and crap actors.
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Please don't see this movie Its awful Read the Book
26 October 2009
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I have read all the Darren shan books and they were really good and when i heard the Movie was coming out i was excited and even though i heard that John C Reilly was playing Mr Crepsley which is a bad decision and then i saw the trailer which put me entirely off the Movie they didn't even try to make it look good the books are serious while the film tries to be funny in parts and madam octa looks like a child drew it the only way i saw it was because my sister dragged me to see it being a fan of the books as well and to annoy her i pointed out every difference between the book and film (even though this is a book to film Adaption there is A LOT of differences) a major difference is the vampaneze are purple in the book and in the film only their eyes are purple and Evra Von doesn't try to play music on stage with his snake i cringed throughout the film because of the bad acting and the lead actor (the guy who plays Darren Shan) who has a very annoying voice as if he is uncomfortable throughout the movie although i was uncomfortable throughout that god awful movie i really do hope Paul Weitz (the director) doesn't get the rights or the green light to destroy the books with more really bad adaptions of the rest of the books and that someone who has the sense to make a darker more violent Adaption this film treats vampires like teddy bears which they are not meant to be and finally in the coffin Darren does not play on his stupid mobile phone!!!
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Moon (2009)
Brilliant low budget sci-fi thriller
1 August 2009
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I had to travel from cheadle to Manchester just to see this film but id say it was worth it, it was amazing Sam Rockwell is a brilliant actor and Duncan Jones should be getting more work as a director now that this film is out the effects although low budget looked better than some of the crap CGI effects they put in most films now and this films should also be the re-start of a few low budget sci-fi movies that hopefully be released over the next couple of years to give new directors a chance at being famous and hopefully making good films the only bad thing is that its pretty easy to see that they clone the guy before you see the end but its still a great movie all the same
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Very good, action scenes are cool and great actors
1 August 2009
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i went to go see this on the first day it came out and i though it was very good and the action scenes looked very realisticbecause of the way it was filmed although some words johnny depp says i cant understand but i was really annoyed due to the fact that a week before i went to go see it i was watching high fidelity for the first time and in it, it reveals that john dillinger was shot outside a cinema i was very annoyed but the film was very cool some scenes dragged on a bit or got kind of boring but other than that it was an excellent film probably not the best film ever or the best film this year but still excellent i just wish it would have subtitles so i could understand some of the mumblings of johnny depp
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The Hangover (2009)
Very Good not as many very funny jokes as i though there would be
19 June 2009
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I though that the trailers should be something to go by which is true but the jokes in the trailer get kinda old by the time you have seen the trailer for like the 3rd time in which mike Tyson sings Phil Collins and punches the guy in the face and when he sees the tiger in the morning and when they get shocked by stun guns which were the main 3 bits in the story that i seemed to hate to see because i knew what was going to happen which isn't good when your seeing a comedy although there is funny bits with heather Graham and how red the groom is at the end when they find him sun burnt on the roof of the casino and there of course other funny bits but i expected it to be a kind of laugh a minute comedy
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Brilliant Clerks I and II are better though of course
1 December 2008
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It was brilliant but i liked Chasing Amy the best then Clerks II although i think this is a bit of a departure from Kevin Smith's other movies although i do know that he has changed his company from View Askew to Blue Askew which i was quite disappointed at because i really wanted some more films from the View Askewniverse but i liked Seth Rogen in this and i especially like the fact that Kevin Smith was actually happy that he managed to get 'Superman'(Brandon Routh) to look gay and i also liked the main movie they spoofed Star Wars which they turned into Star Whores and they then made there own porn movie in the movie although the film does get a bit boring throughout but it is still good and people don't really have to watch other Kevin Smith films to understand it although it does help to understand what his humour is but it is still a great movie.
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Send me to Gotham and lock me up in Arkham
26 July 2008
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brilliant i have seen batman begins and though that was the best batman film but i suppose i have been proved wrong heath ledger is amazing i love how he makes that pencil disappear you will have to watch that and i have seen godfather and i am only able to watch it for say half an hour because it is so boring and dull and old i think the dark knight deserves 1# spot on the top 250 list its time for a film to take that prize for being brilliant and people bash the dark knight because heath ledger died after it finished and they said that they were using it as publicity those people who liked heath ledger enough to see his last piece of work would have seen it anyway if he had been alive and most people went to see it because they wanted to see if Mr Nolan could follow up batman begins and i think he did an amazing job with it and it is not yet seen whether there will be a third but well have to see if he wants to try and break more box office records I'm sure that it could be done
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Waaaaaaaaay BAD worse than epic movie don't go see it
19 June 2008
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just one week after it was out when i went to go see it it was just me and a group of three people that was it and I'm sure that these people must have the humour of five year olds because they laughed at about every time he fell over or hit his head on the bus which you can see on the trailer so although it isn't funny it becomes even less funny after you see it again i would think that the few people that actually go see this movie actually have no brain because it would be torture to watch again i didn't really find anything funny about it i just don't get why miramax wastes their money on drake from drake and josh and the whole cast and the actual money I'm sure if they really though about it they would find that it would be better to give the money they used to make the film to fund say ikea or even a pointless wallpaper shop with no wallpaper in it than waste it on this crap movie
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The Happening (2008)
18 June 2008
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i looked at the trailer and though wow that looks like it could be a really good movie and its by the director of the sixth sense and unbreakable (thankfully i had not seen lady in the water although i had heard it was meant to be bad) and when i actually saw the happening i though god he really is not building up the suspense enough to make me scared i actually laughed at the part where all the bodies start falling of the building its just stupid because you think shouldn't they run not just stand there and look at all the bodies falling i also hate that it only happens in America it seems and then at the end it moves to Italy and although millions of people must have been killed because they must have been travelling in groups mainly just three months later everything thing seemed to go back to normal and all the millions of people who died suddenly seem to reappear and no one seems to be scared at all that the same infection could happen again
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Rambo (2008)
Cant anybody see he is too old
6 March 2008
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Hes 60 in real life and in the film it looks like he could be that age as well so why at the end of the movie does he go see his his father shouldn't his dad be dead he must be 90-100 years old and also why is everyone going on about the blood and gore so what ill just rent or buy a slasher movie if wanted that also of course this is not believable a 60 year old man against a Burmese army and HE wins he did not even die at the end of the film which made me even more depressed i just thank god that i heard an interview that this Rambo film was it for Sylvester Stallone which makes me think if Harvey Weinstein really wants another sequel then they are either going to a)recast Rambo which is stupid or b) they are going to do something stupid like make the son of Rambo or some crap like that
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Clerks II (2006)
very good everyone must see it
26 December 2007
i haven't seen all of clerks but i am definitely going to watch the rest of it i just decided to watch clerks 2 to see what it was like and i am very glad that i did jay and silent bob are the best and anybody who is thinking of seeing this just see it and you will not be disappointed i do hope that Kevin smith does not make a 3rd one that i have heard of because it will ruin it kinda like the 4 SAW movie but they were alright but i have actually seen other Kevin smith movies and they were fantastic dogma, chasing Amy and mall rats were brilliant i still haven't seen any other of his movies yet but i will have to get around to it when i have watched clerks 1 (and my other DVDS) and also jay and silent bob was very good
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South Park: The List (2007)
Season 11, Episode 14
you know what I'm talking about bitch!!! a real good episode this one
16 November 2007
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I really liked this episode because i have known girls in my primary school who made a list although we did not get to see this list which i am quite angry about i would like to know what place i was in and don't make a joke about it otherwise your an idiot although this episode was rather silly (because of Bebe producing a gun and all the cops turning up acting as if it where a real scandal) but this episode definitely has the best Kenny death ever and this time he dies while eating dinner (pop tarts) with his family and then boom you will love his death and at least it shows that he is back in south park probably not for good but a least for the meantime i want to see either another episode or a new series yeas rock on Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
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Saw IV (2007)
brilliant i haven't seen saw 2 or 3 but i want to!
30 October 2007
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The autopsy scene at the start of the movie was brilliant it looked so realistic really i don't like the sound of them making a saw 5 and 6 because thats really stretching the franchise a little too much so much that it will be rated 4 out of 10 and will just be called "another saw movie" But Darren Lynn bows man is a brilliant director i haven't heard his name in any other film really BUT still its a shame that jigsaws dead i know that he has accomplices but he was and will always be the best bad guy/good guy ever and i really think that they should let James wan direct again seeing as he only directed one SAW MOVIE!!!!so i hope he gets another shot.
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Family Guy: Stewie Kills Lois (2007)
Season 6, Episode 4
I cant wait for when Lois kills stewie!!!!!
24 October 2007
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as usual this was as good as the others i mean next to south park this is the best TV show on right now i don't care what people say like family guy is better than south park I'm only telling you my opinion i am not trying to state a fact of course you can say that family guy is the best i don't mind but don't bother me with it anyway i cant wait ofr the next family guy episode i mean it wasn't really a shock when Lois walked through the court doors at the end happening to be alive and i suppose we will find out in the next episode how Lois survived and recovered the boat shooting with stewie and i hope family guy survives as long as south park has.
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South Park: Le Petit Tourette (2007)
Season 11, Episode 8
how many swear words are in this
4 October 2007
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I tell you although it is funny how how this many swear words are in this one I'm sure the number of profanities and swear words in it would probably count up to about 200 because from what i last heard the greatest number of swear words on a south park episode is 165 counts of the word s**t but aside from that its so funny because in it there is swear words and also paedophiles shooting themselves in the head Watch this for your own survival also look out for a mention of cartmans father and also the annoying voice of Chris Hanssseeeen and also kyle has to save cartman from paedophiles (the catch a predator show is also on dateline) and they track a peado down and when they got there the peado "shot himself"
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Halo 3 (2007 Video Game)
IT ARRIVES! in all its glory
26 September 2007
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This is by far the best halo i have played my brother has just got the game today and the multiplayer maps are awesome the look of it is beautiful of course you can only really get the best out of it if you play it on a plasma TV but still there are fresh new weapons to choose from there is even a flamethrower and i can say this by the best weapon is the gravaty hammer and the best vehicle is the quad bike but really the best thing you can use is the build option where you can go on the multiplayer map and choose any weapon that you have unlocked or any vehicle and more and although i haven't played much of the campaign level nit is really good because you can have a co-op with three people and this is when the people are in the same room arrrghhh im sorry im really hyper i had a lot of sugar The best game in 2000!!!! whooooo
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South Park: Grey Dawn (2003)
Season 7, Episode 10
one of the funniest
29 August 2007
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this has got to be one of the funniest south park episodes other than trapped in the closet (season 9 episode 12)because it finally brings out that really old people cannot drive i know this for a fact why not yesterday i saw an old man with a fairley large car try and get in the smallest of parking spaces in the middle of two cars i mean i even saw him crash but did he give up NO he carried on because I'm sure this is what old people think if you've hit one car you've hit them all because he just would not give up i hope south park carries on for a number of years because they will always have a new topic to bring to light.........and poke fun of
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South Park: World Wide Recorder Concert (2000)
Season 3, Episode 17
the brown effect thing does actually work
25 July 2007
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i saw it in an episode of brainiac it wasn't of course as funny or entertaining as this south park episode and if your wondering what a queef is then listen closely to mr mackey near the end of the episode and thats what the new yorkers meant when they said it to the south park kids and i cannot believe that mr garrison wanted his own father to molest him thats one of the funniest things i have heard in a long ( i only watched this episodes a few minutes ago so i might find something else more funny in the next few minutes)also if you liked this and want to watch another funny south park episode watch red hot catholic love on series 6 its brilliant!!!.
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South Park: The Death of Eric Cartman (2005)
Season 9, Episode 6
one of the best!!
25 July 2007
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I can tell you i have only really just seen it and i loved it even though it was mean to butters at the end when Cartman had a giant rant at him i love butters (not in that way) he loves rap (which i don't) and hes just really funny at times and i wonder if i can download his little song he always sings you know Lou Lou Lou you got some apples Lou Lou Lou i got some too if you like this one then watch Kenny dies series 5 episode 13 its not all that funny but still its to do with death even though there wasn't really a death in this one but still this is in my top 10 south park episodes probably at hmmmmmm .......... number 10
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Stormbreaker (2006)
it sucked read the books and imagine it for yourself
25 July 2007
then at least the book with seen at least 10 times better than this movie i hated it so much that i had to slap myself awake just to see the ending and then when i saw the crappy ending i finally had the worst nights sleep ever it was so awful it gave me nightmares i ain't kidding i would rate this at a good 2 out of my top 10 worst movies i have ever seen the first one would be be titanic because the film is the horriblst thing i have ever seen and he could have probably survived but instead of trying to keep him alive she let him go to drown ion the deepest depths of the sea how bad i don't know about the others but this is for kids who cannot sleep because this will help them
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