
10 Reviews
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Hard to Watch
5 December 2007
Let's be honest these early Hitchcock films of the 20's and 30's can be difficult to watch. The sound and picture are of poor quality, but the work is the best that the master of suspense ever produced. In my opinion Hitchcock should only be watched in black and white. Of course, there are exceptions such as "To Catch a Thief" and "North by Northwest", but for the most part, the early films are the essential films. In this film noir, a couple's child is abducted in St. Moritz and the two spend the film trying to recover her. The film is clever and chilling in parts. I found the film so intriguing that I took a trip to St. Moritz this past summer. As I rolled through the various tunnels throughout the Alps, I thought about how that very track was where many of Hitchcock's inspirations originated. This is a great film and a classic in the film noir genre.
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The Godfather (1972)
Are you kidding me?
5 December 2007
Are you kidding me? This movie is at best a 6 on a good day. The mere fact that this movie continually shows up on AFI's Top Ten list tells me that action and brutality are preferred by Americans over plot and acting. It is a decent film but nothing more. There is no way it is in the same league as "Gone with the Wind", "Casablanca", or "Lawrence of Arabia". It angers me every time this movie gets voted # 2 on some movie list. Al Pacino and Brando are good, but it was not the best work that either of these actors produced. It is an entertaining film like "Indiana Jones" and "National Treasure" but it is not a classic. It is important to remember that just because a film is popular does not mean that it is a great movie. If you enjoy mob movies this one is probably the best of a bad lot in the modern era, but the older films with Bogart, Cagney, and Robinson put this film to shame. I will be delighted when people one day realize the true worth of this film.
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Gin Soaked Hollywood at Its Best
4 December 2007
Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant! If one can overlook the lack of chemistry between Bogart and Hepburn, then it is a true classic. Naturally, the special effects are lackluster, but this simple jungle adventure is one of my all time favorites. There is nothing like seeing Bogart, normally a debonair night club owner or film noir detective, taking on the role dirty, alcoholic boats man in Africa. There is adventure at every turn in the river, but the constant action does not take away from a great plot and great acting. The scenery is great due to the film being shot on location in Africa. Despite the lack of chemistry on screen, the movie showcases two of Hollywood's finest in the lead roles. The blend of acting, plot, and suspense epitomizes what made movies better then than they are today. "The African Queen" is a truly unique film the likes of which will not be seen again. The simplicity of the story would be overshadowed by special effects and digital imaging if made today. This is the perfect blend of a drama with an action adventure.
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Excellent Genre Film
2 May 2007
I dislike fantasy more than any other genre outside of movies about turbo-charged Japanese cars. Nevertheless, I felt that this was a very good movie. Obviously, this movie is intended for younger audiences, but I enjoy any movie with adolescent protagonists that is made well. Both lead actors were experienced and convincing. The adult parts were a little underdeveloped, but kids do not go to these types of movies for character development or the adult actors for that matter. The plot was simple but believable, and the dialogue was surprisingly intelligent at times. I was able to handle the fantasy in the book, because this story took a lot more realistic approach than movies like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. The movie as a whole was enjoyable for me, because of the mild social issues involved. I am interested, though, in a child's perspective of the movie, because the action was minimal and plot was the dominant driving force.
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Disturbia (2007)
Not Bad the 3rd Time Around
2 May 2007
I have seen this movie three times. First, I saw the movie "Rear Window" that was made for TV starring Christopher Reeves. Second, I saw the Hitchcock version of "Rear Window". Finally, I saw "Disturbia" the other night. I must say that I thought the last, the best of the lot. It pains me to say this, as Hitchcock is one of the most creative and ingenious directors the film industry has ever seen, a veritable master of the macabre. Also, the Hitchcock version billed two fine Hollywood actors of the time. Nevertheless, the new movie has a lot more suspense and terror aboutit. It kept me on the edge of my seat, which the other two versionsfailed to do. (The TV version is almost unwatchable)Shia Lobeuf hasdeveloped into a fine actor since his days on Even Stevens. It must bekept in mind that the movie is what it is. It is a teenage suspensethriller. Still, it is one of the finest examples of the genre. Iappreciate movies with adolescent protagonists and think that it is movies such as this one that demonstrates the adult interest in such films.
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Far and Away (1992)
One of those not so well made movies, you just love
23 January 2007
Although not a classic film, "Far and Away" still has a definite allure. The story is romanticized to the fullest extent and is a relatively poor depiction of the era, but it is fun to watch and has a little bit of something for everyone. If one is objective of the quality of this epic film, then it must be recognized that while it falls far short of other epic movies like "Braveheart", "Lawrence of Arabia", and "Giant", it nevertheless is more appealing than other epics like "Cleopatra" and "Spartacus". For my money the best part of the movie is the beginning, when Kidman and Cruise are in Ireland. After the two leave the island, a good deal of the plot gives way to action. Still, the movie is enjoyable throughout. The film depicts the normative view of the era rather than a dusty historical, descriptive view. So, if you want a history of immigration and western settlement, then try another film. If, however, you want a fun movie that paints a gild-edged portrait, then you should definitely check out this film.
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Oh, Little Joe
23 January 2007
Brilliant. Simply Brilliant. This movie appealed to me the first time I watched it. The acting is consistently good, the music is enduring, and the story is unforgettable. Little Joe is not a bad man, but he likes to make life interesting for himself. Married to a good-hearted woman and being fit as a fox, Little Joe has a pretty good life, but it takes him awhile to realize just how good he's got it, or had it as the case may be. When a lottery ticket promises to bring Little Joe everything he has ever wanted, Little Joe must decide between the straight and narrow and the prurient desires of dice, jazz, and the seductive sweet Georgia Brown. Heaven and Hell battle over Little's Joe's soul, but Little Joe must decide for himself before time runs out.
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Goodbye, Miss 4th of July (1988 TV Movie)
Disney Tackles Racism
23 January 2007
I am disappointed by some of the reactions to this movie. No, It is not high drama, and the acting is amateur in certain roles, but this is still a good film. I grew up in the small Tennessee town where filming took place, and I believe that this film captures the sentiment and culture of the Appalachian South during the era depicted in the film. Furthermore, it is interesting that Disney released this film. It is not the typical movie made by Disney. To some this movie may seem watered down and predictable, but it is what it is. It is a small budget film that focused on plot and character development, rather than action and special effects. Of course, today such a film will not be popular with younger generations, but if you like a good story that leaves you feeling more uplifted then the film should be enjoyable. If you are looking for sex, violence, drug use, and no plot, try some more current.
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Tennesse Does it Again
12 October 2006
Catherine Holly, played by the indelible Elizabeth Taylor,is a woman whose conscience and memory continue to cast a foreboding shadow. Enshrouded in her memory is the unforgettable realization to which she came, suddenly last summer. Katherine Hepburn plays somewhat of a southern anchoress, Mrs. Violet Venable,whose only repose comes from memorializing her late son Sebastian in the fantastic jungalesque garden he created. On the surface Sebastian seems pensive, sincere, and wise; however, Holly knows a secret, a disturbing secret about the late Sebastian that Mrs. Venable must suppress at all costs. It remains in the hands of Dr. Cukrowicz, Montgomery Clift, to extract this secret from Holly's memory, before the secret is lost forever. I enjoyed this movie, and it kept my attention even though I had read the play I knew the outcome. It is another fine story from the mind of Tennessee Williams. The movie sticks to the play unlike other Williams' movies, like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The only problem is that like so many other Tennesse Williams'stories, depravity and decadence are central themes, which make it difficult at times to really like any characters or develop a fondness for the story itself.
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Paris Never Lovelier
31 July 2006
Elizabeth Taylor brings out the loveliness of post-war Paris. Her performance, while not exceptional, nevertheless shows the special association between the city of lights and the American spirit. Furthermore, through her eyes the audience sees that the party must end eventually. The story itself depicts the consequences of depravity and the problems associated with holding on to a dream for too long. Van Johnson puts forth a decent performance, but better casting for the lead role would likely have made a more popular film. Donna Reed and Walter Pigeon were very good in the film; however, further character development could have made this good film into a great film. Even still, the film captures the lure of the Paris scene and explores the expatriated Parisian lifestyle.
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