
21 Reviews
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Just don't
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly giving this film 2 star is generous. The opening scene with the two guys I genuinely thought meant the film was going to be a comedy. Zero acting skills, they delivered the lines like they were just reading them. And why when the girl ran out the house did she run into the wilderness? They were in a town and a guy was walking the dog over the road, why didn't she just run up to him? We gave it a bit longer and then switched it off after the next dialogue scene between the two girls which was the most unnatural untalented delivery of script I have almost ever heard (only eclipsed in awfulness by the opening scene). We switched off after 7 minutes. Save yourselves those 7 minutes. Do not bother.
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Over hyped over long
14 January 2024
I'm not a Scorsese fan. There I've said it. And over the years, when I've encountered people who say they like his films, they've ended up being pretentious wannabes trying to be cooler than they actually are. Still, having said all that, there are some Scorsese films I've sat through and while they haven't been my cup of tea, I've been able to acknowledge that they are half decent. This is not one of those. It's waaaaaay to long, too slow and honestly nothing happens that you don't see coming in the first 5 minutes. Actings pretty decent but this has been massively over hyped. If you have some paint to watch dry I'd recommend that instead. In fact the paint will be dry in 2 hours and you can have the remaining 1.5 hours back to do something fun instead.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't need to be 8 episodes and pace lagged for a lot of it. Clearly it was for the Michelle Keegan fans with lots of moody pouting shots and good advertisements of her clothes. Didn't buy her as some kind of sharp shooting ex Army gal either. The kind of show to watch while on your phone, if that's your kind of thing. Could have been smarter and cleverer but the pace killed it for me and some of the acting was pretty laughable. Still, it's good to know Army pilots wear fake nails and a full face of make up. Got to look your best while fighting the enemy I guess. Seemed a little coincidental the copper was affected by the very same drugs the family were dealing in. What a small world.
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Without Sin (2022)
This is pretty dull
14 June 2023
Even by ITV drama standards this is needlessly tedious and how they managed to drag it out over 4 episodes I will never know. In summary not much happens, the 'twist' is predictable and there are no impactful messages to take away from it. We don't really get to know any of the characters properly and the majority of the programme just seems to focus on Vicky Mclure in a dodgy wig driving around looking gloomy. Shame. There are a few avenues I feel they could have elaborated on or gone down to add intrigue but alas no. What you see is what you get and I wouldn't recommend investing your time in this.
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It's no Guy Ritchie that's for sure
12 March 2023
A massively lacklustre and stereotypical attempt to copy what's been done far better in the past. Assume only the cast have rated it so far given marks of 10 (I mean seriously, according to the user reviews it's more accomplished than Ben Hur). It's a lazy 4 at the very best. Script and delivery isn't slick enough for what it's trying to achieve and the lead characters overact and don't have the style or gravitas to pull off their roles. Got bored after about 20 minutes.

Wouldn't recommend unless you know Grimsby and perhaps enjoy recognising landmarks or can link to the history in some way. Or love ships / fish.
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Pixie (2020)
Just a bit rubbish
23 July 2022
A key sign if a film is good in our house? If people can stay off their phones. 20 minutes in we were all scrolling. This film was just a bit rubbish tbh. Tried to be cool, ended up being not funny at all and too slow. We turned it off after 45 mins.
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Vicious (2019)
Nothing happens?
15 April 2022
Literally nothing happens in this film. Except that they're all horrible friends. But there is nothing scary, other than their disregard for the dog and their horrible behaviour towards each other. Go read a book, any book. Just don't watch this non event of a film, i'm still none to wiser as to what happened or what we're meant to have learned and I made the mistake of sitting through it.
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Disappointing given the cast
7 December 2021
For the cast involved this film is abysmal.

However if you just want something Christmassy and mindless, look no further.

We still aren't really sure what the film is about, even though we watched it. But it's harmless and passes the time.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
Predictable but still ok
2 October 2021
Guessed what was going on in about 10 minutes but still had some good jumps and kept the tension up ok. It's worth a watch but it's not going to win any awards.
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Beneath (I) (2013)
Utterly idiotic
2 April 2021
Bad acting and a group of people who would struggle to screw in a light bulb, let alone paddle a boat to the shore of the smallest shallowest lake in the world. Why on earth did they keep paddling away from the shoreline that was right behind them all the time and why the heck when they paddled did they not move anywhere......defied physics! Didn't care about any of them. We were rooting for the fish to put us all out our misery. Another review summed it up perfectly. It's just dumb.
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Sensation (2021)
27 February 2021
My wooden spoons are less wooden than the acting, dialogue and pretty much everything else in this film. Go chat to your wooden spoons for 90 minutes and save yourself the soul destroying feeling of watching this film.
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Black Beach (2020)
8 February 2021
Good grief this is dull. 40 mins in, it's just full of uninteresting characters and over explaining dialogue about lots of other characters who we haven't met so it doesn't make sense. Classed as 'action and adventure'.....I've seen more action in the Antiques Roadshow.
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Doesn't go anywhere
7 December 2020
Has some suspense but really slow and doesn't go anywhere. The only words Mena Suvari seems to say through the whole thing are 'baby girl' fifteen million times.
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The Owners (2020)
Really not worth it
4 September 2020
What on earth are Maisie Williams and Sylvester McCoy doing in this?! Dull and ridiculous. Does has the odd moment which is why I gave it 2 rather than 1 stars, but honestly, don't bother. Go watch some grass grow instead.
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Dreadful. Just dreadful.
1 September 2020
Good grief this is awful. Seriously dull monotone stilted dialogue, cringeworthy outdated cliches about the British (cue lots of comments about how we're all apparently obsessed with the weather, have terrible teeth and go misty eyed at the thought of going to America). Slow action, an entire scene focussed on a character putting her dinner in a microwave. Turned it off after half hour (the film not the microwave). Seriously don't waste your time. The first moment where it was meant to be scary we burst out laughing. We were rooting for the ghosts.
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Bad acting but some good moments
11 January 2019
A shame that the acting was so wooden (particularly from lead role Mathieu Ratthe) and all narrative was so over explained and needlessly dramatic (even in non dramatic moments). Because there were some good scary moments. And at no point did it make me want to turn off. But the need for the main character to explain everything in shouty monotone, particularly toward the end, and to jump to conclusions with no seeming explanation did get a little tiring. Completely didn't care about any of them. Except for the dog. Who no one seemed to care about at all. Poor dog. Best actor of the lot.
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Patient Zero (I) (2018)
Hilariously awful
27 August 2018
And that's just Matt Smith's shocking attempt at an American accent! How on earth did this get signed off. Shame, as it had promise but it was very cheesy and all the cliches came out in force.
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Calibre (2018)
Really tense
21 July 2018
Made for unsettling viewing. Really good tense thriller. Randomly found it on Netflix and wasn't expecting anything but found a really good tight well made film.
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Not bad but not funny
21 July 2018
Meant to be a bit tongue in cheek, a bit Shaun of the Dead I think. Trouble is it just isn't funny. I laughed once. Think it's trying for British humour but tries too hard. Dunno. We watched it, but it could've been way better.
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6-5=2 (2013)
Truly awful
17 June 2018
Like a really low budget Blair Witch. Awful dialogue, really unbelievable reactions to everything and no chemistry at all between any of the characters. Goodness knows how it's rated so highly. Use the 2 hours more wisely, like watching paint dry or something.
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Fearless (I) (2017)
14 July 2017
Personally I found this incredibly dull. It's like it's got all the right ingredients to be really gripping but just isn't. All of the characters have failed to engage with me and I care nothing about them. The (what I think is meant to be) a shadowy conspiracy back story has moved so slowly with no dramatic twists it's lost all its impact. All it's done is drag out in a not very exciting way over 6 episodes what we all knew was coming in episode 1. Coming off the back of far stronger dramas (Little Boy Blue for example) this is a disappointment. Can't stop watching as have invested too much time in it but the dark brooding atmosphere with dramatic background music all the way through does nothing to save this either.
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