
32 Reviews
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Damsel (2024)
Unexplored potential
11 March 2024
The Descent meets Dragonheart with soft, tween horror mixed with fairy-tale fanfare.

On the outside I really liked this movies premise, there are some really interesting ideas in this I would have liked to see expanded but there were a lot of moments that took me out and didn't make sense or too many plot conveniences. I actually liked this horror aspect between the main character and the dragon. I wish we had more of that in here. Its a type of fantasy we don't see very much. Imagine the movie Alien but instead of a Xenomorph in space chasing you it was a Dragon in a labyrinth deep in a mountain chasing you. That right there is a selling point and at times it does deliver, other times I feel they didn't do enough...

I hope this idea is explored again because there was something to this I want to see explored in the future. Millie Bobbi Brown was great, I enjoyed her role in the movie, other actors are a bit dry and one note, which is why I thought it would have benefited more if it was more of Millie Bobby Brown and the dragon being the two main focus with a more survival tone.

Probably not a movie I'd watch again but one I would like to see expanded and redone well in the future. There is potential here sadly this movie didn't really push for it.
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A faithful effort that cannot hide its flaws.
25 February 2024
Season 1 review.

While not an awful show. Its pacing and writing leaves much to be desired. Its over use on exposition to tell the story for us instead of showing us through character building and world building and emotion is sadly a big determent to the show.

Otherwise a great cast, many of who bring some great or good chemistry with the material given when its given, as well as looking and staying faithful to the source material. Great bending effects, special effects are decent and not distracting, got a few laughs and smiles from some of the humour too.

There was potential in this show but its let down by those issues I mentioned. It's biggest task was trying to measure up to the original, although it tries in many places sadly it fumbles in a lot in the key areas of the show as mentioned.

Trying to take myself out of the mindset of the original and look at this Netflix show in its own bubble, this show may still have issues in its lack of character and is overuse of exposition and its pacing which may be off putting to some.

If you haven't seen Avatar the Last Airbender I say watch the original cartoon which seems way more adult in places than this show, but there's no reason why you cannot watch this either, you may find something to enjoy here, there is love and care within this show, its not completely devoid of anything worthwhile, there is a level of charm and character in places. Sadly its just let down and hampered by those things already mentioned. Watch at your own risk I say.
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Rebel Moon isn't very good!
4 January 2024
I was generally optimistic about this movie. The whole premise and pitch had me really hoping it would be good, and even after the fact I see potential of what it could have been but that slowly goes out of the window. I just think it was all executed poorly, like there's so much to take from this movie and tear apart.

There was like nothing 'good' about this movie. Maybe others found something to like about this movie but man I really slogged through this movie

As I said there was at the start some potential. For instance the idea of a farming community on a moon, I absolutly loved that. But once the cartoonish villains showed up and our heroes went elsewhere it was all paint by numbers by that point.

Its needlessly aggressive, comically so. The villains are so cartoonish its almost funny if the movie wasnt taking itself so serious in doing so. Trying to be an adult Star Wars is fine but the way Snyder went about it was just so weak, like everyone is miserable, everything is dark and gritty, oh and there is a uncomfortable scene of a woman and a bunch of men that just felt uncomfortable, (the word I cannot use cos I think it will get the review declined).... like really?

The characters, are forgettable, and just boring, the cinematography is this wishy washy brown that every 'dark' adult, gritty movie has got to have now, it lacks identity. It feels very dated in some aspects and while it seems to pay homage to alot of 80's sci-fi it does little to be original by its own merits. It doesn't help when the writing just tends to flip flop all over the place with no direction, which is ironic since the writing and direction are the same person.

Oh and the slow-mo, good god the slow-mo too, way too much slow mo (Yea I know, a Snyder movie with slow-mo, shock and awe )

The story was just a collect 'em all movie. Go here, get this, go here, collect that, go here, collect this. Like nothing had a chance to breathe, a planet got destroyed and I am like 'meh' am I supposed to care? Our heroes didn't even care, they didn't even know I don't think? This movie is so bad it is literally leaving my subconscious right now I am struggling to remember parts.

This movie wanted to be something I have craved for a long time, 'original sci-fi fantasy'. It delivers the sci-fi fantasy but very little on the originality. And that's sad. I really hope a movie like this doesn't deter movie makers from creating original pieces of fantasy franchises. Because in an era where everything is remakes and reimagining's and extended universes I want something like Rebel Moon, just Rebel Moon wasnt it.

It was not very comfortable viewing overall. And it was good this was on Netflix I had time to groan loudly in pain as this movie dragged for 2 hours that I would never get back, and stretch my legs and take a 5 minute break half way. I will be honest if this was on the cinema I probably would have never went to see it at all. I saw it only because I was curious, and also hopeful because I wanted this to be good.

I will assume this show is going to have a audience and it will be one of those growing audiences over time maybe, but this wasnt what I hoped for and thats just sad.
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
Great video game adaptation
23 November 2023
1 - 4 Season review

Whole show was a great from beginning to end, season one maybe starts off a bit slow, but once it gets its claws into you its addiction to want to watch each episode to see what happens.

Great characters, great animation and a solid story that while has flaws here and there really make up a immersive experience.

I really like the direction it went with this show. Holding no punch when it comes to the violence and gore and really tapping into that old vampire horror while adding that splash of great fantasy. One of the better video game adaptions out there at the moments. I felt attached to every character and every character got a chance to shine.

Richard Armitage as Trevor Belmont, provided some laughs too and the chemistry between him and Alejandra Reynoso who plays Sypha were great as a duo. While actors like James Callis as Adrian "Alucard" also delivers too.

If I had to make any negative is that I was disappointed it was over. As well as the story can be a bit bumpy in places. And it doesn't feel as complete and does lead you wanting more.

Otherwise an amazing show that should not be missed especially if you are a Castlevania fan.
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As a non fan I was pleasantly surprised
23 November 2023
I really enjoyed it as I went going in not expecting much, loved the sketchy pencil animation and art style, the fights were very creative and fun. I feel the only let down for me was that it wasnt really my thing, and that's a me thing, and it suffered from the same things some of the move did as well as things I never really gelled with in the source material, because I will admit I never really liked Scott Pilgrim franchise, but this is the best I got out of it and that's maybe due to how awesome the animation and songs and just the overall aesthetic was.

It was a well crafted show all round, great acting from a returning cast and it made me smile in places. I only watched it out of curiosity and while I wasnt fully entertained I am glad I did watch it. If you are a fan and want to see a new perspective you could do far worse, I say check it out.
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Men (2022)
A movie I liked but left me still wanting more than I got.
23 July 2023
Typically I love a lot of A24 movies and how the movies are always very cleverly woven. This one in some exceptions does the same. Driving home a very real message that kind of destroys any subtly. This movie has a great cast with everyone putting in a great performance, the suspense had me on the edge of my seat, and there are long drawn out moments that really made you take everything in and to give off the slight unease, like something isn't quite right, even during scenes that look beautiful.

I do feel maybe it could have been more. The movie felt like it wasnt being smart enough or maybe it wanted to be but couldn't, it lacked something by the end that left me feeling pretty deflated.

I don't think the movie is a complete waste, I am glad I saw it and it was a lot later than originally thought going in. So overall good but not great, but a good stepping stone for others to come in with a similar premise to build upon.
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Kids will love it more than I did.
31 May 2023
I went with my niece and nephew to this movie, this was their first cinema viewing and they had a great time. They love Mario and the the video games, so they were familiar with the characters and the places, the loved the voices and animation and stayed invested until the end. They laughed and had fun. And the key to this is your kids will love this, especially if they are into the world of Mario.

I on the other hand also had a good time, I will not lie as an adult who grew up with Nintendo games, seeing this movie was a joy, everything looked like how it looks in the games so things were easily to identify with. It was like a drive nostalgia bomb watching this movie. You see things and think 'oh I remember that' 'I knew that from that game'

One of the things that didn't bother me too much was the voices, while some were just doing their voice with little put on, others didn't bother me so much. Chris Pratt as Mario wasnt as bad as I thought it would be, in fact he is pretty tolerable here. Jack Black is also having a ball and just living the best life as Bowser. Charlie Day is also fun as Luigi, and Keegan-Michael Key as Toad is also a laugh. Everyone else varies from dull to okay.

The movie is very aimed at children, the plot is very simplistic as you would expect, its Mario, so for older audiences it doesn't give much in terms of complexity or deeper storytelling. Its a rescue mission with a point A to point B narrative and thats fine if thats all you want.

For me the jokes fell a little flat at times but I cannot say my niece and nephew didn't laugh.

One of my big annoyances were the songs, the pop song inserts in particular. They felt really out of place, but I did really enjoy the Mario tunes from the game inserted into the movie, that was kind of nice.

Its a fun movie that's great for your children, a 10/10 for them for sure. But for me it didn't quite hit the mark but I wouldn't say I hated it, there was some fun to be had and its good to see a Mario movie this time that looks like a Mario movie.
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A good Dungeons & Dragons movie.
31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Quick review.

Went into this not expecting much, came out pretty pleased. It was a lot of fun

CGI was a bit on the 'iffy' side of things, but I never been one to care too much or lean into bad CGI.

Acting was great, sets were pretty to look at. Plot was fine, although maybe the ending didn't satisfy me as much.

Its not anything super special, doesn't add anythign new, but it did feel like a 'drive-by cinema' viewing experience, in a good way. The 'Hey look here's some things you know' sort of thing, a wink and nod that fans D&D will say 'I know that thing', and that was all it needed to be for me, maybe my expectations were low. But a good time overall. Not a perfect movie but a fun piece of time wasted.
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Medieval (2022)
Just so dull
31 December 2022
Sadly I hoped I would have liked this movie, a movie called Medieval based on one of my favourite eras of human history, how can you go wrong? Well this movie finds a way.

The movie is just slow, plodding and very dull. The action is fine if not very choppy. The editing just seems all over the place too, some scenes are paced well while others go by very quickly.

None of the characters seem very well developed, we do not spend long enough with them to have any investment. As well as the lead character who is just as well might have been a robot, lacks any emotion or character traits, he is so one note. Things happen around this character and he doesn't flinch and it boggles my mind, because if he doesn't feel anythign about these things why should I? Sophie Lowe and Sir Michael Caine are the only actors to really show some effort and urgency in their roles. I couldn't tell you anything about anyone else.

The sets are nice but you never hang around long enough to really soak in the locations. Nothing in this movie has time to breathe and sink in, even when there is some character development and time to settle it doesn't feel like its earned or its just exposition.

Its a interesting premise with no real soul or heart. I was ready to turn off so close to the end.

One compliment I will add is the costumes were really nice and the set design, when they were around them long enough to admire, were good too, and some of the action was brutally satisfying in places. But it was so hard to have to admire all of that while slugging through this movie.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Delivered what I expected.
29 December 2022
Season One Review

I finally sat down to watch this show after literally everyone but me had watched it... so peer pressure strikes again.

I love Addams Family, and I was very cautious about going into this show, seeing as the focus is one just one, although one I generally like, but I think season 1 was pleasantly surprising, it went above and beyond. When a friend told me it was like Chilling Adventures of Sabrina I facepalmed, I didn't get along very well with that show at all, but thankfully I think it was nothing like that but instead far superior than Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

One of the things this show does is hit me with what I love most about media. Characters. I love good characters, this is one of those shows where character really trumps story. The story is fine and all if not a little predictable, but I absolutely loved the characters. Jenna Ortega as Wednesday is the best Wednesday since Christina Ricci, I might even say better. She really gives off a great deadpan expression. Emma Myers who plays Enid is just a treat, she is great, she has a charming way with expressions and emoting on camera, Enid and Wednesday's chemistry together is perfect I cannot keep my eyes off them.

Even the Addams Family themselves are all good, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Luis Guzmán as Morticia and Gomez Addams are perfect, straight from the old cartoon iterations themselves.

Even some of the side characters are fun and they are for the most part not as boring as I would have thought, Joy Sunday as Bianca is a character I really enjoyed, she plays that high class snobby but also quite sympathetic character you can get behind as time goes on. Jamie McShane as the Shieff isn't half bad and has a few moments.

Everyone in this show has their own little quirks and identity and its enjoyable to watch.

As mentioned before the story is very hit and miss but it still hooks you in, its a detective/mystery plot for the most part and it does its part well but its the characters that really help drive that story along and I am completely okay with that.

The writing for the most part is fine, there are some lines of dialogue that make me roll my eyes, a bit too many buzzwords thrown in that will probably date this show in time, thankfully the great writing on the characters keeps everything well enough so you don't really care too much. That is the true strength of this shows quality.

There are few negatives about the show really. It does come across as a very X-Men school type of show. The dealing with outside prejudice, a school of misfits with powers, even though that is kind of played down a bit in this show. I do admit maybe the love interests of Wednesday and Enid are a bit bland at times but they still command a bit of interest. Additionally the whole love triangle trope is a bit eye rolling at times and plays like a young adult show. In fact the whole show at times feels more like a young adult fare than it does anything else.

Overall a awesome show, though not perfect delivers everything you would expect from a show based on Addams Family's Wednesday. Any show that can get me to smile this much throughout must be worth it. If you come in expecting a full on Addams Family show you might be disappointed, but if you liked Wednesday enough and the idea that she's grown up and in a boarding school, then you may find something of worth.

I certainly enjoyed season one for sure and look forward to season two.
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As a fan of the franchise, was underwhelmed.
11 December 2022
Big fan of the Dragon Age franchise. The strength of Dragon Age has always been its characters as in they usually carry their games, from Alistair to Morrigan, from Avaline to Varric to Blackwall to Viviane every game just has strong interesting diverse characters and that's what always keep me hung on.

Unfortunately this show didn't have any good characters, while some had moments, most of the characters had one architype. 'ME ANGRY, ME MAD AT STUFF'. This whole show just came off as super aggressive.

The lead character Mirium is just bitter and one dimensional and unlikable, and while I understand considering her upbringing, it just falls flat and you don't have enough investment to want her to overcome the horrors of her past, and this show actually got me to hate an Ashley Burch performance, I love Ashley Burch, she cannot do no wrong, and its not her fault, she did great with what she was given but I was not a fan of how this female Qunari was portrayed, she came off like some valley girl, or a forgotten cast member of Totally Spies disguised as a Qunari, it felt so out of place.

The other characters are not that great either, the dwarf was your typical headstrong dwarf stereotype, and you already had that with the lead too. Miriums love interest is also bland and has no personality except she loves the main character, also there is the ending that gives her some merit, but I'll get to that later.

The Villain of this show I liked at first before he was revealed as the villain, but his motivations for being a villain felt very weak, it just kind of happened out of nowhere, and I would have believed it if there was more build but it just happened too fast, especially when you consider where he started from and sure he is messing with blood magic and he is a Tavinter mage and Tavinter mages are known to be a-holes, I think they just wanted this charming bad guy, but he was neither convincing at either

The story was also so played out. Its been done to death so many times, while this adds nothing new. Not only that but I would be okay with played out plots but others have done it a lot better than this. A lot of the character motivation pop the hell out of nowhere. Also there is a big twist that happens with one of the characters and it just comes right the hell out of nowhere too, like I felt a lot of these reveals were like a kid writing a story saying 'and wouldn't it be good if this happened, and then this happened' on and on, to which it makes no real sense other than to happen for the sake of happening.

The animation also seemed to verge on many different styles, from bad CGI that looked really dated with the drawn animation and then sometimes the animation would flick to this anime style at times then back to western animation again. The art style really lacked an identity throughout, but I still liked it when it was good, but quality was very inconsistent at times, the backgrounds looked bland too, Dragon Age always has interesting locations, but here it felt like I had seen this in a lot of animations over the last 5 years.

The best part of the show was the ending, I liked Dragon Age 2 and that ending made me at least interested enough to watch season 2. (if it gets another season)

Overall a rough watch with some good animation (stressing 'some') but despite I hope this season is a learning experience for the team and they make something better with season 2.
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Its not all bad, but not all good either.
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really feel like when I started watching this show I really got into it, maybe its the fact of seeing a Tolkien made property again that got me really excited, and for the most part this show does look beautiful, some great locations and sweeping shots and good cinematography, locations like Khazad-dûm looked amazing, the atheistic was great. Some great set design and a soundtrack I love. You can tell for sure where the large budget went because you can see it.

First off I am not huge into Tolkien, I have read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion and Beren and Lúthien. So I wouldn't consider myself an expert or really up to date on the lore, so I am coming at this show from a casual fan of Tolkiens work so I am not going to pretend that I know every detail.

My biggest problem with the show overall is the dialogue, the story and the lack of development on world and character building. There are moments where the show shines. The Elrond, Durin and Disa scenes were a treat whenever they were all on screen, so much so the show suffered when they were not on screen, there were also arcs that felt pointlessly added, like the Harfoots, by the time the season was over I thought to myself that if you take out the Harfoot arc nothing would have been lost. The scenes with them were not bad at first, in fact when I started watching I thought they were charming, seeing Lenny Henry as a Hobbit as someone who is a fan of his stand up comedy, brought a huge smile on my face. Unfortunately the Harfoots wore out their welcome the more the show went on, they became a crutch that seemed to slow the plot of the main story down.

Unfortunately I felt many of the characters didn't feel explored enough, once again outside of the Elrond (Robert Aramayo), Durin (Owain Arthur) and Disa (Sophia Nomvete) characters, everyone else either felt too flat or undeveloped. And they were the bets part of the show, the drama between Durin and his father the connection with his wife Disa and his long time friend, Elrond really got the most out of me.

The Galadriel character (played by Morfydd Clark) who was the main protagonist of our story, came across really unlikable and felt very different to the book interpretations of her that I know. A headstrong, bitter, cynical and selfish character that I found very tiresome to watch. She had moments towards the end where I felt her character was starting to warm with me and she showed signs of her character I knew, but overall, I just didn't feel the writing and directing did her justice. I do not feel its the fault of the actress, I think she did well with what she was given but I am not sure what direction she was given during her scenes, because most of the time he expression ranged from 'I want to cry' to 'I want to yell at you'. Juist this constant scowl.

The Arondir (Ismael Cruz Cordova) and Bronwyn (Nazanin Boniadi) was a welcome break while also providing some set up the main plot towards the end. Unfortunately the romance between the two didn't feel genuine to me like a lot of the characters in this show I felt no real connection to them I was rooting to know more about Arondir becuase he seemed one of the more interesting characters, but so little was given about him, he felt a bit empty to me. The story Southlanders even felt convoluted by the end.

Speaking of connections most of the time side characters were killed off and treated very haphazardly and thrown aside and forgotten about very quickly, even after the village battle scene (which I will get to), the death of so many of the villagers resulted in no mourning at all, all these people died and funnily enough like the audience who never felt a connection to them when they died, it seemed even the characters didn't either because there was no mourning, they just move don as if no one died. Womens, men, and children had died and there was no recognising, it, this happens at least three times in the show, death just doesn't matter here if you are an extra or a side character. There was a time in the show earlier on when two people die and the person they are connected with reacts to their deaths but because we do not know them that well it was hard for me at least to care about them. Its hard to feel for anyone when there is a lack of emotion or feeling given.

This brings me onto pacing, with every episode I felt the show moved too fast and too slow at the same time, characters needed more time to develop and developed very slowly that made any connection feel lacking, meanwhile the story moved way too quickly and felt rushed to a point scenes came and went in a blink and you miss it moment. I barely had any time to connect with anyone, any thing or any place they visited, time and space was completely thrown out of the window.

Every episode was very uneventful out of six episodes in where there was one battle scene, all of the other episodes were just set ups, if you like your shows to be heavy exposition through explaining, on top of more explaining, then you are in for a treat.

With that said the battle scene itself in the sixth episode I enjoyed, it got pretty gory in parts too which I think is a welcome addition to Tolkien adaptations. I didn't mind that too much, there was certainly tension around that episode and felt like the only episode with actual stakes, and seeing the horse charge to save the day felt the closest I have seen to feel compared Peter Jackson movies.

As mentioned before the dialogue was very odd, the writers tried their best to make the show sound very poetic in a way most Tolkien works are, you saw it written well in the Peter Jackson movies when they were not adding their own modern inserts into the movies. But here in Rings of Power it happens a lot, the writing would switch to this poetic Tolkien written acting to very modern lines, and would often lead to it feeling very disjoined. I am not sure what was going on in the writing process and I will not pretend to know, but it would have helped if they had someone there to help their with the dialect of Middle-Earth. The writers did rely a lot of nostalgia or familiarity of the books and movies by adding in quotes into this show from the books/movies and felt very forced in a way to make you remember that this is a Tolkien story you are watching.

I found the main story arc to be one of the weaker stories of the show (barring the Harfoots which was the weakest), which shouldn't be the case for the leading story and hero of your show, this should be the arc you want to see again and again and want them to come back to, instead it just took the wind out of me, there was also a lot of weird real world inserts, that felt very out of place in Tolkiens world, the 'Elfs took our jobs' speech got a laugh out of me for sure. There were several moments like this that felt out of place and really pulled you out of the show.

Minor gripes were some of the design choices, like the short haired elves, which I had a hard time at seeing first, but as the show went on I didn't pay too much mind to it, the elves all looked like wrinkly British politicians over the eternal youthful elves that Tolkien described them as, but it was a minor nit pic. Another minor gripe was the use of a map in the earlier episodes to track travel which was strangely abandoned half way through, as well as the appearance of text on screen title of a place reveal that only appeared once, it felt very inconstant.

Overall the show does feel clumsy in places, it tried to be Tolkien but falls very short, there is effort, but ultimately that effort is bogged down by some awful decisions in the story and character departments that really take me out of really appreciating this show for what it could have been, I feel all the actors did the best with what they are given but the story just didn't hold up for me, and it dragged a lot until the sixth episode, only to then fall again after it.

My only hope is that they can learn from this in season two (if there will be a season two) and try and fix the issues they had and make an even better show. And a show that maybe I can really get into and not one where I feel underwhelmed and uninterested for 80% of it.
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Prey (I) (2022)
A good return to form
5 October 2022
A good movie, that goes back to basics, while adding a unique historical setting, with a great set up. Love the actors. Love how much they got away with when it came to the gore too. As far as Predator sequels go and there are a lot of bad ones I would put this one up there with the second movie, and I have a soft spot for the second movie.

But if I had to put the second movie aside, I might say this is even better. In fact I think it is. I just like more about this movie. Of course it isnt perfect there is a lot of 'beating a message' at the start, that is like typical cinema these days. But I digress they do get over it quickly, and when the movie gets going its a hell of a ride. The hero of the movie, Naru played by Amber Midthunder is great, she is someone that really wants to fit in as a hunter, and she grows as the movie goes on, and of course as an actor she is very good, you really side with her character through this.

I like how little there is of dialogue too, there is a sense of drama and tension that you see rather than what you hear.

Sometimes the movie can feel a bit plodding and outside of having a really unique setting it doesn't add anythign too new, its very similar to the first movie but in a different era.

Another complaint is I would have had liked more emotional attachment to the rest of the cast, more so the hunting party our main character travels with, its a shame they come off as people you just want to see die, (except for her brother for the most part).

It also sucks is they put it on Hulu. I really wanted to see this movie in the cinema. Not sure what they were playing at here. I hope plenty of people saw this movie though.

Overall this movie was fun, and better than I expected. While it doesn't hit all the points for me its well worth a watch or two.
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Child's Play (2019)
It could have been worse
5 October 2022
I liked it more than I thought of, I loved the original. And while this movie tries to mirror it, it also tries to add a unique spin on the premise, it certainly plays up the more cheesy aspects of the original and turns it more into light hearted horror, the original was only ever scary to me when I was young because I was young, growing up I realised how over the top and silly it is and this movie pretty much follows that formula.

Now while I do like the movie it isn't without it's issues, the origin of this versions Chucky just feels lazy, and there are many questionable actions that raise to many questions on how they happened to begin with. The plot seems very sporadic in places, and at times the movie kind of feels like it wanted to be a hint of... Stranger Things?

The movie also doesn't do anything new outside of a few changes here and there. In fact its just downright dull at times and I find myself not really caring about the cast. Aubrey Plaza feels out of place in here and everyone just seems to be acting their way towards a pay check.

I do think this movies tries to be new and fresh but its just either missing the point or trying to hard.
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Here We Go Again...
2 October 2022
At this point you'd half expect the producers and writers to finally come up with something original for the franchise at this point. The First movie wasnt at all breaking ground but its concept was interesting enough to want you to see it adapt and change as time went on, well here we are the forth movie in the franchise and they still refuse to deviate from the same old formula. Someone predicts event, event catches up to them, people die in over the top silliness. Death certainly has a sense of humour.

The acting in this movie is paint by numbers everyone just delivering the bare minimal, although the dialogue they had to work with doesn't do them any favours either. Most of the time you can probably predict the lines they are going to say.

The special effects which were meant to be for 3D at the time, are horrible, if you are watching this not realising that fact then you'd think the Jaws 3D team worked on the effects here.

The stars themselves I am sure are trying their best but are all so vanilla, or unlikable, the main star is forgettable, and the other cast members I barely remember their personalities, you might as well label them as 'fodder' for death. Would it be so hard to create characters to care about so when their death happens you can at least feel a bit of intensity and want them to live. But their main purpose is to die. You don't even care about them enough to want them to die either. Expect maybe the racist guy, but even he is so generic.

One of things one can always count on is the. Gore and the interesting ways people die, very much like Saw with the bonkers and gruesome ways they manage to kill people. Well not here in this movie, all the deaths are bland and leave much to be imagined, I hardly believe there was about as much thought put into this as there was the script itself. Except maybe the pool scene but even that comes across as hilarious.

I suppose the best thing I can say about this addition to the franchise is that if you get a few friends together and want a laugh then this movie is for you, because it does have an aura of a 'so bad its good' vibe to it, you can look at it as kind of a comedy and make fun of it. But if you are expecting this to be some scary gruesome movie with something new and fresh then you are going to be disappointed.

As we know from the point of my review this wasnt the Final Destination for the franchise and I kind of wished it was.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
A Pretty Solid Sea Adventure Movie
19 July 2022
This Netflix movie was a pleasant surprise a very Disney/Pixar type movie that I half expected to be only it wasnt on Disney+. But this had alot of the charm I would expect.

The characters are a joy to watch, Karl Urban delivers well as Jacab and Zaris-Angel Hator is a treat as Maise the young girl who wants to become one of the Hunters. Jared Harris as Captain Crow and Marianne Jean-Baptiste as Sarah Sharpe also deliver great character work. The acting is superb and this shows highlights who provide a mix of comedy and drama.

Some great animation too. Not all of it is a hit in fact the monsters felt more like How to Train Your Dragon inspired and very plain. And you have your cute little creatures in there too which is fine. I liked the design of Inevitable, the ship the Hunters sail, I just wish there would have been more creative design choices like that then again the characters are on the sea most of the time, so maybe it was understandable.

The Story also felt very one note, and while the message of the story was good it was very on the nose and cliché its a story that's been done many times before. I do feel there was a lakc of emotion in some scenes or the ability to have it play out more, even though the chemistry between Karl Urban and Zaris-Angel Hator is brilliant I felt there was something missing to the resolution to their friendship.

Lastly the ending of the movie rushed past very quickly. The build up to the end was well done and paced very smoothly but the last 15 minutes felt over very fast. I was expecting little more of an aftermath but, nope, just ended.

Not a perfect movie its let down in a few areas. Maybe not much for adults in terms of replayability but certainly worth a watch, but for kids I could very well see them enjoying this. Some great laughs and goofs to keep them entertained with a positive message at the end.
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A lesson in not planning out your trilogy before hand.
29 June 2022
While I had my issues with the previous Star Wars sequel movies Force Awakes and the Last Jedi, none would have prepared me for utter disappointment of this one. This movie is a mess from start to finish.

While all the actors continue to bring their all, the script and pacing of this movie does them little favours, abandoning everything from The Last Jedi and going backwards to try and erase that with plots from that movie abandoned and forgotten and replaces with new stuff that feels pointless.

New characters are introduced who are not given enough time to develop, while others from the previous movie are side lined.

The plot itself returns to something more familiar but doing so damages what they set up previously.

There are still some nice effects and the musical score is always a treat, but its just hampered by a plot that wanted to try and please everyone and in doing so pleases no one and which the final piece just looks like a jumbled mess.

I would hope either the next Star Wars movies think hard about their direction and planning before making a trilogy, the whole thing felt like a make it up as you go trilogy with conflicting ideas between directors.

Overall a messy movie with no direction or flow, and feels like a last ditch attempt to save a trilogy that had no planning from the start.
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Lightyear (2022)
Who Was This Movie For?
18 June 2022
If, like me, you are someone who grew up with Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, the animated series, then this movie doesn't hold a candle to that. When I think of Buzz Lightyear I think of that cartoon (aside form the movies obviously). Its colourful, its funny, its bombastic and it fits what you would think would be the story of Buzz taken out of Toy Story, its everything this movie isn't. Which makes the movie hard to get into because of that fact. The show was just far superior, where as this is your slow typical space adventure movie with no flavour or identity.

I do think some of the imagery is very dull, its not typical Pixar, and usually I would be okay with that if it was at least interesting, unfortunately it is not. Speaking of dull even the music and score is kind of forgetful. Which leads me to the characters which I feel no real attachment to, they just feel like they are there for decoration. The Cat which I thought was going to be annoying turned out to be pretty cool. I kind of embraced the interactions between the cat and Buzz.

The story was not very interesting either, very standard typical space venture type of action that we have seen, and the the Zerg arc I did not like how it played out in this movie.

And while I think Chris Evans was a good replacement for Buzz over the replaced Tim Allen, why they did not choose Patrick Warburton I have no idea. I guess they needed a bigger and more current name I guess to sell tickets.

I was thinking that maybe kids will enjoy it but thinking about it again, I feel the movie was very subdued and muted in looks, sounds and story. I am not sure there would be much for kids to grasp. It does have some good one liners and some funny bits but it couldn't hold my attention. Shame really.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Leave your historical accuracies at the door.
5 March 2022
If you were bothered by the flat out, glaring, historical inaccuracies of the first original series, then you better get ready to buckle up for this one.

Vikings: Valhalla, follows the original Viking series from the History Channel/Amazon show and takes place 100 years after the season finale ended.

It was going to be a hard sell for me, but this show's first season falls short but still keeps me intruded enough to keep watching. The pacing is good enough and takes it's time, while also helping to develop all the characters.

The characters themselves are just not that interesting for the most part, but they do seem to try. Some of them start off well enough like Frida Gustavsson, then goes down this real tropey route that kind of kills it. They all seem very paint by numbers. Except Caroline Henderson who is a great presence in this movie, despite the issues surrounding it.

The fight scenes fall very flat in this movie with the choreography seeming very weak, with no impact or sense of brutality that the first show had. In fact it looks like a school play at times.

The sets at times also seem very unreal, while other times look very nice, it phases in and out and is very inconsistent, sometimes everything can look too clean except when its not.

The plot holds up well enough and is the main thing getting me through, there is a sense of wanting to know what happens next until the end of the season even if I cannot get invested in the characters completely they keep me tuned in just enough. It's not a bad start, but things can always get better. I'll keep watching. If historical inaccuracies couldn't keep me away from the original one then its not going to here either.

Once again there is a lot of historical flaws in this show, ones that are very noticeable if you love the cultural history here, but if you can get past that you'd have a good enough time.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
I wanted to like this so much.
15 January 2022
First off I want to say I started reading Wheel of time back in 1999, and over the years have eventually finished them all. Before the show was released I had been going back to to re-read them to ready myself for the show, when he show was released I had a three book head start just in case the show took some liberties and jumped ahead a bit.

First off what I loved. I liked the casting, everyone does the best with what they are given, Rosemary Pike is perfect despite my reservations on if she could pull it off, she is Moiraine, just as much as I felt Ian McKellen was Gandalf in Lord of the Rings. Just seeing the cast in their roles makes me smile.

Also some of the locations Edmond's Field is great it looks just like I would have imaged, Shadar Logoth the first time I saw that on my screen it looked intimidating it looked haunting, it was everything I expected and more. A lot of the locations in the show (for the most part) is very nice to see.

Unfortunately, the stuff I did not like undermined what I loved. First I understand trying to fit the first book into eight episodes would be a hard undertaking. You are going to have to make cuts, you are going to have to change a few things, and some of the changes I felt were fine but in the grand scheme of how the show played out over those eight episodes I felt maybe the show should have never been eight episodes. Even before the show came out and I heard there was going to be eight episodes I tried hard to think how they were going to do it. And its clear on the show they could not. A lot of the time the show feels rushed, the pacing is all over the place, everything feels like The Eye of the World bullet points were made into a movie.

Also the amount of cuts, and the cuts of scenes in the books felt like huge mistakes, a lot of character encounters moved around and some not even present, some important moments from the books being changed to different locations, some scenes not making too much sense because of scenes that happened in the book were not present and so felt cut from the show.

The actors while I praised, a lot of the time felt lost and going through the motions as if lacking direction, some times it was hard to tell what they were emoting.

Also while the magic system in the books of Wheel of Time had its flaws the show did little to correct or even make it better, in fact made it worse, the magic system seems to have no laws here, its a mess.

The effects is also very inconsistent at some moments is capable and others its awfully rough and unfinished looking.

I feel like this show tried too hard to try and cram so much into its first season that I feel maybe that they should have only partly covered book one instead of taking out so much. Its so different from the book outside of some locations and characters, some of which are missing in both fields.

One of the biggest complaints I have is the change to its overall native design, which I have no idea why they went with it and as a fan of the books its a very puzzling plot change. I don't know the intent of the movies direction but it just feels like they didn't want to stay too much faithful to the books original narrative and I think that is what hurt it the most, and while its okay to diverge a little the change was very major.

Overall the show is very average, its got some really good scenes and moments with some very good imagery and the acting is good when its good. But its bogged down by so many questionable decisions that I cannot fathom. I will hope that season two corrects and does a better job at book two than season one did at book one.
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It was fine
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself but I didn't feel like it was that good, it was good enough to have fun in but it had a lot of bugs that kept itching me. I am still not sure if its even the best Tom Holland/Spider-Man movie either. Probably on par with Far From Home? Because I haven't been a fan of Tom Hollands Spider-Man movies so far, they have always been so 50/50 with me on enjoyment, I think my problems with No Way Home (and the MCU Spider-Man movies in general) lays in my problems rooted in the MCU Spider-Man from the beginning.

My main problems include the dialogue for the other franchise Spider-Man and villains, except Doc Ock and a little bit of Norman Osborne, everyone else just spoke very weirdly. Especially Maguire and Garfiend's Peter Parkers. Their introductions felt very off they didn't seem like the spider-Men I remember from the other movies. Also the action scenes were very jumpy, like I got dizzy a few times watching this movie, that might be my personal issues with motion sickness, but I never had this sort of stuff affect me in movies before, like the camera is constantly moving, I wish it would try and keep the action scenes more focused, I don't know if it was bad CGI and they were trying to hide by compensating but it hurt. There also felt like a few times where it felt like a scene was cut for some reason, like the Lizard staying in the van... we never saw why and for some reason he was there only mentioned that he wanted to stay in the van, for some reason.

Also the comedy, once again, this is a Disney/Marvel problem but the comedy is ruining these movies, not that the comedy is bad, actual I do get a few laughs, but its the timing, the constant use of comedy to break a serious moment you are trying to let sink in. It feels like every time Marvel do this in their movies it annoys the hell out of me. Let the emotional moments sink in stop trying to jump in with the jokes, it doesn't work. Also there was way too much Ned Leeds. He is to No Way Nome was Kat Dennings was to Thor 2 Its unbearable, sometimes he gets laugh but he long overstays his welcome in this movie.

Also good points, the action when it wasnt making me want to throw up, was very good, I liked the high stakes at just seeing all the villains and seeing Spider-Men from the other movies was pretty good and seeing everyone in the cinema get excited for Maguire was a feel good moment, despite my own personal issues with the execution

Outside of that. Holland, is good as Peter Parker, the one thing that keeps me coming back to these Spider-Man Movies is Tom Holland, the romance between Holland and Zendaya is adorable. She may not be Mary Jane but she is great as her own character and I have fully accepted her, actually I liked her in the previous movie so she won me over long ago. But those two are the best.

There are also other problems I have with the movie, but its just me ringing the same bells with the previous movies so I wont repeat myself. Otherwise a pretty decent Spider-Man movie that isn't the best, but it tries.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Simplest ideas can still bring fantastic results.
5 December 2021
I eventually got down to watching Squid game, and even getting a review out was very late. But here goes...

Squid Game is great. One of the best shows of the year for sure, there is so much to pick apart of why I love this show. From a show that dives into narratives like classism, and society . How far will you to get out of a horrible place, what are you willing to sacrifice, and int he end will it really be worth it. Squid Game asks these questions through some great characters, some great visual imagery and a unnerving sound and audio you make you feel uneasy and of course great storytelling to get to that point.

The idea about a battle royale format is nothing new, but it takes something like Squid Game to make it something special.

Over time the series really makes you get into all the characters and their backstory and why they have come to this point. So when something happens to them you feel it emotionally. And the characters are complex, they are not one note, they all feel like they need to be there and you get why. And a show doing that in this type of format is rarely done well these days. The key to this show is its characters, and the actors that portray them put in all the effort to make it work, I wasnt disappointed by anyone.

Only complaint I really have is the ending, I wasnt a massive fan of the reveal but it didn't take away too much. The journey to this point had been amazing so I was still left satisfied regardless.

I rarely dabble in Korean cinema but every time I have I get a surprise like this. Very pleased with the results and am happy to have watched, even if it was later than most.
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Far from perfect but seemly serviceable show.
4 December 2021
Growing up as a kid in the 1980's I think its safe to say He-Man was one of the first shows I remember watching outside of the usual preschool kid shows, He-Man used to share an hour with She-Ra on Saturday mornings in the UK, I used to watch both with my sister as we'd both wait for our own favourite shows to come on.

He-Man received another reboot or remake in the 1990's I clearly remember being not very good. Then there was one in the 2000's that was actually pretty good, but took away a lot of the campiness of the original and posed a more serious tone.

Masters of the Universe Revelations seems to share more in common with the 2000's reboot than it does the 80's one. While it retaining some of the imagery from the 80's show and the overall aesthetic, including some beautifully well designed shots that look like they jumped straight off of the 80's toy line, the tone in attitude seems more akin to the 2000's remake.

I can understand the change in tone, the show feels more adult, it seems to have the goal of trying to please fans of the 80's show, to try and make you feel it has grown up with you.

So did that attempt work?

Well I can say, I was pleased with the show in many aspects. The look of the show as mentioned previously seems to really pay homage to the 80's show, from the look of the characters to the colour pallet to the backdrops. While the 80's original hasn't held up in terms of its animation, this show feels like it corrected and updated that. And did a marvellous job.

The music and score is epic too, it seems they went above and beyond here in the sound department everything felt fresh and crisp. Its a shame we didn't hear that old intro theme again in the opening but I didn't mind too much.

The acting in this was really good, for a lot of the cast it felt like I was listening to the old cast of the 80's show. I was barely taken aback my the acting. Except one, as much as I love Mark Hamill, I just kept hearing Joker and not Skeletor in his role.

With the good out of the way, onto the negative. The story is pretty strong for the most part. It has a direct line from start to finish and has many shocks and 'revelations' along the way. Though that way seems very bumpy at times, there is a lot of needless filler at times. Sometimes a lot of this story contradicts itself a few times as well as ignoring its own lore. This could make or break a few peoples enjoyment of the show especially if you are a fan of the franchise.

There is a new character in the show called Andra who I was interested in, but her arc goes nowhere, she doesn't even really have an arc, she really could have been cut from the show and not missed at all. It was very puzzling.

Final point is if you are not a fan of fan service in shows then you will not like this. There are many hints through the show that throw a lot of fan service at you, that for me personally it isn't bad but from other people it can be an issue.

Summing up, I do not think the show is bad but its not as great as it could have been either. A great cast, with great animation with a story that, while flawed, is very straight forward. Its going to be very hit and miss for fans I think due to some changes and the fact He-Man seems to have taken a slight secondary role to Teela, which this movie is heavily focused on, with the title being about her Revelation. If you wanted He-Man then you may be disappointed, but if you just want to see all your favourites from the old show, then its still pretty worth checking out at least once.
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Arcane (2021– )
Arcane has risen the bar.
27 November 2021
Not since the Avatar the Last Airbender TV series have I been blown away by an animated TV show, or any a TV show in general. Arcane contains so much heart and love and passion from start to end, with every episode making you want to hang onto the next. Great storytelling, great characters, a world that you can get invested in. The animation to its credit, a style of animation I am not usually fan of, won me over here. Just they way they were able to be creative and thoughtful to its own style without making it too standard. The only thing that I will nit pick about this show was the musical accompaniment to certain scenes, which I felt were distracting at times, but that's more a personal thing, don't let that take away from what is a show you must see and a standard to animation going forward.
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Don't Waste Your Time.
13 July 2021
I trend to avoid movies that I know I may dislike, but this movie had a premise that lured me in, and boy was I foolish, this movie was dull, dull dull dull. Like seriously the story while promising at a glance, but leant itself to such uninterest that nothing could really be saved, the actors were boring to watch, the story was dragging and the threat seemed a bit goofy. I dunno why I bothered, it had some good moments but overall I feel like I was robbed a moment of my time watching.

It did have some aesthetic moments and a little sense of dread and suspense but overall this movie maybe the worst movie I have seen in a long time. And I only say that because I do not go openly go and see movies that I may dislike.
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