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Strangers on a Train
21 April 2024
A self-employed advertising agent develops the idea that groups of strangers given the right incentives can become friends. He believes that modern social norms and fears prevent people from interacting with each other. He then attempts to prove his idea by inviting the strangers on his commuter train to a Christmas party.

The movie follows the many diverse and socially different characters and how they develop understanding and respect towards each other. It shows the different individual challenges everyone faces and how we all need support from others. The movie show the difficulties in attempting to bring people together with the uncertainty of whether the goal will be achieved.

This is a heartwarming Christmas movie showing how lives can change for the better through the help and understanding of others.
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Reindeer Games Homecoming (2022 TV Movie)
A Good Christmas Romance
21 April 2024
While not the best movie you will find, it is quite likeable as a feel good movie. The story revolves around a famous actor returning home for Christmas. He meets up with many past high school acquaintances including Sarah. Due to fate they end up competing in the local Christmas tradition of the Reindeer Games. During the events they develop a better understanding of each other and a relationship start to build. However, there are many obstacles to their budding romance.

The acting was great with superb scenery. However, some of the characters were extremely contrived and only put in the movie to tick the WOKE box. This was an annoying distraction from the main story line and did not contribute anything to the movie.
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The Royal Nanny (2022 TV Movie)
Actually a good romance movie
16 April 2024
The story is quite original for a hallmark movie. It is about an undercover British female agent protecting the royal family as a nanny. The movie look at the developing relationships between her and the various members of the royal family. She has a love hate relationship with the prince who is the uncle of her young charges.

The movie developes suspense through the additional plot of outside agents building a plan to kidnap the royal children. The characters are quite diverse and unique in their own way which add interest to the story. The main characters have an antagonistic relationship but this changes through mutual understanding.

This is a fun Christmas romance with different interesting sub-plots. It is enjoyable as it is a ight movie without a complicated serious storyline.
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How to Break the Lottery
6 April 2024
A great movie based around a retiree using his mathematical and statistical knowledge to try to make money from the lottery. The movie revolves around the tension involved in risking his retirement saving in the scheme. He is also required to involve his wife and family to provide necessary the labor to try and make his dream comes true. Unknowingly, he ends up in competition with another highly motivated group of people.

The acting is superb especially from Bryan Cranston who is definitely one of my favorite performers. The story line based on a true events feel very real. The husband and wife interact together in a genuine supportive way with strong relationships with their community.

Overall, a great feel good movie in an easy going way with real tension and uncertainty.
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A Great Parody of the King of Parody
6 April 2024
This movie is an absolutely brilliant parody of Weird Al Yankovic's life. Whilst semi-biographical it is essentially the most weird, bizarre and entertaining movie you can find. I love how you cannot predict how his life continually takes the most comically bizarre turns involving the most famous people imaginable. It is great fun to try and recognize and imagine his connection to these eclectically strange people.

This is one of best comical parodies you will ever come across. The acting of Daniel Radcliffe is so brilliant you can actually imagine Weird Al Yankovic in front of you. This is definitely a fun movie that you must take the time to watch.
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Muru (2022)
An Extreme Misrepresentation of an Event with no Factual Basis
6 April 2024
Despite the introduction there is literally nothing in this movie with occurred in reality. This movie was based on a simple police operation in New Zealand where 4 people were arrested and convicted on a number of weapons offenses. However, this was not shown in this movie. The movie portrayed the behavior of the New Zealand police in the most extreme manner imaginable involving numerous impossible actions without repercussions. All these actions actually never occurred and were complete fiction imagined by the writer to falsely gain sympathy for a Native New Zealand group.

The actions of the police in this movie were so extreme as to be completely unimaginable and laughable. At times the portrayal of the police were that comically bad I though I was watching a parody movie. The complete lies and inaccuracy in this movie actually backfires on the politically driven motive of the writer creating non-belief in the plight of the Native New Zealand group in question.

This is also a low budget movie with the acting being well below par. The actions sequences are very staged and do not flow. The story line is also not very believable and relies to much on the imagination of the audience.

To enjoy this movie you will have to suspend reality and have no knowledge of the actually events shown in this film.
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Swamp Lion (2022)
A Good Crime Drama
1 April 2024
This movie is about a decent hardworking truck driver who is trying to provide the best for his family. When his son becomes seriously ill he becomes under enormous pressure to find a large amount money quickly. He must choose between the current situation or following a path that may save his son but may also destroy his future. The movie touches on the issue of people with money being able to obtain better medical care than ordinary working Americans.

I found the characters all to be down to earth people showing their failures and flaws as well as their love for each other. The movie continually develops the suspense in many different ways to an unknowing ending involving the father, brother, wife and child.

While this movie doesn't have a lot of action, it does develop the suspense extremely well.
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Showing Up (2022)
A Light Enjoyable Comedy
31 March 2024
This movie follows the small distractions and issues which hinders an artists preparations for an important art show. Despite her many frustrations she tries to go with the flow and prevent the situation overwhelming her.

I found the characters quite engaging with the interactions between them genuine in an easy going way. The movie also delves into the world of a busy art college. It show the many different art forms and the unique students engaged in numerous classes and projects. It also looks at the unique relationships within a family of successful artists. The movie also touches on mental illness and high expectations affecting potential geniuses.

This is a pleasant movie and a good change from other high intensity films. It is a great movie when you are in the mood for something light.
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Sanctuary (I) (2022)
Utterly Boring With Endless Talking
30 March 2024
This movie has only 2 characters set in a single location, namely a hotel suite. They talk for an hour and a half with nothing really happening. The characters are fully clothed for the entire movie which has no nudity, sex or anything mildly provocative. There is a brief verbal description of some sex acts. It is a boring mind numbing pure drama with no thriller elements.

The movie revolves around a sex worker using words to try and control and dominate a multi-millionaire. The story is completely absurd and contrived to the point of being ridiculous.

It is the most painful movie I've had the misfortune to watch.
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A great movie portraying the all female Kings Guard of an African tribe
23 March 2024
This movie is historically set in 1820's Africa. The movie is specifically about the Agooji, an all female elite fighting force and Kings Guard of the Dahomey tribe in the modern country of Benin, Africa. It is used to show the empowerment of women and how they were considered the equal of the male fighter of the same tribe. They fought courageously alongside the men against the enemies of the Dahomey tribe.

The story-line describes how the Agooji and Dahomey tribe fought to defend themselves from other bordering tribes and the slave traders located in the ports. The movie show how tribes would fight and capture people from other tribes and sell them to the slave traders for various goods and weapons. There is however a major historical flaw in that the Dahomey are described as becoming anti-slavery.

The many characters and their place in the complex tribal society of the Dahomey are well developed and portrayed. The story also shows the strong interrelationships between the slave traders and the various tribal groups. It also touches on the British Naval attempts to blockade the slave traders ports.

The movie has many great bloody fight scenes which are well choreographed using the historical weapons of the time. These fights are used to show the battle for survival of the Dahomey tribe against numerically stronger and better armed opposition.

This is a great movie but with a major historical flaw.
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Bones and All (2022)
Hidden Cannibals in Society
21 March 2024
This movie is essentially about people due to their inherited genetic traits having an uncontrolled desire to consume others. The movie follows a young girl who becomes abandoned due to these desires. She becomes a drifter eventually meeting another young man who has the same traits. The movie then follows their struggles to make sense of their lives, their past and how to deal with their desires. It is a different and unusual coming of age movie.

While the story line is generally well written is does gloss over an important detail. The characters are continually committing numerous serious crimes but are never the subject of police investigations. They somehow stay hidden from law enforcement and society in general.

Again, it is movie worth watching if you enjoy the subject at hand and can ignore the main flaw in the movie.
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The Northman (2022)
Vikings in their homelands
21 March 2024
This is a different movie about the Vikings. It focuses on the various kingdoms of the Vikings and the trading and wars between them. The story follows a child prince whose King Father is betrayed by others in the kingdom. He then grows to seek revenge and save those who were lost to him.

The costumes, sets and scenery are first class bringing you back in time to the Viking era and their way of life. The weapons, fight scenes and aftermath portrays the extreme violence of the time in detail. The characters are however underdeveloped with most having no real background or complexity.

A big drawback to this movie is the time spent on the numerous scenes detailing religious ceremonies, spiritual interactions, soothsaying, prophesying and black magic. These can also be confusing at times.

Overall a great Viking movie with a difference.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
A highly enjoyable murder mystery
21 March 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this great movie. It takes a new and different angle on the murder mystery theme. Ben, a writer. Is drawn into the family of a girl he barely knew when she is murdered. Ben initially stays in the hope of writing a story but is slowly drawn into the investigation.

The movie contrasts the differences between a West Texas rural family and a Big City writer. It shows in detail the differences in attitudes, norms, customs and language between Ben and the Texan family. The characters are all well developed as individuals while also being shown to belong to a caring family and community.

I thought acting was great and really brought the different characters to life. The story line was also really well written from a different angle which slowly develops to an unexpected ending.
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A fun action adventure comedy
20 March 2024
A highly entertaining action comedy with Nicholas Cage playing himself and his younger alter ego. It keeps your attention throughout via the different twist and turns which continually occur. The acting of Nicholas Cage is extremely good and provides the driving force behind his own unique character.

Nicholas Cage reminds me of inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther where he succeeds as an undercover agent despite his inherent clumsiness. The comedy elements also centers around awkward and embarrassing situations. The actions scenes are great with plenty of fist fights, car chases, gun fights and explosions.

I thoroughly recommend this different quirky action comedy.
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A great crime drama
20 March 2024
This is a great movie based on a true crime story. A female nurse become inadvertently involved in a police investigation into the death of a patient. She begins to suspect her male colleague may be involved the death and that of a number of other patients.

She becomes conflicted due to his kindness and support to her and her family. He also provides her additional assistance at work and becomes her confidant.

The movie also deals with Hospitals as a money making business, which puts profits ahead of patient safety. The Hospital Boards are shown to actively pursue risk management strategies including delaying and hiding investigations, failure to disclose information and removing employees who may have harmed patients.

The movie also touches on the difficulties which can occur around Health Insurance provided by the employer.

The acting is great and the story line is solid portraying the conflicting priorities of the Police, Hospital Board and Hospital Employees. It is also shows the issues at hand in an insightful and thoughtful manner.
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Barbarian (2022)
Not a Bad Horror Movie, Lacking in Parts
20 March 2024
The is a watchable horror movie with some new ideas and different situations. The suspense and fear of the unknown builds nicely at times.

A big disappointment with this movie is that many of the actions of the characters are completely implausible and illogical. They do no make sense as safety would clearly override curiosity in the situations presented.

Also, the background of the main characters are lacking some detail and could have been developed more. This give you the feeling of not really knowing who they are. This limits your ability to be fully involved in thee precarious situations they find themselves in.

This movie is worth watching as there is enough to keep you interested until the end.
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The Vietnam War through the eyes of a civilian
20 March 2024
A great movie about the Vietnam War. John, as a civilian goes on a beer run to deliver American beer to his friends from his neighborhood fighting in Vietnam. He wants them to know they haven't been forgotten by the people back home. He believes the US governments justification for the war and views it in the same light as World War II. This view is opposed by his sister who is an antiwar protestor.

John's nativity is seen through his complete lack of understanding of the situation. He soon discovers the dangers and difficulties of traveling in a war zone where the front lines are unclear. Despite this he is able to complete his mission and catches up with his neighborhood friends.

During his time in Vietnam he is confronted with the questionable actions of the CIA and army intelligence and the fact many locals are fearful of the American soldiers. His view of journalists reporting on the war changes when he discovers the dangers they face and falsehoods presented by the Army and local Government.

On returning home he reevaluates his beliefs on the Vietnam war after realizing it is far more complicated and unclear than he first thought.
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Pearl (2022)
A movie that keeps you interested to the end
20 March 2024
This movie is about a young girl struggling to living on a farm in 1918. She is isolated from the world by her overprotective and domineering mother and burden by her severely handicapped father. When as a young woman she married into money only for her husband to abandon her to fight in the war. She dreams of stardom as a means of leaving her family and her terrible life behind.

This movie has many diverse people whose different stories all combine to impact upon the young girls feelings of isolation, hope and despair. The characters are all well developed giving you a great feeling of the lives of the individuals within the small rural town and the time period they belong. You are able to see how their different lives cross with that of the young girl leading to unsettling consequences which spirals out of control toward a dramatic conclusion.
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Sisu (2022)
A World War 2 tall story about a Finnish soldier who cannot be killed
25 February 2024
This is an absolute nonsense film about a Finnish soldier in World War 2 who under goes numerous extremely lethal injuries and hardships but remains relatively unscathed. Inexplicably he has the superhuman powers of Captain America, Aqua-man, Jedi Knights and numerous other superheroes.

I cannot emphasis how ridiculous the fights and battles are. They are the worst tall tales you could possibly imagine. It was immensely disappointing and I wish I had not see this film. The acting, special effects and initial premise were good but the script and the directing were absolutely atrocious. I'm surprised the director did not ask for a complete rewrite of the entire script.

I would only recommend this movie if you have an insane belief in the absolute impossible.
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A fake documentary with some reality
16 February 2024
UTuber Joe Saladino makes a semi fake documentary about the exploitative female escort business in Las Vegas. He weaves real life interviews into a story about an undercover investigation involving a fake victim and fake criminals.

Whilst he should be commended for bringing attention to the coercion and exploitation of female escort workers, his self promoting methods distract from this issue.

The acting of Joe and his friends are terrible and the staged fights are laughable. His portrayal of law enforcement is ridiculous and is only there to portray him as some sort of victim.

The only good thing about the movie is the interview with a tremendously brave and dedicated lady who runs a shelter for women looking to leave the industry in which they are caught in. I also found it interesting how escorts agency are shown to circumvent the prostitution laws especially with the hand out cards with confirmation numbers.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
A great horror movie
16 February 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The concept and story line were both great and original. It brings forth the Australian concept of optimism where everything will be right in the end and will workout alright over time.

The characters with this in mind do not see the dangers in what they are doing. They go to the extreme of using the dark power as a party trick to impress others through social media. They believe they can control the dark power but are in the end are confronted with the consequences.

Whilst the majority of the acting is great there are occasions where some actors are shown to be well below par. Also the special effects are lacking when compared to Hollywood blockbusters. However, this is due to being a small budget movie and does not distract from the great story or concept.
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Long Lost Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
A Christmas movie about lost famliy
16 February 2024
This is a Christmas movie about searching for family and also finding love. The story is fairly simple with a number of simple setbacks leading to the expected conclusions.

As with all Hallmark movies the settings are stunningly beautiful. The town, shops, homes and decorations are absolutely perfect. The Christmas trees are presented in a flawless way along with over the top house decorations. The actresses and actors are themselves beautiful and handsome. They are also dressed to perfection and coordinated to the settings in which they appear.

However, this perfection leads to a feeling of living in a fairy tale rather than reality. This is especially felt when every tree and the massive amounts of decorations are store bought costing a small fortune. The characters however bake a few perfect cookies to try and compensate for this disparity and show that they are like real people.

This is a feel good movie but the complete perfection make it very unreal.
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A sweet movie with a ludicrous story
16 February 2024
This is definitely a fairy tale movie, The main character continually meets exceptional good fortune in her quest to fulfill her dream. The events that continuously evolve are extremely unlikely and build upon themselves in a completely unbelievable manner. The story is completely outside the realm of possibility. This is exacerbated by including the Woke theme of a typical white English cleaning lady in the 1950's having a black best friend.

Only watch this movie if you can suspend reality and believe that a poor English cleaning lady in the 50's can influence and save a major company in France. This is also done without having any knowledge of the French Language.

Despite the nonsense story line I found the characters to be very engaging and the acting of a very high standard.
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Utterly Boring Talk Fest with Minimal Fake Sex
11 February 2024
This movie revolves almost entirely around endless extremely boring discussions about family. The full clothed or discreet fake sex lasts a few minutes with flashes of nudity at the end. This move is so boring the main character even talks about in detail her boring son and his boring life. They talk about relationships with their mothers, brother, daughter, son and husband in the most mundane and tediously dull fashion possible. I had to watch this movie over a number of days as I was continually distracted by more interesting things like the dust ball on the floor, how fast my grass was growing and whether I chose the right shade of beige for my walls.

This movie had no relationship to reality particularly in reference how the sex worker was said to be doing noble deeds in his line of work all over the place. The main character was also an extreme example of an oppressive upbringing and marriage which is not the norm.

This movie is only popular due actress playing the main character and the theme of a older lady wanting to find sexual fulfillment. She pays for a male sex worker who inexplicably cares about her more than the most devoted son in the world. This then turns into a dull soap opera about their personal lives and relationships with their families. The theme of sexual awakening is only a pretext to drag in the unsuspecting audience into this nothing of a movie.
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A quirky enjoyable movie ruined by Woke themes.
3 September 2023
This movie, despite it's setting in medieval England, is extremely and unbelievably Woke in nature. The movie is unbelievably about a 14yo Lady, despite being under close supervision and punishment by her Lord father, stopping many arranged marriages and is also about male homosexuality. It is a true fantasy with all the suitors being horrible in different ways and the daughter being able to avoid their arranged proposals. The modern obscene and vulgar language strongly distracts from the era portrayed. The historically inaccurate portrayal of a large number of characters including Ladies as black also destroys the reality of the period portraed5.
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