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23 December 2020
The most depressing piece of rubbish I've ever seen, having said that it's far superior to The Last Jedi but then anything would be.
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The Dinner (I) (2017)
Absolute garbage
15 June 2019
One of the worst films I've ever seen, absolute drivel from start to finish don't waste your time!
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God speed rebels?! Ugghhh
3 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute garbage from start to finish I'm sorry to say and this is coming from a Star Wars diehard from way back. As soon as this rubbish started with that pathetic attempt at humour (honestly I've read funnier eulogies) I knew that the Star Wars I've known and loved for so many years was officially dead and buried. The scene where Leia is blown out of the ship and somehow floats back in like Superman was the "shark jumping" moment for me and after laughing with shock and disbelief I almost walked out of the cinema. The New characters where extremely annoying and the moment when Laura Dern uttered that absolutely ridiculous quote "god speed rebels" I knew there and then that the greatest cinematic franchise in history was dead.
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Top 80's cast
20 August 2003
This film would have to boast the greatest "B grade" cast ever. Carl Weathers, Bill Duke, Craig T. Nelson, Robert Davi, Ed O' Ross, the list goes on..... The story is predicatbly weak, but what else would you expect from producer Joel Silver and leading man Weathers? rating 2 out of 5.
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Blade Runner (1997 Video Game)
The greatest
26 May 2003
Blade Runner the film is an absolute masterpiece, the game is also a masterpiece in every field. Never before have I felt that I was actually in the surroundings a game, I swear you could actually feel the acid rain dripping down your clothes. Beautiful scenery, storyline and appealing characters make this one of the greatest interactive games of all time.

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Halloween (1978)
The king of all horror films
14 February 2003
I must admit I have never been a huge fan of horror. Its the basic plot for most films in this genre and I have kept that opinion for most of my life. That is until I saw John Carpenter's masterpiece Halloween. Could there be a better horror film out there? This has it all, magnifecent and chilling musical score, appealing characters (Donald Pleasance rules!) and plenty of shocks and horrors around every corner (Michael Myers is the scariest monster in the genre, easily beating out Freddy, Jason and Chucky.) All in all a 70's masterpiece from the king of cult hits Sir John Carpenter.
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Not all bad
5 December 2002
Growing up with the classic cartoon series "masters of the universe" I believe that this film does the animated series justice by sticking to familiar characters and locations. Although the acting is nothing special, I thought that Frank Langella was very good as the evil overlord "Skeletor." This film has got a bum rap by many but I believe it to be very good entertaiment for most ages with very good special effects and some creative ideas from the writers.
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Beautiful and moving
19 November 2002
Martin Scorseses masterpiece "Last Temptation of Christ" is truly one of the most beautiful films ever made. Willem Dafoe is perfectly cast as a troubled Jesus, whose struggle to come to terms with who he really is and why he is here is a the work of not a good actor but a great one. The supporting cast also works well, with Scorsese regular harvey keitel excelling in the role of Judas, Barbara Hershey as the seductive yet troubled prostitute Mary Magdalene and David Bowie making the most of his limited screen time as pontius Pilate. Peter Gabriel scores the film, without doubt one of the most rousing soundtracks in cinema history. This would have to be Scorses best film to date, closely followed by taxi Driver and Goodfellas.
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Waterworld (1995)
one of my unmentioned faves
27 October 2002
Alot of people hate waterworld, they think it is tacky and an unimaginative rip off of mad max. Not true, I love the storyline and the characters (the dude with the long red hair is my fave)and the amazing soundtrack makes this a quality film in its own right.
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14 October 2002
This television series following on from the classic Apes films, is just about perfect. I'll admit that when i first started to watch it i thought it would be just a cheesy rip off to cash in on the popularity of the films but I was dead wrong. The cast is perfect with Apes veteran Roddy Mcdowall back as sympathetic intellectual "Galen." The storylines are good also as is the makeup, once again this is great!
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Turkey Shoot (1982)
A national treasure
13 October 2002
Despite watching Turkey Shoot (Escape 2000) whilst I was drunk i can admit that all Australians should be proud of this film. If the world can remember Australia for one thing it should be TURKEY SHOOT, brilliant acting from Steve Railsback and Olivia Hussey and a fantastic storyline about the future and how humans are used for sport in an insane game. I am suprised and frankly yes shocked this film did not win at least one award, for shame.
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Superman (1978)
One of the greatest
13 October 2002
Can a film get any better than Richard Donner's masterpiece "Superman ?" The acting alone is brilliant with an inspired cast headed by Chris Reeve as the man of steel and Gene Hackman as the villionus Lex Luthor. The most rousing and unforgettable thing in the film is the soundtrack by the master John Williams, never before has a soundtrack and the opening titles given me goosebumps and shivers down the spine. The special effects are truly something to be marveled over, it really looks like Superman is flying and running fast. This film is a work of art and truly one of the gems of the 1970's.
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Time Runner (1993)
Bad acting, but I'm a Mark Hamill fan so hey!
18 August 2002
Time Runner looks like it has been done in someones garage. The special effects are extremlel bad as is the wooden acting, with the exception of Mark Hamill and maybe Brion James. I'd recommend this to someone who wants to see a bad cheasy sci-fi film.
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