
3 Reviews
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Dark Shadows (1966–1971)
Great Drama
4 March 2007
This has to be one of my all time favourite shows! It is true that it is somewhat dated in production, but when one considers that it was produced in the same manner of the soaps of the day, it is outstanding. There are some flaws such as the microphone appearing, the sets shaking, or a missed line, but they do little to detract from the total effect. Many of the lines have become memorable quotes, and I even found some tee shirts with some on them at! The characters were great, and the writing was excellent. I would love to see a truly great remake of the series without the limitations of the previous filming era, but I doubt it will ever happen.
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Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
13 August 2006
Murphy Brown was a great show and one of the best examples of sarcasm around. It also conveyed a relevant message on a social issue such as the environment and gave a portrayal of a character actually willing to stand up for what she believed. The writers were never afraid to address political issues and elected officials as I am sure Dan Quayle would testify! So often in this time of all that idiot George Bush's bunglings, I think of all the fun Murphy Brown would have had with them! Hasn't Dubya provided enough material for a special reunion show? Hardly a week goes by that he doesn't put his foot in his mouth! Murphy could rake him over the coals for his grammar alone! Only he would, in a speech on education, say, "High standards is for everyone."
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American Gothic (1995–1998)
Should be entitled Southern Gothic
28 July 2006
I love the series! Many of the stereotypes portraying Southerrners as hicks are very apparent, but such people do exist all too frequently. The portrayal of Southern government rings all too true as well, but the sympathetic characters reminds one of the many good things about the South as well. Some things never change, and we see the "good old boys" every day! There is a Lucas Buck in every Southern town who has only to make a phone call to make things happen, and the storybook "po' white trash" are all too familiar. Aside from the supernatural elements, everything else could very well happen in the modern South! I somehow think Trinity, SC must have been in Barnwell County!
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