
11 Reviews
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Pit Stop (2013)
A splendid surprise
18 September 2014
Among the most engaging and satisfying gay films I have seen! Reminiscent of my all-time favorite "Weekend" in its ability to draw you in and leave you wanting more.

Yes, the pace is slow, the location is rural Texas and the film received scant buzz. So what? This gem allows us to spend skillfully nuanced moments. Hats off to the director, can't wait to see his other films. He was co-writer as well.

The two leads give remarkable performances. I wanted to see at least another hour to find out what happen(ed) next. Kudos to the other actors, who benefit from empathetic writing and realistic (and appealing) dialog.

Spread the word about Pit Stop. I'm looking forward to seeing it again.
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Loose Cannons (2010)
Shockingly dreadful
6 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As with another writer, after seeing the trailer I anticipated an amusing comedy. Once again, the director of the Turkish Bath presents, to this decades long out gay man, a dispiriting, downer. The Birdcage, was funny. Weekend was brilliantly on target. But this seemingly endless, unpleasant film presents a situation set in maybe 1970, not 2000, and certainly not in modern urban Italy among an upper-class family.

Worse, I failed to smile more than twice. The campy guys were completely unreal, the situation not amusing.

Please excuse the tonality here, I'm considered a witty guy, and I love to laugh. But this unrealistic melodrama was banal and unappetizing.

The "2" score is only because of the lovely moments provided by the actress playing the Grandmother. Otherwise, like the (IMHO) absurdly over-rated Frances Ha, this was a movie I hoped to adore but cringed throughout . Alas.
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Frances Ha (2012)
Atrocious - surprisingly so
25 November 2013
What a disappointment! Gee, I thought I had been a big admirer of Noah Baumbach. Butt this film might have utterly destroyed my faith in him. Nothing comes across as genuine. Scenes exist for no cogent reason. Is this a satire on Woody Allen?

The lead character is an unappealing bore. She is unlike any 20-something I have ever known in New York. As written, she appears to been mentally unbalanced and without charm. In what world is she a dancer? After 15 minutes I'm praying for her to shut-up. I am a native Ne Yorker, and I don't get the characters at all. I'm sorry for an uncharacteristic hostile review but this is a real letdown. Sorry Noah and Adam, but I give this a 1.
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Plan B (I) (2009)
Just Terrific, Where Has Plan B Been Hiding?
26 January 2013
I've been an avid moviegoer since The Graduate. Hundreds of movies viewed, so many classics. But as a gay man, that's another, less satisfying story. There have been, sadly, too few really first-rate movies that I can truly, deeply enjoy on a personal level. The British, "Weekend", has been one. And tonight, totally unexpectedly (like the film's plot), I have another favorite, "Plan B."

Utterly charming, beautifully acted and realized, this comedy-drama could not have been better. So much talent around the globe!

Now I don't want to oversell and disappoint you. So please ignore my heartfelt review. Find a copy. Then sit down, relax and make believe it is just a movie somebody boosted somewhere.

I am looking forward to telling friends, and watching this charmer again soon!
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Easy Money (2010)
Surprisingly Disappointing
14 July 2012
Excellent reviews, strong box-office in Sweden, and starring Joel Kinnaman (superb in The Killing), I was stunned at how uninteresting this film turned out for me. This is not to take away anything from the uniformly excellent cast. My favorite Swedish- American Jew, lol, is absolutely fine as the ambitious protagonist, displaying the star power he possesses. But oh the story, not so good. This was hardly original, although the genre rarely delivers something completely different. But I was bored, confused and eventually disinterested in what might happen next. Congrats to everyone involved for their success, but, alas, the film failed to reach me.
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Weekend (II) (2011)
Touching, Natural, Simply Splendid
30 October 2011
What a "lovely" (a phrase used, to much effect, by one of our characters) surprise! Agree with other postings that this film is one of the best gay films ... ever. And I have been wading through many clinkers, alas, in the past 35 years of watching gay themed movies. The two men, and their situation, becomes increasingly engrossing. They are real and the dialog rings so true. Some with long memories, or a love of classic films, might think this instant classic is reminiscent of a long-ago movie. But without spoiling or leading you on, you'll have to consider that after you see Weekend. Two thoughts - Why hasn't this film been attracting larger audiences? And I wish we had another 30 minutes to spend with Glen and Russell. Enjoy first rate filmmaking. Congratulations to the writer-director and the two leading men.
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The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: The Jar (1964)
Season 2, Episode 17
Quite Simply The Best
1 April 2011
I first watched this spellbinder when it aired more than 45 years ago. Somehow I never caught up with it until recently, although it remained in my memory as a true classic all that time.

While I did remember the ending, and a few bits of dialogue, I was dazzled all these years later.

The production brings with it a tremendous number of assets: of course the Ray Bradbury story; casting that is letter-perfect, including veterans l like Oscar winner Jane Darwell and Slim Pickens; superb direction by Alfred Hitchcock Exec Producer Norman Lloyd (still going strong now age 96); and a message that covers so many angles. And Pat Buttram was pure magic.

Do we all delude ourselves to stay alive? Are our minds fragile, or egos weak, temptations abounding? Too much time on our hands. Or, let's get to it, what IS in the Jar?

Happy to know that many others also have a special feeling about this classic. Hope I did not overhype this, but boy this is simply the best of the many brilliant Hitchcock episodes.
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Brilliant: An Fitting Tribute For the Last WW I Veterans
5 September 2009
Given my love of history, the cataclysmic, foolhardy nightmare that this represents was something I wanted to investigate further. Video could add a dimension that even a brilliant book could not illustrate.

Lucky me, and fortunate viewer, who took the time to watch this dazzling miniseries! I rented this a few days after the UK's last veteran, and world's oldest man, passed away. He had been in many ways a guardian, helping others comprehend the nightmare, and was so forgiving as to insist on adding German pallbearers at his funeral, age 114.

The miniseries is expansive (as others have mentioned), fascinating, and most importantly, brings the horror to life (and death). A great compliment - it had me racing back to read more about the conflict, especially the myriad ideas on WHY it began.

There are so many memorable scenes! The use of personal memoirs, and the film footage, then and now, are wonderful.

Most highly recommended!
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Just not engaging
21 May 2009
Quite a disappointment. I was primed for the film, but, oh well. What lovely reviews from most fellow IMDBers. But to me, people who watched this movie are reading more into the film that it merits.

Sad to say this middle aged partnered gay man found it tiresome and not very interesting. There is scant character development, and very underwritten parts. The potential for some interaction between two of the men (anything, like sharing ideas, thoughts) fails to develop.

The performances were natural enough. My boyfriend is European and has rescued me from the frequent indulgences of my beloved American cinema. The 80 minutes went by slowly. Alas.
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Forget the Story, Relish the Musical Numbers
1 January 2008
The Beatles had just landed when The King and MGM released this surprisingly fun bit of fluff. Fascinating from a vantage point that the heretofore "wild" Elvis would soon seen rather calm, almost traditional when having to confront the English Wave and the growing youth rebellion. The Rolling Stones would hardly turn to George Sidney and MGM! But put the not especially interesting storyline (something that had been problematic for movie musicals since Broadway Melody in 1928!)aside, and watch Elvis and ideal co-star Ann-Margret at their youthful peaks. The old studio still had a knack, and they are helped by some very tuneful music aligned very well with their talents.

Two numbers are just sheer fun --- "The Lady Loves Me" and "Viva Las Vegas", are splendidly kitsch and yet delightful.

Use that DVR fast-forward button and treat yourself for 45 grand minutes.
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The Zodiac (2005)
Just awful
24 March 2007
This film was released less than a year ahead of the more star-studded (and to my mind, brilliant) version. It would be difficult to have judged this film if I had not first seen the elaborate, beautifully made Fincher movie, so comparisons must, alas, be made.

Why the film-makers elected to focus on a detective in Vallejo, ignoring three central characters based in SF, is peculiar. Budget constraints? Disinterest in creating a more exciting movie? Here we have one of my generation's most provocative mysteries, a real life horror just ripe for visualization, and we end up with a cluttered, small scale rather dull, well, disappointment.

The lead is not well served by the directors, repeating the same mannerisms. Was not expecting a four star film classic (as I found ZODIAC to be), but this dull movie just don't serve the story well. Sorry.
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