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Time is precious don't waste it
9 August 2017
The worst recent movie I have ever seen. Utterly dreadful! So boring and over religious.I usually love historical dramas and horror films but it wasn't interesting in the least or scary, just bizarre. The story drags on and on and you get no answers. The stellar reviews its receiving is beyond me. The ending is weird and disturbing. I do NOT recommend this horrid excuse for a movie.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Great story but I don't feel like seeing a porno
11 April 2014
I love epic stories set in medieval times. This series definitely has qualities of a great story, original and creative yet not too much where its not realistic. Knights, dragons, princesses, kingdoms, wars,drama this series has it all. The only issue I have with it is the soft porn aspect..its way too much. I am a girl and i guess there are men who beg to differ on my view. Not everyone wants to see two people getting it on or peoples private parts; there are websites and movies for that I don't need it rubbed in my face. There is a way to convey the message without overly elaborating it like the show does.Everyone who has a brain and a history book knows that incest, rape, brothels and indecency was rampant back then no need to amplify it in every other scene.I find TV shows now a days exploit sexuality way too much and its a shame because this show has great potential. I would have given it a 9 or a 10 because the acting,scenery, story line is superbe...too bad
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Twilighter at heart but disappointed
10 December 2011
The only reason why I gave this movie a 8 is because Im a Twilight fan.

I've seen all the previous movies from the series and nothing compares to the first film hands down; it was haunting, it lured you in, the music was spot on. Breaking Dawn was a disappointment cause I was expecting more even though it stayed true to the book.

Pros: Follows the book almost perfectly, its all about Bella and Edward,lots of romance,The fabulous house and location in the first bit OMG unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cons: The score(music) was mediocre compares to the last 3. They have to stop putting so much white makeup on Edward!

Bill Codon is satisfactory but what they should have done was bring back the director from the first film Catherine Hardwicke... her vision was way cooler

All in all I would recommend this movie if you are Twilight fan or a sucker for romance and adventure :)
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This movie was amazing..
23 March 2010
Hello people whats with the 4.6 what an exaggeration...Its sad that there are so many people out there that don't recognize quality. People love to whine; always the same song and dance about "its not like the book!:..who cares about the book ugh..these people should stick to the library and not watch movies at all! This movie was better then the first which is unusual normally the sequels cant live up to the first films. Beautifly filmed, well casted and entertaining.I was glued to the screen from beginning to end. The chemistry between Edward and Bela is electrifying and their plight arouses empathy. The ending was like ugh!!oh no they didn't! Basically the ending makes you long for more; the crappy part is that we have to wait a year to find out the what happens next... Trust me Im so not a vampire movie person and this movie was the bomb.

10/10 entertainment at its best
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I loved it!!!!!!!!!
15 March 2010
I am a big fan on the Bridget Jones films. The first and the second movie were amazing..Never a dull moment, there are definitely laugh out loud moments even watching it more then once.I nearly fell over the first time I saw the skiing segment and in the first movie Mr. Tits-pervert =) Directing and making movies its not an easy task although it may seem like it..Movies can never be like the book, so please..get over it.There is not one movie out there that is exactly like the book it portrays.

I recommend this movie, there is no romantic comedy that I like better. British humor at its best, whimsical and fun all the way through. 10/10
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Stardust (2007)
This movie Rocks!
25 August 2008
First things first to all you haters out there DO NOT COMPARE THE BOOK TO THE MOVIE OR VICE VERSA! They are two different entities makers cannot possibly put the details of a book in a movie. If you think you can, then you can start a revolution. So don't get so boo hooey when the movie is not like the book. Ahhh since i have that off my plate I can start by saying that this movie rocks. It is fairy tale/ fantasy extravaganza brought to life. Great acting, casting and effects all together. It is the story of a boy who becomes a man and is in essence a love story. And whether you like to admit or not there's is school girl in all of a us thats a sucker for a good love story =)). This story takes place in a town that holds a secret..a great wall separates them from an enchanted kingdom, where no one has ever dared to tread the kingdom of Stormhold. The story revolves around Tristan, a young man in love with a girl called Victoria who couldn't care less (we all heard that one before). A star falls from the sky when he tries to woo her and he promises to bring it back to her for her hand in marriage. The quest becomes and adventure full of magic, murder, corruption and looooove.The magical Kingdom of Stormhold has just lost their king the star that has fallen from the sky is of great importance. 3 powerful Witches (Pfifer who plays and excellent villain!) that crave youth and beauty are also after the star. So basically everyones after the star. I can go on and on but Ill stop here! Whats good about this movie is its not predictable, which is rare in this day an age. It is a rich tapestry which slowly unravels. Never a dull moment!
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Feed (2005)
Absolutely Awful!
21 July 2008
This movie is horrible if i could i would buy every single copy on this earth and make a huge bonfire! Then i would name it the huge bonfire of crap! Some things are better left off screen. I watched it thinking that it was a horror flick , because it was in the horror section of the video store...oh boy was I in for a surprise or what. Basically the movie is about a so called "feeder" (a whackjob with nothing to do with his life , if you ask me....) and the cop that is on his case. The beginning of the movie delves into the cops life and his issues..then it slowly spirals into the mad world of feeders...a.k.a losers/ psychopaths. The cop finds a website that leads to the Big Kahuna....the guy behind it all.oooooooo... If you like raunchy sex scenes, fat chicks, watching liposuction operations and enjoy watching things that make normal people will love this movie. If you have an ounce of sanity in your body you will think it was a waste of time. If you plan on seeing it just remember the line " It's mine! I can do anything I want with it" lets just say his mouth is full when he's saying it...Nastiness!!!!!!!
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Scary as hell!
2 September 2007
This move is great , but i wouldn't see it again alone cause it scary as hell... basically the more you know about what the demons are talking in the movie the scarier it is.. If you are oblivious to the supernatural it wont scare you at all you'll actuall find it really dumb.... cause you wont get it..but if you understand the movie and know history and thefirst book of the torah , will scare you... there are many heart jumping moments in this the film. The actors and script are well thought out and it is well filmed. Its based on a true story of an ordinary girl called emily rose who goes off to university and comes back possessed by not one ,two , but 6 demons..each of which resided in evil characters throughout history... The ending is freaky freaky sir! If you plan on watching the movie make sure your not alone!!! ......
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Sunshine (1999)
Expected great things but was disappointed
7 March 2007
This movie started off great.... but left me disappointed....It paints a beautiful tapestry of a Jewish family living in the Austro - Hungarian Empire...It is in essence a quality picture... from the actors to the script to the scenery and so one... one word impeccable...but I am disappointed...The focus on the Holocaust was quite meagre...which was disappointing. The characters we grew to know and love in the movie are dismissed with short explanations... Like Greta, Rachel Weisz and her husband and so one... We don't see how the characters struggled and fought for there lives.. they should at least have put 20 minutes of that in the 3 hour movie... They focused too long on the life of Ivan Sors and you just get mad and frustrated looking at it.. He just came back from Auschwitz and hes collaborating with anti-semits how dumb can you be... they make him look quite dumb from his political position to his selection of woman.... then they end the movie making him look even stupider..he destroys everything in the house! and the famous Sonnischien book..that was past down generation to generation.. how insensitive... oki he changed his name at the end.... But this movie could have been great...but because of its faults is just alright..If you appreciate a beautifly filmed movie with quality acting and the art of story telling then see this film..other wise if your like me you'll just be left in discontent...
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The Ten Commandments (2005–2006)
If your thinking of renting this movie, think otherwise
25 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a waste of 3 hours of my precious the first 10 minutes i was already annoyed as i am familiar with the real version on the story according to the torah (5 books of moses)...but i decided to watch it to get my moneys worth and too see how bad it sucked. Well it sucked..way more then i thought it would. First and for most lets start with the script and characters the skeleton that makes up the body of a movie. If you study torah at all you'll see that the story is all wrong here are some of the distasful mistakes: moses doesn't do slave work because he was in the tribe of levi, moses doesn't kill anybody at mount sinai.. but yet the movie depicts moses being whipped and aaron and himself killing people...reeeealllly not!. When moses speaks to the burning bush he knows who hes speaking too but the movie makes moses look like an idiot, he states that he doesn't know who the g-d in the bush is... whatever|Aaron knews his brother well regardless of their distance growing up, aaron was known for his calm, composed peaceful nature but yet he is depicted as angry and arrogant in this movie. Moses looks like Jesus in this movie.. how ridiculous....pharoah the real one was actually and ugly dwarf who sat upon a pyramid of stairs so he could appear bigger then he was and moses was more then 10 feet and in the movie pharoah is taller then him and hes hot with light eyes! The woman of Am Israel (nation of Israel) covered themselves meaning their hair and bodies and they didn't dance or sing in front of men, they did not participate in the golden calf so they would definitely not dance with a man in public as the movie depicts. Moses's wife Tzipora was married to moses and she therefore covered herself and being as humble as they were did not cuddle or hold hands in public. Batia Pharoahs daughter ( the one who adopts him and saves him from the water) actual converted to Judaism and therefore would have been proud of Moses when he said he was going to go free his fwd to mount sinai moses comes down the 2nd time with two sets of tablets...with gibberish writing on least put the writing in the holy tongue, hebrew or English and put it on one tablet not two sets.. Bottom line is the movie is horribly written, directed and the characters are all wrong..basically EVERYTHING is wrong about the movie... The old one is inaccurate as well but its more realistic, and they actors are believable. Am Israel Chai!
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