
25 Reviews
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Swarm (2023– )
20 March 2023
Donald Glover just gets it. The dude is literally a master of entertainment and a visionary with an undeniable reverence for film-making. A true savant of the arts, if you will. He continuously draws the viewer into what feels like an all-immersive experience however frightening or foreign that environment may feel. "Swarm" was every bit as terrifying as its predecessors in the landscape of high-brow violent psychological thrillers like "American Psycho" or "Fatal Attraction " The lead actor, Dominique Fishback, is so intriguing I didn't want her characters journey to end. I gave it 10/10 stars just to help offset some of the unfair and hater-esque reviews. The show was a blast from beginning to end if you're the type of viewer that respects a show that can conjure so many emotions and elements of film-making all in one experience from gore to comedy to drama to thriller. Just be prepared because the imagery is extremely graphic but necessary and it's all done in good taste.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Pedro Pascal is the next DeNiro or Pacino. 10/10
6 March 2023
I know the world and America has had this overwhelming obsession with DiCaprio and Brad Pitt and Ryan Gosling and Matt Damon or whatever the next absurdly good-looking white guy actor is. But in my opinion those guys could never be a Robert DeNiro or a Daniel Day-Lewis cus sometimes you just can't get over how attractive they are. This goes out the window with Pedro's performances and roles. He had one of the faces where he could play anything and I'm down for it. Guy is a force and the writers and directors of this show are doing the cast great justice. Bella is amazing too. What a young talent!
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21 October 2022
Love it so far and I haven't seen the movies or read the book yet! Great writing and pacing and VERY suspenseful! Grace Gummer and Nick Stahl are two of the most underrated and convincing actors in the game and the rest of the cast truly knocks it out of the park. Really great blend of horror and violence with not too corny or over the top VFX either, especially considering the subject matter. The plot is great and original and pulls from that highly respected Stephen King realm of adolescent life meets horror genre storytelling. Stoked for new episodes every week! Showtime is killing it with this and "Yellowjackets" and the "Dexter" reboot all in the last year!
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Jon Bernthal is becoming the GOAT. Nuff said...
6 June 2022
Great series. Contemporary and shortened new version of "The Wire". Bernthal is just incredible. He has that "it factor" where you just can't simply take your eyes off him every second he graces the screen. Highly recommended. 10/10.
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10/10! Gripping, intense, heart breaking and captivatingly original!
4 June 2022
Amazing cast, story, pacing, & originality. The Lafferty brothers will scare the s#%! Out of you too! Wyatt Russell & Jake Worthington were absolutely terrifying in this! A rare glimpse into their range into psychopathy. Andrew Garfield and Gill Birmingham were gripping as the two lead detectives and Daisy Edgar-Jones will break your heart all over again just like she did in "Normal People" from last year. One of the best shows/mini-series of 2022 by a mile.
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Not big on sci-fi but THIS SHOW IS A BLAST!
22 May 2022
Chewitel Ejiafor is so entertaining in this and the story is really interesting and fun. Jimmi Simpson is killer as always and Naomie Harris in the lead female is fantastic as she's had my eye since her heartbreaking performance in "Moonlight". Give the show a shot. 4 episodes in and I can't wait for Sundays!
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The Staircase (2022– )
19 May 2022
Show is so good I've watched all 5 eps that are out thus far twice. Not sure if things were really as tense behind the scenes as the HBO version shows compared to a more "hoo ra! We all love each other and have each other's backs!" As the Netflix documentary expressed. But it sure does make for good television as I imagine things would have to be pretty intense with your fathers life on the line. Toni Collette SLAYS this role and I can't help but be reminded of "Hereditary" as the first few eps show her issues with what's in the attic! Lol If you know you know. I think John C. McGinley should've played Michael, though. They could've been twins IRL! LOL.
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Peep Show (2003–2015)
27 March 2022
Discovered this in 2012 and I put it up against the American "the Office" any day. I think I like "Peep Show" better cus it's more crude and risqué. I'm also born and bred in America and not too much went over my head except a few British food references. Show is legendary in my opinion.
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Life & Beth (2022– )
Don't read the haterade funny af!
19 March 2022
Amy will always have her "review hit squad" which is creepy to go after someone that hard that you don't even know or have ever met. I mean they act like she ran over a bunch of children or something..anyways, show is funny as hell if you like the "Louie" style self-deprecating humor. I gave it a 10/10 just because it's such a rare occasion for a TV show to ACTUALLY make me laugh out loud. And she gets extra props for bringing us back some Michael Cera.

-35 yr old white straight guy from the American Deep South.
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The Batman (2022)
4/10 STARS. Major letdown for a major Batman fan..
5 March 2022
I don't know if a lot of these over-exuberant reviews are bots or fake but as a massive life-long fan of almost all of the Batman films, these people must've saw a different film than what I witnessed this Friday on opening night. This movie almost had the "Don't Look Up" recipe going for itself, meaning that after I saw an engaging trailer, an amazing cast and director, and what appeared to be an exciting plot, you just think there's no way this movie could drop the ball. Well let me be the first to tell you that much like "Don't Look Up", this film simply did not deliver the goods..and I really, REALLY, wanted to love this iteration of our beloved Dark Knight. It's just simply already been done thanks to Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan. You have to have some back story and a little more character origins in your script to make these super hero movies really shine. "Joker", "Batman Begins", and the original "Batman" movie all executed this to perfection. I'll watch again to see if it clicks during a second viewing.
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The Beta Test (2021)
LOVED IT! 10/10!
5 February 2022
I gave this a 10/10 because the film was original and fun and mysterious and had a great take on the current social commentary of "people who work in suits" life and mostly because I get so annoyed with people giving films bad reviews because they "don't like the main character". I mean how dumb can you be?? That's THE FUN OF WATCHING MOVIES! Liking an unlikeable guy, hating the good guy..seeing yourself in a character, whatever it is that floats your boat. Jim and PJ did an amazing job on this so cuddos to them! I was thoroughly entertained.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Show is unexpectedly AMAZING FUNNY, DRAMATIC, BADA$$ all rolled into a perfect nostalgic burrito with great new flavors and old familiar ones as well!
2 January 2022
Show is just dope. I'm 35 in 2022 so I grew up on the original KK movies like everyone else my age that couldn't wait to hit the local blockbuster every Friday night in the late 90s & early aughts. I consider myself a pretty well-versed cinephile so in my opinion, the more serious the content the better. I'm usually more of a "Casino" or "The Sopranos" type Tv & movie person but "Cobra Kai" just perfectly hits every nail on the head. Only "comeback" series or reboot that truly knocked it out of the park. The way they blend specific humor dealing with Johnny and the real life drama some of the characters go through plus the nostalgia of a great piece of pop culture that's only being elevated here and not overdone and strangled for every last bit of substance is just amazing and I'm truly thankful for this show.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
New low for McKay, J-Law & Leonardo DiCaprio...
31 December 2021
I'm a big fan of Adam McKay, Leonardo DiCaprio & Jennifer Lawrence but this movie just kind of sucked. It was a little funny here and there but a lot of that felt forced and contrived. If you're a true movie buff or cinephile like I consider myself to be and you've followed Leo and J-Law basically their entire careers like I have then you just know deep down in your heart that this movie is going to be considered one of the worst films these two massive stars have ever been involved with. 3/10 stars for me. Pretty let down considering the all star team of talent involved in this film.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Beautiful gripping slow burn that draws you in further each episode..
25 December 2021
Love and appreciate how each episode sucks you in to the narrative and the characters more and more each week. It's a little confusing at times but things come full circle throughout and it helps to watch the 4 min "episode decoded" offered in the "extras" section after each episode. 5 eps in and the show is as gripping as it is haunting and funny as hell at times too. Great bunch of actors and interestingly selected for sure. David Cross all the way to Lori Petty.(spelling?-sorry LP) Dont listen to these whiney reviews. I think they were expecting The Walking Dead or some other post-apocalyptic soap opera that drolls on for 20 seasons to help sell action figures.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Show is DOPE!! Soooo Grittty and Dark! 10/10!
19 December 2021
My kinda show right here. Dark, gritty, smart, unnerving at times. Hopefully it gets renewed for season 2 cus Jeremy Renner is KILLING IT!! If you liked Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Bloodline, The Sopranos, or Escape at Danamora it definitely falls into that klan of shows that are very adult and dramatic and violent.
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Non musical theater fan here! AMAZING 10/10!
21 November 2021
Loved it! Just a beautiful film about a tragic artist that never got to see his true potential. 10/10 Highly recommended!! Andrew is amazing, Lin-Manuel hit it out of the park as usual. I'm not a musical theatre person at all but this was just awesome and I really enjoyed the music too.
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American Rust (2021–2024)
Don't listen to these bad reviews..GREAT SHOW!
4 November 2021
I swear I wonder if the people that post these stupid and slanderous reviews are the same kind of people that won't go to the theatre unless some Marvel crap is playing on the big screen. "American Rust" is a slow burn at times but it's totally a good thing! Compelling characters, dramatic storylines, and great writing round out the show perfectly. Been on my Sunday night rotation since it premiered. Jeff Daniels, Bill Camp and the two younger actors that play Billy and Isaac are phenomenal! 10/10.
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
25 July 2021
Crazy good show and absolutely terrifying that this could've happened to anyone. This guy was a psycho. Props to Josh Jackson on a KILLER job(see what I did there?)!

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Pig (I) (2021)
18 July 2021
Loved it. Best movie I've seen this year next to "Juddah and the Black Messiah". Nic Cage just brings it home. 10/10.
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Dave (2020– )
Funniest show since "the Office" & "Workaholics"..
24 June 2021
The originality of the show and the comedy is unique and hilarious. You don't have to be a Lil Dicky or a rap music fan to appreciate the ridiculous antics of this show. Truly a gem in its own beautiful, sick, disgusting, and refreshing light. Lil Dicky is obviously the underrated genius cable television has been waiting for. 10/10. Haven't laughed out loud watching a tv show since the glory days of The Office and Workaholics.
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Kajillionaire (2020)
7 June 2021
Loved it! The music, the acting, the nuance, the ridiculously out there plot & characters. Was funny, dramatic, sweet, melancholy all rolled up into one. Gina Rodriguez was oh so gorgeous in this as well. Richard Jenkins can basically do no wrong as can Evan Rachel Wood. Solid 8/10 indie gem of a movie.
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Not enough closure for sure...
7 June 2021
Saw this opening night as I adored the first film and I had extremely high hopes especially at the involvement of Cillian Murphy in the sequel. I definitely thought the movie should've been longer and had more info about the monsters or at least some clue about what was happening with them or why they were here or just some kind of nugget to keep the audience pulled in but the movie almost felt like an extended directors cut of the first film. Was good but not nearly as dense with story and emotion like the first one. Pretty surprised at all the people giving this sequel a 7/10, 8/10, and 9/10. Movie was a 6.5/10 AT BEST.
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Cruella (2021)
Suprisingly good! Only watched after reading IMDB reviews..
2 June 2021
Movie was suprisingly entertaining and that's coming from a 34yr old man who's a self-professed cinephile that definitely doesn't usually gravitate towards Disney movies or anything too much on the children's spectrum of film. Emma Stone and Emma Thompson were great. Really was a cool character study of a legendary villain. All this talk about the movie being too dark or not for kids is ridiculous. Probably not that appetizing for your 4-5yr olds but kids older than that as well as adults would definitely enjoy the ride. Easily 7or8/10 given the content.
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Hacks (2021– )
21 May 2021
Show is funny as hell with the uniqueness of a Las Vegas backdrop. If you like stuff like Silicon Valley or shows that aren't as boring or sterile as a lot of the cringe garbage the major networks put out(the office excluded obviously) then you'll love this new gem from HBOmax!
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Best episode of the season..
16 May 2021
"The Last Dance" sketch alone made this by far the funniest episode of the season. Hats off to Keegan Michael Key.
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