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Some startling Choices didn't pay off for me
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying I think this is an excellent film but I'm as conflicted as I am impressed.

Rather than being the second half of the book adaptation of Dune - this brings in more of the ideological analysis and political power play that exist across the galaxy. The bulk of this might've been influenced by "Dune Messiah" but the roles are impacted, changed, squandered, enhanced and fleshed out.

For a long film, less book plot transpires from Dune. The film is asking for a part 3, but may have lost a good portion of its fan base with just how far DV has departed or abandoned aspects of the books.

No longer are we given a visual or narrated insight into Paul's insight and visions of the past, present and future.

His sister remains unborn add therefore her character is developed as a sentient foetus, the victory of taking back Arrakis is swift despite easily taking the entire runtime of the whole of David Lynch's film and giving us more of a sense of her power and precociousness. Her life as as the Dukes daughter and something more is denied in this representation and Chani is transformed to the opposite of her character in the book. For me this choice to "empower" Chani's stance to one of understanding beyond her books character means we lost seeing her wisdom and belief. With the time dedicated, her relationship with Paul is left estranged rather than a deep believer. There was time to develop other characters to portray this revisionism and it is largely borrow from the second novel, Dune Messiah. Exploring how the Bene Gesserates seed prophetic stories and female children to manipulate and control the Houses and the reach of their power over 90 generations and more. No montage and voice over used or needed but the passage of time felt long enough to introduce and develop Paul's sister - she is missed most in the last act. While Chani becomes the voice of decent, Josh Brolin as Gurney becomes sycophantic almost.

The choices fit our current world tensions somewhat but DV withholds enough of the book to justify a third film. Too much in my opinion to make this a satisfying film.

None book readers/listeners and fans will feel short changed from two films of this running time. There was easily more to develop and conclude AND allow for multiple more films. This feels more like a bargaining tool with WB for a franchise.

If the internal voice was silenced from Paul it also distances him from the audience. He is less noble and more vengeful. And the final act seems hurried. With critical fights less impressive and certain kills given to the protagonist.

So I am finding this a mixed bag with David Lynch giving more accuracy and conclusion of the book's narrative. However, in Hollywood money is made in retention and sequels. DV now has a divergent version of Dune to bring around. The book spawned several official sequels and this could be the money maker that saves WB.

The visuals and large scale action is original and bold. Glorious acting by all save Emperor Walken. No gravitas or strategic brilliance on display. I found this weak casting. Austin Butler surprised me.

I felt that the Harkonnen perverse natures was underplayed. Partly because since the book was written, homosexuality is not the non-acceptable sensibility it was in Frank Herbert's time. Also I feel that Hollywood wants money to roll in from countries where representation of such meets censorship.

The cinematography and the restraint shown with the Worms really pay off. If I had not read the books, I think this would be up there as a 9/10 that I gave the more promising and faithful part one. So if part 3 now happens and works better for these choices as the plot and character arcs continue then this might deserve more praise.

As it stands this may have undermined the book fanbase but gained modern audience satisfaction. Could Chani be a willing and understanding concubine knowing she would be his true love but accept a political marriage in this day and age?

It certainly leaves lots to be discussed and hopefully more to be seen. I truly hope this is successful and I understand the posture. I can't help but feel two films was sufficient for Dune. Frank Herbert, it could be argued had to write Messiah to capitalise on his own success and to bridge and retrofit Dune to enable Children of Dune. This way perhaps DV has positioned himself more strategically. Does he have the stamina for the journey to continue? I hope the answer is a YES from Legendary and WB.
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Enjoyed this 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
26 February 2024
From the outset the film takes us to the world of Cash (Bloom) and its no slips with his southern American accent. He's a man with a history and the film provides us with clues with being overtly explicit. The film makers trust the audience and we in turn trust them. They present us with 4 characters to find our affinity with: Cash, his late sister's husband, Savanah his niece and the preacher. Andie McDowell's turn as the enemy is many years and miles from four weddings and a funeral. She seems at home, Big Cat is the antagonist and she has a big crew and drug operation underway.

Cash made it out of her operation once but his brother-in-law's debt draws him back in only to be unable to let himself go down such an evil road.

This is a good thriller and an exploration of values. Bloom doesn't need to play the Statham card. What I mean is, Bloom inhabits and provides pathos and character with these roles. An actor who takes us on an emotional journey.

The script is sparse and the story could've fleshed out some personality and perspectives of the Sheriff, the gang and townsfolk.

I would like to see Bloom given better material than this, but he is by no means weak.

I enjoyed this and yet it had all the components of a better film. Still significantly above average.
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Madame Web (2024)
Was like a TV Pilot for a show I'd still watch
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This film has received shed loads of criticism and yet I watched it. The idea of showing the superpower of clairvoyance or premonitions is not easy to pull off. First issue is slow down and don't put your money shots in the first 15 minutes. Give people more to care about and more jeopardy. The opening was rushed and the villain needed better actor and less derivative visual representation. Some originality.

If you're going to spend 90% of the screen time with 4 people (Webb and the Spider-girls), developing interesting discourse and unpacking their stories has to be more than just bad dialogue and stupid choices. I'm not going to waste time saying what many others have pointed out. This isn't the story of the spider-girls and yet the absence of their story arcs being fulfilling, the forcing in of the Uncle Ben arc (didn't bother me too much) and the many plot holes. (Trip to Peru when you are on the run for kidnapping - which would have been resolved in 5 minutes at a police station especially in a world where supers already exist - for a 5 minute character development scene). The girls manage to stay off baddies radar for a week when previously incapable of it for an hour.

So it is a gigantic mess. But it does tug at the strings if things that I'd like to see develop.

Don't bring back the villain. Do find an interesting way to give each of the spider-girls their powers and work for Miss Webb. If she opens a brothel and they start working johns, then she will be "Madame Webb".

The early shot of the girls in costume and using powers would've served better as a post credit scene of them taking down a decent spider verse villain.

It's the least superpowered origin story but didn't own that. Camera work need to slow down, stop trying to rotate around action. Better script, villain and edit and this could've been something better.

However, is it the worst Sony - Superflick. Nope. That still belongs to Venom 2: Let there be rubbish.
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Only for self-flagellating Witcher Completists
3 January 2023
There are two things this has going for it from the get go, Michelle Yeoh and being part of "The Witcher" franchise. Oh and it's relatively short. Three things then. Sadly it leaves the canon of the Witcher Universe poorer for having been made.

The song of the seven begins by saying it will tell the story of . . . And this is not a story that has been told before. Well it certainly felt like it ought not to have been told at all.

If you want to save yourself life-force just watch the last 30mins and read a synopsis with "spoilers". You can use an alternative adjective with gratitude to the provider.

So where does this go wrong? Premise, plot, production value (it felt like a poor relative of Sci-fi channel circa 2001), characters, acting, dialogue and the absence of action. The elf ears look borrowed from the gatekeeper dogs in Ghostbusters.

There is singing, swearing and nonsense. The humour (I think it's attempted) is flat and you are imbued with not an ounce of empathy for any players. Lenny Henry is terrible, and seems to know it, as the chief villain but he is possibly not the worst actor in the band. It makes his turn in Rings of Power seem like Shakespeare.

So if you like the Witcher in any of its other forms, or dislike it at all - this is best avoided at all costs. But be warned, if you start watching it, you may end up having to finish it. Decide.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Great writing & acting - requires a little patience
4 September 2022
This just needs you to give it 2 or 3 episodes and you'll realise is pretty great stuff. Love him/hate him, Gary Oldman is at once repulsive and hilarious. The full cast shine and the plot is nicely woven. Pay attention and this is a rewarding and disturbing take on MI5 and the world of spooks where those that shine may no longer be the flavour of the month.

It's a little gruesome, the language is coarse but essential to the humour, and the story poses some intelligent questions about the classes, feelings and longings that get misplaced, underestimated and maybe shine again.

In the end I was left wanting for more and it's great to see that there is another season on the way imminently. I must remind my sister to watch it. 😂
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The Shining (1980)
42 years since it's making and . . .
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In my exploration of Kubrick's films I've yet to find myself with the rave response of many who saw the films at the time of release or at some point in their formative years. So this is a non-fan opinion. A 48 year old film student and now simply sharing my tuppence

Watching this in 4K UHD MST-HD, started as an reminder of Kubrick's film grammar and conventions. I've studied them in his other films so, a slow burning and stark auteur. However, being familiar with the novel and other adaptations there is less focus on the back story to the property and Nicholson begins almost as psychotic as he ends up. I'm less appreciative of the paranormally stimulated breakdown than others have celebrated. I'd have like to have seen a different casting choice. Someone who started wholesome before loosing there rocks.

The stand out shots of Danny racing round the Overlook Hotel and apparitions of the twins are genius tracking, axe chopping shots and much more. There's a lot to appreciate conceptually but how much of that is the source material, the iconic score and the choice of locations.

My take is that Kubrick went for a more singular adaptation and gained appreciation for that but in being selective he chose to leave much unexplained and he likes that in film where wider interpretation can be etched on to his work. That's obfuscation intentionally and the material is there. The film points to the book then but it also feels like a poorer choice and adaptations that have opted for their unique stance must rise up and elevate themselves to a different quality in the alternate media.

This simply isn't achieved and I suspect more think that the emperor is wearing a whole lot less than we have been led to believe. They should admit it. The signature flaw in Kubrick's work is that we empathise for no one. We aren't sorrowful for the demise of his characters. They aren't warming and then desperate. Wendy, Danny, the Herculean efforts of the cook to return . . . It holds no matter. The lifeless, frozen insanity left to thaw in the maze. It's simply the shot and there is no sorrow or loss to contemplate. Just a spooky photo.

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Resident Evil (2022)
Deserves more credit for the reinvention
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The broad concept and plot had potential but as we have discovered, split narratives only work where we move at an entertaining pace and have a good script.

When we add very annoying teenage protagonists (Billie, Jade and to a lesser extent, Simon) and the flash forward to their equally annoying grown up versions... we aren't on to a winner.

I found myself rooting for the zombies but they just don't stack up against TWD either in outdoor spaces or in the high lights of the show, in the underground bunkers. The original video games constrained angles led to more claustrophobia and jump moments.

The good news is it got cancelled.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
A good film that's easy to re-watch
1 September 2022
Coming back to this in 2022 there are some easy themes that stand up to the passage of time. Since it's sequel has been and gone much of the hope has seeped away for as the DCU has been under minded by WB it has not been able to shape anything with consistency.

With Gal Gadot as WW the star shines very bright and Chris Pine and all other supporting cast are well drawn but plots are a little underdeveloped and when the big bad is the god of war, Aries - the scale seemed small on the screen whilst the jeopardy on screen, whilst it comes to pass, feels more of a foot note than a truly mortal affair.

DC have overpowered heroes like Superman but Steve Trevor deserves more emotional impact on screen given his choices and the villains are given too little attention. The red herring villain didn't work well enough and a more 3D female villain would have sufficed with Aries as her muse and empowered. Perhaps if Jenkins had shown the adversarial nature of women here, then ww84 would've had not misfired on so many levels.

Snyder clearly had a game plan that was untrusted. So when I recall this film and recognise there are some great stand out scenes that come to mind. By the end credits we have a self sufficient film that could've been more but is not wholly disappointing like the follow up.
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Night Hunter (2018)
Lead actor shines in a rather dull thriller
30 August 2022
The twist and plot is rather mundane and could've done with a re-write and some reconsideration. Especially when Cavill's character and dynamics were all there for the taking.

In the end, secondary roles matter I and you need a high calibre villain. Parallel plots added a little interest but not much.

A few surprises for unobservant viewers and a great deal of hoping that it would be a better movie as I think Henry Cavill could do with more films enabling his progression in filmdom.

Ben Kingsley is underserved and any similarities or suggestions that this is akin to Silence of the Lambs are false.
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Dog (I) (2022)
There is value in life
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This might not be what you think of watching this but for me there was less humour and more charm in this film that seem to be a tale of two souls regaining there value outside of being Rangers. They are military cast-offs and they become bonded but the chemistry between Tatum and the 3 dogs playing Lulu wasn't there for me. Each could be charming etc but the episodes provided smiles rather than laughs and with little inspired dialogue (the journal was actually quite good and a shame we heard too little).

Other human relationships were alluded to but a little fleshing out, a bit more high jinx and perhaps this would've been better. I don't know what dog ptsd looks like, and whilst the protagonist is clearly in need of man's best friend, during his night terrors, Lulu doesn't really endear or contribute initially. Perhaps they were trying to keep to subtle relationship development throughout but the light touch made this pretty yawn full for me and I typically cry at anything. This just never pulled me in. I would say I'm prime audience for this from personal circumstances and longing for a German Shepherd but nada. 4 is generous.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Very Enjoyable Movie
28 August 2022
Watched with my 14 yr old son and my wife. We enjoyed the overall style, heart and action in this movie. It wasn't a film about pathos and 6 is a strong average movie.

Plot is fairly generic and there are no standout action scenes passé but Sly still cuts it and was enjoyable despite poor dialogue and script through out.

We see a dystopian but recognisable slum in America: Granite City. Sam is a boy whose father died when he was 4. At 13 life is hard for Sam and his mother. Sam is facing the pull of gang life and needs to make better choices. He makes a few poor calls and gets drawn in. However, his life is interwoven with a neighbour, Joe Smith, who Sam believes to be Samaritan, one of two super powered twins who disappeared 25 years ago in an explosion.

The premise and plot work out in a movie by numbers. But it feels just a bit more. It's fairly enjoyable with the right audience.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Prime Viewing - every episode is quality
28 August 2022
Amazon have shown that they are capable of some great TV. Reacher was evidence and The Terminal List is an emotionally charged thriller that does not disappoint either. The story unraveled at the right pace for me with some surprises along the way. Well developed characters where needed, and the production values were consistently high. I'd've appreciated some English subtitles but it didn't effect my understanding.

I don't rate 10 as perfect, but this comes near enough. Maybe Atmos is coming soon?

Chris Pratt without the humour (which I missed a little) pulls off an great role as Navy SEAL Operator, but it's his relationships with his comrades, family & friends, his compassion and his integrity that shine here. The episodes are well weighted, enough back story without over cooking it, and this is worth my subscription for a couple of months at least. Keep 'em coming.

Contains strong language and violent appropriate for the topic. There was no crude language or sexual scenes that were gratuitous.
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Luck (I) (2022)
Great start that went downwards
15 August 2022
Really great quality animation but the story starts with a very good story set up in the real world but after that we found it went flat.

There are some awesome Pixar style sequences. Chasing the cat.

Morning routines.

But once we enter the land of luck it was not much of anything to care about. Especially with the potential. Worst thing on Apple.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Quick Opinion
8 August 2022
Probably the best entry into the Predator series since the original. It's significantly different in style whilst holding to the core tenants.

Great looking 4K UHD film and Atmos soundtrack.

2 great Easter eggs at the end. One in the movie final credits image - so keep your keep your eyes peeled.
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Unforgettable (2011–2016)
Essential Information
15 July 2022
I would want to know this before watching:

There is no end to this tv series. Production stopped and storyline is a major character cliffhanger. Not to worry. You can fill in the blanks with your imagination. Or objects from around the room. It doesn't really matter.

I haven't looked too hard for an explanation as to why this happened but it's just a sad end to what was a show that got me through post-surgery.

Unforgettable is aptly named as it doesn't matter if you fall asleep during and can't be bother to figure out what you missed. So generic and vague is the character development after Season 1 (whose line up, bar the two leads, are written out - save a guest appearance) you can sleep through tonnes of this. I gave up going back to see what I had missed. The answers were so obvious it was an improvement not knowing.

So if you need something completely undemanding, totally forgettable and with a clunk at the end. This is for you. Honestly can't say I would watch it out of choice but my wife put it on and the carers kept it going while they did their thing. Maybe they liked it more than I did. They'd ask me what had happened since they saw it last. I think my answers (fabricated from drug induced dreams) may have given the impression that I was enjoying this.

So to conclude. If you are going to watch it, make sure you have just had major surgery, sleep a lot and let the medicine do it's work.

Completely forgettable yet still better than Thor: Love & Thunder.
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Backdraft (1991)
Once ground breaking but suffers in other departments
4 July 2022
First the good: watching this in 4K UHD HDR DTS:X on a good home cinema system you get a sense of the experience this film was. I visited the Backdraft lot at Universal Studios in 1995 and it was a privilege to see how the fire effects were created and controlled.

Th VFX stand up to scrutiny in 2022 and the audio is just incredible. The fire is given identity and life. Which is also the problem!

When the character of "flame" is fleshed out better than every other motivation and action we see actors/actresses who have hit their limits or whose styles don't serve each other nor a script that is intelligible.

I remember the star power this film has on release but as their lights faded or never burned as brightly as expected (William Baldwin), this leaves me thinking that this gave a legacy in today's Firefighter TV series and also acknowledging the amazing role that public servants on these red rigs risk day and night.

There are a lot of dynamics alluded to but I feel a better script might have handled more deftly. The Irish family heritage, the political ping pong with the lives of service people, the cost to marriage, body and psyche . . . It's all there but it's ultimately too much top layer and not much else.

The female roles are illustrative of the era in which the film is set but also at an acting level that doesn't portray the jeopardy of the mother who has decided to assert some control of the risk her husband exposes to her family by pre-emptively striking. She is out but not quite all the way.

By contrast Leigh is also in Jeopardy, less understood as she seeks to . . . Well it's alluded to but not really on the screen nor a developed subtext. Once could argue that Ron Howard had too many areas to choose from and in the end gave a little to everything and couldn't decide what mattered the most.

Sutherlands flamboyance locked up arsonists, De Niro's investigator, the mentorship role of Scott Glenn's character and an Alderman who's serving himself - too much for the script and dialogue to carry.

Finally, Kurt Russell. Black eyeliner pops in 4K HDR and I think is my lasting take away from a film that promised so much more. It braved a way for film stunts and effects but in the end the cheese factor was high and the selection was varied but this was a mouthful of . . . Indecision.

What happened to Tim? Ultimately like most characters in this film, we aren't sure if we or the protagonists ever really cared.
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Morbius (2022)
The Absence of Patience
17 May 2022
In the end comic adaptations come down to one question: With the quality of source material, what did you achieve?

So much promise. Rushing towards an outcome that seems to evaporate with increasing desperation. The issue with anti-heroes is you need a damn good villain, settings and real tragedy and pity.

All that was like demanding art from a child with a paint by numbers.

As Sony push on with Marvel's spare parts they are actually making the DCEU look better.

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9 Bullets (2022)
If you really like Lena then worth watching
1 May 2022
Some child actors will make or break a movie and character development of your main villain is essentially left out of the story.

The film was given a great actress and common premise but had nothing original to offer. We we're left to imagine a backstory and left to nothing on the screen and a sound track that couldn't support the tone of the film consistently. The film isn't worth saying more about.
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The Northman (2022)
Kind of brother's Grim on a brutal realism mushroom trip
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So this is the Norse legend that Hamlet is based on. Hence the Oedipal aspects but overall (if you remove the slavery, raping, pillaging, burning alive of children in a barn, drug induced hallucinations and a few other aspects), it's a happier tale 😬 Read: The Ophelia (equivalent character) survives to better days (we hope).

That's about the only upside I can find.

I think I was expecting something with more content than "brooding" but I'm not sure the reviews I read really set it up well enough: It's bitter and somber and if the historically accurate depiction of slavery in the 900s isn't an sense of the savagery that is on display, there's entrails. Lots of entrails.

The cinematography likes long side tracking shots and I liked this, but we trade potential action sequences for blood letting and the grotesque outcomes. The character development is also non-existent and any ground made is lost. Nicole Kidman plays the survivor role and is convincing but this film misses the soliloquies that Hamlet offers to bring the self-psychoanalysis to the screen. Not that you'd expect it here. However, for the runtime, what you get is to see how from a small tale, Shakespeare created something meaningful and much more corporeal than The Northman, despite introducing ghosts. A plagiarist he was not.

Glad I watched it but would not revisit nor recommend.
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Dune (1984)
A complex book to complete in one
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Slight Spoilers: I'm sure I saw this originally as "A film by Alan Smithee". Glad to see that David Lynch associates himself with the film. However, it exhibits the great issue with adaptations, finding the essential narrative and pacing it through the run time with the peaks and troughs that books are not limited by.

Some of the production value, actors of the time and unnecessary additions (voice modules and grotesquely deformed spacing guild) detract from the better moments. Effects and soundtrack were enjoyable. But the pacing is far too weighted to the expositions when the action is potent.

I was not drawn into the journeys of Paul from boy to man nor the losses and sacrifices.

This is watchable, more than endurable and yet know mostly for being less than it could've been.

Re-reading and the books and watching the mini-series ahead of watching the new Dune (2021), brought me back to this, Lynch's preferred cut. It's position fragile. Maybe Alan Smithee would do with making a comeback? Harsh?
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Died on the Nile
8 April 2022
Anachronisms aside I'm struggling with Branagh's accents of late. If Murder on the Orient Express was just an isolated incident but Tenet and then this. All I hear is the Shakespeare drilled accent, English underlying the Belgian accent. So I put that to one side (it rears its head again and again) and appreciate the back story and some changes plus the production value and Egyptian vistas were breathtaking. However, "the world's greatest detective" this was not around and overall I struggled to appreciate this to the level that just maybe a "newcomer to the story" might. So for me this was decided average. I hope others are more forgiving. Gal Gadot gets to expand her range from WW84, but then the only way was up. I needed more from this to convince me to come back again.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Set your expectations correctly for a good film
6 April 2022
We are seeing a lot more nuance within the genres. This is what makes science fiction a context or setting rather than an end in itself.

Watching this having immediately just re-watched 2001: A Space Odyssey, Ad Astra is perhaps less of commitment and is action packed by comparison, but it's not an action sci-fi movie. This is a story. And afterwards I felt like value had been added to my life and perspectives. There is a thesis and the director has something to say about who we become and it's link to our parents, our ambitions, our memories and the distance between us and our loved ones.

Post-Covid these are important things to reflect on. Ad Astra isn't pretentious though these are matter of fact as the the story unfolds.

The aftermath arrives quickly and a minor quibble is that there is no unpacking of the consequence of significant actions. Nor is there any reward for the sacrifices made. This leaves the world and humanity appearing cold and the completeness of the narrative ambivalent. I'd have preferred a little more interaction and understanding but again, this is not 2001.

It is an above average space based drama. Set your expectations well. And enjoy a good turn from Brad Pitt.
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The Bubble (2022)
4 but couldn't stop watching - So not 3 😬
4 April 2022
This film has something that makes it hard to turn off. Even if it's just that David Duchovny needs some sleep and time in the Lake District. Story is conceptually more funny than the film they made. Sadly loosing the funniest character and unable to pull a concrete script. I don't know how this hot made but hell, we thought the end of the world/cinema was here.

Some good send up scenes and cameos doesn't make a good film. But this film did make me laugh a lot and Karen needs a serious lead movie because she has got the chops.

If your looking for a family movie, scroll on. In fact, our 13 and 16 year olds bailed before we could send them out. My wife fell asleep and I just lowered my expectations. However, some blow away moments were unexpected and truly gob smacking. Stop if it's not your humour after 10mins cos it doesn't change.
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Mad Max (1979)
Watchable if you're into the history of the film
24 March 2022
Plot and acting is atrocious but the the stunts and concept showed that a $400000 movie could create a lot of entertainment.

Action and effects moderately effective. This film is possibly best described as a piece of film history relating to the origins of Mel Gibson's career and a springboard for the mad max trilogy and series.
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Fun interactions and poignant message
24 March 2022
Enjoyed this immensely. High level blasphemy was unnecessary and bothered me. The plot and script wore out towards the end but the action was convincing and fun.

Effects were solid and the fast dialogue worked very well.
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