
1 Review
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Film that swim in the murky souls and consciences of the protagonist.
29 August 2020
De matteo dives into the black soul of the protagonists and bring to the sourface all the fears, cowardice, small and large weakness of the player. Everyone has his fault (here we gossip in a bad way. We corrupt, we threate...). Then there is the "little chalet"... as a little and poor Italy, bourgeois, self-referential that tows all his fear and flaws. Then the "guests" as roumanian people in this case. People who bring with them the difficulty of the exiles. Libes full of prejudice and compromises. Giallini is posed at last, he never overpower other actors. It would be better shorten the first part ( animals? for example) and deepen the end. Good De Matteo and very good Giallini and Massimiliano Gallo and of couse, Cristina Flutur. Lorenz 666 for me 7/10
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