11 Reviews
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He Knows Your Every Move (2018 TV Movie)
Watchable for a lazy Sat-Sun
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, it was just like any other Lifetime-esque made for tv movie. No notable names, maybe one. Predictable plot lines that you can spot from a mile away, and unbelievable things happening that just wouldn't happen in real life. For example, if you reach out to your bank regarding fraud, they take it seriously, they don't interrogate you about past purchases, and they don't put the burden on you as if you did something. They take your statements, open a fraud case, and they give you all your money back until the investigation is done. Unfortunately Ive had experience with this once or thrice. But yea, the bank doesn't treat you like the criminal. So that was one. Two was, how the hell didn't she see a red light blinking on her laptop for weeks? There's no way. This was watchable for a boring lazy weekend but it's certainly not one Id ever watch again.
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The Wrong Stepmother (2019 TV Movie)
This was so corny.
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Im usually into the bad good Lifetime and Freevee movies. There's always a campy charm to them. This one wasn't it though. I don't mind cliche tropes, if it's good. We've seen the whole "step parent from hell, we gotta get mom or dad to see the truth" plot, but this wasn't executed well. The acting was terrible, from all the adults. Loose ends never tied up, such as Maddie killing Tyler and Cynthia and her ex, why was that never addressed lol. Like...how do you not acknowledge that? They just didn't care and seemed like they were just seeing what would stick. Vivica Fox just shows up every 30 mins to say something to Lily, and that's it. Im assuming she got top billing in the credits cause she's the biggest name attached. You can't get me to watch any more of these The Wrong movies again. First and last time. Grand Opening, Grand Closing.
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I don't know who wrote those positive reviews but lol
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible. I have no idea why there are so many positive reviews. They must be planted by production cause there's no way people really enjoyed this. I watched it yet still don't know wtf I watched lol. It was like 5 different plots in one movie. The terrible acting, flimsy dialogue, the fact you could see Maddie's got a square pillow in her shirt that's supposed to be a baby bump lol. The random confrontation between the husband and the road rage guy. I can't. I already didn't have high expectations for these Prime/Tubi type movies anyway but this is amongst the worst. It's not even like a good bad Lifetime movie like the ones from Marvista that I Iove to hate. I do not recommend this. Not even out of boredom.
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Deviant Love (2019)
If you like good, bad Lifetime movies
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't understand for the life of me how Jamie didn't know Whit was her cousin. Even if she hasn't seem him in a long time, wouldn't the name ring a bell once you saw him and remembered "oh chit, that's my cousin Whit". Like even him, was he banking on her not remembering him either? Like, Im surprised a script that flimsy would have gotten greenlit. The fact she let him convince her she couldn't trust her ex or her family, dragging that poor homely looking kid along for the ride. But I will not be able to get pass the fact they're cousins ans she didn't recognize that's her cousin. Like come tf on. Her sister IMMEDIATELY knew who he was but you didn't? It's definitely watchable if you like those bad Lifetime movies that make you roll your eyes and laugh.
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Ruined (2023 TV Movie)
Can't believe I got thru the whole thing.
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was so not good. Like I said, can't believe I finished the entire movie. Nothing made sense. How did he not know that was HIS Taura? So she got facial reconstruction and new eyes and new voice too? How the hell didn't he recognize the voice at least. Liv was way too calm for someone who had a missing brother. Overall, a terrible movie. I usually like Keri Hilson's movies but this was gawd awful and borderline boring. I kept watching because I wanted to see it thru since Id come this far into it. Would I recommend, no, not even for a dull Sat-Sun afternoon movie. Ive seen better Lifetime movies that this.
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Wasn't a bad watch but wasn't great either
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So like the subject line said, it held my interest but it wasn't the best movie either. I actually think Keri Hilson is a pretty great actress. I like when she pops up in things. Some of my favorite things Ive seen her in were Lifetime productions over the last 5-6 years or so, so good for her continuing to act and get work, especially with now getting a whole movie. I just wish this one was a better. So I liked the premise, single mom with her back against the wall who now has to resort to some shady $hit to get out of the hole she's in, but I felt like the story was all over the place. For one, the daughter ends up in an unnecessary Police Brutality situation which I didn't think was needed for the plot or added anything other than Black Trauma. We didn't need to see that, in my opinion. I also found the music choices a bit weird at some moments. Can we talk about how scary good Rotimi was? Yea. He was a treat, in the best way. DC Young Fly also held his own, as well as the actor playing the father, although very unlikable character. Katt Williams was great in this as the shady pastor. Lisa Raye was not cast right as Keri's mom, but I did enjoy her acting. Is this an easy watch, sure, but I don't think Id watch this again.
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The Mortician (I) (2011)
Why is it called Mortician if he's a Coroner?
2 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How did that get pass the writers room day 1? A mortician prepares bodies for funerals. What this character does is autopsies, which makes him a Coroner. So why isn't the movie "The Coroner"?

Anyway, the plot had potential but it just wasn't executed well. I love MM as an actor and Im excited to see him pop up in things but this wasn't good. It took damn near the entire movie for any action to take place and for us to finally find out WHATS GOING ON. 50 min actually, for a 90 min movie. It coulda been better with different writers. The editing also felt choppy. I give this a 4 out of 10. I definitely don't recommend watching it either unless you just wanna see for yourself how it was. The only plus they get is because MM is in it, and I liked the suit and bowler he wears throughout the movie.
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Beauty (2022)
Almost 20 min in, and about to turn it off
9 July 2022
I can't get into it. It's pretty slow, and uninteresting. It's also pretty triggering with a lot of the Black Trauma Porn that I hate to see, the toxic religious family trope, being one of them. This movie was a No Go for me.
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Incredible doc if you love the franchise
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
NOES is one of my favorite horror movies/ franchises. Out of like 8-9 movies, I think I only dislike 3. ( 2, FvJ, and the 2010 remake). What I will say is that I didn't like or understand why when it came to the Black women casting, the script mentions that they're Black, yet no one else's script descriptions mentions they're White. I didn't see why that was necessary. Also, the Renny Harlin gaslighting of Toy Newkirk. When he told her "you don't sound Black enough". She didn't make that up, that is something Black ppl deal with constantly, those forms of racism and micro aggressions. He totally said that. Then to deny it and say it was bullshyt. Im glad she brought it up in the doc. But overall, a great doc for the ES lovers like myself.
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Wonderful doc if you love horror
17 April 2022
Some are saying they've heard the info before, but most of it was all new to me. I really loved this documentary so much. Gave great insight, ppl from cast and crew spoke, and it highlights a lot of 80's movies that may have been forgotten thru time.
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Daddy's Perfect Little Girl (2021 TV Movie)
Good movie but not a satisfying ending
2 May 2021
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So this crazy little thing kills and terrorizes everyone in her path, and....none of those people got to get any justice, except when Cecily called the police on her. What about the neighbor she killed, the mom that was poisoned, Xander, the fact that she lied on the housekeeper. None of them got any justice. And Dad just hugs her and says she's still his little girl? No anger? Nothing. Yea, very dissatisfying ending.
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