
7 Reviews
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SLC Punk! (1998)
Punk as @%$&!
14 July 2001
This is a great movie that just happens to be about two punks. To call this a punk movie would be a disservice. With so many pathetic attempts at capturing the subculture, I rarely take the chance of viewing events labeled as punk. It's not the stereotypes that destroy the validity. The stereotypes exist. It's the mentality that is crucial; which is almost always misunderstood. This movie delivers in spades. The angst, animosity, philosophy, drug and alcohol abuse, indifference, and music are all there. The cast is excellent at subtly portraying their parts. They seem quite familiar and for the most part likeable. The music is refreshingly accurate and nostalgic. The message is simple: people change; memories live on.
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Sympathy for the White Devil
1 July 2001
Unfortunately I had to rent this one. If only I would have been given the chance to see it on the big screen. This is the kind of innovative movie making that we should be contributing to. What an experience see this movie was. Didn't realize it was Crowe until Confidential. Second only to Confidential in subject and content. During the initial viewing, a friend and I were so affected we were screaming at the screen. I have NEVER felt so much contempt for the main characters of a movie. Talk about anti-heros, man. Many people have made comparisons with American History X which is exceptable. Am. X is to Stomper as Halloween is to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Both great movies, but the later is just grittier; more corrupt. With Romper Stomper there is no redemption, no compromise, no reform, just unadulterated ignorance til the very end. I recommend this movie to anyone with an education; others might get the wrong message. I don't know how, but they just might.
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Iron Eagle (1986)
The Jokes on You
16 June 2001
I remember watching this for the first time in the 80's as a teen. Man, I've read the reviews on this trash and I find myself astonished by the voting. This movie does not deserve four stars!!! This movie is NOT better than Topgun. Topgun has its own problems; don't get me wrong. This movie should be banned just for its own stupidity. So many stereotypes, so many loop holes, so MUCH poor dialog. I cannot think of one redeeming quality of this vomit. This is not action/adventure. This is a bad joke on film. Kinda like watching Plan 9 with stock F-16 footage. This movie not only defies logic and common sense within the context of a military setting, it sends a disturbing message. The military is not going to save your dad from the imminent evil of the middle east b*****ds. So go out there and hijack a multi-million dollar weapon and blast him out of the sinister clutches of the backwards, Anti-American Arabs. Cuz you can't reason with those animals. This is a Bruckheimer flick without a budget. Bland direction, weak acting, lame music, idiotic plot, equals...Iron Eagle.
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RoboCop (1987)
Cybornetic Frankenstein
10 June 2001
Robocop was not only the first of Paul's movies I viewed, but also, by far the best. His infusion of the media with character development was fresh and innovative. He has continued to incorporate it within the frame work of his films, but none so poetically. If the majority of scifi movies were half as clever as this one; THERE WOULD BE TROUBLE. Beware. This movie is not for children; even though I saw it as a child and it seemed to be targeting the youth. Nothing like packaging ultraviolence for the kiddies. Ironic, but true. Many shots were attempted at expanding the original idea with as much success as an anorexic in a chocolate factory. At least the original exploited the stupidity of our love affair for violence; what followed just exploited our own tolerance for stupidity.
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The Thing (1982)
Freeze or Burn
10 June 2001
This move is the old school. Suspense galore. Though you cannot deny the similarities to Scott's Alien, this move excels in so many ways that one could very well forget Alien entirely. Carpenter works on our fears of isolation and suspicion to provoke the audience into a sweat. All the characters have distinct identities without the infusion of stereotypes; which is more than I can say for most films today. The dvd addition is a must for the serious movie lover. Excellent behind the scenes footage and audio commentary. If you are looking for a spineless slasher with a hollywood ending: GO ELSEWHERE. The Thing does not pull punches.
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Come get some!!!
6 May 2001
Most people either love it or hate it. Raimi takes Ash (our hero?) on yet another trip into horror and humiliation. Though not overtaking its predecessor, it has its own charm and is thoroughly enjoyable. From the Road Warrior to Gulliver's Travel, Raimi throws cinema genres around with medieval twists. Excellent DVD options; including a priceless commentary by Mr. Raimi and Mr. Campbell.
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Blade Runner (1982)
More than meets the eye...
6 May 2001
This, my friends, is one of the best. A multilayered work of art that invented a genre and expanded imaginations. This film uses a dark and dank attitude to dealing with topics relevant twenty years ago and even more so now. The atmosphere is so noir and oppressive but at the same time cool, you pray that the future is (or in some cases, is not) before your eyes. Ridley has never been better.(Gladiator be damned.)Character so rich with life that they long to exist beyond the film. Though there are flaws within the film, its effect on the viewer is not hindered. All I have to say is see it. No giving the plot away to those who haven't.
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