
8 Reviews
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2 June 2021
Wow just Wow. I am stunned by this movie actually, well first let's just start with the main duo I have to give probs to Alex Winters first because he apparently hasn't been in that many movies since I think the second one and I think he is amazing in this more than usual. But Keanu holy lord, just wow man obviously since the second movie he made Matrix, and recently John Wick which are action films and not comedy's but he nailed the performance this time around. But the big shock was the daughters played by Samara Weaving and Brigette Lundy Paine were fantastic, the are basically Bill and Ted from the original and that's great. Death is back for a short time but lord he's still great, and there is another character that I don't want to spoil since this movie is still new but trust me you'll laugh hard. The music is amazing again, one thing this franchise has kept consistent on was the music and this one just ups the anti. Overall what a amazing sequel 25 years later.
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2 June 2021
I can't even begin to describe this movie. I mean let's get to the positives obviously Keanu and Alex are still great and have amazing chemistry together, I love the Death character he is one of the best parts of this movie, the animatronics look pretty good. But the thing is the movie is one huge corny mess, sure the original was a bit corny but not to this level. I mean you have robot versions of Bill and Ted, the best scene in this movie Death and the boys playing board games, a seance with the dead versions of Bill and Ted and more. But it's one of the movies that's so bad it's actually great at the same time. I think everyone should watch this movie it's one huge fever dream.
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One of the best 80s comedy's
2 June 2021
Excellent is right this movie is awesome. Ok so I know Keanu Reeves mostly as Neo and of course John Wick but this was back in 1988 and this is a comedy and it delivers on it. I'm serious I don't understand how I never watched it before with my love of the actor but man he is just hilarious in this role along with his costar Alex Winters again he and Keanu have such great chemistry together. I love the soundtrack some songs sound like it's straight from the Doom games and that's a great thing. For 1988 the CGI actually looks great which is surprising. Overall this is a silly, over the top comedy movie that I think everyone should see.
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Warner Bros should have never released this
2 June 2021
Wow this is really bad. So if your some how not familiar with the story about this and the Snyder Cut I'll give you a little refresher. Zack Snyder originally wanted to make this a huge epic but his daughter tragically passed away so he stepped down or was fired from the project. Warner Bros decided to hire Joss Whedon to finish the film. All caught up but if you want more info go to JoBlows YouTube channel and click the series WTF happened to this movie it goes a lot more in depth. But this is a terrible example of company greed, first off the first scene is of Superman with a CGI mouth just from that alone you know it's going to be a train wreck. It just doesn't get any better from there, the acting is just so plain Wonder Woman came out months before this and she was great in this movie here she's just giving a dull performance and it shows. Can we just mention the CGI good lord it's dreadful Steppenwolf looks god awful and so does Cyborg. Overall this is a huge mess and thank god Zack Snyder got to do his cut.
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30 May 2021
For a 4 hour movie it sure moves at a quick pace. Can we all just that this movie is just pure awesome, Warner Bros is a greedy company that should have waited for Snyder to grieve but they released a terrible movie in 2017. 4 years later we get a 4 hour epic that lives up to the hype big time, from the very opening moments of the film it's tone is set and stone. It's dark and atmospheric, it's just a Snyder film it has a familiar art direction and it works for the movie. What I was most nervous about was the 4:3 aspect ratio and other reviews have said after a few minutes you don't notice it and I didn't believe it until I watched it and they are right. But the biggest notice is the CGI and story with the characters. Since the CGI is going to not take long but I'll say this, it's a huge improvement there are some moments that don't look good but that never detracted me from the experience. The characters got a massive upgrade in particular Batman, and Cyborg, my favorite is just Cyborg's story which got cut out of the original and his story and character arc was emotional. The bond that gets created with another character is great, what I love most is the story and action scenes. With the length of the movie it sets up the story before anything else and it's never boring. I just can't praise this movie enough but I do have one major complaint. Jared Leto. I would be a lot more harsh to this movie if he was in the movie earlier but he's in the Epilogue which is at 3 hours and 45 minutes so it's not a big deal. I hated his performance he somehow got worse the first thing he does is laugh and it sounds like a parakeet, the red on his lips looks like he stuck his face in a huge bucket of red jelly, he was just plain terrible. Overall this is the best movie in the DCEU and one of the best movies from I've seen in a while with amazing action, music, some of the CGI and a great story with amazing characters I highly recommend this even though HBO MAX has the film, just go watch it.
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30 May 2021
Finally characters I care about. With the release of Godzilla vs Kong tomorrow time to review the last Monsterverse movie. The big thing about this movie is the star studded cast Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L Jackson, John C Reilly, and John Goodman just wow. They all do a fantastic job especially surprisingly John C Reilly gives a emotional performance at times, unlike the Godzilla films that have characters I don't care about with the help of the cast it makes them feel real and amazing. But the big boy is just as badass as Godzilla, with the help of Toby Kebbell, Kong comes to life and he's amazing to look at. The VFX look great on top of Kong and the Skullcrawlers the explosions are another thing to marvel at. Overall this is a great "origin" story for Kong it has a great cast, amazing special effects, some great action scenes and finally characters you want to see overcome the odds. It's on Hulu right now or you can find a DVD copy in the 3 dollar bin at Walmart.
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30 May 2021
Surprisingly dark. Now Martin Campbell has directed one of my favorite films of all time Casino Royale and coming off of that I was expecting a high octane action thriller but what I got was a slow burn about a struggling dad dealing with the loss of his daughter. When I looked it up he directed the Foreigner and it has some very obvious similarities both have fathers grieving over the loss of there daughters and are trying to figure out who did it and why. But the main standout is of course Mel Gibson who is perfectly cast, he managed to not only be a cop who can be a badass and get what he wants he he also is still struggling with the loss of his daughter and is having these hallucinations about his daughter. But the little bit when the action does kick in it's some violent stuff people getting blown to pieces shot in the legs and head it's some awesome stuff to look at. Overall this is a slow burn that is very enjoyable Mel Gibson shines in this role and I highly recommend it, but be warned it can get very dark at times.
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The Fly (1986)
30 May 2021
Fingernail stuff will always effect me. My first David Cronenburg movie and what a way to introduce me to his movies. This is one of the most effective movies of all time not just body horror wise but character wise as well, the movie kinda tricks you thinking it's a love story and for the first half hour it actually is. It's a love triangle and then the the experiment happens fingernails start to come off then it turns to a horror movie and it's when it shines. The whole cast is fantastic no performance goes good to bad it goes from great to amazing. Same with the music it gives me a Sweeney Todd kinda feel when I listen to it and it's a great listen. But i have to give a huge props to the effects team because GOOD LORD. They killed it the effects are amazing it needs to be seen to be believed the puppets used at the end of the movie are fantastic, I just love practical effects and this movie gives people who love practical effects more and more as the film goes on. Overall this is a amazing movie that gets you invested in the characters with a fantastic cast, Oscar winning effects and a amazing score you got a perfect movie remake in my books. Ranking Masterpiece.
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