
32 Reviews
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The Closer (2005–2012)
It's TV gold!
28 March 2023
I'm not sure who this show's audience is, but if you're 35-95, and sometimes 15-25, then this show is you. There's some SVU moments that are annoying, but also some great moments that make this show amazing. Brenda Leigh Johnson is an exceptional character. Add in the other characters on her team, that sometimes steal the show, and you've got TV gold. In season one, everyone despises her, with prejudice. She leads her ass off, and slowly people start to realize how talented she is. By season two, the majority of the police force low-key, kinda respects her for her hustle, work-ethic, commitment, talent, results, resilience, and reputation. By season three, she is loved by all, across multiple agencies. FBI, CIA and the LA PD. She's insane and annoying, but wins the respect of everyone she encounters.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Pretty good for a Netflix show
5 August 2022
The Sandman is abducted and held captive for over a century, turning the real world and the dream world into chaos. After his escape, he must restore order to save the world. That's the simple version. The show can be a bit slow at times and the CGI needs improvement, but overall this is an amazing show! Great casting. Tom Sturridge is Dream and does a great job carrying the show. Even his look and slender frame help make the character more believable.

Also - it's really funny how many reviewers are outraged by the fact some characters are female, or black or LGBTQ. We are talking about a fantasy show. Who cares if they changed some of the characters? "Are they telling a good story?" Is the only question we should be asking. There are a million shows with all straight white casts. Hollywood has also notoriously whitewashed characters who weren't fictional just to appease white viewers. Where was the outrage when the blue eyed Burt Lancaster played an Apache chief or Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra? Remember when Angelina Jolie played Mariane Pearl who is a Afro-Cuban women in real life. Jake Gyllenhaal played the Prince of Persia. Liam Neeson played Ra's al Ghul in Batman. Tilda Swinton played The Ancient One in Doctor Strange. The list goes on and on and on... I'm sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable when you see diversity in a show. Maybe you should think about why that is?
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
One Speed Tina
5 August 2022
I LOVE Tina Fey, but she just can't help herself. She keeps writing the same show. A work place comedy about an out of touch, wealthy white man at the top, who is constantly humbled by the self righteous, liberal women who works under him. She seems to be obsessed with this theme. In 30Rock it was Jack Donaghy and Liz Lemon, in Great News It was Greg Walsh and Katie Wendelson and Chuck Pierce and Portia Scott-Griffith. Now in Mr. Mayor it's Neil Bremer and Arpi Meskiman. Even the music for each show sounds the same. Probably because her husband Jeff always does the music. While I like all three shows, I wish she would write a different type of show like she did with Unbreakble Kimmy Schmidt.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Stop It!
16 July 2022
I feel like a lot of reviews on here use the word "woke" to describe a show with to many people of color. Y'all need to check yourselves. The show is bad because the storyline is bad, the CGI is bad, the acting is bad and it's virtually unrecognizable to any Resident Evil fan. The fact that the show has a predominantly brown cast shouldn't be among the reasons to hate the show.
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Farzar (2022)
One Trick Pony
16 July 2022
It's the same writers and voice actors responsible for Brickleberry & Paradise PD. All three shows rely on immature humor, gore and obscene language to tell a pretty uninteresting story. This type of humor only resonates with a very small group of people and most of them are probably still in middle school. The annoying amount of fart, diarrhea and sex jokes; the parodies of Donald Trump and trying to keep "Aliens" away from the boarder, the fact that the characters curse so all makes for a sloppy, uninteresting show. Skip it.
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Shadowhunters (2016– )
I don't hate it
16 May 2022
Shadowhunters tells the story of four horny, very attractive kids with powers running around town fighting demons and vampires all in an attempt to protect something called "the cup". It's my understanding that the cup has the power to create new army's for whoever possess it. The shadowhunters mission is to keep the cup out of the hands of the demons and the vampires.

The show has a lot of potential and for the most part it's easy to follow. However, season one is brutal and really hard to get through. I'm on episode four and so far it's been a lot of hair flipping, pursed lips and the main character crying and being annoying in every episode. The acting isn't great. According to the majority of reviews, it gets better in season 2 & 3. I'm going to trying to get through it.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Good show
12 March 2022
A soldier named Wyatt, a historian name Lucy and an engineer named Rufus are enlisted by a top secret government agency, to travel to different points in the past and counter an evil organization named Rittenhouse. Yes, time travel is real and Rittenhouse is hellbent on changing major historical events to gain control of the present. Lucy uses her expert knowledge of history to figure out what events Rittenhouse is targeting and why, Rufus uses his expertise in engineering to pilot and maintain the time machine called "lifeboat" and Wyatt oversees security on the missions. There's also a psychopath x-NSA assassin named Flynn who's on his own personal mission - to destroy Rittenhouse in the past, so he can get back his wife and daughter who they murdered in the present. There's some other things going on, but that's the gist of the storyline.

Overall this is a great show. There's great character development, great chemistry and some really impressive acting from Abigail Spencer and Goran Visnjic. They really lean into the roles of Flynn and Lucy. Flynn is arguably one of the best characters on the show. Although Flynn is an anti-hero who will literally kill anyone who gets in his way, he's also low-key a good person. You really start to like him in season 2. Lucy IS the best part of the show. She's headstrong, smart, outspoken and really cares for everyone. The other main characters are good too, but don't hold a candle to Flynn and Lucy. I gave the show a 7 because too many episodes left me side-eyeing the screen; thinking about all the plot holes I just witnessed. There's an episode where they mistakenly bring a teenage JFK to the present, he escapes a military bunker, goes to a party with some random kids and discovers the "Kennedy Curse" and that he will be assassinated in his future, when he goes back to the past. That episode really tested my patients. There's another episode where Rittenhouse goes to the past to steal gold during the gold rush. All the ways you could've gotten money to fund your organization and you go back in time to grab four bars of gold?? That just didn't make sense to me.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
I cant with the CW
31 December 2021
Charmed was by far one of my favorite shows as a teenager, so I was really looking forward to this reboot. I was also looking forward to seeing POC take lead roles in a supernatural show; a genre POC are rarely cast in. Much to my chagrin, this show was trash. Water and oil have more chemistry than these three women. That coupled with the man hating and in your face political statements, I found the show hard to watch. Don't get me wrong, I think the issues the show touches on are important and we shouldn't ignore them. However, I came to watch a show about three badass witch sisters fighting demons. They really could've left the other stuff out.
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High School DxD (2012–2018)
This is definitely an anime for the ecchi crowd
12 December 2021
Even the most innocent anime's portray women (more often girls) as submissive, scantly clad creatures with high pitched voices and airhead personalities, but this anime goes too far. The show relies on constant sex jokes and female nudity to distract from what is otherwise a bland and uninspired story. Even the action and fight scenes are focused on large bouncing breasts and making sure you see the characters skimpy panties under their short school girl skirts. I can definitely understand why a straight male would love this anime, but it's not for me. I like to keep my anime and my porn separate.
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Birdgirl (2021–2022)
This is not Harvey Birdman
19 October 2021
I'm a huge Harvey Birdman fan. Like recite every line type of fan. Needless to say, I had high expectations for Birdgirl. I wanted to see quick wit, politically incorrect jokes; I wanted that almost 1970's style animation and I was also hoping to see familiar characters. Birdgirl gave me none of this. Like many other fans, I was disappointed, but as I continued to watch, I realized that Birdgirl wasn't meant to be Harvey Birdman. This is a new era at Sebben & Sebben. One where Judy is in charge. This is Judy's story, not Harvey Birdman's. We should expect it to be different. Once I realized this and got over myself, I found this show enjoyable, funny and relevant. Harvey Birdman was a great show that I loved as a teenager and one that made sense for the early 2000's. Birdgirl is a bit more "woke" ( I hate that word) and has a mostly female cast ( I know, blasphemous!). I would argue that Birdgirl is the perfect example of a show that's relevant in 2021 and one you want to watch with your teenage kids.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I originally gave this show a 10 because I really liked seasons one and two. I am now seven episodes into season three and honestly, they've lost me. It's a flimsy uninteresting storyline where too much attention is given to supporting characters like Barbra Gordon and Blackfire. They aren't even Titans, but somehow get more screen time than some of the actual Titans? It doesn't make sense. Season three also moves slow and wastes time narrowing in on backstories like Jason/Redhood. We understood from episode 1,2 and 3 that Jason had become Red Hood. We also understood how he got there, but for some reason E5 wastes 45 minutes telling us this same story we already knew?? It's the definition of redundant, and an assault to the viewers intelligence. What makes season three even more frustrating is the fact that the strongest hero's, and arguably the strongest characters - Starfire, Beast Boy and Super Boy hardly have any fight scenes and almost never use their powers. Is the show having budget problems with the special effects department? I also think the show is having casting issues or scheduling conflicts, because the majority of the cast/characters seem to come and go so randomly with nonsensical explanations. Hawk gets blown up??? Dove's partner and the love of her life gets blown up and instead of staying to help bring his killer to justice, she randomly leaves to stay at her parents house in Paris never to be heard from again??? Bruce Wayne finally kills The Joker (still don't know how) and than just leaves Gotham without staying to help poor Jason and Dick??? Seven 45 minute episodes and not a peep from Raven??? Allegedly she went to Themyscira to find a way to bring back Wonder Girl who we also haven't heard from??? Don't get me started on Cyborg and how he's in Doom Patrol???! WHERE ARE THE TITANS???
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Seth, what happened?
21 August 2021
I use to think Seth was really funny and I watched Late Night all the time. Somewhere along the way feel like he just gave up and started dialing it in. The show is practically unwatchable and sad. He still has some good content, but the jokes are really really bad. I cringe. August 18, 2021 - A Closer Look. He makes a joke about the Fyre Festival, compares the evacuation of Afghanistan to trying to get a bird out of the house and makes two different jokes about the Mets in one 14 minute segment. Where do I start? Fyre Festival was in 2017. Who's still talking about this, let alone writing jokes about it?? A bird in the house? I've lived in houses for 35 years and I've never had a bird get into the house, nor do I know anyone who has. How is this joke relatable, let alone funny? The Mets jokes? Does Late Night have a large following of baseball fans - specifically ones who know anything about the Mets?? Sad, just sad.
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I watched it.
21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with other reviewers who said it's rushed. I think they tried to accomplish too much in 58 mins and unfortunately fell short. There's also something off about the animation and sound. Sometimes the volume sounds loud and sometimes it's really low, almost inaudible. Especially the background music. It sounds inorganic. Additionally, the storyline is upsetting. Instead of sticking to the original plan and safely evacuating the village, they decide to stay and fight. This still ends with the village in ruin and unnecessary loss of life. We're not even sure if they kill the dragon. It seems like the dragon just gets washed down stream?? Like huh?
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Gotham (2014–2019)
Easy to watch
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good show, but the redundancies will definitely leave you annoyed at times. Almost every character has been shot, stabbed or poisoned. They either die and come back to life, or they survive with an extremely short recovery time. You can rely on the fact that in almost every episode the following will happen: Alfred will get brutally assaulted, Bruce Wayne will get himself abducted, half the police force will be killed, Jada Pinkett will overact, Jim Gordon will almost die on an unsanctioned solo mission.
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Wellington Paranormal (2018–2022)
Unexpectedly Funny!
8 August 2021
I love supernatural and I love comedy, but rarely do I like the two together. This show get its right. So many well done references. It's like a supernatural Reno 911, but foreign and a bit more PC.
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Barefoot Contessa (2002–2021)
My Idol
4 August 2021
I grew up watching Ina. She inspired me to learn to cook. For the past 15 years I've mastered her recipes and her entertaining techniques. I've thrown countless dinner parties; always following her table setting, flower arranging and seating advice. People are always impressed and I've even gotten jobs because of it. I love to entertain and I owe it all to Ina.

To the people who say she's snobby or too rich. I get it. Yes she often wears a Cartier watch and an Hermès bracelet when cooking, and yes her recipes can be a bit expensive and over the top. However, you're watching a show about a women living in the Hamptons, cooking and entertaining with her gay friends. What exactly did you expect? Also, the fact she's rich shouldn't take away from the fact she is an amazing cook with great easy to follow recipes. Not to mention she has like 11 Emmy's. Stay in your semi-homemade lane, and keep cooking your uninspired Sandra Lee recipes.
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The Prince (2021)
"Idk" emoji
1 August 2021
This is horrible. This could have been an extremely funny show, but the writing is just bad and the jokes are predictable. I watched this with two friends and there wasn't a single laugh in the room. I don't know how HBO let this one through. Also, I love Sophie Turner. Can someone please find her a good roll?
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26 July 2021
Like everyone else, I'm heartbroken and confused as to why they decided to completely remove He-Man from the show. I am all about seeing strong females take center stage. It's 2021, representation and inclusion are important to the progress of our society, duh. HOWEVER, this specific instance is confusing to me. There were so many ways to keep the show original while still highlighting the strong females. Or just give Teela her own spin-off show. If anything, this would build out the universe and generate additional $$. What doesn't make sense is going so far in the other direction the show is practically unrecognizable.
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
Don't trust Rotten Tomatoes... Ever.
21 July 2021
This show is hilarious, stupid and awkward. If you're an awkward person with an odd sense of humor (like me) you'll love this show. Anyone who says this show fat shames either hasn't watched it all the way through or they're the type of person who will find anything and everything to be outraged by; most of the time failing to actually do their research on the issues they claim to be so passionate about. For starters the creator of the show Lauren Gussis has been extremely open about her weight struggles and her struggles with overeating. This show in some ways mirrors her experiences growing up. Additionally most of the writers on the show are members of the LGBTQ community. I mention this because I find this show to be more inclusive and body positive than most of the teen facing shows out there. You can tell representation and inclusion were important here. The overall message of the show is acceptance and that being pretty and thin doesn't mean your life is automatically better. My only problem with the show is the southern accents. A lot of the actors have a hard time maintaining the accent consistently, especially Alyssa Milano.

I'd also like to point out the fact that a lot of the positive IMBD reviews about this show are written by people who literally say in their review that they are big or struggle with their weight - me included.
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Body of Proof (2011–2013)
A lot of conjecture for an ME
20 July 2021
This show had potential and from what I hear got better further into the seasons. Unfortunately I couldn't make it that far. The premise is good and the medical terminology is pretty spot on. However, I can assure you that female ME's don't run around all day in tight skirts, high heels and full hair and makeup. This would make their job impossible, especially at a crime scene where mobility is important. Also there are several episodes where the main character Dr. Hunt doesn't wear gloves when handling specimens and evidence. For a doctor who is supposed to be extremely detail oriented, you think she would know better. The part this pisses me off the most is how Dr. Hunt and the police make a lot of assumptions and go around just showing up without search warrants, accusing people of murder and straight up arresting people on circumstantial evidence. In episode one Dr. Hunt accused an innocent man of murder to his face before having all of the results from the autopsy. Then the police arrested another innocent man on flimsy evidence. Again, they both ended up being innocent. Detectives and especially ME's are trained to be impartial and objective throughout an investigation. They may question suspects to gather information, but they don't just accuse and arrest with no real evidence or admission of guilt. If anything, going off half- cocked could jeopardize the case and open them up to lawsuits. Also Dr. Hunt is way to involved in the investigation and interrogation process. Most real life ME's try to stay away from suspects and parts of the investigation to avoid bias or the appearance of bias in court. Lastly, Dr. Hunts character is really unlikable and annoying. I love a show with a strong female lead who's tough and gets things done, but Dr. Hunt is arrogant, selfish and just disrespectful to everyone around her. Including her daughter and the people around her who are rooting for her. It's kinda annoying to watch.
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Totally Spies! (2001–2014)
Uncomplicated and easy to watch
13 July 2021
It's the type of show you use as white noise while dozing off to sleep. It's very easy to tune in and out and not really miss anything, which I find kinda relaxing and necessary sometimes. It also has some really funny moments, and some of the episodes are low key dark. For example S1E7. The girls are framed for bank robbery. Jerry straight up doesn't believe they're innocent or make any attempt to hear their side. He doesn't even consider the fact they have no motive to rob a bank. These girls have done nothing but complete missions for him and save countless lives. Not to mention they all come from extreme wealth and I am sure their Whoop salaries aren't bad for teenage girls. Without due process Jerry immediately locks them up and tries to implant behavioral modification chips in their brains. One of the Whoop agents says to them with a smile "You'll never have another aggressive thought as long as you live".

I give it a 7 because there are some things that really piss me off about this show. Like the fact the girls act real dumb/ditzy most of the time, but can somehow effortlessly operate aircrafts, submarines and complex spy tech. They're also highly trained in espionage, hand-to-hand combat, bungee jumping and bomb disposal. So why do they act so dumb? Also, how are they constantly sent on missions in the middle of the school day? They are literally gone for several days and somehow no teachers or parents ever seem to notice??
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Ghosts (2019–2023)
Really funny
12 July 2021
This show is original and really funny. All of the characters are likable with unique, fun stories. If you especially like British humor you'll love this show.
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Bright (I) (2017)
11 July 2021
Definitely worth watching, but it's not going to change your life. I liked the premise, the visuals and Joel Edgerton's performance as Jakoby. On the other hand Will Smith kinda overacts and there are definitely a lot of bad writing moments like " if you act like my enemy, then you are my enemy".
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What Is Happening
10 July 2021
What a waisted opportunity. No character development, no storyline and no action. Not one moment of this is watchable.
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One of the best
6 July 2021
This is my favorite anime. I can watch it over and over again and still laugh every time. The humor is quick and well delivered. The characters are all funny in their own way. Saiki is such a good character. I will say, this is an anime that requires you to pay attention. It moves quick and sometimes it's easy to miss the really funny moments, especially in the sub version.
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