
16 Reviews
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Lawyer up
19 January 2024
Really great series, short and to the point. No unnecessary filler like so many of the newer true crime docs that have been flooded out onto the streaming services the last few years. I don't remember hearing about this story so it was all new to me and extremely interesting. If these true crime series have taught me anything it's that you need to get a lawyer immediately whenever you're talking to police and that the police very rarely want to do any work. Hopefully now that this is out the police officers and fbi agents involved are fully held responsible for their actions. Their treatment of the victims in the video footage they released was truly disgusting.
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Telemarketers (2023)
A lot of potential
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I liked pat in the beginning, I'm not sure if he was the best person to be the lead interviewer on this project. It felt as though they could've gotten more information from everyone they talked to if they had a more professional and seasoned interviewer at least guiding pat through these interviews. It felt like no one really took him seriously and he wasn't asking them the right questions in the right way. I thought his story throughout the documentary was an interesting addition and in the beginning he was funny. But if they just randomly checked in on him periodically like the other former workers I feel like it would've been a better move for the doc. Seeing him run around and try to talk to all of these people in an oversized blazer and a cowboy hat just became sad for me. He wouldn't even take off his sunglasses in certain situations. And when they finally got the senator interview pat just talked at him. Didn't use the time to ask any questions and then started making demands. Pretty clear the senator had no clue what he signed up for and got out of there as soon as possible. Didn't even seem like he was uncomfortable with the topic of conversation just pat. I guess they brought more light to the telemarketing situation but I can't help but feel like they could've made a bigger impact and uncovered more information if they had someone professional handling the interviews.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
I thought it was funny lol
13 July 2023
Considering some of the garbage netflix has released recently I was expecting this to have a better review. Was this a ground breaking film? Absolutely not but it's a comedy with Adam DeVine you'd think people would know what they're getting into. Like most comedic actors he has one role he normally plays, in his case an idiot. He does it well and I laughed the entire movie. Maybe it was the edible I ate who knows but this movie was very enjoyable for me. Everyone was good/funny and it was a refreshing plot for a comedy. Are you gonna wanna see this in 70mm in imax? Probably not but it'a a solid movie for a night in.
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Snowfall: The Struggle (2023)
Season 6, Episode 10
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was truly one of the worst endings I've ever seen. Wow. Let's see, they turned Franklin into his father who he hated. Tried to turn Cissy, arguably the worst character on the show (only rivaled by Franklins dad), into some kind of hero. She ruined her sons life because the CIA killed her deadbeat alcoholic husband. Then they screw Franklin in every possible way while turning him into a vagrant within a year. Doesn't make sense. None of the ending made sense. They just forced Franklins downfall. At no point was he ever making decisions that stupid. V robbing him and taking off was also forced. Realistically what would've happened is Franklin would've regrouped with V, figured something out and kept his legal business going somehow or just sold his share and reinvested his money elsewhere. All of a sudden Franklin has all this pride that's forcing him not to take deals and make stupid sales and not consult with his girl who he has been working with closely the entire last season. He just throws everything away with a single shot of whiskey. It's like they made up their minds that the series ends "full circle" with Franklin losing everything and turning into his father without putting in the work of changing his character. Franklin was the same successful, well thought out person he always was until legitimately the last episode and everything went out the window. It's so frustrating when shows do this, such a complete waste of time to just flip the script on everyone in the series finale. Trash ending to an otherwise great series. Franklin should've won or at least made it as a legitimate businessman in a bittersweet ending.
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
Don't waste your time
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst ending of a show since Dexter. Such poor writing out of nowhere. This show was so good even up until the last few episodes but they absolutely butchered this show in the last two episodes. They had the path open for a perfect ending, multiple options available and they decide to make Cissy the hero. The worst character on the show. Truly terrible decision making for a show that was so consistent otherwise. Only good thing they did was let Gustavo get out alive, but they didn't even let him keep his family. Really wanted to see Franklin win, I'd like to think everyone did. But they went down the cliche path of turning him into his dad, who he hated. Garbage waste of time.
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Snowfall: Sacrifice (2023)
Season 6, Episode 9
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Truly disappointing. One of the things I never understood about this show is why cissy was always around. She was just annoying the entire time and for some reason always gets her demands met. And of course she was behind the most annoying twist the show has done yet. Couple things about this episode that didn't make sense: why does cissy get a say in anything Franklin does at this point if he's lost his mind? Why on earth would you agree to bring your mother to an exchange like that? Especially when she's the one that clearly wants teddy dead? Bring a hired person or Leon regardless of what cissy wants. And why is Franklin not standing right next to teddy while he's on the pay phone making sure the transfer is going the way he wants it to? There's no reason he should've let Cissy near teddy at that point. Just poor decision making from a person that has been very calculated with all of his moves over the course of the season. It doesn't make sense. Annoying twist, poor writing, nonsensical decisions. If this is the outcome they wanted there were more creative ways to go about it then "the password is..." *gunshots*. Would've rather seen her give teddy to the kgb while Franklin was gone. Still would've been annoying but at least it would've required some creativity and would've made sense. Very rare L for FX here, normally on their game but this one wasn't it.
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Just not very good
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First half was decent, second half was awful. What's more disappointing is that this movie made me lose a bit of faith in IMDb. Usually the ratings here are spot on for me, unfortunately this one missed the mark. Nothing about this movie made any sense. The police shouldn't have let her leave without testing her mental well-being. I don't understand how John was so down with this girl based on the limited interaction they had. Why was the roommate so incredibly mean to this quiet girl? The twists were a let down. I don't understand the praise/high ratings this is getting. Mediocre at best, watch something else.
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Voyeur (II) (2017)
Creepy but interesting
6 December 2022
I see a lot of reviews on here that have reviewed this based on their feelings of the subjects/interviewer and not based on the actual content. This is an interesting documentary. Is the subject super creepy and narcissistic? Yes! You are watching a documentary on a voyeur, a dude that watched people thru the vents at his motel. What did you expect? "This is not a documentary, it's based on he said she said". This is absolutely a documentary, it follows the process of an author writing an article for the New Yorker. The New Yorker picked this up, one of the most well respected magazines out there. If they did a story on it why is it unworthy of a documentary? It doesn't make sense to me why people come on here to make reviews based on their feelings of the people in the documentary and not based on how interesting the movie actually is. There are twists, it's an interesting (screwed up) topic and it kept me entertained while watching it. If this topic makes you too uncomfortable, don't watch it. It made me uncomfortable but not to the point that I'm going to review it poorly and potentially ruin someone's chance to see it. 6.5-7/10. Rounding up because people in their feelings are reviewing it poorly.
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Sharp Objects: Cherry (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Worst episode of the series
3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The party scene was extremely irritating and hard to watch for me. I get that Amy Adams character is a alcoholic dealing with severe personal trauma but there is no way that any 30-something year old would have done the things that she did in this episode. Not only were her actions completely unrealistic the entire thing was totally unnecessary. They could've removed that entire portion of the episode and nothing would've been lost. Her sister is supposed to be in 8th grade or a freshman (in an early episode her sister said she used to hang out with the murder victims "a million years ago in 7th grade" and Amy Adams says you mean like a year ago) and Camille is doing drugs with people young enough to be her children and hanging out at their party? Just frustratingly stupid, everything else has been great so far but this episode was horrible specifically because of the unnecessary party scene. Hoping they don't botch the ending after that nightmare.
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Barbarian (2022)
More of a thriller than a horror movie
29 November 2022
I thought this movie was entertaining and well done. I see a lot of negative recent reviews that I do not agree with. I have seen much worse horror type movies than this so I'm not sure what made them dislike this movie so much. Maybe they were expecting more gore or something along those lines and felt cheated when they left out certain things. Do not go into this expecting your typical horror movie filled with gruesome deaths. I felt the way they portrayed all the violence was done tastefully for the most part, just enough but not overdone. Definitely a slow burn with different plots that all come together which is why I viewed it as more of a scary thriller than a horror movie. Certain aspects don't exactly make sense but it's a movie. They have to do things people in the real world would not necessarily do to move the plot along. Typical scary movie type things like them going down a sketchy hallway when it's clear they should leave. I tried to write this without spoilers so I'm leaving out some minor nit picking but overall I was happy I watched this. Just under two hours and it flew by, I was entertained the entire time and was curious what was going to happen next and how it was all going to come together. Well worth the watch if you don't go into it expecting a saw type horror movie or something with a lot of jump scares.
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Probably could've been a 6 episode season
20 November 2022
Filler. Lots of filler this season. Probably could've done without the last 2 or 3 episodes and another one or two across the season. Would've made the season easier to follow I think. I don't think bringing aids into it was completely necessary either. Having the side story with the deer and them discovering aids just seemed forced. Maybe he wanted to bring attention to it? Would've been a better season if it was just them dealing with the serial killer with no help from the homophobic police department. Some of it was decent but I found myself getting bored and almost giving up multiple times towards the end. Hopefully next season is better.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
So close
19 November 2022
This movie was so close to being great. Most of it was entertaining and it kept my attention but some parts were just so poorly written. Some of the actions taken by the characters made me angry and confused as to why they decided to do the things they did. I also can't help but think it would've been more entertaining if Shia was involved. Harry Styles wasn't bad but it just didn't feel right. Whole time I was wondering how it would've been if it was Shia instead. They don't incorporate the twist very well either, they just kind of throw it at you at a certain point. And then the movie just kind of ends, there's a lot of unanswered questions. Great idea, just poorly executed. Still worth a watch if you're curious about the movie.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Characters make frustratingly stupid decisions
6 November 2022
I decided to watch this despite mixed reviews because I love Stanley Tucci. As per usual, Stanley does a great job especially given the writing he had to work with. Tucci and the other death row inmate are fantastic together and it would be a much more interesting show if it was just based on them solving cases. Instead there is a horrible second story involving David Tennant. This is where the show goes off the rails. Tennant's character makes the worst decisions imaginable. I caught myself asking why countless times just during the first episode. It makes the show so unrealistic that it's practically unwatchable. Normally I see Tennant in great roles and I have no idea why he decided to take this part. He does a solid job but his character makes such poor decisions that I don't think any human would make regardless of their level of intelligence that it makes his part of the story very hard to watch. I've seen this in a couple other reviews but if you can throw all reality out the window while watching this, you'll probably enjoy it especially if you're a fan of Tucci or Tennant. If you prefer more realistic writing and decision making by the characters, this might be a hard watch for you. Essentially if you desperately need something to watch, give this a try but there are countless other shows that I would recommend before this one.
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Weird, Funny, Interesting and Somewhat Scary
5 November 2022
This series was such a pleasant surprise for me. I enjoyed every episode. This was weird, funny, interesting and even kind of scary at certain points. Not to mention they got some recognizable faces in solid roles (Ron Weasley/Eric Andre what up). I watched when this was rated around a 6.9 and I'm glad I did because that rating doesn't do this show the proper justice it deserves. Glad to see that it's gone up above a 7 because that's a lot more accurate. At least a 7.5-8 stars for me. Great watch around Halloween, each story is like it's own little movie. Only bad thing I'll say is some of the monsters are borderline funny looking. Other than that, this is a must watch if you're a fan of weird horror type content.
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Killer Sally (2022)
Daniel Goldstein is human garbage
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This poor woman. Surrounded by pretty much the worst people imaginable. Daniel Goldstein is just the biggest POS I've ever seen in a true crime doc. Along with all of Ray's friends (DJ is a moron), it's a surprise she's not completely insane. Definitely worth the watch but some of the people they interview might make your blood boil. All of rays friends just completely dismiss the fact that dude beats his wife and cheats on her religiously but defend that he was a good dude that was trying to leave the marriage. Absolutely laughable. One of them (probably DJ) tried to bring race into the equation for some reason. Nah ray was just an abusive monster.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
A finale so bad that it ruined the entire season/series
10 January 2022
These guys really can't write an ending. If you were angry at the first Dexter finale just wait until you see this load of garbage. At least the first finale made sense with Dexters character. They really took a page out of the GoT writers book and said screw it. I had my doubts about New Blood but the entire season was so good before this god awful finale so it was extremely disappointing to find that all the 1 star reviews were spot on. This finale was so bad that I almost wish that I didn't watch the reboot because it somehow made me hate Dexter. They could've made multiple more seasons that could've been just as good as the OG show but they decided to wipe their asses with Dexters legacy. How michael c hall agreed to do this is beyond me, only thing that would make sense is that he ran out of all the money from the original series and had to do this to avoid bankruptcy. Whoever approved this should be fired and the writers should be black balled from the industry. If they try to have a show about Harrison it could be the lowest rated program to ever exist. Negative 50 stars/10.
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