
72 Reviews
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Madame Web (2024)
What in the heck
15 May 2024
I have trouble even finding the words to describe this movie. I thought it was going to be about a clairvoyant woman from the tagline, and it sounded interesting enough.

Wow was that wrong. It apparently has something to do with spiders, and tribal people, and webs, and superheroes? I don't even know anymore. Whoever wrote this piece of trash had no clear vision of what they were even making. I'm beyond confused at who would even greenlight such a story.

Sometimes actors can carry a bad story, but not the case here. Other than Scott, they're all pretty bad too.

I'm going to be honest, I couldn't even keep my eyes on this thing the entire time. And I suggest you not either.
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What in the world
11 May 2024
This is one of the most nonsensical movies I've seen in recent years. The premise is they come up with a body, and everyone starts blaming each other. Not a spoiler, that's the movie's description.

It's muddied by the fact they are playing a 'dead body' game, which honestly adds nothing at all to the story and only serves to muddy it for no reason.

The characters are all caricatures of awful people, who apparently all are annoying, hate each other, and bang each other. Again, for no reason at all.

The story itself and movie actually could have worked, if not for every other piece of the movie actively working against it. I was relieved when it finally ended. Complete dud.
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11 May 2024
I put this on for the kid, seeing its basic story and PG rating. Soon after it started, I felt kinda creeped out by it, but hey kids are kids and got busy with chores.

Within 15 minutes of listening in, I was hooked and sat on the couch watching it all play out. This movie is absolutely beautiful, and filled with so many prescient nuggets of wisdom from a weird little snail like creature. Yes, I'd go as far as to say he was rather profound.

In the end it's a cute movie for everyone. Adults will resonate with the constant introspection and dealing with loss. Kids will laugh and laugh at all the silly props and concepts. It's a really well executed movie.
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Nefarious (2023)
Well done
6 May 2024
This is a movie in the same vein as something like 12 Angry Men. It all takes place more or less in the same place, and relies on dialogue to carry it through. If you're not a fan of that, you won't like this movie. If you want big stars, action, and effects - you also won't like this movie.

I personally love movies like this, and this one was no exception. They rely solely on the writing and acting - nothing more nothing less. The two leads here are both excellent, especially Flanery who is tasked with two roles.

The movie is incredibly thought provoking, and keeps you wondering the entire time. Yes there are Christian themes, but I honestly didn't even know it was a 'Christian Movie' until I read about it after. Can't wait to see the supposed sequels and follow ups.

All of that said, I felt the ending was a bit weak, so knocked a couple stars off.
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Hard to watch
4 May 2024
I'm not even going to comment on the story, race, etc. I have thick skin and just want to watch the movie for whatever it's trying to say.

The biggest issue is that the main star is a terrible actor. He mumbles and talks with a low voice with little enunciation. It grates at you and makes you just want to turn the movie off every 10 seconds. Perhaps it was a character choice, but if so it was a poor one.

As for the content of the movie, it's not too interesting. It goes from a mildly interesting but fun premise into a completely off the rails love story with unrealistic 'bad guys.'

I actually gave it a chance because it sounded fun, but boy did they ruin it.
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The Healer (IV) (2016)
Too formulaic
25 March 2024
Is this a bad movie? No, absolutely not. It's fun, it has a good message, it's got decent acting.

My problem is that it's too paint-by-numbers. It feels like a panel was put together to all name things that make people happy - religion, love interests, dogs, animals, babies, etc. And this movie provides all of that.

It's not a bad thing by itself, but I feel the movie kinda lost its impact and story by overloading with happy. For some that's probably a good thing, for others maybe a bit boring.

It's worth a watch, but don't expect much of a cerebral adventure, or anything resembling a plot.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Highly depends on taste
19 February 2024
This movie is a bit of a wildcard. I knew it was a horror movie, but not just how over the top it was. If you like graphic horrors like Saw and Human Centipede this will be right up your alley. If you don't, you'll likely turn it off before it's done as it just gets worse and worse as it goes.

The latter isn't my preference, but I did finish it. I wouldn't say I necessarily hated it, but as with most movies of this ilk, the writing, acting, and basically everything else takes a back seat to the shock gore. But it does provide shock gore in spades.

So, I'd probably recommend figuring out if that's a type of movie you enjoy before deciding whether to watch it.
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Jules (I) (2023)
18 February 2024
I can't quite put my finger on why I liked this movie so much. It's not particularly funny, nor is it an amazing story. But it absolutely holds your attention beginning to end, which is a testament to the acting and directing.

It's more of a drama than a comedy, but balances well between being lighthearted and fun with the darkness that is aging and strained family relations. And while an alien is certainly an odd choice for a movie like this, its presence just ties all the themes together rather perfectly, as odd as that sounds, and is by no means the real point of the movie.

Definitely worth a lazy Sunday watch.
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Finestkind (2023)
18 February 2024
This movie is frustrating because of what could have been. Tommy Lee Jones and Ben Foster are phenomenal actors, but their talent is completely wasted here and they aren't able to save it.

The main problem is that it moves too slow and meanders around not really accomplishing much in the entire first half. The second half is mildly better in this regard, but still slow moving.

The other big problem is that the characters are frustrating, and time after time make terrible, unrealistic choices. I felt like this was done just to move the movie along, but were entirely unnecessary if this movie were just better written from the beginning.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Mediocre effort
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a bit directionless, and that makes it hard to watch at times. Why is a kid rapping randomly throughout?

But getting to the crux of the problem, the story is creepy but ultimately a letdown and full of unrealistic plot holes. Kids are dropped off at the grandparents house, though the mother hates them so much she can't bear to even see or talk to them. Hmm, that's convenient for later and not at all realistic.

We see the grandparents acting in strange ways, wondering what's going on and what will happen. This movie could have went a lot of different ways, but went with... escaped mental patients? That's so cliche and something out of an old children's scary story book. I guess I expected better.
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The Box (I) (2009)
What in the world
9 February 2024
This movie has elements to be great - interesting period piece, excellent cast. It starts off interestingly enough, and gets right to the box in the first 20 mins or so. What was it, who would die, how did it work, who delivered it?

Unfortunately, this movie doesn't do a great job focusing on any of that. It just keeps piling more and more on, getting more ridiculous without resolving anything it had introduced thus far. It's like a kid with ADD were telling the story, and just randomly adding things in for the duration of the runtime.

I don't think it's necessarily a bad movie, it's just that it could have been so much better.
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Dumb Money (2023)
Decent story, very bad movie
29 January 2024
I remember tracking all this happening as it happened, as I'm sure many did. And it was a great story, so I'm glad someone made a movie about it. That said, I found the movie repulsive. Maybe it would have been better as a documentary, instead.

The first problem is the absolutely bizarre choice to play foul lyriced rap music throughout the entire movie. Even the opening, for no reason at all, plays a good portion of "WAP." This toned down in the second half of the movie, but the entire first half was ruined by the sheer amount of it for me.

The next problem is that it feels like none of the actors want to be there. It has some decent actors in it, but they all feel super subdued. I'm not sure if they didn't want to be in it, or if the directing was just that bad. I'll probably go with the latter.

The whole movie just feels extremely paint by numbers. Someone wrote up the events, handed it to a director and said try to make a movie out of this without thinking any of it through. Even the casting choices were bizarre, given the demographics of the users in question were likely 90+% young white males. I won't ding points for that normally, but just add it to the list of how bizarre this movie it. 'The Big Short', this is not.
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Lady Ballers (2023)
This is really bad
28 January 2024
I say this as a conservative person myself, parent of a daughter, who mostly agrees with the message they are trying to convey. This movie should have never been made. It's one of the worst things I've ever forced myself to watch.

There is one joke in the entire movie. And rather than trying to evolve from that, it's just pounded into your head for the duration. It would maybe have been fine as a short or meme video, but makes a terrible full length movie.

Outside of all that, the acting is terrible. The best actor in this movie is Matt Walsh, and that should tell you something. The writing, direction, and music are equally as bad.

It's fine to agree with a message, but please let's not pretend this movie isn't utter garbage.
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No idea what I just watched
31 December 2023
I'm having a hard time rating this movie, because it's a bit of an enigma. On one hand, objectively, it's not a great movie. It's weird, and much of the acting and story is a bit amateurish.

That out of the way, it's utterly mesmerizing in a way few movies are. It absolutely catches and holds your attention, mainly by how uncanny the leads talk and act. It's overbearing, but weird enough to keep you staring.

There's a story somewhere in there, but it's kinda all over the place and probably not main point. Though I'm not sure what the main point even is.

At the end I just felt kinda shocked, like what did I even just watch. I have no idea how to rate that, so landed on 4.
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Harsh Times (2005)
Bale steals it
31 December 2023
This isn't really a typical good movie, or one I'd even care for. But this is the one that convinced me Bale is the best actor of our times. We all knew he could act, but this is just profound.

He plays the 'crazy guy' people love, but is actually crazy. And I've known people like that, and he mimics their uncanniness to a perfect degree. It's not something I could even describe, he must have watched videos.

Ultimately, it's a tragic tale of severe PTSD, and the effects it can have on people. It's not something I'd even recommend people watch, because it's not a 'good' movie, but a masterclass in acting.
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Memento (2000)
Overrated and pretentious
29 December 2023
I actually understand why the movie is shown in the nature it is, and thought that was an interesting choice in keeping the audience also in the dark, like the character was. Bravo for that, even if it's annoying to the viewer.

The problem is that the film is completely one of those pretentious 'ambiguous' believe what you want to movies. You watch in this annoying format hoping to get concrete answers, but never do. The ending, or beginning, depending on how you see it, is completely up to you to figure out. Directors think they are being artistic, but they're being annoying.

So yeah, don't bother unless you like to write your own story I guess.
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One of my favorite movies
27 December 2023
This is one of the biggest surprises in a movie. You see the goofy premise, and Scott on the cover, and may assume irreverent comedy, but it's so much more. A movie of struggles, loss, growth, everything.

What makes this one so masterfully done is that it's quite a heavy movie, wanting to draw you to tears, but then represses it back with comedy. Over and over again. I don't think I've seen another movie pull it off quite as well.

Dillahunt really surprised me in this one. I'd seen him in a few more serious roles before, but here he does the whole gamut from slapstick to crass comedy to more dramatic stuff. Absolutely stellar performance by him and Scott both.
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Shannon's flop
25 December 2023
I only watched this movie because Michael Shannon is in it, and while not my favorite actor, the movies he's in are usually worth watching. This is the first one of his I've seen that I wish I'd skipped.

It starts as a movie about crew, and a new coach, and getting better. I thought it was going to be a sports movie. Somewhere around halfway through, for no reason, it turns into some poorly written teen drama. It was like watching a Lifetime movie, and I completely lost interest.

I'm not sure what happened, or why a movie like this was made or who it's even for. I'd skip it, there's not much redeeming here.
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Alpha (II) (2018)
25 December 2023
I must have been the only one to not have heard or this movie when it came out. I just found it browsing along one day here in 2023 and thought it sounded interesting enough to watch. So glad I did, this movie is amazing.

It's fully based in some fictional language you won't understand and subtitle driven, but there isn't really enough dialogue to make this annoying or even really necessary. It reminds me a bit of Pathfinder in that regard.

The real treat of the movie is the cinematography and story. The cinematography is stunning. The CGI is not perfectly done, but way better than a lot of it never gets so bad as to jar you. The story, while simple, keeps you invested. Two thumbs up from me.
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Childhood memories
25 December 2023
A movie about growing up in the US in the late 70s/early 80s. In a lot of ways reminiscent of The Wonder Years, except in a disapproving Indian family instead of an American one.

I was excited to see Jason Lee here - he isn't in a ton of movies, and he always commanda every scene he's in. Nothing different here, he plays his role as a prominent side character masterfully as always.

There is one pretty huge surprise - other reviews mention it but I won't spoil it here. I think it'll make a lot of American viewers uncomfortable, but thinking about it rationally, you can see both sides.

Maybe it's nostalgia of my own childhood, maybe it's Jason Lee, but I really loved this one and couldn't turn away. Highly recommended - I'm surprised it wasn't a much more popular movie.
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Outsourced (2006)
An interesting look on culture
23 December 2023
I found this one and thought the premise seemed interesting enough to give a try, and very glad I did. This movie was way better than you'd expect given the cover and description.

I thought it was going to either be a pro outsourcing, anti American movie, or an anti outsourcing, anti Indian movie, but it was neither. It was a pretty balanced look at cultural differences between American and Indian life - outsourcing wasn't really a major theme of the movie after all.

It is way funnier than I thought it'd be, too, mostly playing off language and stereotypes without going into offensive territory, which is really well done. And even though there's a small romantic element to the movie, it's again a balanced view and not done unrealistically. All in all, a really well done movie that punches above its weight.
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Joy Ride (2023)
One of the worst movies I've watched
20 December 2023
Caught the beginning of this movie, and it caught me off guard with laughter so decided to watch it. That was a mistake. The first 2 or 3 minutes of this movie are funny, the rest are not.

It's not crassness that bothers me - I loved The Hangover and all the cruder comedies of that era. This one is just crass for no reason - it falls flat and just ends up making me cringe more than anything. It also spends way, way too much time talking about a certain female body part, which is so played out at this point it's become a meme.

I really expected better here based on the reviews. At the end I just kinda sit reflecting on both how bad the movie was, and how anyone could have rated this above a 1 or 2.
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Solid, fun movie
12 December 2023
This is a low budget, fun movie. I could see some people being turned off by that fact - the effects are bad, the writing is so so, and the story is obviously just A Christmas Carol with the main character changed out. But what these types of movies offer is carefree fun without ever taking itself too seriously. No 30 minutes of dialogue, needless romance, 'artistic choices', etc that bigger, more expensive projects tend to get into.

That out of the way, it's a really fun movie. It's ridiculous enough to make you laugh a few times, but stays true enough to the original to actually make for a really heartwarming movie that'll have you choking up by the end. And while none of the actors are big stars, they for the most part pull their weight really well.

I wish more would make movies this fun. Highly recommend.
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Old Dads (2023)
Love Burr, hated the movie
5 December 2023
Bill Burr is probably one of my top five comedians ever. I can listen to his old stuff for hours on end. In recent years, he's kinda toned down a bit and talks about 'being better' for his kid. Good for him and the kid, but hey, we all like angry Burr.

To that end, this film is a continuation of that path. It has caricatures of the most annoying types of people on the planet, all there teed up for him to swing on. But he doesn't, he continually bites his tongue 'for the kid.'

So I'm not exactly sure what kind of movie it is. It feels like it should be a comedy, but isn't really funny enough. It could be a coming of age movie of sorts, but isn't well enough written.
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If Workaholics went full woke
25 November 2023
It feels like a straight rip off of the guys from Workaholics. Imagine them, but way less offensive, less funny, and less talented, and you have a pretty close match.

The joke writing in this movie was pretty poor, and 90% of them just don't land. Some parts felt more like lines from a roast battle than belonging in a movie.

That out of the way, I think the second half of the movie is actually pretty watchable, and it did have a few scenes that made the family laugh.

The problem I guess is that you have to slog through a lot of cringe comedy to get to the good parts. Is it worth it? I'm on the fence, but I'm glad I didn't turn it off after 10 minutes like I wanted to.
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