
10 Reviews
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Palmer (2021)
8 stars for leaving me with the feels
16 May 2024
Just released, ex-convict Eddie Palmer (Justin Timberlake) returns to his small home town where his legacy of football star is long in the past. While trying to put his life back together he meets Sam (Ryder Allen), a kid from a troubled home with a unique personality and they slowly begin to bond. Old friends, the police, Sam's mother, a new employer and a new friend give texture to a predictable tale and we follow what happens to all involved.

It is not without its flaws and some of the characters are a caricature of the people they represent but the performances from Justin Timberlake, Ryder Allen and Juno Temple (as Sam's mother) feel authentic and you find yourself pulled into the story.

This one never felt slow, didn't have any pointless filler and left me with a tear in my eye and the thought that I must leave a badly written review to encourage anyone who hasn't seen it to give it a go. I thought it was wonderful.
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Engaging but light.
21 April 2024
Having watched this film and been pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it, I then did what I usually do and searched for others' reviews. Interesting to find some negativity but more so to find the positive reviews coming from the slightly older generation, as I am. I wonder why that is?

The film deals a little with tragedy but with a little added sugar to sweeten the darkness. Every character is likeable and honest. I felt for Harriet's loss but also hoped for her future. I was pleasantly pulled along with the story and never lost interest, was never bored.

The final moments may split the audience and have them drawing comparisons with other films. But for me, although not surprising, was the inevitable, perfect finish.

I really liked it.
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Sweet Dreams (I) (2024)
Heartfelt, honest, surprising.
16 April 2024
I was looking for something light-hearted and entertaining to watch. Maybe with a few feels and some laughs. The trailer made me think of Major League but toned down and a little more staid. It was not that at all but am very glad of it.

I got a lot more. It turns out Johnny Knoxville can turn in a very good performance. Coupled with a great supporting cast that seemed to be directed almost as if ad-libbed. The scripting and end result is great.

Knoxville plays Morris, who we find staying at a rehabilitation house attempting to get his life back by way of coaching his fellow housemates in a softball competition. The comedy is balanced well with the serious side of addiction, with a group of diverse but relatable characters. The result is a far more realistic portrayal of recovery without becoming overly dark. I never once thought it was depressing but, through my own experiences, never felt the subject was treated with anything but respect and honesty.

This one surprised me. Not what I was expecting but am very glad I found it.
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Damaged (2024)
Predictable and unsatisfying.
12 April 2024
I couldn't say why the writers wanted Samuel L Jackson in Scotland. Possibly Gianni Capaldi, one of the three writers and co-star, simply wanted to meet him.

A local Scottish detective (Capaldi) has a US cop (Jackson) help with a case due to the similarity of some murders in the States. He then enlists the help of a Frenchman (Cassel) and former colleague who happens to be in London and the unlikely trio attempt to solve the mystery as more murders occur.

The premise is implausible. Jackson phones in his performance. Foreboding moments are neon signs. The twists and ending are unsatisfying.

There are a couple of good performances from Laura Haddock and Kate Dickie as the wife of the Scottish detective and detective Kessler respectively but they by no means lift the film above average.

It really was an unsatisfying conclusion. In itself the reason for the review.
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Slumberland (2022)
The further in I got, the better it got.
20 February 2023
I only really want to add a positive review to balance the critics. I had no expectations going in but am very happy to have been surprised by a movie with a lot of heart and great performances from all involved. I had those raised eyebrows that are often found upon the faces of the pleasantly surprised from the beginning. Wonderful.

The casting is spot on but I have to give extra credit to Jason Mamoa for a truely different and welcome performance as Flip. Engaging from the get-go. A very physical performance that brings humour and warmth to the character.

I hadn't seen Marlow Barkley in anything before but she does a fine job of balancing trauma and excitment as she journeys through what life has thrown at her. A very believable turn as Nemo and I found myself pulled into her voyage through the land of dreams in search of her wish.

A fun and moving flick that left me with a tear of joy in my eye by the end. It put a smile on this increasing synical old chap's face. More like this, please.
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Dog (I) (2022)
A little dark but also funny and moving
28 October 2022
I'm not a reviewer. I will leave some thoughts on any film that impassions me in some way. I had seen a few reviews before watching Dog. So, I knew I wasn't going to be in for a more contemporary K-9 as the trailers seem to suggest. I had tears in my eyes as the credits began to roll.

Channing Tatem is superb here. He is such a likeable and engaging presence in all of his movies, but I've never been quite so moved by his performance as Jackson Briggs, a troubled war veteran. Teamed with a similarly troubled, veteran service dog he finds himself on road trip where realisations about his own health and that of the dog will change his life.

There is humour in the story. But only in the way there is humour in real life experience. In day-to-day life. It makes you smile inwardly with warmth. The darkness isn't overwhelming but is done with enough heart that the reality of Briggs' situation does give you pause.

This film is very quiet in its delivery. It initially felt a little linear and empty. Not for long though. Not too far in I soon realised I was watching more intently. Hands on my cheeks with emotion. I was absolutely gripped by the story. This is rare in movies for me in recent years. By the time the credits began to role I was welling up.

Well worth the 10 given and recommended to anyone who'll listen.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Mediocre and annoying at times.
9 September 2022
It's difficult to know how to explain how bad this is without spoilers. So sorry Mr Elba, you are a fine actor but even your presence couldn't do much for this film. The same goes for Copley who also looks out of place in this mess. His character is shown to have some conflicting feelings about his role as a park ranger which isn't delved into rather disappointingly. The same is true of the family dynamic. A troubled paternal relationship that could have been explored but ultimately seemed not to matter. Maybe the short length of the movie left a lot of the possibilities on the cutting room floor. As many have said, pretty much every decision here is without reason and beggars belief. It leaves you shaking your fist at the screen. It is especially so of the elder, petulant daughter, who I'm ashamed to say at times made me root for the lion. There were some shaking camera moments during scenes with the lion that are jarring and feel cheap. As shaking camera always does (please stop using this film makers?). Anything good? The CGI for the 'beast' was pretty good.
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Ambulance (2022)
h ERe Si mY tITEL fOr Htis EvR iew
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SHAk y caM are. Nauseatingly shkAy.

Seriously, I think my eyeballs are still trying to stop. Had to look away every now and then as I felt a little dizzy. Developed a bit of a headache.

No redeemable characters. A sequence of action events that make no sense other than to create more action. Cops not going in when they could. Bad guys escaping when they wouldn't. Unrealistic sequences of events in order to keep the main players in the Ambulance. Any 'action comedy' one-liners and quips didn't feel funny but out of place, inappropriate. It's an incoherent mess.

I've enjoyed Michael Bay movies in the past. A guilty pleasure is Transformers. Loved The Rock and Armageddon. Even hoped for a sequel to 6 Underground. But Ambulance is just awful. Sorry.
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Morally confusing.
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping for a Chris Pine version of Extraction. Something simple akin to the 90s days of cinema. Where it's OK for the lead to be macho. Some guns. Some things explode. This wasn't it at all. It tried to be darker, slower and more meaningful. To take itself seriously. But it missed.

I found Pine's James a confusing character. He seemed to be written as a good guy forced into a situation out of necessity to provide for his family. However, things, as they often do in action movies, go awry creating an unforgivable course of action and what follows seems irrelevant with no way of routing for anyone. I found I had no sympathy for James and no other characters to get behind.

The final moment is very reminiscent of Extraction but without any justification. It's left open but with it up to you if James finds redemption. He won't get it from me. I do genuinely hope there is not a sequel.
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Excellent fun. Found myself wanting more.
7 January 2022
Just a quick review as I found more than a few negative write-ups. It is a departure from Verne's book. However, it stands on it's own two feet very well. There are some darker moments but not overly so and as such remains family viewing. It has a sense of fun. We meet some interesting characters along the way. We have satisfaction in Fogg's journey and good reasons for the trip beyond the obvious. Light hearted character development for the trio travelling the globe and a down to the wire ending that had me smiling.

I thought this one of Tennant's best roles. I am fond of his work. Especially characters such as The Doctor and Crowley. Here I felt a lot of the emotion he plays and found myself swept up in the story as a result. This is helped immensely by Leonie Benesch as Fix. I've not seen any of her work but her confidence and bubbly nature was engaging and an absolute pleasure to watch. I'll be keeping an eye out for any future appearances. Ibrahim Koma rounds out the three main travellers and although I've also never watched any of his work he did a fine job as the somewhat shifty but loyal Passepartout.

All in all a really fun show. So much so that I immediately researched a follow up series and to my joy found the BBC has already confirmed another outing for Fogg and company. I cannot wait.
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