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Merry Madagascar (2009 TV Movie)
Really very good.
7 December 2009
I'm not a big fan of Dreamworks movies (the poor man's Pixar) but nevertheless I love the Madagascar work. I bought this from my local supermarket (exclusively they claimed) expecting it to be a poor quality version of the movies, probably with bad animation and replacement voice talent. Hey, I thought, my 12 year old will still like it. I was wrong: this is beautifully animated to the quality of the movies, has all the original actors and is FUNNIER than the movies too. There's a joke involving penguins and reindeer that had we three in hysterics, perfect! This is only 26 minutes long but well worth it and a valid addition to the Madagascar movies. It could in fact be Madagascar 3 such is the quality.
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Crash (I) (2004)
A suggestion...
13 July 2006
I would suggest that anyone who is interested in viewing a well written US-centric ensemble performance about racial issues should obtain and watch either 'Homicide - Life on the street' or at worst 'NYPD Blue' or 'Hill Street Blues' because any of those shows will blow 'Crash' out of the water. As has been widely stated in the previous reviews: 'Crash' is VERY poor quality, primarily because of the screenplay. It lacks intelligence and finesse, has unformed and unbelievable characters, an over reliance on coincidence (fine in a pulp thriller but not in a 'serious' piece) and treats its audience like dullards. I can only presume that this was a movie intended to appeal to the usual blockbuster audience that tried to pass on a serious concept but by doing so alienated anyone of a more sophisticated taste. Oscar worthy: absolutely not.
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Stan (2006 TV Movie)
Artfully moving and though provoking.
14 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a great lover of fictionalised history (and any drama that purports to show the private meeting of two men many years ago is just that) but 'Stan' was so well written that it won me over completely. It doesn't matter that the meeting is speculative because the general theme (love, loss and the constructive and destructive power of memories) is universal. There's enough obvious truth in what Stan is saying to Ollie to transcend any historical inaccuracy and for that I am impressed. The play (for that is what it is) concerns the final meeting of a melancholic Stan Laurel and a dying Oliver Hardy. Stan is not at all happy to be asked to visit Ollie because he can barely face the emotional trauma of having to face the loss of his friend and business partner. This runs deep because Stan knows that the instant Ollie dies then a part of himself dies too because they are inseparable as a comedy unit. Much of the production is flashback that illuminates the reasons for Stan's depression and attitude to other people in the context of his (almost) one sided conversation with the seriously ill Mr Hardy. There's a magnificent moment when Stan, referring to his 3rd (and most troublesome) wife says "Without her it'd be just me and the darkness". Heavy stuff. I really enjoyed 'Stan' and watched it for the second time tonight which was interesting because there's a semi-hidden running joke that is fun to watch developing once you understand the punchline to come (it involves Ollie's water and a misinterpretation by Stan and fulfills the eternal maxim of 'leave the audience laughing').
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Works at an emotional level if you let it...
25 November 2005
I first saw (most) of this movie whilst enduring a rainy night in a lonely hotel in Shimoda (Japan). It was running on the local TV and whilst I couldn't understand any dialogue (no English) I very much enjoyed the interesting animation and what story I could work out. Since then I've obtained a Region-1 DVD and seen it with subtitles: it still entertains. As with a lot of Japanese output (Studio Ghibli in particular) the story is rooted in characterisation. I cared about the people in this movie and they seemed well fleshed out, they were never just a prop to hang events on. Basically: if you like Miyazaki then you'll probably like this.
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Lensman (1984)
A classic destroyed...
12 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The original Lensman series of novels is a classic of the genre. It's pure adventure SF with some substance (here and there) and I've always wondered why Hollywood hasn't filmed it verbatim because it's just the kind of thing they love: massive explosions, super-weapons, uber-heroics, hero gets the girl, aliens (great CGI potential), good versus evil in the purest form, etc etc. Instead (and bear in mind I'm a Japan-o-phile and anime lover) we get this horrendous kiddies movie that rips the guts out of the story, mixes in Star-Wars (ironic as the latter ripped off the books occasionally) pastiches and dumbs the whole thing down to 'Thundercats' level. To see Kimball Kinnison, the epitome of the Galactic Patrol officer and second stage Lensman portrayed as a small boy is pitiful (etc). I just can't understand why the makers did this because they obviously had the rights to the story and could have made far more money (FAR!) by telling straight. It makes no sense.
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Antz (1998)
19 April 2003
I'm a major proponent of though provoking movies and yes, Antz does have some interesting 'Dummy's Guide To Political Systems' moments but it also has Woody Allen being supremely annoying (his dialogue is execrable), poor quality CGI (on the whole but some is OK like the 'Insectopia' section), nasty music (Allen singing! aaarrgghhh) and a general feeling of lack of imagination and depth. 'A Bug's Life' may be a more cartoon like work but it nails 'Antz' to the floor in virtually every regard. Pixar knows how to make a quality narrative, appealing characters, humour and STYLE. Dreamworks achieved none of these things.
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Titan A.E. (2000)
Escape pod please...
13 April 2001
I'm horrified that I am forced to share a planet with so many people who actually liked Titan AE. Please all go and see '2001 - A Space Odyssey' or at least watch 'Fururama' at once and get a life! Yours with horror - Phil
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Titan A.E. (2000)
Ship of Fools
13 April 2001
I am a life long SF connoisseur and I had high hopes for this movie. It was promoted as a significant event in the genre and a step forward in animation. It is neither. It is garbage. The animation style is no better then a typical saturday morning kid's show - in fact several kid's shows wipe the floor with it. The legendary 'Reboot' in particular. The mixture of cell animation and CGI clashes violently and removes all the merits of each technique. I audibly moaned when I spotted background after background with poor finishing and implausible imagery eg: the opening sequence of a star field - we're in deep space yet the stars are twinkling - DOH! The concepts and plot are third rate and derivative (Star-Wars, Battlestar Gallacticrap, even the opening titles use kettle drums to get that '2001' feel) and the 'cute' nature of some of the supporting characters is nauseating. The biggest problem is the target audience. NOTE: you do not make a great SF film by appealing to 12 year old boys - you make a great SF film and then likely as not, 12 year old boys will like it anyway. Titan AE is aimed squarely at an American youth market too brain-dead to appreciate REAL Manga and too stupid to care. Lousy music too! I hated it!
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