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Space Dogs everywhere
11 June 2021
And here they come again Belka and Strelka with another space adventure but this time without the dear husband Kazbek or beloved son Pushok.

This sequel was better than the previous one as it adequately developed more characterization and it was entertaining to keenly watch.

The animation and voice-over had significant change and look very compelling from the predecessor.

They introduce many new characters in the film which represent an impressive move, surely the Jelly fish song was the notable highlight.

Some positive themes emphasized here were effective teamwork, enduring friendship, prime importance of generously helping others selflessly, forgiveness and moral courage.

That's all folks kids will enjoy mature adults will be bored.
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Family Reunion on The Moon
10 June 2021
An animated spin-off to the movie Space Dogs and regardless of whether you haven't watched the previous film it won't make much key difference.

The premise is a simple cakewalk and the specific target audience is only for children ranging 7+ though some private jokes are discreet in a frolic way for kids.

The story begins where it left, somewhere around 1989 when Cold War was in the demise.

The animation is better from the previous one however, looked like early 2000s toy-story one.

The dialogues were plain and humorous at times, the voice-overs for the certain characters like the Fifi (poodle) and Chip (monkey) were interesting to willingly give a giggle. I believe Belka voice was performed by Alicia Silverstone and Strelka by Ashlee Simpson.

The message to manifest kids is loyal friendship, family commitment, effective teamwork and mutual cooperation.

Only recommended for kids and family watch as mentioned overall, a decent flick for the franchise.
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Off to a Fine Start Loki !!!
9 June 2021
The show starts off quite good, looks promising.

The story is well developed for the pilot episode.

I hope we get to explore this character and MCU verse.

Waiting for next episode,

Fingers Crossed.
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Space Dogs (2010)
Pantomime for kids
9 June 2021
The animated movie voluntarily provides a direct reflection towards the soviet style, and to honor the dogs which were first sent unto the space in around the 1960s.

The animation is unvivid, it does have some glitches however, it is still bearable to watch.

The story struggles at first and I only enjoyed the last few possible minutes more because that is precisely where the innocent fun naturally began and the movie gained its cheerful soul.

The dialogues are sometimes humorous and clumsy at the same time, and I do appreciate the voice-over though it isn't the best but they did give out their best.

It should not be compared to Pixar's or any big production house, though, it is mediocre at its best.

The kids can discover a bit about the Ancient Soviet times and Sputnik space program.

The movie points out positive message like friendship, family and loyalty.

With family it is ostensibly a popcorn worthy one-time watch.
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Life (I) (1999)
The Bittersweet Life
7 June 2021
This movie float between drama and comedy but it does have many subtle messages.

Eddie Murphy and Lawrence Martin shared a jolly good buddy comedy and onscreen chemistry.

The plot is simple as Claude(Martin) and Ray(Murphy) got stalled in jail for rest of the life for a crime they didn't committed.

The real story is about life which goes upside down, as how small decision can cause such a major difference in our existence.

On one side we see Ray Gibson who is constantly full of hopes and on the other side Claude Banks who is a little afraid as pessimistic he becomes as per time.

The growth of the characters is shown very cleverly here as how they develop from the 20s to the 90s, their love-hate is so hilarious and memorable.

All the other casts on top carry out a tremendous role, and they are very underappreciated.

The movie elevates many issues on how individuals of color were treated back then, the civil rights movement, how the nation has experienced the change.

Personally, I will keep this movie as one of my most influential life-changing movies.
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Adventure, Comedy and Friendship.
7 June 2021
The plot is simple as 3 best friends goes for a hilarious childhood treasure hunt adventure to give tribute to their 4th pal who passed away unfortunately.

The comedy is forced but it is good, it did give me chuckles.

The acting is acceptable as we see a good ongoing chemistry with all the characters.

It had sketchy dialogues and quite humorous all around.

The movie has its moments and it is a pretty good one time watch with friends.
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Slow burn with Romance and Drama the key elements.
5 June 2021
If you have lived up to the highest of expectations then this might disappoint because it is the lesser and thin sequel of this trilogy.

From the very beginning Ed and Lorraine are shown as a kid is possessed by an evil presence, the possession was transferred to Arne who represent another primary character to the story. Later, this movie brings in that a Satanic cult is responsible more like a curse as there are two sides now, whether it is the demon or the individual knowingly committing the homicides.

The previous two movies delivered some memorable moments but not this one. Though, the visuals were appealing, cinematography was vibrant, this film typically lacks in producing unique significance with intense jump scares.

The acting is acceptable, all the characters include ongoing chemistry which endures why it is compelling to watch.

The dialogues are apparently surface level, decent but not very remarkable.

The movie will follow your expectation over the leading edge for the best part to cave in, but unfortunately, the best part never arrives.

My verdict will be this is moreover like a romance-horror-drama not a terrifying film but a decent flick.
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Engaging idea with suspense
4 June 2021
Starting with the premise as something was haunting Ian and killing him over and over again, and he wakes up every time in a different lifestyle, but he was unclear why was this happening.

The movie utilized an intriguing idea which lingers why I was glued to the end.

However, in the last 20 minutes they somehow completed it with cheesy fight scenes as they lost out of ideas maybe nevertheless, this movie had tons of fun and weird moments which I genuinely enjoyed.

The acting was well-done, I wasn't familiar with the casts, but they perform it their all especially Mike Vogel who was amazing throughout the movie.

The cinematography was really intriguing as the look and the feel of this film was very dark, cold and grimy. The unsaturated color toning was naturally evoking the suspense and intended mood which was gripping for a B-movie.

The dialogues are up to scratch nor much endorsement or memorable. However, director Daria Piana carries out an excellent job alongside Brendan Hood (formerly known for writing They 2002) , for a British Sci-fi Horror this movie was very compelling.

Despite the flaws, I enjoyed this movie. It didn't have jump scares or a lot of gore moments but it hooked me up till the end in some way or other shifting its gears from a thriller to Sci-fi to Monster to Drama.

If you like to see the loop kind of horror, this one is for you.
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A Ghost Waits (2020)
Beetlejuice Lite
3 June 2021
A quirky film which was dependent a lot on the musical vibe and warm tone.

Initiating with the plot as an odd-jobber falls in love with the ghost.

The cinematography is black and white and when you look at it, it will make you feel how cheap it looks as some scenes have gloomy jitters but the film looks sub par.

The dialogues are surface level however, it touches some of the emotional aspects of life where few audience can relate.

The film ultimately is dedicated to the loners and directing for the first time Adam Stovall This isn't a bad start but the film could have been much better.

The score is obviously what holds this film, this movie is dependent a lot for its musical appeal as some songs fit the scenes impeccably.

The acting is average but not bad.

One goof I found was around 45 minutes time when the camera man snickers which they should have easily retaken the shoot.

Generally, it is a mix of Romance-Comedy-Drama and not a bad one to watch but also not a good one either.
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The Beta Test
2 June 2021
Typically rating this on the B movie category as there are many instances where this undoubtedly feels it is a minuscule budget flick.

The premise was simple as Alpha the intelligent A. I robot whose main role was to faithfully serve as the personal assistant voluntarily becomes a potential threat to the family owners.

The same rehash plot has been popularly used many times and it was nothing new here except a latest element of modern technology.

The acting was sub-par to be it Brad Belemjian, Rae Hunt or Bella Martine, they roll in the hay quite aptly.

The robot make-up and face were interesting and especially when the back light becomes red, with the sinister gestures it was a bit appealing.

There are couples of jump scares which was average for a regular horror fan other than that nothing notable to be pointed out.

The score was mediocre, and when you read the director/writer/producer/editor as Aaron Mirtes you will recognize it why.

Overall, a decent B movie to fritter.
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Netflix for kids
2 June 2021
Super Monsters celebrate the day with storytelling.

Moral showed here are friendship, teamwork and learning about different cultures.

The Monsters are small and cute towards kids definitely an age 3+ episode.
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Mulberry St (2006)
Rat Zombies
1 June 2021
Not a Bad film but certainly not the best either The story takes place in NYC where rats bite people, and they become Ratties(Rat Like Zombies).

The apocalypse is spread across the whole city, and everyone is left on their own.

It feels like low-budget indie-horror film with dingy lighting and sometimes camera shaking like real documentary is taking place, may lure some audience into the situation but not all.

The cinematography is mediocre but not bad, nothing worth mentioning for except the make-up and effects which was surprising.

The screenplay is slow at first, but it is paced after 40 minutes of run time.

The actor/writer Nick Damici did decent work alongside Kim Blair and Ron Brice.

The film comprises a mix of creature violence, gore, and mystery.

What could have been better was a back story to the plot otherwise an unsatisfying horror.
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Another Highschool Slasher Flick
1 June 2021
Giving retrospection to all the slasher/horror movies taking place in the high school, Last of the Grads is a blend of the same old-school style where a masked killer (stolen mask of Donnie Darko) is on a killing spree with Witchcraft and cult elements.

First time screen writing and directing Jay Jenkins and Collin Kliewe did a fine job.

The movie becomes sluggish at first as they try to describe the coast-to-coast killer but after 30 minutes everything was ready to go.

The school was celebrating last day of the senior class and for many the last day becomes the last day of their lives.

Like many films this also goes down to the final girl but the killings are really impressive, it has a lot of gore effects especially due to Antonio Grassano of the Wrong Turn who did an amazing job.

The acting is surprisingly good though many casts are uncredited.

The whole flick was entertaining but at the same time nothing new in the slasher world, a lot of missed opportunities as well however, if you are a horror slasher fan you can give it a go.
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Kid West (2017)
Kids in Peril
30 May 2021
It was a heartwarming movie, but I don't suggest this movie as a kid friendly because it showed a rifle and kids near a fire also drawing of men hanging down, there is also a man smoking which doesn't imply positive messages to a child.

The plot is simple as a feisty girl tries to adjust and race against the new neighborhood gang of bullies with some mystical powers subsequently added into the story.

I support independent films and filmmakers but in this one I really didn't find anything so special to be talked about.

The acting was acceptable, Mary Bair did her job aptly.

The premise is very small, predictable, and that is one of the reasons why this movie doesn't seem to be stretched, it is to the point.

In the Soundtrack Department it features a country song "Forever My Girl" by Collin Malaney.

The CGI effect of fire was awful, but they did it in regard to child safe environment.

Henceforth, nothing to be treasured or cherished here except good defeats evil.
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Trouble (I) (2019)
Trouble or Nothing : A Feel Good Movie
29 May 2021
The plot is simple as a rich house dog named Trouble(Yes that's his name) is on the streets where he has to confront the real cruel world, while doing this he makes a few friends and foes.

The animation has few glitches but, it is a family movie though some jokes are wacky for kids under 10 years old.

The score we get is a mix of Julia Michaels, Lucy Hale, Jason Mraz, Snoop Dogg raps closure and many more.

The moral or positive message we get from this movie is "Everyone is not the same, some people can be kind and some can be witty," we should accept and acknowledge the differences.

Generally, a decent sweet vibe movie for a cheerful family time.
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Just A Remake of the classic
28 May 2021
Starting from the beginning, the show clears the audience appeal to mainly focused on kids and main Jurassic fans but fails to bring any innovation of its own. The show has its moments but if you're watching Jurassic Park franchise for a long time then you can clearly point out it's a rip off of the original Jurassic Park, be it the famous Velociraptor scene or any other, the show does hold the audience retention but after the season 3 you will evoke with serious questions such as "It has been 6 months they haven't taken bath" and "one of the characters has become Tarzan while others trying to convince him to go home." I totally get it that it is centered towards children you don't necessarily have to think logically and no kids should be harmed in any way as it will become a negative role model message, but in a nutshell as a grown-up this is just a retrospection of Jurassic Park but as a kid it is an ultimate thrill ride.

Animation here is in pure class a big thumbs up for Emad Khalili and Ivan Wang, it is fascinating to see they are putting all the efforts to make it look so original, the dinosaurs look very realistic especially when they attack, sure there are a lot of wild chases, close calls, intense moments which holds you to watch this show.

The characters have floated upon many emotional aspects mainly that is the reason why this show has so much connection with the general audience.

Show offers many moral lessons such as persistence, perseverance, companionship, being courageous in peril situations, curiosity to gain more knowledge and many more.

They did open another door for season 4, but I truly believe they should wrap it up before it becomes more tedious.

Overall my verdict for this show is a somewhat above average but not extraordinary.
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The Task (2011)
Just for Specific Audience
28 May 2021
It was a mix bag of drama-horror-gore, the premise was interesting but the acting was something to be questioned about.

It starts off slow and cheesy dialogues makes it look so cheap and modest like a TV movie.

The acting as mentioned is not up to the par, but they had a half[-baked amusing plot with overhasty direction and that is the sole reason why this film wasn't made so well.

The cinematography was acceptable and the location was spooky.

Overall, it was fun in the end a low budget piece notwithstanding, it is simply average go for me.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
28 May 2021
The movie gets going with a truck assault and after few moments we see our main lead Jason Statham as a serious guy trying to fit in the endorsed job.

The screenplay gets very slow and at first it's difficult to catch what is going on like some scenes go beyond the past timeline and some are occurring at the very present.

The premise is clear in the third act of the film and it is a very straightforward plot with a mix of vengeance and heist.

It is not like the previous Guy Ritchie films it doesn't offer any comedy or high level action, this movie is dead serious all the time, dialogues are surface level which is why film looks genuine.

If you have high hopes then you will not like this, it is above average but not the best however, if you like slow-paced movie which looks real you can definitely watch this.

The movie is rated R because of violence and profanity.

The only thing it appeared to be missing was the character's profound intentions and history, we never get to know about some of the characters true role in the film hence, there are a lot of missed opportunities.

Nonetheless, it is still a good one time watch.
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Dread (2009)
Unsettling Psychological Horror.
27 May 2021
Starts off well as it resonates with real life. It felt genuine and plays on the deep-rooted fears of people.

It is not like any usual Hollywood horror but hold the attention with a moderately slow screenplay.

The characters are quite interesting and had decent chemistry, It's rare to find horror movies nowadays where you genuinely feel sorry for the characters.

There are a few jump scares however, the real scare is the concept behind this, if you really pick up the idea of this whole film it is really unsettling and disturbing.

With a low budget it is a brilliant work, the cinematography is cleverly done and each scene is important to the story, the dialogues are good enough and adequate.

It was a solid effort all put together but I could not recommend this to the general audience still it holds a strong idea but not for the faint hearts, It showcases human limits and the atmosphere which it sets afterwards is really dark.
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Folklore Drama
26 May 2021
The premise is very old interesting Bell folklore and had great potential yet tragically poorly presented.

The performances were good but not brilliant.

Not many moments in the film to probably remember, except the costume design probably the most engaging aspect of the film.

The screenplay was slow paced to hold the focus but visually there were some good camera shots.

The movie has predictable jump scares not many notables for true horror fans though.

Nonetheless, considering the flicks these days it is much better and one can give it a go.

The movie will keep your expectation over the edge for the best part to cave in, but unfortunately, the best part never arrives.
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Seconds Apart (2011)
Creepy premise but fizzled out execution.
25 May 2021
After Dark Movies are known mostly for true horror genre fans and Seconds Apart follows two geeky twins with mystic and psychic telepathy power to pull off tricks.

Nonetheless, this plot have not been utilized to its full potential.

The casting was good with Orlando Jones being the investigating detective but story itself is the primary issue in this movie.

The cinematography is dynamic as color palate used here fits the scene and the background entirely.

The opening scene is flamboyant to hold audience retention but ultimately it fails to deliver.

In general, it is a decent horror movie with no jump scares but I will remember this as a twin blood and gore movie horror movie rather than usual horror movie.
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Best Sequel for Animated Film
24 May 2021
Suitable for kids and for those who love adventure and action.

The film got nominated for New York Animation Film and no surprise as the animation here is near perfect, the action combined with slow motion is very vivid.

The plot is better and superior to the previous movie which I encountered however, they missed few opportunities and that is rightfully acceptable.

Anaz Abdul Aziz played many roles by providing English voice over to many characters.

Likewise, the score merits an acclaim.

Overall, considering this as a sequel it's a solid animated film and legitimately satisfactory.
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24 May 2021
Audience of this movie are generally kids based on the concept so childish but gave a few chuckles to a grown-up adult because animation has the power to do so.

One of the best animation works I have seen in a while, The Animonsta Studios first film indicates how sophisticated the action scenes can be performed and that is the reason why this film won the best animated feature film in Malaysia.

The plot is straightforward as it paves the way where we eventually see the battle of BoBoiBoy with the miscreant villain Borara.

All the characters shown here are well-developed especially I like the character Fang, reminds of Teen Titan's Raven.

About the voice over Anas Abdul Aziz did a wonderful job by playing so many characters worth an applause.

The score is something worth mentioning as music fits the scenes flawlessly.

The solitary disadvantage I saw was in dialogues, The reiteration and repetition here causes it to annoy as opposed to satire.

By and large, A new franchise to look for in case of animation.
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The reason for this disparity is Unconventional Approach
23 May 2021
An intriguing premise full of potentially though falls in the middle during the characterization.

The opening credits of the movie with such montage of Halloween decoration sets the vibe straightaway.

When the film looked like it's another sluggish slasher the plot shifts and changes its tone.

Though the plot could have been improvised in many ways in the middle that is the only moment I believe the film tests your patience. It's not the best film but with low budget it's a very clever direction.

The cinematography is very vivid the color used here shifting from orange to blue is very striking and pretty good.

The acting is acceptable neither so awful nor so incredible all things considered.

The dialogues are genuinely where the film falls short and misses the mark.

This isn't the film for everyone, it's not really a scary film with a lot of jump-scares rather it's more about the craft of film making.

If, movies like Hush and Don't Breathe attract you then this is something you would like otherwise it's just another horror/slasher movie as mentioned.
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Amityville with The Shining
20 May 2021
The premise is simple as a couple move to a new house after the spouse had miscarriage her infant. Then, the wife see peculiar things begin to occur around the house and husband denies it.

This film felt like each and every other frequented horror house you usually see in other movies.

Nothing different could be pointing here or to be hold accountable for.

The cinematography is cold and will leave you with few jump scares.

The ominous sound effect will follow throughout the film.

The acting is acceptable but the writing could have been improvised by Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson.

I would not recommend it to anyone unless if any individual who simply need a straightforward and a regular spooky house film.
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