
16 Reviews
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Some neighbors can be very deceiving. You really have to watch the ones that bring a lot more then memories home from the war !
27 September 2006
I can be very picky when judging a suspense-horror type movie. I can honestly say I enjoyed House Next Door very much. Mainly because the type of suspense shown in the movie was believable. We've all experienced weird neighbors, not to this extent, but its something we can relate to. To me this is far more enjoyable then a typical Stephen King sci-fi weirdo picture ! I found the story was well written, well directed and the acting was superb. It goes to show you Producers don't need idiots running around with a chainsaw and hockey mask chasing bare breasted women in the middle of the night. The movie was clearly written and stuck to the point right up until the final climax. I purchased this older movie the other day and I know I'll end-up watching it again in the near future. I recommend you do the same. You will not be disappointed. I'll give it an 8.
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Simon Birch (1998)
A small boy with a big heart changes everyones life in a small Canadian town.
26 September 2006
Simon Birch is one of those touching movies that deserves a lot more credit then it received. I saw this movie when it was released to theaters in 1998. After it left the box office, everyone sort of forgot about it and I cannot understand why. It was beautifully written and directed. All the stars did an amazing job, especially Ian Michael Smith ! Ashley Judd...well no words can describe how gorgeous she truly is !! If you have seen this movie in the video store or a department store..... watch it ! I guarantee you will NOT be disappointed. Without even giving it a second thought....I give it a 10 ! And Ian Michael Smith... a "10" for a well done job !
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Silent Hill (2006)
A woman goes in search of her mentally challenged sleepwalking daughter
13 September 2006
I don't want to sound unfair and maybe it's just me but I still want you to hear my negative comment about the above movie. I was saddened for not getting to the box office for a showing of Silent Hill. That all changed when it was finally was released onto DVD last month and I purchased it and watched the movie yesterday. What a waste of $ 24.00 and even more so...a waste of my time. It reminded me of a recent Stephen King movie that goes into every direction possible depending on the writers particular mood on any particular day. The movie started off with the daughter sleepwalking to the edge of a huge cliff. Somehow in total darkness the parents find her and save her. Then the next scene is the mother taking-off with the little girl against her husbands wishes and they end-up in this ash-covered town called Silent Hill. It reminded me of dark stormy afternoon in northern Ontario in mid January....DEPRESSING...then you see all sorts of weird people running around trying to harm the mother and it just seems to drift into un-imaginable belief ! In my opinion it could have been done a lot better so the average person could enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with witchcraft movies, but for those who don't understand or believe in it- its ridiculous. You may love the movie but I found it a total waste of time and money. I'm reluctantly giving it a "4"
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Someone Is Watching (2000 TV Movie)
Young mother and her adopted son terrorized by their stalking neighbor
26 August 2006
"Someone Is Watching" is a simple and very suspenseful movie that proves you don't need a lot of blood and gore to make a movie scary. It's been a long time since Stephanie Powers picked-up a gun and the years definitely were in her favor. She looked wonderful. It was also nice to see ex Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) play her pesty but lovable friend who lived down the street. I was a little disappointed in the person who played the stalker. Perhaps he was new at acting but he still was able to pull-it-off. The movie was also filmed in a small town in beautiful Quebec. If you feel like watching a suspenseful movie that has a lot to offer, then check this one out. I'm going to give it an 8 !
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Poseidon (2006)
Interesting thing to note
26 August 2006
Everyone has their own opinion of this recent release and I think it was very good. The special effects were excellent and so was the acting. It would have been nice to see some of the original cast members return such as Leslie Nelson, Gene Hackman not to mention a few others. This film was much better then last years made-for-TV remake !! What were some of those top-rated stars thinking !!! ?? An interesting fact the I want to point-out is both this movie and the Perfect Storm were directed by Wolfgang Peterson. Check-out the DVD cover of this movie and the DVD cover for the Perfect Storm. They're almost identical...especially the wave.
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2001 Maniacs (2005)
College kids get lured into a small town filled with maniacs trying to get back at the North from the Civil War
26 August 2006
This movie has a lot of blood, guts, and gore with even more to spare. From that point of view the film was pretty good but I think some of the writing, acting, and un-necessary singing could have been better. A lot of people like watching horror movies because they're scary. I've always believed if you want to hear singing ridiculous songs at ridiculous times, then watch and Elvis Presley movie. Don't have 2 old guys strumming on banjos just before someone gets slaughtered ! I mean give me a break ! I'm sure a lot of you remember "Dead and Breakfast !" I will say 2001 Maniacs was far better then D & B but who wants to hear hill-billy in a horror movie.
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Jackhammer (2004)
Say NO to Drugs !
11 August 2006
From a horror stand-point...this movie was terrible. As a message on saying NO to Drugs, this movie hits the nail on the head. I remember being moved after watching Leonardo DiCaprio in "Basketball Diaries" and I can honestly say this movie did the same. It proves that nobody is out-of-reach from drugs. It started with a young man who had a very good job, was respected by his peers, nice car, lots of money and the drugs took everything away from him until the final outcome. I'm being honest saying the producers should remove all the garbage scenes involving the jack hammer, re-arrange a few things, cut some, add some and this would be an ideal movie to show in schools to teach kids drugs can totally destroy your life. I'm going to ignore some of the ridiculous garbage in this movie and from an anti-drug point of view...I'll give the movie a strong 7 !
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A lot of hard work and a decent job doing so.
9 August 2006
It wouldn't be fair to compare this movie with ones like Silence of The Lambs, Halloween or Scream. Those movies had very high budgets, extra famous actors not to mention top-of-the-line equipment. In Serial Slayer, I saw 3 actors that did an excellent job ..not to mention they all were very good looking ! The movie's story was very intriguing, the blood and gore was mild but sufficient, the scary music added to the suspense, and the entire crew involved proved there doesn't always have to actors like Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster to capture an audience.. A horror movie doesn't need to have raunchy sex scenes with tits flopping everywhere to make it more interesting. Personally I find the last few Stephen King movies awful. He seems to go way off track with his super natural B.S. that loses your interest after 80 minutes.

An interesting thing to note. I purchased this movie and Stephen King's Rose Red at the same time for the exact same price. ($ 3.99) I couldn't get through Rose Red because it was too long and too boring. I feel totally the opposite with Serial Slayer. I'm sure Rose Red cost a lot more to make and here it is 3 years after they were made. They both cost the same amount to buy and Serial Slayer was better ! That doesn't say much for good old Stephen King !! Perhaps he should consider retiring.

I think everyone involved with this movie should be congratulated on a decent job. I give it an 8.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Don't be fooled by the DVD cover
7 August 2006
I remember seeing this movie advertised when it was launched into theaters. It looked amazing and I definitely wanted to see it !! Well I never did until recently when I purchased the DVD at Blockbuster for $9.99. The movie started-off with great possibilities but unfortunately, it sunk after the first 30 minutes. It is very frustrating when you see a movie that has such high potential and then have it wind-up being a total disappointed. I don't think it was the actors fault because most of them gave a decent performance but the movie tended to sway away from the original point..almost like a modern Stephen King movie. The writers need to stay away from the supernatural bogus and stick more to the original point of the script. I'm a big suspense- horror movie fan but after watching Ghost Ship for an hour- I had to turn-it-off. I'm going to give it a "3" and even that number is still too much.
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Rose Red (2002)
6 August 2006
Whatever happened to the days of "CARRIE" "CHRISTINE" "CUJO" ?? Stephen King's books and movies are getting stranger and stranger ! And like the characters he has in his movies... he just delves into the super-natural B.S. ! Rose Red is the same. It's a 4 hour TV Special and I thought it was junk ! ! The script was awful, most of the actors were awful and so was everything else. There were too many unnecessary scenes that almost put you to sleep. I somehow managed to make it to the second half but within 10 minutes of watching it...I stopped and took it out of the VCR and tossed it in the garbage. I'm glad I only paid $2.99 for it !!
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The 4th Floor (1999)
A refreshing change that's different from the usual run-of-the mill scary movies !
4 August 2006
I just finished watching "The 4th Floor" with Juliette Lewis and I really enjoyed it!! Of course this film is 1999 and in the last 10 years, there have been several ones just like it, Dark Water, Madhouse, Hide & Seek, BOO and Cold Creek Manor. I loved this movie because the story was totally believable ! Everyone can relate to weirdo neighbors, constant noise along with strange things happening around them, etc, etc. The other movies I just mention constantly dished-out the same old stuff.... ghosts that hate everyone in the house except for one little girl, blah, blah, blah. YAWN YAWN YAWN ! Gimme a break !! Juliette Lewis is an excellent actress and I enjoyed watching her perform in this movie simply because her character was just like you and I. She wanted her freedom, along with her own space and NOBODY or NOTHING was going to take it away from her.

The 70's were known for satanic garbage and ghosts flicks like Burnt Offerings, The Sentinal, The Amityville Horrow. The 80's thrived on slasher movies with lots of blood/guts/gore. By the end of the 90's ; movie writers, producers,and directors really started going places with their high-tech special effects that blow you away but on the same level, they're just computerized crap ! I think most of us crave a scary, suspenseful movie that everyone can relate to and that's why I enjoyed "The 4th Floor" Give it a try....I think you'll love it too.
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From the store to the video player to the garbage .
30 July 2006
I have purchased hundreds of movies of the last 10 years and currently have over a thousand in my library. I can honestly say Legions of the Dead is the only movie I yanked out of my VCR and slammed it directly into the garbage. is that bad. Most horror movies have at least something that captures your attention. Not this one!!! The movie had no opening, so nobody understood what it was about, no story to follow, no scary parts, nothing. I tried to watch it for almost an hour and I couldn't understand what the hell was going on so I literally yanked it and tossed it ! There were 2 weirdo's walking around in gray suits killing everybody and there was another guy who kidnapped 2 other dudes and the guy kept barfing up yellow chunks every couple of minutes. I think this movie is even worse then Dead and Breakfast. If you see it for sale in a dollar store, don't be fooled into buying it. It's not even worth a penny ! 100 % JUNK
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Lots of Gore with plenty more
27 July 2006
Good ole Wes Craven did it again !

Awesome ! I finally watched the latest version of the above movie and I was totally happy with it. The story stuck directly to-the- point and never once wavered in the wrong direction. The acting was very-well done except for the scene midway through the movie when one of the freaks was chasing the young boy. This kid appeared earlier to have great knowledge of firearms but when he was being chased, it reminded me of a toddler with a water pistol. If these mutant rejects had just killed my family, I would be just as blood thirsty as the freaks were. All in all, If you're into suspense and horror, this movie is worth checking-out. The crew who looked after make-up, special effects, and costumes did an amazing job on the freaks. They looked authentic and a lot better then the ones in the original 1977 version. I especially liked the setting of the nuked-village with the old cars, houses, furniture, and mannequins. It got me wondering if there really are places like the one in the movie ????
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Willard (2003)
A decent movie if you don't mind creepy and crawly
27 July 2006
All in all Willard was a good film. The only thing that could have been better done was his developing relationship with the rats. On one of his trips to the basement, all of a sudden he has the entire pack of rats trained to chew things and crawl in and out of his suitcases. I just thought the entire thing would have been more believable if he spent more time developing a bond with the rodents. As far as the acting goes, it was very well done. He did a wonderful job acting like a modern day Norman Bates and by the end of the movie, you really felt sorry for Willard. If you're into movies like Arachnophobia or Anaconda, Willard would be another excellent choice. ENJOY !
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I expected very little but got a whole lot more !
24 July 2006
I purchased this DVD for $ 5.99 at our local video store thinking it would be a great filler for a rainy night. My curiosity got the better of me so I stuck the DVD into the machine. Five minutes into the movie I soon realized it was going to be good one. Even the three new actors caught my immediate attention and they kept the movie rolling very well. An interesting note about Black Cadillac is.. "It's totally believable ! " Guys can relate to our days of youth trying to get into bars underage looking for booze and ladies. And some of us can remember some of the many brawls that end-up out in the back of parking lots. Once the suspense started; it never let-up until the last 10 minutes when we finally realized who owned the Caddy and why they were stalking the boys. Once again, it brought back memories of a few old classics " DUEL " and "THE CAR." Both of which had top run actors and I seriously believe Black Cadillac was better then both. If you love old cars and you feel like watching a movie with a lot of suspense, then add Black Cadillac to your collection. You will not be disappointed !
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This movie isn't even worth the plastic it was made on.
23 July 2006
After hearing how bad the film was and seeing the DVD for sale in dozens stores. I reluctantly purchased it the other day and soon learned it has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen ! There is no opening, no story, no plot, no climax, no ending. The writing was horrible, the acting was awful and the story was ridiculous ! And the list goes on. To think I actually paid $ 14.00 for the DVD ! If I had known it was going to be this bad...they would have to pay me before I watch it ! I'm a fellow horror movie buff and this film doesn't even fall under the same category. I would have sooner sat through a 4 hour silent film from 1918. This even shouldn't have been released on DVD.
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