
2 Reviews
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True Romance (1993)
First Viewing 2009
16 November 2009
This 5-star movie rated 7.9 on the IMDb scale. I never viewed this movie until 2009 because I was stuck in Saudi Arabia in 93. I never heard of it until I browsed Tony Scott and saw its rating. In summary, this movie was filmed ahead of it time. It's a 'wild' and 'free' loving movie and a part of pop culture. I fell in love with Clarence and Alabama and their magical attraction to each other. Very few movies with a cast of pop stars turns into a masterpiece. This movie is Tony Scott's 'magnum opus' or greatest work. I purchased a director's cut copy. Tarantino wrote a pop culture classic. Scott directed a love story like no other. Slater, a comic book salesman and movie enthusiast, played the part of a delusional 'King of pop'. Arquette, loyal hot pants, to pimp and then husband was alluring. Hopper was Hopper, a trustworthy father who passed his freedom loving genes to his son Clarence. Kilmer played Elvis in voice as the 'King of Pop' to a mentor driven Clarence. Walken has never been better as he played a Sicilian mobster after his cocaine deal went bad. Oldman played Oldman as the pimp, drug pusher, pirate of Detroit. Pitt played a minor part made major by his drug habits. Without major credit, James Gandolfini played Tony Saprano in the making. I'm sure his unbelievable performance led to him being selected for the HBO series "The Sopranos." In a nutshell, this sick movie was fantastic and alluring.
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Xenophobia--The Final Solution
9 November 2008
"The White Rose" identifies the international effects of post-WWI. Germany sought purity within their culture to counter suffrage imposed by conquering nations. 'The Hun' was hog tied to keep the world safe while WWII developed. In this atmosphere, Nazism flourished with the rise of a gifted communicator, Der Fuehrer--The Leader. In the form of ethnocentrism white roses blossomed. "The White Rose" was a world tragedy not just a nationalistic movement. However, within the hell of Nazi Germany a few youngsters and their academia professors attempted to communicate the reality of hell on earth, and they failed. I have this movie in Beta video format and await a DVD replacement. I was introduced to this film while I was stationed in West Germany in 1982 when it won numerous European awards. It's a classic international film worth owning. I write this review on November 9, 2008 in remembrance of Kristalnacht, November 8, 1938 or The Night of Broken Glass.
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