
45 Reviews
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Ethereal, Funny, Melancholic and Smart
22 December 2023
I have had a difficult time finding any new adult animated comedies to be even remotely worth writing a review about. Everything that's come out in the last ten years has been trite, boring and manic. This show, however, is remarkably beautiful and comedic. There's a melancholic sadness mixed in with humorous and raunchy stylings. Carol is a boring type of woman looking to distract herself from the reality of the world ending. She's in denial and doesn't want to accept the world's fate. While other people are partying, quitting their jobs and fulfilling all of their wishes and dreams...Carol searches for a life that is humdrum, but fulfilling in her own way.

The quiet scenes, the surreal dreams and the beautiful but dark story makes this unlike any other adult animated show. It touches on real emotions as much as it is wildly comical and inappropriate.

I've found myself memorized by the story and character and music.

I do feel like people who prefer the typical new adult animations wouldn't like this. But I absolutely bet this will have a cult following. You have to have a specific personality and dark sense of humor to adore this. It's not for everyone.
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Cheesy plug-in to start a whole new series of movies
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the very beginning my partner and I were rolling our eyes. The acting, the script, the cheesiness of it all...entirely disappointing. I'm a very liberal Democrat and I'm in full support of bringing in cultures into the mainstream movies, but I feel it's so overly done now that movies and television shows lose their authenticity. Yes, we got the point that the main character is Hispanic and we appreciate the celebration in Peru, but why can't it just be a part of the story without making a whole point out of it? Why was racism even brought into a movie about robots?

Just make the movie. Stop parading around your "look, we put in people of different cultures! Bravo us!" If you use wokeness in your movies, at least give it authenticity and not parade around your "woke" ability to not using white people. Every day life is mixed with all sorts of cultures. You don't win an award for it, you should have been using people from different cultures long ago. You're not getting a pat on the back for something that should've already been done.

The little brother's lines and the autobots lines were like watching a sappy Hallmark movie. The boy didn't even have a reaction to Mirage being a robot. There was no huge buildup to seeing the autobots. He was just like "hey robot".

No charisma or dramatic effects. There was no "spark".

The parts that were supposed to be funny were cringey.

Honestly I think the makers were too focused on the CGI realism and not enough on character development. The fact that Spielberg was the Executive Producer said everything. He's nothing like he used to be. He lost his creativity years ago.

Also the plot and timing just didn't line up with the rest of the plot line. We were so confused. So these primal animal bots have just been magically around for 7,000 years without any of the autobots knowing? Yet Optimus Primal was named after Optimus Prime?! WHAT.

The only reason they made this movie is to introduce GI Joe which you don't know until after credits start rolling. This entire movie was just a plug-in to start a whole new series of Transformer/GI Joe movies to cash grab from nostalgic fans. That's all.

It was messy, hokey, contrived, nonsensical, lazy and it felt derivative. A complete fail and a disappointment.

It wasn't until the last 20 minutes of the movie did we actually feel somewhat entertained. So glad we didn't waste our money in the theatre.

Oh, and apparently the autobots can transform humans into robots to help them fight the bad guys?! Yet there's been nothing in any other movies of this being an ability when all these other human heroes could've used this power. Okay Iron Man. Geesh.
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Not worth it
2 August 2023
From the very beginning the movie felt cheap. Then it went to Morgan Freeman doing a lecture where a student responds with such horrible acting, that I was immediately put off. Forward 5 minutes later to a horrible fight scene on a bridge where the bad guy acts like he's kicking a guy but the acting is done so horribly that I felt embarrassed for Morgan Freeman for having his name attached to it. I kept trying to watch it, thinking it'd get better...but the bad acting was just too much.

Why anyone thought these scenes are okay to release is beyond me.

So as the movie trailed on and the plot goes in nonsensical directions, I gave up about 1/2 way in. It was just too awful.
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Dial a Prayer (2015)
Potential and then went flat
12 June 2023
I got excited in the beginning. This seemed to have a lot of potential in the beginning. It was funny, quirky and interesting. But then somewhere in the middle it just went flat. What was the purpose? What's the plot? What's the point? It's almost like the whole movie was one inside joke for only the crew and cast to understand. The ending was confusing. I feel like I got the idea of where they wanted to go but then they just went completely off road and we couldn't understand what the point was. So this woman goes through all of this spiritual growing only to do what? Why? Where? I'm so confused.
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Women Talking (2022)
What people don't seem to understand...
12 March 2023
There are lots of negative reviews based on dullness, repetitiveness and nothing truly "dramatic" happening. It's "boring" and colors are "bleak".

I am curious as to who is writing these and what their gender is. If female, have they experienced abuse from the hands of a man? Could a man truly understand what the movie is saying? Who does this film emotionally reach and why?

Must there always be some intense element of film drama in order for a movie to deliver to the masses adequately?

I ask these questions because this movie was very poignant, well-delivered, meaningful and moving.

Everyone will see it how they want to, but what I saw was a conversation had between women about the importance of love, family, strength, courage and faith.

The lines spoken and the meaning behind the words was so much deeper than what people are giving the movie credit for.

It deals with r*pe, incest, domestic violence, pregnancy due to r*pe, paternal violence, miscarriages, maternal love, hope, generational differences, denial and most importantly: how women have no voice or control over their bodies.

We are currently living in a world where rights have been stripped away and voices shut down. Where women's bodies are being controlled.

The women in the film are having a conversation, and each woman is representing a different group of women in the world who is dealing with the violence of abuse and those who are being forced to be silent. They are the voices of millions of women...singled down to only a few main characters in a barn.

If you didn't get that, watch it again. If you still don't get the point...maybe you're not really listening.
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Beautiful, dark and well done.
13 December 2022
It's not your typical Pinocchio story. It's filled with death, hope, grief, hard life moral lessons, moments of laughter...and all done with amazing animation. It's dark, yet whimsical. There is rage, love and excitement. The plot was beautiful and the animation, while not technically realistic, was dreamlike and stunning. It was also emotional and hard. I have never much liked any of the Pinocchio movies, but this one won my heart. I do wish there wasn't so much singing, but as it's a dark tale, perhaps it helps to lighten the mood.

I laughed and cried and smiled. I was moved from beginning to end. I highly recommend.
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Stunning and Heartbreaking
28 October 2022
This was so beautifully made. The cinematography was awe-inspiring. It was raw and real and genuine. At times it's hard to watch, but it's the truth of war.

It makes me ache for those in Ukraine.

The acting is absolutely superb and the Director did a remarkable job. It captures the heart...and both lifts it and smashes it into bits. Not many WWI films are made and this definitely is something you don't want to miss if you are into world war period movies.

It follows a young man's first steps of a journey starting with gleefulness and pride when getting his uniform, to absolute savage fear, to a heartbreaking moment with a French soldier and the loss of his comrades.

It is a powerful film. Bravo.
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Medici (2016–2019)
Dustin Hoffman, why?
21 October 2022
Dustin didn't fit in at all. It's like he didn't even try and was just there for a trip to Italy and to collect money for his role. He didn't even try to have an accent. He just spoke with a normal American accent (which obviously didn't exist back then) while everyone else had an old European accent. I was embarrassed for him. I tried really hard to make it through the first season but it was just so hard to see Dustin stick out like a sore thumb. Using him was a ploy to get people to watch the show.

But even then, the acting from everyone was subpar. The beginning was confusing. Who is who and what do they do and what is even happening? Cosimo always seems angry and I just can't take this show seriously anymore.

I don't understand how anyone is giving this a 10 star.
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Blonde (2022)
Not for everyone
29 September 2022
Yes, it's mostly fictional. Yes, some scenes are hard to watch. But women have been used and abused by the movie industry, as well as regular women in just ordinary day life since the dawn of time. Marilyn led a difficult life and many of these things happened to her. But I see it as a film that speaks for all the women who've been exploited, harassed, assaulted, beaten and used.

If you don't like what you're seeing, then you're denying a part of the hard truth of what so many women live through.

It was beautifully shot and well-scripted. It is painful and hard. I don't see this as an exploitation of Marilyn Monroe...I see it as a movie that calls out the male ego and if you're a man and you feel annoyed with the many horrible scenes and you feel like it's too much - I can assure you that there are women in your life who can very much relate to her pain. The power that men have had and still have is severely unbalanced and that is just a cold hard fact.

It is a story of trauma, mental illness, abuse and power.

I think Marilyn would want the world to see all the pain she went through. To know that her pain and voice was finally matter how many people want to look away and ignore it, just as they did in her real life. So that we may see why her life ended. How she got there. How so many women with a long history of trauma and abuse get to the point where they no longer want to be here either.

Marilyn's character represents millions of women, not just her. It's a combination of pain endured by women for thousands of years. Being treated like mere objects...stupid and weak. Robots to do man's bidding. Bear their children. To take our bodies and do with as they please.

Her innocence was manipulated time and time again...and that is indeed - a fact.
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More for kids, but some adult fun
26 September 2022
It was cheesy, but cute. The plot was good and I enjoyed the personalities of the animals. The Batman jokes were honestly the funniest part. They made fun of his character like he was some emo lonely sad dude still sad about his parents.

It's definitely family friendly with a touch of adult humor to keep us entertained. I wish the animation had more detail. It was sort of filtered over with this shiny bright squeaky clean look and I enjoy the animation films where details are really clear.

I feel as a DC movie they would've made it better looking technically, but to each their own.

There was a little much going on. There are way too many characters and things happening at once and that can cause a bit of a sensory overload and so you start to lose the emotion and heart behind it. It becomes just entertainment for your eyes, not entertainment for the heart.
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Wolf (II) (2021)
Was headed somewhere, and then didn't
19 September 2022
I think I sort of get the premise of the storyline...or at least what they were aiming for, but it did NOT reach for anything inside of me that was anywhere near emotional except feeling mad. There are people with many dysphoria issues, some of are which are connected to animals. However, it was dark, and not in a way that leaves you going "wow, that was intense". Instead your just left sad, confused and without any real ending. I almost had wished the writer threw in something supernatural and the dude really did become a wolf because then at least there would've been redemption for the awful plot, writing and acting.

Instead it merely sat on the edge of being traumatic, abusive and trite.

I like dark arthouse films, but only if I'm left feeling... something.

My own art is dark and surreal and I'm drawn to these sort of films. But, Wolf was poorly done and it could've been more.

I just felt my own traumas come forth and not in a tangible and relating way. It just made me angry and then irritated at the lack of conclusion.

Sorry, not a win here.
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From someone who adored the first film...
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was 12 when the first film arrived in theaters. It was the perfect age to see a movie like this and become absolutely enchanted. I had the movie posters, stuffed dinosaurs, the soundtrack on tape...all of it. I put up with the other sequels okay, but they were never as good as the first. So, I didn't expect to be wow'd by this new one. Instead, I was deeply disappointed.

You know what made the first movie so great? It had heart. It gave the dinosaurs souls and personalities and the characters were minimal but well-written and the mix of the two was just absolutely enchanting.

Movies today are rushed. Hollywood wants to throw in so much action that the 'heart' of the story is never there. Look at the movie Independence Day: it had a lot of action, characters and CGI...but who didn't just absolutely walk away with a smile and a tear in their eye? It's because it had HEART and the plot made sense and the acting was amazing and they fit so much into it, yet left us understanding what was happening while still getting to know the depth of the characters enough to love them.

So let me start by saying that first: as soon as the the plot got going in this movie I immediately rolled my eyes. In only a couple of decades dinosaurs bred enough and migrated enough to cover all of Earth? Scientifically impossible. Two, WHY would everyone in humanity and the governments just be okay with dinosaurs walking around killing people? In real life if dinosaurs suddenly took over the entire earth and just walking around in cities and terrorizing people, we'd just... let them? Society would've taken generations to adjust to dinosaurs just roaming everywhere. Where is the logic? Parents letting them have them as pets? Seriously?

So immediately the plot of the movie was ruined. Come on, it made absolutely zero sense. It was making a mockery of the original series. Like a joke. And they spent an insane amount of money just to make fun of itself, much like the new Matrix movie did. They were just letting a T-Rex walk around a drive-in before they even tried to tranquilize it? Really?! And it took them 3 YEARS to catch it?

And the acting was so awful. I love Jeff Goldblum and he just wasn't the same eccentric person we loved to watch, but at least he knows how to act. I guess when you haven't been acting for decades, it gets awkward. Even the cinema photography was cheap looking. And the music - oof. It was your typical cheap action soundtrack with zero songs. Flutes and trombones and erratic strings like you'd get in a B-rated action flick on Hulu. Sometimes it almost sounded like an old cartoon soundtrack.

"You never get used to it" - yeah no, we are already bored, Ellie.

And what's with Chris always holding out his hand like he is going to cast a magic spell?

The cloned girl: what was the point of adding that to an already piled-up plot? There was no need for that storyline to be in there. We just wanted adventure and dinosaurs, but with purpose and feeling. But there's too many storylines and characters and you're just left confused and underwhelmed. heart, no slow moving scenes for us to take things in, no beautiful theatric music and the things needed for people to be moved by what they are seeing.

And of course there's always an evil weird wealthy grey-haired eccentric billionaire scientist in every big budget films dealing with climate or disease now. Honestly... I'm surprised there weren't zombies or vampires in it.

I'm actually so bored that I'm writing this while the movie is running.

It actually breaks the heart of my 12 year-old inner child.

I was looking forward to this so much I literally cried when I saw the trailer. The kid in me couldn't wait to get back into the adventure.

If you're just looking for action because you're bored, go for it. But this lover of Jurassic Park and many of those who also felt a deep love for the series, find no reason to even want to include this with the rest of them.

They thought they could bring back the same actors and throw dinosaur chases at us and we'd just fall in love.

Nope, not even the critics can give it a kind word.

Ya broke my heart, Hollywood...and you continue to do so. I will never pay for a movie in a theatre again. Get your act together.
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Who would give this a low review?
14 September 2022
There aren't many 'feel good' movies out there these days. Everything is drama, horror or action with ridiculous amounts of CGI. Not many movies being made with good plots with interesting characters and something that leaves you smiling.

It's based off a true story which makes it all the more lovable. I even think the husband was probably Autistic as it hinted to his obsession and fascination with numbers to the point he often couldn't see beyond the constant calculations in his well as his struggle with socializing with others. I say this as someone who's Autistic myself.

The acting was good, the emotional scenes were well done and it made you fall in love with the idea of community and family in a modern world during a time that our society is currently breaking in shambles...unable to see the good in one another anymore.

Makes me miss the sense of friendship and comradeship and togetherness in both big and small towns. We've forgotten what it's like to give entirely with selflessness. That's the heart of this reminds us of a time when people seemed more caring and giving.

This movie is entirely underrated.

I say go for it...and just enjoy the sweetness, the fun and the heart of the movie.
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So much potential, but failed
11 September 2022
They threw all these big actors in with a dark morose vibe, an awkward love connection, some violence and a few villains and thought this would be big.

But instead...they got a messy plot, bad actors mixed with stupendous actors, no real sense of background for the characters, a messy story and a movie that badly represents the book and the actual worker's movement.

Who were these characters? What made them who they are? You have to give the viewer a chance to feel connected to the main characters...but I could've cared less who lived or died. You can't expect everyone to read a book made in the 30's before they watch the movie adaptation in order to have feelings for the characters.

Why were the bullies with guns so horribly bad at acting? Why were amazing actors put into such a clumsily made film?

With the way the world is today...99% of us against the 1%, this could've been a masterpiece to tell a tale of the empowerment of the radicals who fought for workers rights. To help inspire us to fight again.

But it fell so short of inspiration that even the dramatic ending was a snooze fest.

I feel like good movies just aren't made anymore if it's simply based on plot and not action movies with fancy CGI. Back when there weren't any fancy computer graphics, movies HAD to have a good plot because that's what made it. The passion of storytelling in movies is far too gone. You can no longer throw big names in a movie and expect people to just automatically like it. The art of screenplay writing seems to be a dying affair and this movie proves just that.
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I waited a year to watch this
11 September 2022
I wasn't ready last year to watch it. I wanted to watch it when it came out, but as someone who was 21 and watched it unfold live that day in 2001...I just wasn't ready to face it yet. I visited the towers when I was 18 with my Godmother who passed of cancer shortly after. After the second plane crashed, I had to go to my friends funeral that morning.

None of us could go inside the Funeral Parlor because we were glued to the car radios. When we finally made it in, everyone was either dissociating or sobbing uncontrollably. My friend's family didn't know what to say. No one did. Eventually it got cut off early because it was just too much emotion and no one could focus.

We went to the bars that opened early so that we could watch it together. We saw the bodies fall and carnage and horror. I think everyone, no matter where you lived, was in some state of shock. The day for me was all a blur except for the images on TV. Those never left our brains...especially the jumpers.

So even though it had been 20 years since 9/11, I still didn't have the guts to watch it.

Now I'm here after watching it in 2022. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel about the creativity of it. It's impossible to analyze the cinematography or how well it was made...because it's just reliving the trauma.

I had to stop during the scene of the bodies slamming against the roof. I wondered why I needed to watch this. What was the point? I'm in tears and shaking and I know what happened...why relive it?

I decided to get through it because I owed it to everyone who died that day. And the documentary was hard to finish. But, we can't just turn off the tv because it's too hard when so many people lost their lives and thousands were severely traumatized and lost loved ones. So I bit my lip, cried, and watched on.

It was really hard. It's not for everyone, especially those with very personal ties to that day. But I do believe it captured that day and the people who were in the depths of it as best as a documentary can. I learned so much more and despite the absolute panic of wanting to turn it off, I didn't.

People say "never forget". But that always confused me because how could anyone forget it? If you were old enough that day to mentally and emotionally completely comprehend what was could anyone forget? It's simply impossible.

No one will stop remembering, not until we are all gone and buried.

Though I'm glad we have this documentary so that generations after us don't do the forgetting. It spoke plainly and genuinely and with honesty. It didn't hold back the true terror and the amazing heroism of that terrible Tuesday. It is the best documentary thus far ever made.

So I hope the children of today will watch it and share it with their children and their that they don't forget.
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Too much in too little time
5 September 2022
This had a lot of potential, unfortunately it was too rushed. It should've been a mini-series or a full season. It literally felt as if parts were skipped and it made the plot muddied and there was no way to get emotionally involved with the characters. We all know the story of Snow White, and I enjoyed the darker side of it. However, it felt like I was watching a movie where someone had fast-forwarded through scenes. It just didn't hit the way it should have. While the acting and CGI and cinematography was excellent, the plot was at best an unfinished puzzle on my grandmother's kitchen table.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
It's mildly entertaining and incredibly frustrating
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If an actual girl is found on the road side and injured with cult scars on her back and tie scars around her wrists and is obviously traumatized...doctors, the police and psychiatrists in 'real life' would take the case extremely seriously. But that's the problem, no one in the show seems to take the situation seriously. First, they would have not kicked her out of the hospital so soon and been so annoyed and careless with trying to find her a home. Nothing feels credible - the acting, the way people respond to things, etc.

Suzanne should obviously know she's being stalked by an evil cult, especially after finding the note in her mailbox...but no, she just brushes it off.

The sisters and their friends are fake and the acting is atrocious. Nothing makes sense. No one is acting how they would be acting if this were a real life scenario. It's extremely frustrating to watch people just be so ignorant and dumb.

But is it entertaining to watch? I mean, I guess.

But does it make it good? No.

It's actually really awful and I hate to see Bones (Emily Deschanel) in a role where she just acts like a spaced-out dimwit. Everyone is completely apathetic and are delusional idiots. Why is everyone so clueless, unaware and/or mean? Why is the best friend of Jules so jealous and rude when it comes to a poor traumatized and victimized girl? Why is her older sister such an entitled brat that also has zero concerns for a traumatized human being?

Why do people just not seem concerned? Suzanne, the mother, seems to care but then completely plays ditzy and dumb 80% of the time.

And the dad/husband is just in his own selfish little world without a single ounce of empathy for the scarred traumatized girl living in his home.

There just aren't any real human reactions and emotions in the show so it feels incredibly hokey and fake.
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Pure Heart
3 September 2022
What makes this movie so great is that it's factual and there was no added fluff or drama or some ridiculous love tale that directors tend to add into real story movies. This was only about the rescue itself, the mindset of the rescuers and the heart-wrenching emotions of the families and everyone who witnessed it. It absolutely had me on edge the entire time. The filming was so well done that you felt you were right there at times. I didn't know the story, so for me, I didn't know how it ended which made it all the more frightening. There is a documentary as well called The Rescue. But if you're looking for a beautifully done gut-wrenching tale about true heroes, sacrifice and'll love this movie.

Really impressed by Amazon with this one. Normally I don't like their movies, but this had me from beginning to end.

I will also note that if you're claustrophobic, it might trigger you. It's hard to watch at points. I could feel myself stop breathing at times.
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FBoy Island (2021–2023)
Ego, Emotional Abuse and Narcissism
3 September 2022
At what point does a group of narcissistic men playing with women's minds/bodies/emotions finally become emotionally abusive? When does it cross the entertainment boundary and into something dark? Mia was extremely mislead by the gross arrogant testosterone of several men and it felt so disgusting and gross that I had to finally turn it off.

You can have them play games and show them laughing and dancing to lighten it up, but all this show advertises is that it's okay for men to play with women's minds and bodies as if they were mere objects and that it's okay for men to toy with the vulnerabilities of a woman's psyche.

I really hope that there's a psych review of the women to make sure there's no sexual trauma or abuse that's occurred in their pasts. Mia's panic attack really concerned me because she was having some sort of trauma response.

Shame on you HBO for letting this immature and outdated crap pass with your name on it.
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Lost Ollie (2022)
A Story of Death, Grieving and Faith
30 August 2022
While this echoes Toy Story in many ways, it also has a dark which represents loss, pain and anger from the hardest of emotions: grief.

Whether it's a parent, a romantic partner, a friend - if you've experienced losing someone, this movie can't help but grab at you. I don't think everyone will enjoy it, but I do think it's worth watching and seeing if it doesn't connect to you in some way. Maybe you feel the pull of your childhood and nostalgia. Maybe you understand what it's like to lose someone near and dear.

Maybe you just need a story of love and hope...

Whatever it might be, there's bound to be something that'll touch a part of you. It certainly did for me.

And I truly believe it'll touch all sorts of ages both young and old.

I don't think they were 'trying' to be like Toy Story, because the emotions in this movie really grapple with pain in a deeper and more serious way.

The only complaint I have is the acting of some characters, but overall, the storyline beat out the sometimes cheesiness.

If you like Homeward Bound and Toy Story, give it a whirl. You might just fall in love.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
Something much more than just sea monsters
15 July 2022
This was a wild, beautiful and enduring adventure. If you loved "How To Train A Dragon", you'll certainly love this movie.

But this movie is a bit more serious. It speaks of war, equality, dictatorship, capitalism, race and peace.

You have to really watch the movie with an open mind and find its deeper meaning. It's not hard if you already have an open heart.

The use of race, varying genders and a variety of different humans in these characters wasn't just to be "woke", but to bring the ultimate plot to its head.

A child will enjoy its beauty and action, but any empathetic and educated adult will see its intelligence.

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Extremely disappointing
11 June 2022
It felt really awkward the whole time, especially Christina Pazsitzky (condescending and rude). Bad jokes, weird mix of comedians and even the audience wasn't that engaged. Like there wasn't a lot of rolling laughter. In fact a lot of the comedians seemed to have a lot of arrogance. I really like Amy Schumer, but I have no idea why she chose these people. Did she read their jokes first? My spouse and I chuckled a few times and by the time Christina rolled around we were just confused about what the heck was happening and then some guy started with the dead dog jokes and we were like "eh, nope".

There's a lot of dark humor which I usually like, but these are just bad dark jokes.

An absolute no for me.
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Just a waste of dreamlike potential in a Neurodivergant mind
4 June 2022
The story potential itself was beautiful and they completely wasted it. As the Autistic character himself is in fact Autistic, I didn't judge him on his acting...but if he had good director, a better script, a better coach, a better acting cast and a better editor - his character would've come across more beautifully. Because, he is in fact, a beautiful person and the movie totally missed the potential of exploring his mind in the film.

The cinematography, the acting (from other actors), the score...just awful. It was painful to watch. And as an Autistic surrealist professional artist, I saw so much more that could've been done. It could've been like Eternal Sunshine meets What Dreams May Come. The location was too bland. Whoever the scouts were didn't do a good job. Should've picked the Northwest, Montana, or the high desert (totally different than lower desert). I lived in the desert, and while it's beautiful, you can only handle so many brown colors and rocks.

Professional filmmakers know how to make the desert brilliant without boring the viewer.

Tent Rocks in NM would've been an easy drive and an amazing surrealistic place to film for interesting rocks to lay out as a surrealistic landscape. I get the low budget, but the people who made this just didn't see far enough into what it could've been and it's really unfortunate.

And why was the sister obsessively being shot checking her makeup and herself in the mirror in the truck? Were they just trying to fill in time?

Why did the sister say "when I get gas" when the truck already had gas?

I think these guys spent all their money on the CGI in the first 5 minutes of the film and on the art scenes and then failed the rest.

The beginning scene and the art scenes were the only good parts because it wasn't messed up with horrible actors and music.

Stop giving this film 10 stars just because it's about an Autistic young adult. It failed.

  • An Adult on the Spectrum.
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Grey Eyes (2021)
Had potential
4 June 2022
This had a lot of potential but it was far too slow. I kept wandering off to do things and looking at my phone. I'd rewind it and try to force myself to pay more attention, but I couldn't.

I understand they were trying to be "artistic" with it but it failed tremendously.

The acting was almost too dramatic/intense to the point it made the storyline much less convincing even for fantasy.

Nice try, but no bueno.

If you want to watch an end-of-the-world plot movie about humans losing one of their five "Perfect Sense"
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Interceptor (2022)
This was so painful
3 June 2022
I could only do 25:40 minutes to when the dude popped out the hatch like a cliche magical ninja. The acting, the musical score, the cinematography, the's so so bad.

I never waste my time posting bad 1 star reviews but this just was so horrible I had to say something. The score and action itself sounded/looked like it was a child action tv show. Go go power rangers!

This isn't even Sharknado bad, because at least it was meant to be bad.

And maybe it was meant to be a bit satirical because it was so awful? But they still didn't make it work.

It's just plain awful.

Netflix has gotten so bad. They are only still thriving because of Stranger Things.
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