
67 Reviews
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The Holdovers (2023)
Very disappointing.
2 May 2024
Here are some adjectives I would toss out for this movie: Formulaic, tedious, boring, cliche, monotonous and blah. What is with all the fantastic scores? Did these people see the same movie I did? Why do so many of these scores seem fake, like "best movie ever," "perfect," "new favorite holiday movie," etc...? Give me a break! Full confession: My husband and I could not make it until the end. We were both falling asleep, so we turned it off and watched an old episode of Deep Space 9. What does that tell you?

Yes, I loved Paul Giamatti in Sideways. Sideways was a great movie! It had clever dialogue, lots of dark humor, characters who seemed even care about the main character; a struggling writer who loves wine a little too much. You actually find yourself routing for him. I did not like anyone in this Holdover movie. Okay, the "cook" lady was decent. She was probably the best character. But the grumpy teacher and the obnoxious kid? No thank you!

The movie seemed like it was "trying too hard." Trying too hard to make itself Oscar worthy; trying too hard to be "artsy" and "important," trying too hard to look (and sound) like it's in the 1960's. All that "trying too hard," yet not "trying hard enough" to write an interesting and compelling story with authentic characters and real character development...something you can really sink your teeth into. This movie's dialogue was trite and the plot so unbelievably thin, it almost seems like it was written by an AI. And I would never say that about the plot of Sideways! That's because Sideways was so unique. This movie, alas, seems like it stole a little from here and a little from there and just awkwardly pieced it all together. Doesn't work.

This is all very disappointing, since I was really looking forward to watching this movie. I was so happy when it became available for free! I had high expectations. I even made popcorn! I guess I thought there would be more depth; more interesting personalities; more...something! Even the small attempts at humor seemed incredibly contrived. This movie just meanders along in a very tedious way. There is nothing unique about it. I would not recommend it, unless you are suffering from insomnia. I think I'll go watch Sideways now. Even the music in this movie is terrible! This is the sixties, man! Play some cool music from that time...there's lots to choose from!
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Poor Things (2023)
Still not sure what I think of this bizarre movie!
15 April 2024
I've read that either you love this movie or you hate it, but honestly...I feel like I'm right in the middle. I respect the unique and artistic and out and out bizarre aspects of the film....the surreal dream-like photography and scenery, the crazy clothes with the sleeves puffed out a mile, the intrusive and odd music...but also felt grossed-out many times while watching, even going so far as to turn the movie off in disgust...only to turn it back on again the next day out of sheer curiosity. This movie reminds me of a bad accident you can't look away from.

Honestly, though. It's not all bad, and that's the truth. It's just very, very weird. Surreal. The whole thing resembles a surreal piece of artwork. You stare at it and wonder if you like it or hate it, but one thing is for sure. You can't look away!

This movie is like a "female Frankenstein" sort of theme. A dead woman (Emma Stone) is brought back to life (by a "mad" scientist) with the aid of her baby's brain after a suicide is attempted, and I know. That sounds super weird to begin with! But that's just the beginning, trust me. So, at first, you have this grown woman staggering around with a baby's brain inside her head.

I didn't realize the whole "world" would be surreal in this movie; the sky, the scenery (looks like something the AI art generator would spit out), the buildings, the boat, the other people...but yes, it is. And you might think that's super strange at first, but it's really the only way this movie would work. Honestly, I thought the movie would be about a very strange girl trying to fit into a perfectly normal world. But no...that's not quite how it is.

Because this girl has a baby's brain and then a toddler's brain, her head, she is sort of amusing to watch. The disjointed child-like way she talks, walks and thinks are all strangely funny. Obviously, at first, she knows nothing of the real world outside of her odd mansion she shares with the mad scientist (played by Wilhem Defoe).

But time goes on...she discovers a certain (pleasurable) thing about herself! And when I say "thing," I mean...well, you can probably figure out what I mean. And yes, that was one of the "gross" parts I turned off. But then, as I said, I turned it back on right the next day.

There's a man in the story (he is like the mad scientist's "helper") who agrees to marry this girl (Bella). The mad scientist encourages this marriage, thinking it will be good for Bella and "keep her safe." But then a "bad man" (played by Mark Ruffalo) enters the picture, and he is someone who just wants to "use" Bella for his own sick and perverted pleasures.

Bella is interested in this "bad man" because she wants to get out and explore life and she's feeling a bit trapped in the mansion at this point. Plus, he "excites" her, if you get my drift. So she leaves with the Mark Ruffalo character and then a whole bunch of adventures (misadventures?) happen. In the process, she learns about the world, life, good and bad people, and most of all, herself.

So. Is this a good story? Well, it's almost too bizarre to judge. Mostly what sticks out from this movie is the over-the-top strangeness. (And yes, if you have a problem with a ton of sex and nudity in your movies, do NOT watch this. And please, do not let your kids anywhere near it)! On the other hand, the sex does seem to sort of "fit" in the theme of the movie, so I don't know if you would label it "gratuitous." It certainly isn't airbrushed "sexy" sex, if you know what I mean. Hardly!

And I have to give all the actors credit for even attempting such a project, and most of all, Emma Stone. What she did is amazing; pulling this off. That must not have been easy. (Most of my five stars are for her)! So, if you aren't afraid of abject weirdness and tons of sex and nudity, go for it! Watch this movie and judge for yourself. Even if it's not one of my favorite movies (the plot is very thin, no doubt) I'm still glad I saw it. It's worth seeing just for the surreal aspects. Let me just say.... I've never seen anything like it before, and probably never will again. It's not really like a movie.

It's more like an...experience!
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It Goes Nowhere (and then somewhere it shouldn't)
15 April 2024
Okay, so why am I reviewing such an old movie? Well, I just happened to run across it on Netflix and decided, what the heck. It's got two really great actors, so let's give it a whirl. But wow, what a disappointment! And by the way, I don't really blame the actors. We need to go back to the source. The Writing.

Here's the gist of the movie: Two upper class married (happily married) individuals meet on a train. Then they bump into each other at a very crowded bookstore (why are there such huge swarming crowds in this movie?) at Christmas time. They gaze into each other's eyes. She smiles cutely. There's....chemistry. Supposedly (although I never feel it).

Then they "bump" into each other again, and decide they really like each other, I guess. And they want to get to know each other better. You know...have an affair. Even though they're both happily married. Okay, there's your plot. That's it! Incredibly simplistic. The characters themselves are very simplistic and one-dimensional. We never really get to know anyone in this movie, at all. Such a lack of personality, overall. Maybe if both characters had more quirky or unique personalities, that would have helped a movie with such a simplistic plot.

Anyway, I won't give spoilers, although there are really no spoilers to tell since hardly anything happens in this whole movie! These two keep "bumping into" each other...which turns into "scheduled meetings." They stroll around China Town playing Tic-Tac-Toe with a chicken (one of the most interesting parts of the movie...ha) they meet for coffee, stand on top of high rises, then finally...they kiss! Still not feeling the chemistry, though.

And they discuss "having an affair" with each of their respective friends. The thing is.... WHY? It seems to be a case of "the grass is always greener," if you ask me. These two people seem to have ZERO in common!

It's one thing if a couple met, say...on a train, and they were both married, but they were both struggling writers, so maybe they have that in common, and they start talking about their trials and tribulations with writing, and then it grows into something. Okay, that we could all understand, say, if it starts with friendship...then leads to an "emotional affair," and then grows to a physical one.

However, that is not the case! So....could it just be sex? Are these two strangers both super sex starved looking to get......? That does not seem to be the issue, either. If you want a "sexy" movie, this is not it! The movie moves at a glacial pace, by the way. No...this old movie is more about...are you Yes, love! How ridiculous! These two strangers actually think they LOVE each other, and they don't KNOW each other, at all!

It all seems very "seventh grade." Now here's another thing. If the movie had explored (in some depth) certain problems each of the stars were experiencing with their current marriages, maybe us viewers could also understand why they were looking for some form of "escapism" from their lives. And that would have made the movie way more interesting. But....this is not the case, either!

In fact, Robert Di Nero's wife in particular seems like a wonderful wife! She's nice to him, she holds dinner for him when he's late, she doesn't even get mad when Di Nero's character says he can't take the boys to a Yankees game like he promised! What wife would be this understanding? Plus, she has a great smile. And THIS is the person you are plotting to cheat against, buddy? That makes zero sense to me! Plus, Di Nero and his wife have two young boys who are counting on him.

Streep's husband in the movie also seems decent, although they don't show him very much. He's a doctor and he seems to really care about his wife. matter. These two idiots, Frank and Molly (I think those are their names) are willing to through everything away for some stupid chance encounter fantasy! Wow. I kept thinking, who would be this stupid? And then Streep's character risks her life rushing to see Di Nero...she almost gets creamed in a fatal car accident on a rainy road...practically gets run over by a train....oh, please! Is this supposed to be....romantic? Give me a break!

If you want to watch a really decent "cheating" movie.... I mean, something with a bit more suspense and substance...I would certainly suggest Fatal Attraction...or even Unfaithful with Richard Geer. Both of these movies are so much more interesting! Or hey, even that other movie with Meryl Streep in Iowa and Clint Eastwood and cheating, called The Bridges of Madison County. All three of these movies have way more substance (sorry to be so negative, but it's true) than this movie.
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Wonka (2023)
2 Points for some Pretty CG!
15 March 2024 This movie was disappointingly tedious and boring. I almost fell asleep a few times. I sort of couldn't wait for it to end! I never felt this way watching the other two Willy Wonkas. And wow, I had really been looking forward to seeing this movie.

You hardly ever hear anyone talk about the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka version, and I have to admit. I liked it! It was so weird and quirky and strange and downright funny...including some very interesting back story that the first Willy Wonka movie didn't have. Don't get me wrong. Like everyone else, I adore the first movie; the Gene Wilder version. However, UNlike everyone else...I also adore the Johnny Depp version, just as much! So I'm not opposed to new things being made and using different people, etc... However, this new Wonka movie? It just didn't captivate.

This new Wonka movie wasn't fun, like the others. It wasn't unique and funny and entertaining. It was just sort of generic and soul-less. With the other versions, Willy Wonka is sort of an off-putting character...not very socially adept. But I think that's what makes him so interesting! There's this sort of "dark side" to him, which makes him say unexpected things. He's not predictable.

Now in this new movie, the Willy Wonka character is syruppy nice. Friendly and happy and incredibly social with everyone, and it's like...wait a minute. This isn't the Willy Wonka we all know! How did he go from this amiable lovable guy to this weird anti-social hermit chocolate creator?

Now if that had been the story arc of this prequel movie, maybe I could have accepted that. Like...what happens that makes this Wonka character the strange, almost sinister person he becomes in the movies we all know and love? But not expect any interesting story arc like that, or you will be as disappointed as I was.

This new movie isn't about Willy Wonka being clever and creative and coming up with all sorts of machines to make his crazy candy. this movie that all comes so easily due to some unexplainable magical powers Willy Wonka evidently possesses. Like, he can just wave his hand and make flying candy appear! He puts no work or effort into it, at all.

Then there's all the cringey songs, like this some sort of scrubbed clean Ice-capades show. And what was with that weird "new" past they show us, of when Willy Wonka was a little kid? Where is Willy Wonka's abusive dentist father? Why did they just take that out?

And yea...that whole story with the orphan girl? Horrible! This isn't supposed to be a movie about some orphan girl. It's like the writers weren't even sure what movie they were writing! Make a different movie about a poor orphan girl if you're so hot to do that. Oh wait. We already have one. Annie. And this girl in this movie? Zero personality! Yawn!

This movie was supposed to be about Willy Wonka and what led up to him running his candy factory and living like a hermit! Or at least I thought.

Okay, so you can I wasn't happy with the movie. And ONE Oompa-Loompa? We all KNOW there was MORE than one! Even if that Oompa-Loompa is Hugh Grant, and by the way, I just thought that was weird. I mean, I wasn't seeing an Oompa-Loompa, I was seeing a tiny orange Hugh Grant, for pete's sake!

So.... I say skip it. It's really just that bad. There's no charm or cleverness or Willy Wonka-ness about it! It doesn't feel like Willy Wonka, at all. And I'm sorry to say that, I really am. After all, I was really looking forward to this movie!
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
I'm not even sure why I gave this one star...
6 March 2024
An English-speaking giant spider who travels the universe playing "psychologist" to a lonely and depressed astronaut? If this seems like an interesting and plausible plot to you, then be my guest and watch this movie. If not...well, you have been warned.

First of all, this movie is not a Sci-fi. It's pure fantasy! There are no "real" elements of science in this thing, at all. So just know what you're getting into. And, is definitely NOT a comedy, so don't expect that! It is non-stop dreary music (worse than Lifetime channel music) and "exploring negative feelings and emotions." Blah!

Boring...slow moving...absolutely ZERO tension. Along with making zero sense and having zero purpose! Unless I missed something....some deeper meaning somewhere? I don't know. I just don't get it. How do these truly terrible and nonsensical screenplays get turned into movies? Did an AI write this? No. I think an AI would have done a better job!

Adam Sandler is supposedly an astronaut on a mission around Jupitar to study some big pink cloud of dust. He is alone on this mission, which seems odd. Why would they send one person? Plus, he has a wife who is pregnant, left back on Earth. Okay...what? This is weird on so many levels. I mean, how long does it take to get to Jupiter? I'm no astronomer, but doesn't it take longer than 9 months? Is this movie taking place in the future, where they have warp speed or something? I don't know...the spaceship looked sort of old fashioned, to me. And...hello! Adam Sandler and that woman appear way too old to be having a baby! I mean, c'mon! And what was with his wife? All she did was walk around whining and crying. No interesting or realistic personality, whatsoever. Didn't she ever have anything to DO? No dishes, work, hobbies...nothing??? Just endless free time to wander around crying. Imagine that!

And ...getting back to the alien spider...if we're going to introduce an alien, why not have it actually LOOK like an alien? Why would this creature resemble a common Earth creature? It should have some sort of unfamiliar shape! And there should have been some "language interpreting translating device" so at least it would be a little more believable that the two occupants of the spaceship could communicate.

I think the movie was trying very hard to be "artistic" so therefore (I guess the thinking goes) it doesn't need to make any sense. There's really no plot. No story. I think we're just supposed to fall "in love" with the cute cuddly alien spider who loves eating hazelnut spread out of a jar. We're supposed to go, "Awwww! Isn't he cute?" like we all did with E. T. However, unlike E. T., it just doesn't work. With E. T. there was comedy, hope, energy, cuteness, tension, etc...all elements of a good movie that are lacking here.

So...the question of the hour...would I recommend this movie? NO. WARNING! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!! Imagine flashing red lights here. Unless you want to watch just to see how bad it is!
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The Amaranth (2018)
Not the worst movie...but definitely not the best, either
13 February 2024
We open our movie with a retirement village. But not the usual sort with smallish homes and bingo at the rec center. This is a retirement village for very well-to-do folks, obviously. We are introduced to the "main couple," an older man and his (supposedly) younger wife (although she never looked as young as everyone was insinuating that she was).

The house this couple will now be living in is gorgeous. Actually, I think the house was the star of the movie! Just beautiful...wonderfully decorated. Yea, the house was great! The rest of the movie? Well, it was weird and slow. But intriquing enough for me to keep watching.

The woman in charge of showing the couple around is stressing how many great activities there are to participate in at this retirement community. Golf, swimming, etc...and the grounds, just like the house, are absolutely gorgeous.

But there's a vibe. A mysterious sort of "something creepy is going on here" vibe. But not too creepy. Not like "horror movie creepy." Just more...mysterious. The old people who live at this place are strangely energetic for their ages. Also, strangely sexual. So, that doesn't add up.

Then there's the "butler" the couple is assigned...a really nice guy who keeps giving the man and the woman odd looks, like he "knows something they don't." Well...that's because he does.

After the woman's husband has a stroke (or maybe it was a heart attack) the husband is taken to the hospital in the development. After he returns home, he's changed! Suddenly, he has a ton more energy, whereas before, he barely wanted to leave the house. Plus...he always wants to have sex with his wife! He wants to go to parties and he even flirts with other old women. the nice butler has mysteriously vanished, replaced by someone else!

What's going on here? Of course, I won't tell you, because that would give "everything" away. But I will say, it's not all that interesting. In fact, the "reveal" is a bit of a let-down.

I don't believe this is a movie I would ever watch again, once I know what "the secret" is. That was the whole thing that kept me glued in the first place....wanting to find out what was going on. And now that I know...

Anyway, would I recommend this movie? Yea, maybe for one viewing and one viewing only. The acting is okay, and like I said...the scenery is beautiful! The main character, the woman, was a bit unlikable I thought...unfortunately. Perhaps if they had chosen another actress, that would have made a difference. She has a very annoying voice.

Also, they should have added some more "action" to this maybe someone having an affair or something, just to kick it up. Oh well. The one word that comes to mind when I think of this movie is "weird." And maybe "slow." But yea...for one single viewing if you have nothing else to do, it's not bad.
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If I could give this movie a zero, I would!
23 January 2024
This movie is like torture. Unless you enjoy watching bratty rude kids running wild in the street, spitting on cars, and shouting obscenities at people. (Gee, what fun). Don't get me wrong. I don't mind kids in a movie. But these kids are like the total OPPOSITE of cute!

I don't understand the reason for this horrible piece of trash to even exist. Why, why, why? And what is with all the high scores? They have to be fake reviews, there's no other explanation! Or maybe people think we're supposed to "care" about these awful people living on the fringes of Disney World, so that's why they award the high (undeserving) score...just to prove they do.

Unfortunately, the lack of character development and the trashy vulgar lazy personalities of all involved (aside from Wilhem Defoe's character) makes it impossible for you to care about any of these horrible people. Plus, the movie goes absolutely nowhere.

The plot (or NON plot, I should say) involves an incredibly unlikable lazy and trashy woman who is the mother or her equally horrible and trashy daughter, a little girl of about six, who runs wild with a band of almost "feral" children around these cheap hotels in Florida. The mother is trying to hustle her way through life in order to pay the rent on her crappy room where she lays around smoking and doing a whole bunch of nothing. Certainly not parenting!

This woman is so incredibly unlikable, swearing around her child while encouraging the child to be equally rude and disrespectful to everyone. That's what's so hard to take in this movie (besides the lack of plot and everything else). The total disrespect for others, along with the way this mother is actually teaching her daughter to disrespect people! It's cringe-worthy to watch. And, since there's really zero plot along with the one-dimensional, unlikable characters, the movie gets so tedious.

If there was some great epiphany that happens...maybe the mother could realize that this is NOT the way to raise a decent human being who can grow up to be a productive member of society, and things start to turn around at some point...if there was just a tiny little inkling that the little girl had some good in her...some empathy for others...something positive, that would have helped, as well (like, say, Kevin from Home Alone, or even the little girl in that new movie, The Baker, who saves a bug and wants to make sure her grandfather uses his seatbelt so he stays safe).

But no...we are not given that. The child is just unlikable. The mother is unlikable. Their personalities (or lack thereof) just fall flat. We're left feeling sort of weary and tired of it all and we just don't care about the people in the movie...which is just as well, since they obviously don't care about anyone else.

I can certainly understand why people walked out of the preview of this movie. In the spirit of total transparency, I could not finish it. I could not be tortured any longer. Does that epiphany ever come? I doubt it. I stopped caring if it did. It's just all so...tedious. There isn't even any cute or witty humor. Just a big fat tacky big purple saturated color nothing. I'll tell you one thing. This movie sure makes me never want to go to Florida again!

I get it. This is supposed to be a movie about those poor people "living on the fringes." And that's fine, as a screenplay idea. I've seen a bunch of good movies that have this sort of theme. But give us viewers something to hang onto. Some heart and least some charm and humor. Somebody to route for. Some hope, something positive. SOMETHING besides two hours of drippy gross ice-cream and bratty kids! Do I recommend this movie? I even need to answer that?
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Tarzan: The Legend of a really Horrible Movie!
22 January 2024
Wow, what was that I just watched? That wasn't Tarzan, was it? Granted, I'm no big Tarzan-type fan. Never read the book. My husband wanted to watch this so I thought, okay, how bad can it be? Apparently, very bad!

We had recently watched the 1984 version of Tarzan and I found it a bit tedious and long-winded, trying super hard to be serious at times. However, to its credit, it still seemed like it was capturing the time frame and the essence of the original story...or at least, how I always thought of Tarzan, the jungle man.

Therefore, I figured the 2016 version would really get it right and be a lot better than the 1984 version. I sure was wrong about that!

I guess in 2016, the only thing that's important is making your CGI look like a video game. Not realistic, at all! It's like they just want everyone to be so wowed by how magnificent the CG looks. In the meanwhile, they are forgetting about developing an interesting story that keeps you hooked, along with engaging character development and emotions and feelings between characters that actually seem genuine. (Tarzan and his wife Jane? I wasn't feeling it...not in the least! It's almost like they were two strangers).

Scaarsgard and the woman who plays Jane were both incredibly blah characters. Zero personality for both and no energy. No charisma. No nothing. How are you supposed to care about characters who have zero personality? Answer: You don't!

And the Samuel L. Jackson character? Totally out of place! Not funny at all, and not representative of the time-frame Tarzan is supposed to take place. He made it all seem like one big unfunny joke, at that. More like Django Unchained, Tarzan style! Just...annoying, and completely out-of-place. The movie is trying so hard to be bad-asx and "cool." Why? That doesn't make it interesting or good or entertaining or engaging to watch.

The plot? What plot? I couldn't even follow it. And then, I stopped even caring about following it. And the animals? Not a single one looks realistic. It's so CG'd up, almost like they didn't WANT it to look realistic!

I was bored, irritated and stressed watching this. I just wanted it to be over. My husband pretended to like it...I think because it's Tarzan. He kept insisting, "It's not so bad..." and then proceeded to spend the bulk of the movie on his phone.

If you want a good version of Tarzan, watch the Disney animated version. It's cute and funny with wonderful artwork. That's my advice. Or even make some popcorn and commit yourself to sitting through the 1984 version. But definitely skip this movie!
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The Baker (II) (2022)
Not Terrible.
21 January 2024
I watched this movie all the way through, which something! It's not great and it's not terrible. Something in between, which I guess explains my score of "6." As someone else already said, it's good to watch once.

I think Ron Pearlman does a decent acting job in this. He is believable in the part. In the movie, he is trying to find his "bad guy" son who has abandoned his little girl (Ron Pearlman's granddaughter) with the Ron Pearlman character at his bakery.

Now of course, Ron Pearlman, a retired gangster, has no experience with children, and didn't even know he had a granddaughter. To add a weird twist, the little girl (of about eight, who loves sparkly unicorns) does not speak...and hasn't spoken since her mother died.

Okay, so there we have our plot. It's sort of cliche, but that's what we've got. Most of the movie takes place between Ron Pearlman and the little girl...with some assorted bad guys tossed in and a female cop. Anyway, I feel the movie would have been more interesting if the little girl had talked. Then there could have been some "back and forth" between the Ron Pearlman character and the girl which would have added more personality and maybe even a little humor to the movie.

They probably didn't want the hassle of needing the girl to memorize lines or whatever, so they took the easy way out and just made her a temporary mute. So yea...I think that would have made the movie a lot more interesting if she just TALKED!

Anyway, like I said, the movie is okay. It's watchable, it's easy to follow and understand (which nowadays, is saying a lot). it once, that's my advice. Don't expect too much. But it does have some cute moments, along with some action (if that's what you're into)!
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Tully (2018)
This is no Juno!
13 January 2024
Well, this movie would serve well as "birth control." I can't imagine anyone wanting to have kids after watching it! Actually, It made me very glad I chose to have just one.

I watched this movie because I wanted to watch a film by Diablo Cody...being that I enjoyed Juno so much. I mean, Juno is funny and quirky (there's that word!) and energetic...and yea, weird. But we forgive the "weird" because it's just so funny, quirky and energetic! It's hard to not like the Juno character. She's "larger than life."

This movie, on the other hand, is way more dark and depressing. Charlize Theron's character Marlo, an incredibly depressed mom of three, is just so UNlikable. In fact, she seems to possess zero personality, at least at first. You don't even feel badly for her. You just don't like her. Her husband, portrayed by Ron Livingston, is just as dull.

Dull and depressing...the buzz words of this movie. And yet...I kept watching, just to see what would happen. That's why I gave the movie 6 stars, because it kept me "tuned in." If I really don't feel a connection with a movie, I'll just turn it off. So, there you go...6 stars because I stuck with it until the end.

However, make no mistake...the end was disappointing! I feel it was just sort of "rushed"...tying a neat bow around everything. The dialogue in this movie seems somewhat wooden and fake. Plus, like I said, there are no likable characters. Now the "night nanny," Tully, does have some personality, at least. (As an aside, who has ever heard of a night nanny? Wouldn't most of the work of a nanny be done during the bathing, cooking, playing with the kids, etc...? I just thought that was pay a nanny when the baby is sleeping most of the time except when the baby wakes up to nurse...and the mom needs to get up for that, anyway...or the dad if the baby is bottle-fed. Just saying)!

Then really weird things happen with this twenty-six year old "night nanny" comes to the house. She's way too breezy and "free-spirited, like some sort of fantasy sprite...claiming she's "there to take care of Marlo, too...not just the baby." She befriends Marlo and they get really close. Suddenly, Marlo seems a lot more content...happy, even. (There's a weird sex scene with Marlo's husband, Marlo and the nanny which is creepy and disturbing....but that's all I can tell you about that)!

Now, strange things happen here and there. For instance, Marlo keeps having a dream about being underwater....and mermaids keep factoring in, so you wonder...what's up with that? Is it some sort of clue? Is there a fantasy element here? Something other-wordly?

Then, near the end, Marlo just leaves the house at night without telling her husband so her and Tully can go have a drink somewhere in the city and enjoy the nightlife. Now I ask...what kind of mom would do that? That definitely didn't seem right to me. Well, keep watching until the end, and you will figure out the "twist" (which I'm not allowed to say here). But maybe you won't figure it out. I wasn't exactly sure, so I had to ask the chat AI what the twist was, and then I found out what I expected all along.

Okay, enough rambling. Would I recommend this movie? That's a tough one. Not really....maybe if you're really bored and have Netflix so you can watch it for free. I wouldn't watch it again, whereas I've watched Juno a number of times. I wouldn't watch it again because it just isn' There isn't a lot of comedy in this movie. Not a lot of funny lines or amusing sarcasm and wit. I don't feel you should give up yourself to be a mom. I mean, doesn't this woman have any hobbies or interests? She does sort of come across as an empty husk, so yea...maybe that's why she's depressed.

We also get a sense that she misses her younger "party" days and that just seems sad. Anyway, where was I. Oh...recommending the movie. Yea, probably if you've had kids you can relate to it more. However, bear in mind... it's no Juno!
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Hard Eight (1996)
I give this movie a hard 6!
9 January 2024
This movie starts out with promise. You think...oh, something deep and insightful is going to happen! There's going to be a magical cool evolution of the relationship between this old gambler dude and this young loser type guy. You think these characters are going to be fleshed out and you're really going to get to know what makes them tick. Or maybe there's going to be some great heist at a casino, or a big winning streak that leads to...something. But....if you think that, you would be wrong. Because nothing much really happens, and the characters never really evolve, and you don't ever feel like you really get to know what makes them tick!

That being said...this movie is watchable enough for one viewing...(or even another viewing, if you feel you missed something the first time). The acting is decent enough. For some reason, it's not boring, although for the life of me I'm not sure why. I mean, it SHOULD be boring considering there really isn't much of a story, at all! It just sort of drifts along....picking up Gwyneth Paltrow's character at some point...(she plays a depressed cocktail watress at the casino).

But the characters are never really developed. We don't understand their motives, and a lot of the time, their motives don't even make any sense. The characters are not very likable, especially Gwyneth Paltrow's character who has absolutely no personality or energy or ambition or anything. Actually, none of these characters seem to have any ambition. They're just floating through life. And they get comped rooms and meals every single day? That's a little hard to swallow. What is their purpose? We don't really know! Is there a story arc? I'm not sure.

Perhaps this movie could have used a "Voice-over" from one of the characters...probably Sidney, the main character, since the other two characters don't seem very bright. Some narration and revealing of inner thoughts might have helped give this movie a little more depth. I understand there is a big "secret" that is kept until the very end, which of course I can't reveal here. But it just feels awkwardly tagged on at the last moment. Perhaps some flashbacks would have helped so we could understand the gist of what happened in the past (because yes, something big happened) and then we could have a little more understanding of why it happened?

So, would I recommend this movie? Sure, if you enjoy movies that take place with a casino type background. Just don't expect too much. And here's another thing...why all the over-acting at the craps table? People (in real life) at a craps table do NOT act like this!!! Movies and shows always get that wrong.
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Younger (2015–2021)
As addictive as junk-food!
7 January 2024
Is this show great? No. Does it have a ton of silliness and unbelievability to it? Yes. Do they try too hard sometimes to present the "dorky 40-year-olds" versus the "super irritating (yet infinitely cooler) millennials? Absolutely! Does Sutton Foster look 26? Of course not! But do you know what I say to all that? SO WHAT! This is just a fun entertaining light-hearted show, and I can't stop binge-watching it!

I find this show is like a bag of potato-chips. You can't just have one! You want to keep on going until you feel sort of sick (from greasy bad-for-you junk food) and the bag is almost empty. I watched this show a few years ago, and just recently discovered it on Hulu and decided to watch it again. And I'm having so much fun with it...even the second time around!

Is this show as good as Sex and the City (which it has been compared to)? No. Absolutely not. Sex and the City had amazing insight, incredible humor and wonderful character development. Younger is definitely more in the strictly silly entertainment category. But sometimes you need that. And yet, for a silly comedy, it actually does have some character development. Plus, the relationships amongst the woman are solid, which is nice to see. Especially lately, when it seems like there aren't a lot of good shows out there geared specifically for women.

As far as Sutton Foster (who plays the main character Liza..(.a 40-year-old divorced woman lying about her age to make it in the cut-throat publishing industry in New York) not looking 26, well here's the thing. She's 40. She is a 40 year old woman trying to LOOK 26, via her clothes and make-up, hair, attitude, etc.... So it actually makes more sense that she really looks older, although I don't think she looks least not in the first season. More like 30-something. If they had hired a younger person to play the main say, a real 26 year old, then everyone would be complaining that the main character doesn't look 40! Besides, it's fiction. You just have to "go with it." How she really looks isn't even the point. The point is the cr...p women have to deal with in the world.

Others have complained that a 40-year-old wouldn't be so dorky when it comes to technology, and I have to agree with that. Then again, that "take" on things just adds to the comedy of the show! They do present the "millenials" on the program as being especially annoying, and they may be over-doing the "annoying factor." (I have a daughter who acts nothing like the young people on this show). Then again...that just adds to the humor. Sometimes, the show itself is trying to be "too cool" with its dumb music and idiotic clothes, but the good news is that the whole story is actually seen through the eyes of an "older woman" (yes, 40 is "old" in this show) so that makes it all so much more watchable if you yourself are not a millenial! (And don't forget...Carrie Bradshaw also had some crazy outfits on Sex and the City)!

It could be that I enjoy the show because it deals with publishing; a maddingly elusive industry that I have tried to push my way into with various things I've written. I love to see how cut-throat and commercial this industry is which makes me happy that I switched over to art instead of writing! (The only writing I do anymore is for reviews...whoo, what a relief)! So have the main character lying about her age in an industry that demands youth (and I used to think that was just the fashion and make-up industries and Hollywood, but oh well) and you also have interesting side-plots with the side characters who you get to know very well...along with Liza's various relationships...and then you have the over-riding publishing stuff going on, like Liza's company trying to sign a certain author who is very eccentric...there's a lot going on. The episodes zip by quickly, and want another, and another. It's addictive! And I always seem to laugh at something while I'm watching. There are a lot of funny lines.

So yes, I would recommend this show, but don't expect anything really deep and insightful. It's strictly just for fun. But is good. I gave the show 8 stars for the fun factor! I believe the show set out to be a fun watch, and it accomplishes that.
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Excellent NON-boring history show!
4 January 2024
This is a shame, there are so few reviews for such an excellent and in-depth mini-series like this! There are all these truly awful shows that get thousands of reviews....oh well.

Normally, I am not some sort of history buff. Let's make that clear from the get-go. But honestly, this series of 6 episodes about 6 modern-day dictators is really, really interesting! A lot of history shows are boring and dry. However, the way they wrote these episodes using illustrations along with real footage and clever narration, makes them anything but boring. Put it this way...I was not bored once. (and lately, I'm getting bored quite easily from all the bad TV shows circulating about).

If you ask me, teachers should show these episodes in high school history class.

There was a cleverness about the style in which the shows were written....sort of "tongue and cheek" with the whole "playbook idea." Like (taking a page from the playbook) if you want to be a dictator, you must Reign Through Terror, and then the show would go on to present examples of how a certain dictator did just that. There were also examples of propaganda and how the general population can be complicit in the rise of these dictators.

Of course, I knew about Hussein and Hitler and had heard of Stalin and the North Korean guys. But I didn't know so much about Mussolini and the African dictators, Gaddafi and Idi Amin, so that was educational. Disturbingly educational, yes, but still very interesting. It's frightening how these rulers can come to exist and how people will be brainwashed to just go along with them...or maybe they know they have no choice but to go along with them or they'll be killed!

Anyway, I would recommend this show...even to people who claim they aren't interested in history. Unfortunately, those people will probably not be coming here to read any reviews! My only complaint was that they didn't have more episodes. Like, what about that guy in Syria?
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A relaxing movie...Maybe too relaxing?
1 January 2024
This movie is fine. That's about the word for it. Fine. Nothing more, nothing less. It's a story about a woman (Jennifer Lopez) going to live with her father in law (Robert Redford) and bringing her daughter (the man's granddaughter, who he doesn't even know he has) because the man she (J. Lo) was living with was beating her up.

Now, here are two catches: The man (Robert Redford) blames his daughter in law for his son's death in a car accident, in the past. Plus, the man is taking care of another farmer (played by Morgan Freeman) who was attacked by a bear. And yes....we see the bear running loose in the beginning of the film, and then being captured and kept in a big cage somewhere in this small Wyoming town. Okay, so there you go. There's about the gist of the whole movie.

Basically, this is a story of "forgiveness." Can the man forgive the woman for the accidental death of his son? And can the other man forgive the bear for attacking him? Can J. Lo forgive the man she was living with for beathing her up? (Don't worry. That's a hard "no." But that isn't really the main point of the story).

At first, the story does sort of "suck you in." It has a "realistic" feel to it. You get expectations. Something deep and insightful is going to happen! There's some tension! The man does not want his daughter in law (and his granddaughter) staying with him, so there's tension there. We also find out that the man who was beating up the woman has tracked her down and is now stalking her in Wyoming. More tension! But slowly, the grandfather warms up to the granddaughter...the daughter in law gets a job in a restaurant...and things just sort of slowwww waaaay down. The tension becomes very minimal. It's not enough! Not enough is happening!

And in a way, I guess that's how the movie is supposed to be. It's more of a "slice of life" movie...not an adventure movie...not a clever movie with tons of witty dialogue and character development. Just a gentle "slice of life." Morgan Freeman is good, as usual. He adds an interesting quirk to the otherwise somewhat bland movie (as does the bear). But, like I said. It's not enough. We need "more!"

Here's another thing. I have a problem with the Jennifer Lopez character just suddenly "ending up" with the sheriff. There is no build-up to this relationship. One second, she asks him for a ride home. The next second, they are a "couple." That felt disingenuous to me. And what about the young girl? We don't really get to know her. Doesn't she get bored living on this farm? Doesn't she need friends her own age? What about school?

This is a movie where narration or a "voice-over" would have come in handy. I think a voice-over from the girl might have worked well. Or from the woman. Or the grandfather. Or Morgan Freeman. Or maybe the bear (just kidding)! But some inner thoughts from SOMEONE to give the movie a little more feeling and depth and insight (and maybe even humor) would have helped a lot.

I would recommend watching this movie is you are just looking for something very relaxing. Maybe have a cup of coffee handy...a big bowl of popcorn...but no pillows, or you may fall asleep. No, seriously...the movie is mostly good. Just a bit slow, like I said. Just a bit too...mellow. But perhaps I prefer slightly more "edginess" to my movies. Oh well.
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Hey, God...I have a newsflash. Are you there? This movie is boring!
27 December 2023
There are some books geared for younger readers that are turned into movies with wonderful results. Harry Potter comes to mind. Then there are others. Like, Are you there God, it's me Margaret.

There wasn't enough substance of plot in this book to spin it into an interesting movie. There is basically no conflict. No tension. No story. There isn't even any character development to speak of since the characters are all completely one-dimensional.

I understand this used to be a very popular coming-of-age its day. But honestly. That day is gone. Who is the demographic for this movie? Older woman who read this book in the past? There isn't enough sophistication to make it interesting for them. Young tween girls and those on the brink of tweendom nowadays? They will be bored to death, since this generation of girls is so much more sophisticated and advanced due to technology, Smart phones, the Internet, streaming, etc...

There have been other "young person in the past" stories, like The Wonder Years and A Christmas Story....which are very enjoyable to watch. But these had an added element. There was an adult (of the child) voice-over narration throughout. The voice-over provides a retrospective "take" on everything that's going on, while adding much needed levity and humor, sophisticated sarcasm...and yes, insight.

The main character (sorry to say) has zero personality. I'm not blaming the actress. This is just how the book (screenplay) was written. The only character with personality is the girl Nancy...but even that character is basically a one-trick pony (but I must say, the young actress playing her did a wonderful job). The parents? Blah! The father is practically non-existent and the mother is way too smiley and nice...hence, boring! Way too "Hallmarky" for my taste. Mothers and daughters that age fight! They disagree! That's what's normal.

The religion stuff in the movie? Boring. Like...who cares? The "are you there God" little monologues? It feels like they were just "shoved in" because the audience expected it. They didn't really "fit" and seemed somewhat awkward.

And that group the girls had...the "no socks" group? All these young girls care about is increasing their "bust" size and getting their period and writing the names of boys that they like? Wow. This movie could set girls back 60 years with that retro way of thinking! These girls had no hobbies or real goals (beyond increasing their bra size and getting their period) whatsoever? Nobody was into sports or art or animals or music or books? That's really sad!

And that girl who is supposed to be their age in the movie, but looks like she's really 22? What was up with that?

It's obvious I was disappointed by this movie. I know this was a "classic coming-of-age" book for its time, and I guess I just expected...more. The book does not translate well into modern times. Therefore, it's time to just let it go. It didn't feel "realistic."

You don't feel engaged with the main character...or any of the characters. You are well aware, throughout, that they are all just acting and reading scripts. If you want a better coming-of-age movie, may I suggest watching Eighth Grade? It's much more realistic.
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This is just fun entertainment; it doesn't need to be perfect.
24 December 2023
Okay, so I liked it. Guilty! I just rewatched this 2010 movie the other day, and found myself sitting there laughing and having fun. Just like when I watched the show. Is it cringey at times? Absolutely! Is it flat out ridiculous at times! A great big giant YUP! But so what? It's FICTION! And it's just supposed to be fun! And...that's what it was. Fun.

The best part of this movie is the beginning (and no...I don't mean the silly over-the-top wedding, although that's good to laugh at). I mean the new problem with Big and Carrie now that they've been married awhile. Big wants to stay in and watch TV and order food. But not Carrie. She still wants to go out and party like it's 1999! And we find out...the reason is because she's terrified of turning into an "old married couple."

Carrie is now a somewhat famous author with a few books under her belt and Big is still a successful financier. They have a gorgeous home, beautifully decorated...everything they could want. And each other, of course. But Big's newest loves seem to be the couch and the TV, which, as I mentioned, is causing problems. And those problems are interesting! And yes...even amusing at times! The other ladies have their own problems...Charlotte is jealous of the new nanny, Miranda is not getting along with her new boss, and Samantha is battling menopause by getting addicted to various pills and hormones (also presented in a somewhat amusing way).

Then the girls are jetting off to Abi-Dabi (it's all explained in the movie...Samantha has a free room at a very expensive exotic hotel thanks to her old boyfriend Smith, who was shooting a movie over there) and off they go! Now is where the movie gets a bit "cringey." The private jet with private suites...the private car rides for each woman to the hotel...the private "butlers" each girl gets...the mile wide hat Carrie is wearing...I mean, come on! But you just need to go with the flow and understand they wanted to up the ante and do something different...get the girls out of New York, have some gorgeous scenery, etc...

Carrie running into Aiden in the middle east? Yea, that's one of those really ridiculous writing points! She could have developed an interest in a new guy she bumps into, and questioned her need to be faithful to Big and all that...and it wouldn't have been quite so ridiculous. But, like I just have to go with it. Samantha having all her pills and hormones confiscated, and being afraid she's turning into a man? Well, that's a bit over the top, too...but it has its funny moments.

So yes, I stick up for my score of 7. It would have been higher if the movie hadn't devolved into absolute cringiness at times. But, overall, the movie is just fun, along with Big and Carrie dealing with married issues that are actually quite interesting and relatable. So...grab a bowl of popcorn and watch this movie again. It'll probably make you laugh, even if sometimes you are actually laughing AT it...but so what? You will have fun and feel good. Plus, a lot of the movie does retain the flavor of the original show (which I heard the new reboot does NOT...I don't know, cause I haven't watch it). Anyway, that's my review and I'm sticking to it!
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Admit to being a bit disappointed.
24 December 2023
Okay, I was a little bored. And a little disappointed. Maybe I expected too much...hearing all the raving going on about this fantastic movie. So yes...expectations were sky high. didn't take long for me to start wondering when exactly the magic was going to happen.

First of all, they play with "time" way too much in this movie, jerking you backwards and forwards. It's like...there's no "flow" when they do this. You're just getting into a setting and you are abruptly jerked out of it to go somewhere in the future. Or in the past. Overall, this style makes the story very disjointed and choppy feeling.

Second of all...lack of character development. I know "voice overs" are passe and all that. But maybe if there had been some narration and voice over we could have gotten inside the star's head...and that would have made the whole thing more entertaining. As it was, everyone seemed a bit "wooden."

Third of all, the relationship of Oppenheimer and his wife was just...weird. They practically seemed like strangers to each other. And what was with his wife acting like she hated the baby and being a mom...and then suddenly, without any warning, we see another child has entered the picture! That doesn't even make sense (if she hated being a mom so much) and when did this even occur? The couple doesn't even seem like they talk to each other....forget making a baby! It all seemed so...disingenuous.

I watched The Manhattan Project (a series show) and it was way more interesting. There was more "humanity" to that show and ways to engage with the people who were living way out in the desert on this top-secret project. All the day to day stuff...where was that? The human interest stuff? Didn't some of the people working on the project get sick from radiation? Where was all that interesting stuff? And the effects of the bomb...there was so little "showing" of that, as someone else mentions. That would have made more of an impact if they had explored that avenue. Oh well. I gave the movie a 6 for the acting abilities of everyone. I'm sure they gave it their "all." I just wish it had been more....interesting! Would I watch it again? Probably not.
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Promising beginning...promise unfulfilled.
16 December 2023
The movie starts out okay. There's a family in the city taking a vacay from their stressful lives...renting a big house by the ocean....then suddenly, while the family is enjoying a day on the beach, a huge tanker runs ashore and things develop a weird ominous feel that "something isn't right."

That's about where the movie stops being okay. And I say just "okay," since the characters and dialogue thus far aren't exactly winning us over. The son is obnoxious and never has anything nice to say. The daughter is strangely obsessed with the show "Friends" and well...that's about all there is to her "personality." Unfortunately, one weird quirk does not make a personality. Yes, kids that age get obsessed with things. But there's usually more to them than that! It's just an easy writing ploy.

The mother is abrasive and hostile. The father...well, let's just say he's sort of blah, but definitely the most likable of the four. Anyway, after this tanker incident, a strange dad and his college-age daughter knock on the door of the house the family is renting in the middle of the night. Evidently, they are the owners of the house. They claim they can't go back to the city because there's a black-out.

This just strikes me as very odd. If this is indeed the case...why wouldn't they get a hotel room, you know? Isn't that what most people would do in that situation? Here again, it's a writing ploy to make this movie happen. The college age daughter is very hostile and unlikable. She keeps stressing, "This OUR house." (Yes...but you rented it to someone for a vacation...duh...).

So now we get a creepy ominous feel from this strange situation. We think maybe the father and daughter have a creepy plan afoot. Who knows? The mother of the family is then labeled mean and hateful because she doesn't want these strangers staying with her overnight. Well, honestly! Who would? I mean, people you don't know from a hole-in-the-ground knock on your door in the middle of the night, claim a bunch of stuff that you don't know is true, and then insist they stay with you? How many people would be happy with that?

So, eventually, they do end up staying...and after this, everything really becomes disjointed. Weird things keep happening. Weird things with deer....the electricity going out so the girl is frantic she can't watch "Friends," arguments between the people in the house along with some thoughtful discussion, but it all just doesn't "gel" as being believable. It all seems too forced. Too fake. The boy's teeth fall out and he gets sick...

Well, I won't tell any more of this disjointed weird plot, since there really isn't much to tell, anyway. From many other reviews, though, you learn that the ending is so incredibly disappointing and unsatisfying after sitting through all this nothingness just waiting for something to happen. It's a lazy writer's ending...more like a non-ending.

Kevin Bacon has a weird little part as a "prepper." Actually, that's one of the more interesting parts of the move. Perhaps they could have fleshed out his character more.

Actually, all the characters needed to be "fleshed out" to make this movie more interesting. They need to be more believable. Everyone and everything in this movie is just a "writing ploy" and it's obvious. I do NOT recommend this movie. It will feel like you wasted your time. If you are just curious as to how bad it is...well, then that's your reason for watching.

And somebody, please...learn from this and write a better screenplay!
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Noelle (2019)
Cute and Entertaining...(but a bit cheesy and predictable, too).
11 December 2023
Honestly, I thought I would hate this movie, thinking it would be the usual bland, predictable, trite cliche bowl of mush. Or else it would be annoying and obnoxious with everyone screaming instead of talking and no one is likable. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised! This movie was quite watchable and cute. And the most amazing thing is, it actually made me laugh...many times!

Is it the best Christmas movie ever? Of course not. But it doesn't have to be. It's light and fun, and that's enough. It sort of reminded me of "Elf," the whole "fish out of water" scenario, which is always amusing. Do I recommend this? Yes I do!
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That's it. I'm done with this movie!
8 December 2023
I watched this movie once before and just decided yesterday, for the heck of it, to watch it again. Big mistake! Now I know why I told myself, "Don't watch this thing again!" the last time I watched it.

With all the big names in this movie, you'd think it would be a lot better. But it's not! This is one of the most "UNChristmasy" Christmas movie around! Just...yuck! And why is that? Well, it could be that this movie is chock-full of incredibly mean-spirited and unlikable people...which doesn't make for the best holiday fuzzy wuzzy feelings. Not that I like Hallmark-style sappiness. But this is just the opposite extreme.

In the movie, Reese Witherspoon's character and Vince Vaughn's character are a couple who want desperately to be "untraditional." No families at Christmas. (And yes, both of their parents are divorced...hence the "four Christmases" we end up being subjected to). This couple makes up elaborate excuses as to why they cannot visit their parents and respective families on the holidays. They claim they are "helping orphans" or "building houses for the poor in some third world country," that sort of cliche thing. But really, they are embarking on fun tropical vacays and just enjoying themselves without having to deal with any of that pesky family responsibility stuff. (And after we "meet" their families, we sort of understand why they do this).

Well, one year they get caught at the airport with their lame excuses; the plane is grounded, and they are now forced to go visit their families on Christmas. And hey.....this wouldn't even be such a bad plot! I has possibilities for depth and humor combined. It really does! However....the movie definitely drops the ball, starting with the very first family the couple goes to visit...Vince Vaughn's father (played by Rober Duval) and his horribly aggressive brothers who are constantly attacking and wrestling and their respective kids and wife and baby, etc...

The jokes all fall flat; the families and kids and brothers and father are all just hideous and unlikable...they all jump on Vince Vaughn's character accusing him of being "weak" and a "snob" and etc...There is lots of over-acting and just flat-out bad acting and everything is overdone and over-the-top, so it just isn't even believable. The characters are all so one-dimensional. Not a fun experience...not very funny to watch. Okay, maybe there are one or two tiny laughs in the dialogue, but that is not enough!

Then it's onto the next "Christmas," with Reese Witherspoon's mother (played by Mary Steenburgen) and assorted characters here, like a sister and baby and a minister (the new "boyfriend" of the mother) and a horrible little girl, etc... We find out things about Reese Witherspoon's character's she used to be overweight, and everyone thought she had "cooties." the family sits around laughing at pictures of Reese as a chubby baby....unbelievable, right? What a terribly mean thing to do! And on Christmas, no less. Not funny! Not funny, at all! Why is being "mean" being presented as humor, I wonder?

Then there is an equally unfunny mean scene in a "bouncy castle" with kids acting like evil little bullies...and through-out, there is Reese Witherspoon wondering where her relationship is "going" and if indeed she wants children...(and I don't know why she would, after all the horrible children she encounters in this movie).'s two more equally unfunny Christmases for us to endure. The one with Sissy Spacek (Vince Vaugn character's mom) and her super young boyfriend is slightly funny...but only slightly. It is here that the two main characters have a fight...and the last Christmas, at Reese's father's house (her father is played by. John of the only "nice" characters in the whole movie) we see that the Vince Vaugn character doesn't even participate.

And then,'s on to the most cliched ending in movie history!!!! No spoilers here...(yes, you can suffer through this movie to find out the ending, if you have the stomach for it)! Anyway, I will say that Reese Witherspoon did a decent job. So that is why I'm giving the movie two points. All for her! But as for Vince Vaugn....he was so bad! That fast-talking style gets really annoying! And he is downright rude to Reese's character a few times, which in my opinion, makes him a real jerk. So! Do I recommend this movie? Ha! I think it's obvious I emphatically do NOT! However, if you want to watch to just see how bad it my guest! Like I said....the movie had a somewhat decent premise. And yes, there may be a few tiny laughs. But...don't expect anything more!
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Candy (2022)
This show will totally suck you in!
6 December 2023
I never really gave Jessica Biel much thought. I knew her mostly from that old show, Seventh Heaven and a few other things I wasn't thrilled with. But wow, is she good in this! Her acting is amazing! Actually, all of the acting in this show is spot-on, including Jessica Biel (i.e. Candy's) husband who is very charismatic, sort of "goofy," and fun to watch.

The story is based on a real-life murder mystery, so I won't give any spoilers as to who is found dead and what happens. You just need to watch and find out for yourself, and I totally recommend that you do! There are only 5 episodes in this mini-series, and chances are, you'll want to sit and watch them all at once.

I love the way the story is dramatized with all the "real life" characters...wonderful character development, by the way. You feel like you are really peeking into the lives of these people! The way their houses look...the carpet (so "80's) the gold and brown (so distinctive of the past) the "yellowy hues" adding to the "atmospheric feel" of it all.

But what is the most interesting, most compelling characteristic of this mini-series, are the emotions. You really feel what these characters are feeling, especially Melanie Linskey's character. Her depression is so palpable, you literally feel it coming through the screen.

And here's another thing. This show has...wait for it...humor! Yes, there are parts of certain episodes that really made me laugh!

There was just something so relatable and vulnerable and "real" about all these people and their insecurities. Yes, real life usually includes some sort of humor...even though this is a murder mystery. But that doesn't mean the two things cannot co-exist.

Not that this is a comedy, by any means! It's just that all the subtle ironies and weird things the characters say and do in this mini-series struck me as being, well, somewhat amusing at times.

I was sorry when this show ended, but obviously it comes with a definite ending since this is a crime story taken from real life. The writing, acting and directing are just so "watchable," I have to praise everyone involved.

Watch this show on Hulu...I highly recommend it (obviously)! You won't be bored, and nowadays...that's saying a lot.
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Old Dads (2023)
Still trying to figure out why I gave this disaster One Star.
24 October 2023
Where do I begin? I thought this movie might be amusing; sure, maybe a little cliche and contrived. Well, I was right on two counts. It's cliche and contrived. But definitely not amusing! Much more annoying than amusing.

First of all, the characters. Not a single one was likable. They were all horrible! The men...either angry all the time and ranting and grumping and totally negative about everything....and the woman....horrible pushy demanding B-word, nasty and domineering. Yuck!

Who the heck are you supposed to route for in this movie? Take 40 year old virgin. Okay, Steve Carrell's character was out of touch and naive, yes. But darn it, he was likable, and you found yourself routing for him! I hated everyone in this movie.

What is the point of this movie? That Bobby Carnival character was so pathetic, worrying about how old his neck looks and trying to "act so cool." Why are we presenting men in their 40s and 50s like this? So sad.

And the other guy...with the teenage looking girl who's pregnant. Honestly! Couldn't they get a girlfriend for him who at least looks like she's over the age of 16?

And the main guy. Telling his kid to "rub dirt on his wound?" Okay, that's just stupid! Parents are supposed to have wisdom. They're supposed to teach their kids...keep them safe. They went so far in the other direction of him NOT wanting to be an over-protective "helicopter parent" by offering the dumbest advice on earth. "Rub dirt in a cut and get a whopping infection!" Wow, that's just such intelligent advice (note sarcasm). It's so stupid, it's not funny.

Not funny. That's the tagline for this movie. In fact, the title should have been "Old Dads are Not Funny. When the little kid PUNCHES the pregnant woman in her stomach, and the kid's mom says NOTHING about that....(just like she said nothing about her kid hitting other kids with a stick, earlier) and the woman the kid punches in the stomach has the "nerve" to accuse this woman of bad parenting....and then (get this!) the same mom, with the punched pregnant belly, APOLOGIZES to said mom for "putting down her parenting skills" on earth are people finding this FUNNY? This is just totally illogical. This is just bad writing.

And the stripper scene in Las Vegas? Wow. This is so sad. They needed to put half naked woman in this movie to get people to watch? And what's with the two guys who are so into it all....aren't they supposed to be "involved" of them married, and the other with a pregnant teenage girlfriend? This movie portrays men in a seriously bad light.

My advice? Skip it. It's everything bad about society all wrapped up in one stupid movie. Well hey...if that sounds funny to you, help yourself.
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Worse than I feared (and I feared a lot)!
3 August 2023
When I first heard about this "Star Trek Musical" episode, I thought it must be a joke. Then I found out it wasn't, so I was thinking, this is it! They've really lost it! Are they being bad on purpose? Because honestly, my rational brain just couldn't make sense of this idiocy.

But then, of course. It's all just another gimmick...a cheap worthless ploy to attract people's attention. They want to do something to "create buzz" instead of focusing on writing interesting stories with depth, intelligence, and know, all those "old fashioned" elements. In other words, if the writing is good...there should be zero need to rely on cheap gimmicks like this.

So, yea. I watched it...against my better judgement. I thought maybe, just maybe, it might be a little...funny. And if it's a little funny, at least it would have some entertainment value. But no. It wasn't funny, at all! So even that possibility was gone. The episode was just... "cringey." It made me feel embarrassed for the actors. I felt embarrassed for myself watching it!

There are some things in life that just don't go together. Steak on top of ice-cream. Brown and gray. And yes, Star Trek and musicals! What the heck is the genre of this show? SCI-FI! I have to shout that answer, since the writers seem to have forgotten. It was bad enough when they shoved fantasy and cartoons into former episodes. But this takes the pathetic cake!

What is the purpose? Where are all these "strange new worlds" the crew is supposed to be exploring? Are the writers running out of ideas? If I want to watch a musical, I'll watch Sweeny Todd or Cats or Little Shop of Horrors, thank you.

And here's another problem: The overly saccharine sickening sweet emphasis on emotion! C'mon, these are supposed to be star fleet people! Science! What's with the sappy crying and teenage crushes? I swear, Taylor Swift was helping to write some of these songs and plots. It's like Beverly Hills 90210 on a starship!

And what is with Spock? The overly in touch with his feelings Spock? That's not Star Trek! Did they take it upon themselves to rewrite his entire character, just thumbing their noses at the whole history of Star Trek?

Well, enough ranting. I am really just confused. Who is this show aimed at? Certainly not people who enjoyed any of the other Star Trek shows in the past (and I'm not including Discovery, because in my opinion, that's not even Star Trek, at all). Perhaps people under the age of twenty who are only sort of familiar with the older shows, so they can "grow" a whole new generation of Trekkies? Probably.

I gave a "1" rating just because some of the actors really do have good voices (and I don't blame any of them for this mess)!
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Accused (2023– )
You'll like some stories and probably hate others!
22 February 2023
This is an anthology series based on the premise of someone being charged with a crime...someone who really meant not to "harm"...but to "help."

The premise is interesting, and so far, I've only watched the first two stories. Now I must say...the first story...the pilot...I really liked. I found it interesting and thought provoking...questioning what a parent should do in such a horrible situation. then I progressed onto the second story, and I was sort of "turned off." Without giving away any spoilers, I found the second story to be sort of trite, sappy and stupid. The law is the law. It shouldn't change for certain people just because of stupid dumb emotional reasons. Can you imagine if the law was really that malleable? What would even be the purpose of having it? So yea....second story? I know it's supposed to make viewers all "teary eyed" in a lame Hallmark sort of way, but sorry. It just sort of sucks.

Anyway, that's the deal. I think you'll like some of these stories and dislike others. Overall, though, the show is worth a look. I'm still going to watch the third story, because I'm just curious. Like I said...the show has a really good premise. It's thought- provoking and I applaud that. It's just.... I wish the writing (especially in the courtroom) wouldn't get so sappy and emotional when it is indeed, a show about the LAW. And, the law is the law, right?
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The Lion King (2019)
What the heck? Just chill, people!
20 November 2022
What's with the weird anger in some of these reviews? Are people mad that this installment of The Lion King is just a little different from the original? Well, duh...I think that was the point!

I finally got around to watching this movie and really enjoyed it. So much work went into creating these can see all the little details of the animals and the expressions...amazing.

My husband was a little annoyed (not FURIOUS, mind you...just a little annoyed) that a few of the original funny lines and the "squished banana" song were left out. But overall, this movie held my attention, and the basic premise and emotion from the original was definitely intact.

Some of the animals were just so adorable (like the little bush baby)! Plus, a lot of the humor was indeed I have no real complaints. People are complaining about the singing...big deal. You need to take the movie as a "whole," and as a "whole" it's quite pleasant to watch. I would recommend this movie to people of all ages!
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