23 Reviews
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Big Little Lies (2017–2019)
Exceptional- All The Way Around Stunning.
2 December 2020
This show is exceptionally well done. My goodness, each of the actresses played their parts amazingly, and so did the male actors of course. Kidman, Witherspoon, Woodley, Kravitz and Dern KILLED IT !

The storytelling is beautiful, tense, and riveting - all while remaining quite close to reality - to the point that a good few scenes are disturbing to say the least.

I'm so excited to hear the author of the books is working on a third season - I sincerely cannot wait to see what the Monterey Five get up to after that cliffhanger of a 2nd season finale!

I have not seen a murder mystery with so much heart before in my life - this one is a true gem of film and art.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
A Well Thought And Fun Viewing Experience.
12 October 2020
This show is much better than people are giving it credit for. Is it cliché? Yes but only in entirely intentional ways that make one smile even if for a second. I typically don't enjoy shows of this kind but I binge watched the first season in a day - seeing as the episodes are a tad less than a half hour a piece it was quite a quick watch. I'm hoping for a second season.
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It's decent but missed potential
12 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying I did enjoy this particular haunting as a binge watch during quarantine. I felt the need to keep watching to get an understanding of what exactly was happening at the manor. Some of it was obvious ; but I did not enjoy the flashbacks getting so out of hand it became hardly possible to tell if one was in the shows present or in its past.

Characters had little to no development either to be frank and nothing truly pivotal happens at all before the end of episode 5 and then they provide a hallow and rushed background to the ghosts backstory and how the manor became haunted by a ghost that essentially doesn't even remember why they are haunting the manor.

It had a lot of potential but misses the mark. Is it terrible ? Nah. Is it amazing ? Meh.
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Follow Me (2020)
What did I just watch?
4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is nothing worth remembering. I enjoy Holland Rosen as an actress; so I gave it a go. The story is "been there, done that" 100% nothing new.

The lead is absolutely horrible at acting; but that's nothing new either as he was when he had part in Pretty Little Liars as Toby also. 5 years later and zero improvement on acting skills.

The story is predictable and the ending is absolutely trash. A whole room of friends that weren't really killed standing around in the dark as they watch their best friend murder the man he thought had killed them all- only top pop up after all "surprise; you were pranked" only to gasp at the dead man on the ground and then cut to credits.

It was a brainless way to fill time but made entirely unbearable by the ending.
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The Boys (2019– )
Whale scene was too far. Wow. Don't do anything like that again.
22 September 2020
I love this show but had to write here to state you guys took it way too far on the whale death scene in season 2. Absolutely heinous and completely unnecessary.

Otherwise, great show. But seriously , don't do anything like the whale scene again. Scarring and entirely useless to the plot other than to make you hate the good guys for , you know, ramming a boat right through a whale.
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Power Book II: Ghost (2020–2024)
Worst idea for a sequel.
21 September 2020
Tariq was the most annoying character of the first series HANDS DOWN- why the heck would they think it's a good idea to base this around him? Worst. Idea. Possible. His acting is cringeworthy and even if he was a good actor his character is one of the most unlikable characters from the first part. This could have been so much better if they had just went ahead and made a prequel or better yet not killed off ghost in the last series finale.

Giving it 4 because quarantine is boring, so this is something to watch- even if it's just out of not being able to look away from a train wreck of a show.

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Entertaining As Heck
17 September 2020
Firstly, I quite enjoyed the first Babysitter movie as many of the other reviewers here stated as well; but, I don't understand any negative reviews about this sequel. I think they did a great job with a continuation to a story that one would not expect a sequel to.

There obviously is a hard time beating the first of any series as proven time and time again; but this was just as funny and ludicrous as the first. Predictable ? Maybe, for sure. But any less fun to watch? Not. At. All.

This sequel brings a welcomed bit of entertainment to any night in / lockdown life with the pandemic times we are living in. Watching it back to back with the first film was a great movie night.
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The Prodigy (2019)
It was Alright But The Ending Was nonsense
9 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok , so I went in with low expectations to be honest and I found it somewhat entertaining even though there wasn't any guesswork about what was going on since they gave away and plot twist in the first five minutes. But I'm lost entirely on how any of these characters are supposed to be rooted for. Mama bear lost any respect the moment she essentially tried to allow a serial killer to murder again in a very ill conceived plan that she hopes will lead to the spirit of the killer to leave her sons body. Then she dies when she's finally about to shoot him. Whoever wrote this wanted there to be nobody worth caring about I guess. It was a 5-6 star before the ending. 4 is being kind. Way to blow it.
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Selling Sunset (2019– )
Terrible Public Relations move
4 August 2020
Firstly , I don't know why the Oppenheimer brothers thought this was a good idea. This show clearly displays the Absolutely heinous personalities of all involved in running their business.

The brothers themselves are pompous , arrogant , over inflated douchebags - and the realtors are all caddy, superficial, absolutely NASTY HEARTED individuals. Literally not a single person on this show is even remotely likable. Not a single thing about them is real. It's all "look pretty- and be empty" much like the houses they sell which actually only serve as a set for girl fights and two hobbits from the shire that boss them around.

I would think any client with a brain would choose not to use their company after viewing this show- though it seems they get the type of clients similar to who they are - like the housewife who has to sell her house with them so she can get two minutes on screen and feel important and hold that 2 minutes over her girlfriends at morning brunch.

That being said , I love watching it only for these reasons. It shows how utterly empty and also terrible these kinds of people are- and shows why they need to try and fill Their emptiness with more money than anyone could ever need while pretending that their "problems" are even anything close to real life issues.

It's clearly scripted as hell also- like all reality Tv; except you don't even get ten seconds that feels anything close to real in this one.

So, Oppenheimer has a bit of a show; but I doubt it's for the reasons they wanted - unless they're fine being seen as the absolute worst company to work with filled with backstabbing shallow housewives and two men who act like their daddies when they are technically their bosses. It's actually so appalling you just cannot look away.

Five stars- because it's SO BAD That it actually somewhat circles around in to being entertaining as heck.

You can tell these people will do anything for more money and fame- even if it means showing the world the true lack of decency in their characters as human beings.
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Aquaman (2018)
Too much CGI to focus on anything else
22 July 2020
They relied far too heavily on CGI in this - some of its beautiful I'll admit but the actors themselves look a bit off and especially their hair. It makes it hard to take anything being said seriously because the CGI is actually distracting. The acting is also plenty cringeworthy in its own ways.its good for a watch on streaming services - but I'm glad I never paid to see it in theatres. It's like a Netflix movie that wasn't actually made by Netflix.
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Mr. Iglesias (2019–2020)
Lost as Laugh tracks
19 July 2020
The premise isn't a bad one. But that's about all I can say. The script is chalk full of "jokes" that are supposed to be funny but are rather just "meh" and constant laugh tracks to try and tell you it's time to laugh because otherwise you'd have no laughter aside from one or two randomly funny moments - it's all cringeworthy, over-acted and reminds me of Disney style humour but without any form of real creativity behind it. This is just a show for Iglesias to tell his jokes that barely hit the mark and all characters around him are just there to set him up for what is never quite a fulfilling moment in the end. This is not good comedy.i give it five because it at least means well and isn't crude to get laughs. Sadly, it just doesn't get laughs. I see why the loop tracks were necessary.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Groundbreaking? no. Hilarious? YES.
11 July 2020
I didn't go in to this movie with much expectation other than knowing I enjoy The cast.

It's got some plot holes but overall is a great laugh.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Great film
11 July 2020
I can understand where some of the comments of reviews state the film may fall short in certain areas ; but, overall I think it did a great job and is a wonderful add to the action genre.

The characters have heart ; though it seems like a story that could've been done more through a full series as it tries to tell a lot in a short time.

I do hope there's a sequel- seeing as we were left with one major cliffhanger ; and a cliffhanger that answered the one question I had during the film of a character who's part seemed large even though she was "trapped". Though I cannot say more without ruining the film. I look forward to seeing where the story goes, so here's hoping for a part 2!

The action is great, the acting is on par, and the cast seemed to truly connect and interact well with each other. It was a welcome adventure ride for 2 hours during lockdown and much better an attempt than I would have imagined from the trailer.

In reality the movie is a solid 8/10 but I felt the negative and 2-3 star reviews were dragging it down more than it deserved.
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Desperados (2020)
I'm being generous
8 July 2020
I'll start by stating my 2 star rating is only due to loving most of the actors in the film. I would have thought this combination would have gone off much better than it did.

The storyline is painfully erratic, with nothing to really grab on to. Instead of enjoying the experience you'll kind of just waste time watching something without taking anything from it to remember. In other words, it's a total waste of an hour and a half of your life that you'll never get back - and that's saying a lot while most of us are stuck at home in quarantine with too much free time.

It's a shame they brought together this great group and missed the mark entirely on a story of any sort.

Also, what's with the uncomfortable child/ adult live connection joke? It was cringeworthy at the first sentence and they kept it going throughout a decent length of the film. I don't know how this script ever got the green light.

If you're looking for a great Netflix comedy, this isn't it. It's not even decent. Instead , I recommend you watch Eurovision Song Contest: the story of Fire Saga - it'll bring you laughs and even some tears of joy.
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Very heartwarming and well delivered
2 July 2020
This film exceeded my already high expectations after the initial trailer. I haven't had genuine moments that forced me to literally laugh out loud like this in ages. The characters are endearing, especially Sigrid. Mcadams and Farrell did amazingly and so did all of the supporting cast.

I highly recommend this film. It will bring a smile to your face in a time we could all use a heartwarming laugh.
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Gets in its own way but entertaining
21 June 2020
The show is a mixture of beautiful cinematography and acting with a compelling take on the horrific and mysterious downfall of the Romanov dynasty. What the show messes up is the switching to commentary from historians that they seem to think adds to the show / story, when in fact it is entirely unnecessary - all of the moments historians spoke of would have been better acted out on screen instead of using the commentators to fill gaps. Also, they hardly touched on the exile and murder of the entire family - which is one of the biggest failures to fully address this story.

That being said it's a wonderful piece of work and I appreciate that they tried to make it a unique viewing experience , though the story would have done much better without random people popping up in the middle of moments to explain the moment instead of simply showing it in greater detail.

Can we not just have a good dramatic telling of the story without having grandpa come on the screen to explain why it was important ?
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Kirby Jenner (2020– )
Doesn't seem the KarJenners even want to do this
27 May 2020
So this show first of all seems like a strange guy just saying lame jokes pretending to be part of a family that he isn't - and it seems like the Kar Jenner's don't even so much enjoy being around him since they literally say less than two words at a time and seem distant to him , almost like they're just obligated by a contract and wanting to seem like they can be relatable through letting someone pretend to be their sibling. Also Quibi is a terrible service and these 6 minute shows of 8 episodes basically lends you one 40 minute show at 9.99 $ monthly. I don't see this show nor the service it's on lasting through the year.

I can and have written multiple works better than this and have the proof. So the one good thing is if garbage like this makes it , I should be good to go.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Impressive and Nail biting
18 May 2020
This show is a wonderful piece of cinematic work. The storyline is well thought out and all the characters backgrounds are deep, well planned, and make the audience feel / understand each individual and how things have gotten so messy for these teenagers.

Granted some say the show has young people doing things only people much older would do, it's a great representation of how kids these days are growing up much faster than ever before, and how the consequences of that can be deadly.

It's a show that keeps you guessing, entertained, and invested in each character - you either love them or hate them, but due to superb writing you know them all very well.

You can tell the actors get along and truly enjoy each other , making for great chemistry on set. Each season I wonder what they'll do next and they always deliver.

I cannot wait for season 4 of Elite- I'm sure the next set of twists will be another nail biter.
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This Family should be cancelled
18 May 2020
The Kardashians have built and empire from nothing - literally. I don't understand how these women flaunting how their better and above everyone else is worth watching or praising AT ALL.

This show exists because they use their own funds to produce it through Kris Jenner , answering how this travesty of a show has lasted on air this long.

I'm glad to see more people are relaxing what a waste it's been to prop these guys on to a pedestal. I hear the show is finally coming to and end - thank goodness.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Well thought out and great delivery.
18 May 2020
This show may have you thinking it's just a melodrama if a woman grieving her husband and the quirky woman she invites to live with her and her children - but it's far more.

I love the way the characters are developed and the depth they carry to their stories. Judy isn't just endearing, she's always unpredictable and leaving you guessing.

It's a heartfelt story with just enough perfectly placed twists and turns to leave it believable and, furthermore , a show that is able to connect its audience to the characters and their story.

A welcome binge watch. And both season finales are perfectly played - I kept wondering how they'd make another season , and each time they throw in a curve ball , leaving it obvious that the writers will always have one little trick up their sleeve.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
It's pretty good - but not groundbreaking at all.
18 May 2020
Ok, I'll start by saying the show is quite entertaining and that the script is quite well written. It's a show you can't miss a moment of or you'll be lost , as there is always something happening.

With that said I'll admit I understand the times the show takes place in quite well; but, I find Uthred actually a rather unlikable and seemingly predictable character. His personality is actually rather offputting and I'm not sure if this is Dreymons true accent; but it seems rather forced in parts and even jarring; though not in a fun way. Also, Dreymon is a good actor ; but he doesn't quite seem to fill the role of Uthred at all, and would have been better suited to be in films like Kingsmen or The Gentlemen- not as a blood thirsty half Dane / Saxon warrior.

There isn't really a character on the show that differs from others. The Danes are all pretty cookie cutter, with even Brida being a good deal of the time a bit too much and again seeming overacted.

I love a nice complicated storyline and found that the names also being very close in sounds (Uthred, Guthred) made it at times a bit silly trying to figure out whom was being spoken of.

The show seems to have a repetitiveness to it in knowing that Uthred will always come out alive and ok somehow and that there will be one big battle in the last episode of each season. Also, the soundtrack was ok the first episode or two but hearing the same three songs repeated EVERY EPISODE made it feel lazily put together.

Overall it's worth a watch and at times quite entertaining - especially those battle scenes , very well done. But it certainly isn't a masterpiece. Some more character range , and better casting and soundtrack would VASTLY improve this series.
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White Lines (2020)
Not as bad as you'd think. But not a unique experience.
18 May 2020
This show is alright in terms of storyline , and mystery. Though I found it seemed to be missing something that truly would make it a unique viewing experience such as Pina's other works including Money Heist.

This series falls short of Pina's other pieces. It's not as bad as some of the ratings make it out to be - and a good binge watch during lockdown times; but don't expect any major moments that leave you speechless - there was maybe one moment that had me shocked about halfway through the season and the rest was not so "shocking".

The character of Axel also quickly becomes rather unlikable , as do many of the characters , including Zoe. It's not a bad show - but there's nobody to really root for. It could have been amazing ; but it missed the mark.

That being said it's still interesting enough to give a shot and the videography of it is very well done.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Don't Take It Literally ... Enjoy the Ride. bad casting on Daveed.
18 May 2020
For those stating that the premise of a train wrapping around the globe that has to keep running is too unrealistic - that is correct. Though it's a great metaphor for how our class based elitist society is part of a never ending circle that, given the right circumstances , could entirely collapse at any moment.

So no, train like this isn't possible. But that's not the point. Watch the story unfold and if need be pay attention to everything else and let the train part fall to the background. Either way, it's an interesting story and the acting is well done. The scenery is amazingly well thought out , and for a pilot episode they did decent job knocking it out of the park.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the film- but I'm quite interested to see how they do with this. So far, so good.

WARNING - you do need an imagination to watch this show. So if you take everything too literally you won't enjoy it.

The only unbearable part of this show is daveed Diggs- he doesn't sell the part very well at all. The show would be much better without him as a centrepiece: it's a shame they couldn't find Idris or someone a bit more captivating in their acting - Diggs is lacklustre at best and he's outshined by every other character , even the background ones.
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