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Better than the original in every way possible!
26 March 2024
Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey II is a huge improvement in every single way. Obviously, this one has a bigger budget (around 330k in comparison to the meagre 50k for the original) but it really does show. For starters, the creatures no longer look like they are just Halloween masks, they actually do resemble actual hybrid creatures with proper movements thanks to the excellent prosthetics. The acting has massively improved too, with Scott Chambers the new Christopher Robin (he is a standout I must say), Tallulah Evans is great too, and also a turn from established British actor, Simon Callow. There's also a decent story here now as well. The team behind the original have joined up with Matt Leslie, who wrote the brilliant Summer Of '84 and created a very interesting premise for the Pooh universe to expand and bring in further characters for the upcoming Poohniverse which has recently been teased!

There's a hell of a lot crammed in to the 85 minute run time. An interesting story, but there's a lot of fun too! Great set pieces, include a rave scene in which Pooh and friends slice and dice their way through a host of party goers. There's a lot of gore here too, mostly practical, but a bit of CGI too (probably down to the still relatively low budget).

All in all, I had a great time with this. The team need praise for actually showing resilience to come back from the pounding they took from the first one to actually learn from the criticism and come back to make something that is as good as this.

Horror fans should enjoy this, and I'd advise trying to see it in a cinema with like-minded fans for the best experience!
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Lovable Characters Gone Bad!
9 February 2023
Firstly, I think it's best to keep in mind this movie was made for around 70k, which is a fraction of the budget of bigger productions from the likes of Blumhouse - and to be honest, I enjoyed this a lot more than most of the stuff they churn out!

Second thing to remember is I don't think the guys behind this planned on it being the phenomenon it's turned out to be. Sure, there's flaws. The acting isn't the best (obviously because of the miniscule budget) and there's some CGI blood - but there is also a fair amount of practical too, which is always a big plus.

I genuinely did think this was a fairly decent little horror flick, and I'll definitely be interested to see what they do with the sequel as I've heard it's got a much bigger budget (around 250K apparently!)
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The Ward (2010)
Carpenter is not back!
4 June 2011
I can't believe that this is being billing as John Carpenter's comeback.

It's just another routine 'ghost in the asylum' film that's been done so many times recently, nothing original here at all.

There's so little going on. It's boring, dull and unimaginative, it could easily have been a Masters Of Horror episode!

How can the guy who made Halloween and The Thing go on to make stuff like this (not to mention other turds like Escape From L.A and Ghosts Of Mars!).....No more chances from me Carpenter...stick to the Coup de Villes!
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Nastiest Film Ever...Most Probably!!!
26 July 2010
OK, I finally got round to watching A Serbian FILM.

I consider myself to be in the heavyweight division when it comes to having seen the most hardcore of horror/shock films, i.e, Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, The Gateway Meat, Murder-Set-Pieces, Irreversible, Men Behind The Sun, All the Cannibal films, name it, I've probably seen it. Now, I have to say, NONE are as nasty as this beast!

Im not going to say what happens in the film, but even for me, some was hard to watch. BUT the actual film is GOOD!...If you can get through it.

The basic story is about a guy called Milos, who is a retired porn star, who in his day was the best actor in the business. Now he is a bit skint, so when he gets offered one last job, offering him enough money to set him and his family up for life, he just can't turn it down. He asks what the film is about, but the employer is reluctant to tell.....what happens is indescribable!!! Like I said it is very hard to watch in some scenes, but the film is actually really good, and the acting is solid throughout.

You got to think, the poorer European countries, are rife with crime, and money goes a long way. So if you are having hard times and a massive money offer comes your way...How far would you go!

For me 8/10, but I can't recommend it, simply for the content in the film. But if you think you can take it, and can appreciate it for the film it is, go for it!
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So Bad...It's embarrassing!
24 July 2010
After watching the original 2001 Maniacs, with Robert Englund, and really enjoying it, I was quite excited about the sequel when I heard about it.

Lots of positive reviews, saying it was better than the first, and more hopes were quite high.

...Now I have seen the sequel, and I'm not kidding's one of the worst films I have seen in years, honestly, the acting is soooo bad it's as if they are just people who were randomly picked up off the street! I know you don't watch a film like this for the acting, but when it's this bad, there really is no excuse!

As for the gore, well frankly it does'nt come close to the first one. after 45 minutes only 2 folks have bitten the bullet, and neither one was gory at all!...Then you wait for it to kick off (that's if you haven't press eject on your DVD player by now), it just don't happen. The couple of so-so gory effects towards the end are so badly done, obviously dummy's, you could'nt care less.

Anyway, I don't want to waste any more time on this pile of dog turd. I must just say, all the 10/10 reviews MUST be people involved with this film, they have to be!

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Stolen (2009)
Good mystery movie...
9 July 2010
Stolen is a good mystery movie.

If you are looking for something to pass 90 minutes, you could do a lot worse.

The story basically is a cop, Tom Adkins, is haunted by the disappearance of his son 8 years ago. Then he discovers the remains of another boy about the same age as his own son, who was murdered 50 years previously. He becomes obsessed with the case, which has been long-forgotten. Is the 1958 case, involving down-on-his-luck dad of three family man, Matthew Wakefield and his own sons disappearance linked in any way to that of Tom Adkins?

Acting is fine by all.

Personally I thought the film started really well, and I thought the 1958 story was more interesting than the present story. But the ending seemed a tad rushed.

But, not a bad film at all.

My advice...well worth renting....but don not buy! (It's a watch once film)
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Fantacide (2007 Video)
"Give him the Treatment!"
5 April 2010
If you are a fan of hard-gore films and are not easily offended...this is the film for you!

It's certainly not for everyone thats for sure (my wife lasted about 10 minutes max!)

I managed to pick the Special Edition DVD up a few years ago, and I have seen it 4 times...I loved it!

A big shout has to go out to Peter Rands (Oppenheimer), this guy must be in his 80's, and Im not sure he knew what he was doing half the time, but he had me and my mates in stitches!

The film offends just about EVERYONE, seriously no one escapes here! It contains rape, animal cruelty, violence to gay people, Jewish people, torture...basically everything in the book.

The gore effects, which there are plenty of, are very good on the whole. The acting, well it's not the best, but that's what makes it so much fun...think Peter Jackson's Bad Tast, just a Director and a bunch of mates making a film, I think Shane Mather has a lot going for him, I been keeping an eye out for more stuff, but as yet there has'nt been anything.

If this is anything to go by...I can't wait! So basically if you like extreme violence, loads of gore, and don't get offended, you got to try and seek this's well worth it!

By the way, forget looking for it in the UK, the BBFC would throw it out in the first 5 minutes...and never welcome it back!
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Decent enough remake...
22 January 2010
I loved the original Long Weekend....Very underrated movie.

This remake was literally a scene for scene remake, no new ideas, so I suppose if you have seen the original and remember it fairly well, you are going to no what happens next! But I remember the original fairly well (I have the SYNAPSE DVD) but I still enjoyed Natures Grave. Jim Caviezel and Claudia Cavan play the unhappy couple well.

The film basically is a married couple who are having a rough time go away for a long weekend, and find themselves on an isolated beach. They treat the place with total disrespect (chucking away cigarette butts, litter, shooting bottles)) and shooting the animals...then nature turns on them! Pretty slow but always interesting. Solid acting. Little gore, so not much to offend here.

Tidy little movie. Surprised about the negative reviews really.

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Hanger (2009 Video)
Certainly Not For Everybody!!!
9 January 2010
First of all I loved Ryan Nicholsons earlier film GUTTERBALLS, so I was eagerly anticipating HANGER.

Now I have seen it, I did,nt rate it as much as GUTTERBALLS, but I still enjoyed HANGER, but it definitely is'nt for everybody.

There is some pretty nasty stuff going on in this film, a coat hanger getting shoved up a vagina to remove an unborn baby!...Tampon tea!!! to name but a few nasty treats.

But seriously, it is'nt pleasant viewing but if you enjoyed GUTTERBALLS, I would say give it a try...I can't recommend it really, but I did like it myself - There are some funny moments in it as well, some quite good lines and the Chinese kid made me laugh too.

My advice is rent it if you can, my wife bought my one for Xmas pressie and Im pleased with it, but as I already said it is difficult to recommend.

7 Out Of 10 for me.
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Average Horror...Awful Comedy
23 September 2009
I just sat through Audie & The Wolf, I don't want to be to harsh on it, but it was,nt very good.

It,s about a guy who has his spirit put into a wolf by ancient Indians form the Battle Of Custer. It is now present day and he is in Suburban America, where he breaks into a house and kills the young girl who lives there. He needs fresh meat and kills anybody who turns up. Then all his victims turn up to exact revenge - American WEREWOLF style! It ain't a bad story, but they have added this comedy side to the film which really does not work at all! Not one joke works, if you think the wolf (when hes in man form) running round with furry monster slippers on is funny, you may enjoy the comedy factor in it.

The film is quite gory, which is a plus point because the effects are quite good, and frequent throughout the film.

It is a mere 76 minutes running time, which is plenty for this film, uneven, disjointed and does,nt work unfortunately.
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Grotesque (2009)
They Would Have Been Slaughtered...
19 September 2009
I know this was withdrawn by the BBFC, but I can't believe this was even considered for a release. I just finished watching it and it is basically just 2 people (a guy and a gal) getting tortured, raped and abused by a sick deviate! What you see on screen is VERY hard to watch at times (Nipples getting cut off with a pair of scissors, and a rape scene involving both the MALE and FEMALE!)), and the camera never shies away. I must say the gore effects are very well done. I picked my copy up off ebay for 4 pounds, I Wasn't disappointed, I knew what I was letting myself in for, but it is very sick, and most people will absolutely hate there is ablsolutley no plot whatsoever, why he tortures these two nobody really knows!

How on earth this nearly saw the light of day in the UK, the BBFC would have been slaughtered for letting it through!
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It;s Going To Be A Halloween Tradition
30 August 2009
I saw Trick 'r Treat last night as part of FRIGHTEST in Leicester Square, all I need to say is it had a round of applause at the end (which does'nt usually happen in the UK), and it wasn't down to the fact that Michael Dougherty was there!

I have seen thousands of horror films and T'r T is undoubtedly one of the best films I have ever seen.

From the moment it started I got the feeling I was going to like it, you can tell it had a fair amount of money chucked it's way, the set looks fantastic. This is going straight to DVD in October, with no theatrical run (it was made in 2007)...Unbelievable! From the acting to the effects to the direction - the whole thing is just masterful.

The film itself basically is set on Halloween, and a bunch of stories interweave into one in a very clever way, it is sort of like the CREEPSHOW films but each story is'nt standalone, they are all going on at the same time and come together at the end. I did'nt know to much when I went into it, and I think it's the best way because there are a bundle of great surprises littered throughout! It makes me wonder how a movie like Prom Night remake and the coulntless SAW films get a Theatrical Run and a film as awesome as this just gets shelved and disregarded.

A true masterpiece by any admission, and sure to be INSTANT CLASSIC!
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Highly Entertaining Film...
7 August 2009
After 40 years in prison, Coffin Joe is released - and he's back on the streets of Sao Paulo to find a woman who can give him the perfect child, in his search, carnage ensues!

I have never seen a COFFIN JOE film until I saw EMBODIMENT OF EVIL, but I will now. Embodiment has elements of so many films, and it's done in a very good way. All the special effects are very good, a lot of the torture is real - no doubt about it! Hooks going through human flesh, lips getting sewn together, it's all here...a bit like SAW-but better! Then there's the eerie ghost figures of Joe's past coming back to haunt him, very stylishly done.

All in all if you are a fan of horror, and don't mind subtitles, give EMBODIMENT OF EVIL a go, even if you hav'nt seen any of the others it does'nt matter.

Well worth a watch - 8 out of 10.
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Blockbuster Of The Summer...HANDS DOWN
19 June 2009
Just got home from TF2, and I guarantee you will not see a bigger blockbuster all year, let alone the summer.

If you enjoyed the first one you are sure to love this, it has more than twice the robots as the first one, more action and also has a great sense of humour. There are sure to be people who won't go to much on it, there always are - but if you want action, a lot of action this is the film for you, no doubt.

I,m not sure of the cost but the effects are absolutely mind-blowing, sometimes you just don't know where to look! I'm not sure if I can say it,s as good as the first, but it certainly isn't worse (if that makes sense), so Im just gonna say 10 out of 10 for both - I loved every second!

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Martyrs (2008)
11 April 2009
I finally got round to seeing MARTYRS the other night. After reading so much about this film, I was just itching to see it.

I read mixed reviews about this, I am a die hard horror fan, and let me tell you...this was AWESOME! Not going into the plot, because to be honest you can get that info at the home page on IMDb, but to watch this and not know to much really is the best way to see it.

This film just does'nt have a boring second in it, and the 95 minutes just fly by, but the real treat here is the ending...a sucker punch, bullet of an ending.

Acting is superb by all.

The gore, make-up effects also superb.

Being a foreign film, I hope this gets the push in UK and America that it truly deserves.

My only concern is that I will never be able to see it again for the first time! 10 OUT OF 10
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Scarce (2008)
Great Indie Horror
9 January 2009
I watched SCARCE last night and I thought it was a great film. Simple story, three guys go on a snowboarding trip, crash their car in the middle of nowhere(the whole country is in the middle of a snow blizzard). A strange guy turns up to offer help...but he turns out to be a hunting cannibal!

All in all, this was just up my street, it had a good atmosphere, the acting was OK, and if it's gore you are after - look no further! The Brothers Gore have done a superb job on this.

I have read a few negative reviews on this on IMDb, one said the gore effects were bad...are you blind!

This is and Independent horror film, and one of the best I have seen. The guys who made this Jesse T Cook and John Geddes, wrote, directed and starred in this...kudos to those guys. Didn't Peter Jackson start like that with Bad Taste!!!

Brilliant effort a strong 7.5 out of 10
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Stiletto (II) (2008)
Brutal Film...
22 December 2008
I just watched STILETTO, a film about a female assassin who is killing members of a ruthless criminal organization. One of her victims survives, a crime boss whom she shared a past with but her betrayal breaks his heart, so he hires a crooked homicide cop to track her down before the police get to her.

I read nothing but negative reviews about this, so I am the first to write a positive review! It's a very good film...if you like violence! It is brutal, I mean you get savage beatings, lots of stabbings people getting shot (including one brilliant scene!) and best of all it's all on-screen.

The acting is fine by all, I really don't know what people expect from a film, if you think you like the sound of it going by my write up, I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
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Mum & Dad (2008)
Decent Brit Shocker
20 December 2008
To be honest I had never heard of MUM & DAD, I just bought it because it sounded interesting and I love horror films.

It's about a Polish girl and an English girl who both clean the bogs at Heathrow airport, they become friendly and when the Pole misses her bus home with the other Poles, she gets offered a night round the Brit girls house with her creepy mute brother and her mum and dad! So when they arrive at the house the Pole gets knocked unconscious and awakens to all sorts of torture and abuse.

...Basically thats the plot.

We loved it, it is grim, some scenes are pretty horrible but it has that British humour to it as well....(one minute the dad's hacking some poor bugger up, next he's at the breakfast table reading his newspaper talking about knock-off jeans!) Good acting all round, realistic gore effects...if this sounds your sort of thing, you must check it out, BUT this is definitely not for everyone, especially kids!!! I believe this is coming out Boxing Day on DVD, CINEMA and Sky Box Office!...First time ever for a film, so you can either have a night out or stay in the comfort of your own home and enjoy this twisted little gem!!! 8 OUT OF 10
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Good Old Fashioned Style Horror Flick
28 November 2008
I have read some real negative reviews on Last House In The Woods, and I did'nt have high hopes...but I actually thought it was a good time.

If you like the old-fashioned Italian flicks (Argento...Bava) I think you will probably get something out of this.

It has some pretty nasty moments, arms and legs getting ripped off, nasty bites, bashed in heads and more!!! It reminded me of House On The Edge Of The Park and TCM Also on the Ghost House DVD, it has English dub or Subtitles, we watched it with the dubbed language, which is fine (quite funny at times too!) All in all I had fun time watching Last House In The Woods, watch it without any expectations and I'm sure you will too.
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Dead Fury (2008)
Evil Dead On Sreroids!!!
12 October 2008
I picked up this movie last week, it looked quite good fun by the cover, the only problem is it is an animation, I don't usually go for animation...but in this case it matters not! This is one fun little flick, four guys out hunting deer when a demon/zombie appears and starts attacking them. Then they move on to a log cabin and more zombies turn up. It's down to the three remaining survivors to send the zombies back where they came from. Basically thats it, but it's done in such a mad frenetic way, you can't help but love it. It's funny too, the old guy, Pop, is absolutely hilarious.

It is like an animated EVIL DEAD, believe me if you like blood and guts, this delivers in spades, the red stuff just flies from start to finish.

I highly rate this little beauty, 8 out of 10
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Red (2008)
Red delivers in Spades
11 October 2008
After reading lots of positive reviews on RED, I kind of knew it was going to be good..And it was.

It's kind of like the defender who plays well all season but does'nt get the player of the year award!

A brilliant film, but because it has'nt got special effects or a mega star cast it will not get the push it needs to hit the cinemas, but let me tell you. RED hits the spot.

It' about an oldish guy (played splendidly by Brian Cox) whose only buddy is his 14 year old dog called RED. One day out fishing with Red, three young guys turn up and harass him and eventually shoot Red dead.

So now Brian Cox' character wants justice, but two of the guys whose killed Reds' dad is the towns main man, Cox wants revenge!

Basically thats the plot, so simple, but so effective!

No blood and guts, No special effects...Just a brilliant film, no matter what genre you like. You just can't not like this film.
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Above Average Zombie Flick
29 September 2008
I have read some really bad reviews for this movie, and I can see their point of view if they are not a horror movie fan, but as I love horror movies I actually admire the film makers attempts here.

OK, the acting is average at best but they have put a nice little twist into this one which took balls to do I think. The film involves a hand full of survivors trapped inside a government building after a meteor has turned everyone else on the outside into zombies. But how come the there was only a few survivors?...I won't ruin it for you, but I really think this deserves a go, it is well made considering the budget. It has some really good gore (one particular scene will make you wince!), and it does stand out as one of the better DTV horror films for some time.

It's how RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 4 and 5 should have been.

Decent effort...7 out of 10.
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Wake Me Up When It's Finished!
27 August 2008
I saw RISE OF REEKER at the weekend, and this is a really boring film, the first one was OK, but this is kind of a prequel and a remake all in one.

It starts off well, some nice gore to start off with, but then for about an hour nothing really happens. A lot of talking, some half-arsed CGI Reeker smoke effects, and not much else.

Then the end comes and and there are some really loud explosions, more crappy CGI effects and a lame ending. Im not gonna explain the story to much (you can get that from the Main Page), but people who liked the first will no doubt watch this.

The main problem I had was, it was more or less a remake of the first one...but not as good!

But Im telling ya, it's not very good...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
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Maybe...Just Maybe?
8 August 2008
9/11 was probably the most tragic day I can remember, it has always fascinated's just so unbelievable, every time I see it on T.V, I wonder how could it be real! Well, this drama focuses on a journalist who teams up with a father who lost his daughter who was on one of the planes that hit one of the towers. The father believes that the whole thing was set up by the US government. Together they put all the pieces together, and the conspiracy theory they have is really does make you wonder...too many coincidences occurred on that day!

Why did both towers collapse in their own footprint?...Almost as if they were controlled demolitions! Building 7 fell in a completely straight line when all it had was a small section of flames and was not even hit by a plane.

NYC Firefighters claim to have heard loud explosions fron under the towers when the 1st plane hit, but their statements were totally overlooked by the commission!

Why were all the cameras from buildings surrounding The Pentagon confiscated half an hour after it was also attacked. And only five picture frames were ever released to the public, where you can't make out anything really...bearing in mind this is America's most well guarded building! Unbelievably, the questions keep getting asked to the people who seem like they are covering the whole thing up, high people just can't give concrete answers.

I think everybody should watch this because it really does make you wonder, some people will always believe what they think they saw on T.V, but I believe more people are looking at the bigger picture here.

So worth checking out...There definitely is more to 9/11 than meets the eye!
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The Morgue (2008 Video)
Surprising Horror Flick...Worth Looking Out For
4 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I got to check out a screener copy of THE MORGUE, and before I saw it there were no reviews to go on, so I went in to this with no expectations. It actually turned out to be a nice little surprise.

Six strangers are bought together by a string of unusual events, they seemingly go unnoticed by other people. In their attempt for survival, they latch on to each other in a mortuary, in a hope to make it through the night, but there is a hooded scalp-wielding killer on the loose. The film seems to be a slasher type movie, but it actually is'nt, it takes a massive diversion from being a run of the mill slashfest, and becomes a mystery thriller that has a bizarre twist ending, which I thought was worth sticking around for, although it does seem an ending which has been done before.

The pacing of the film was a little slow in the middle I thought, but at around 81 minutes long, it does'nt slow down enough to make you bored. It reminded me of another film called DEAD END, also a film worth seeking out if you hav'nt seen it.

If it's blood your after, there's little on offer here in that department.

Im not sure when this is coming out, I can only assume it's going to be straight to DVD, probably LIONSGATE will pick it up, but my advice is give it a look, it's worth a rental for sure.
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