
32 Reviews
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Great entry-level horror!
28 October 2023
Not every horror film has to push the genre to new places!

When I was a kid, there were many entry-level horror movies that kids could watch and get into the genre.

These days kids have to watch either A) the most brutal, gross-out horror ever or B) Mickey Mouse pumpkin patch. There is no in between and that sucks.

Because of that, my wife and I are constantly showing our kids movies from our childhood, but they just don't have the same investment level.

Finally- there is a good, entry-level horror movie that the kids love- so, of course, the critics hate it. 👎

Forget them- this is a fun, mildly scary horror film for the whole family! Enjoy it, your kids definitely will!
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Couldn't ask for more from a fan-made short film
1 September 2023
A fan-made short film with effects, ideas, make-up and acting (at least from the lead) that could stand up against big screen offerings.

With a story that plays off of cannon characters and creative, horrific nightmare scenes- my only complaint is that it was too short. It definitely leaves the audience wanting more.

I could definitely see this as the first half-hour of a legitimate Hollywood film. Kudos to the creators, they must've worked their butts-off to get that kind of production value from a fan-made short film budget.

While not all of the acting is top-notch, the lead is fantastic. To get that kind of performance into a horror short is nothing short of amazing.
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Cobweb (2023)
I loved most of this film!
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film had a sinister mood, fantastic lighting, great acting and a script that resonated like a Grimm's fairy tale.

The parents are by far the most compelling part of the movie. The actors portray them in such a way that no part of this film feels slow and it's always menacing even though nothing technically happens for 3/4 of the runtime.

There are only 2 things that keep this from being 10-star, required Halloween viewing, for me:

The first is minor- the teacher should've contacted the police at least 3 separate times and it's not believable that she didn't- especially at the end.

The second is major- the ending introduced an unforgivable plot hole (the sister could've broken through the dry wall to escape at anytime) that only exists because she is so freakishly strong.

In the perfect ending, she is weak and malnourished when she is let out, but still scary looking and evil. She still kills all the same people, but in creative ways that don't require supernatural strength.

Still a great, under-the-radar watch. I just feel like there's a perfect movie right there, and they just missed it.
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Creed III (2023)
Would be higher, but...
13 March 2023
Great story, great acting and I love the characters. Jonathan Majors was fantastic and Michael B. Jordan always brings it. They really fleshed out Donnie's personality, as well as Bianca's.

Sections of the movie did feel rushed and certain characters seem like they are brought back without much to do. All of that was easy to overlook in such an engaging story, though.

My biggest problem was that the fight sequences were too cartoonish for my taste, I found it distracting. It felt like they would fit better in a Marvel movie or something animated. No doubt, it was a bold direction and I appreciate that, but it just didn't work for me, especially in a Rocky/Creed film.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Good outweighs the bad
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The new cenobites look fantastic and more than Pinhead has something to do in this film. The limits of their powers are a little confused and the end of the film reminded me a lot of 13 Ghosts with menacing looking monsters just standing outside closed gates for extended periods of time.

I really liked how this film expands on the mythology of the puzzle box and makes it central to the plot. Too many sequels show it quickly being solved by any random person and then it has almost no role in the rest of the movie.

Overall, though, I'm psyched to finally have another decent Hellraiser out there.
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8 July 2022
I'm a little late to the party on this one, but my wife and I just saw it on the recommendation of my co-worker and it was so funny! A great send up of films that use hillbillies as villains by using that prejudice as the driver of the plot.
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Best horror/thriller in years
26 June 2022
This screenplay was based on a short story written by Steven King's son, Joe Hill. Like King's best stories, this film has kick ass kids who are tough and fight back.

The heart of this is a brother-sister bond built on shared trauma and survival. It's brilliant. The 2 leads are amazing. You root for them at every step and stress to the point of physical discomfort when they are afflicted.

Ethan Hawk is great, but honestly he's just icing on the cake of a transcendent plot and genuinely great protagonists.

I honestly don't know what some of the haters here were expecting, but everyone in the theater I was in loved it. The tense energy in the room and shrieks during the jump scares really added to the experience.
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Bandwagon reviews are saying it sucks, but it doesn't
11 June 2022
Look, obviously there's no comparison to the first film; it was nearly perfect, and this one has flaws. Still, it's by far the best of the sequels.

The dinosaurs look and feel incredible, and in this film they are everywhere. There are a couple main story threads that bring the main characters together, and one is more interesting than the other, but both hold your attention- and once the main characters are together, there is great chemistry there.

They didn't bring the old characters in for a quick cameo at the end, either, they are integral to the plot and drive things forward in their own right.

Jeff Goldblum, particularly, is just so entertaining to watch.

Also, it's nonsense to say this movie is "woke" just because they added a young black female character to the cast. She was a good character. A "Han Solo type" pilot who doesn't want to get involved but can't help herself.

Then the other half are mad that Chris Pratt was allowed to be in this film even though he's been publicly open about his faith- it must be exhausting to try to entertain people these days.

I brought my 13 year old son to this and I'm so glad I did. This film was a massive spectacle and at the end it felt like we had just finished something special. The long runtime flew by.

I don't know what some reviewers were expecting- perhaps the first film again- this isn't that. But it's fun and tense and amazing. I think it's become in fashion to bash these films (and the last one may have deserved it) but this one is very good.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Keeps grabbing and losing me
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series has a compelling plot that grabbed me in the first episode. In fact after watching it the first time, I watched it again to show my wife. The main villain is intriguing, and I'm even interested in the Egyptian mythology.

That said, the action is often dark and the objective of most if it is seldom clearly communicated. That's when this series loses me, when there are long action sequences that seem unnecessary.

In fact, I almost gave up on it until the most recent episode where he is traveling through the Egyptian afterlife and having a psychic break between his personalities. That episode was fantastic.

I'll update my review when I have finished the season, but for right now my opinion is mixed. Brilliant ideas, great acting, well choreographed action, yet somehow the action often becomes gratuitous and boring as the goals are poorly communicated much of the time.

** After watching the finale, I'd have to say I really liked it, but not enough to change my rating. I think it stands as a fantastic premise with great parts, but a lumbering execution, overall.
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The Batman (2022)
Bravo Matt Reeves 👏
13 March 2022
This film is dark, gritty, smart, complex and poignant. It is arguably as good as Tim Burton's original and better than Nolan's "Batman Begins". (Though, in my opinion, Dark Knight is still the best overall Batman movie.)

Riddler is deep, frightening and intriguing. His puzzles walk that fine line of being difficult, but solvable for the audience. Often, when Batman spits out a solution, it was just on the tip of your tongue. Dano is masterful as a psychopathic genius with more than a screw loose- channeling Kevin Spacey in "Seven" at times.

All of the major characters are richly written and masterfully acted. Kravits is enticing, playful and sympathetic. Farrell completely disappears into the penguin. Pattinson is even a surprisingly good Batman (though, on a negative note, he plays neither the witty, cultured Bruce Wayne of Keaton nor the over the top, ostentatious Bruce Wayne of Bale. In fact, Pattinson doesn't really do much with Bruce Wayne at all.)
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Demonic (I) (2021)
Just bad
13 March 2022
Poorly acted, poorly written, one-dimensional characters you don't care about, and a bizzare possession theme which is really just a device to take the story from simulator to full-on hall walking, first person shooter game in the third act.
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Home Team (2022)
Good story, bad script
6 February 2022
The story here is interesting. Even Kevin James turns in a pretty decent performance. The weak point is a script that plays the story as a straight comedy, but then doesn't make you laugh. Every line Rob Schneider has is cringe-worthy and there are numerous characters that are flat, one dimensional "wacky" and yet just aren't funny, not even a little bit.
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Great time
28 November 2021
This was the first movie I've taken my family to see in the theaters since Covid and it was worth it. Funny, with great new characters and a heart for the old ones. I really liked this film.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
Not his funniest, but thought-provoking and necessary
15 October 2021
Comedy is at a crossroads in society right now. The art requires the ability to push boundaries and an inherent trust from the audience that such boundary-pushing will ultimately be cathartic. Unfortunately, right now, there is no trust from certain parts of any audience. It's in fashion, these days, to be humorless; to thoughtlessly repeat talking points and jump at any opportunity to be offended so that others can see just how enlightened you are.

Few people are in a position to honestly point out the absurd nature of this social development without being swallowed by it. Up until now, Dave has been uniquely suited.

Anyone who listens to what Dave is actually saying will find this moderately funny and immensely thought-provoking. Anyone else will completely miss the point- which is obviously the case for many reviewers here and for many critics in the media right now.

This dialogue is necessary, and unfortunately this is the only way we can have it anymore.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Somehow both good and bad
12 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult for me to say whether this movie was good or bad- it's sort of both.

The acting was incredibly poor from some of the actors, but very good from the lead actress.

The plot was bizarre and the twist has been done before, but it led to a very effective, very creepy villain who was tall and slender, walked backwards, seemed to contort and crack his joints when he moved, and had an incredibly creepy way of communicating. Strange though, given the twist, that the villain seemed to have super strength, coordination and agility while doing everything backwards in a woman's body.

It seemed to hop genres, from campy sci fi, to ghost horror, to slasher, to action movie. But Wan is a very good director and actually pulled off each one.

Overall, I'm very mixed about this film.
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Best thing to come out of the quarantines so far
22 May 2020
This documentary isn't afraid to take the time necessary to cover its protagonist from every angle. Adults, like me, who lived through it, still learn a lot. Kids, like my son, to whom it is almost folklore, feel like they lived it. Bravo!
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The Great (2020–2023)
Historically inaccurate, but fun
22 May 2020
In all fairness, this show is pretty up front about being historically inaccurate, so it's really not fair to knock it on that account. Moreover, it is easy to get pulled into because of competent acting, gorgeous set designs, writing that is witty and humorous, and plots that are clever and naughty.
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Honey Boy (2019)
Deeply personal film
13 May 2020
Parts of this film drag and parts are hard to relate to. However, the deeply personal bits about an unfit parent trying to live out his dreams through his child while simultaneously raging against the life that he is living, and the child just trying to do whatever he can to hold onto the few moments of sincerity that are so desperately needed from a parent, are felt and related to on a much deeper level. Overall, a thoughtful film that connects as frequently as it misses.
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It will distract your kids
12 April 2020
There's basically no storyline here, just a loose parody of Thanos and his infinity gauntlet. That said, your kids will appreciate that it is jam-packed with music (most of which are pop covers.) It will keep them distracted if that's what your looking for.
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
Weird docudrama has become a cultural icon
31 March 2020
This documentary is almost as wild and unfocused as its lead character. Still, it's hard not to be entertained by the level of outrageousness on display here. You should watch it, if for no other reason, so that you can understand the memes.
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1917 (2019)
28 March 2020
1917 is simple, haunting, and deeply affecting. A seriously great film!
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Weird, politically charged, but fun action/thriller
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film has plenty to say (albeit cartoonishly exaggerated) about how irredeemable people on both extremes of the political spectrum are. In the end, it's the character whose politics we never learn (because she was never meant to be there) who emerges as the winner.
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Onward (I) (2020)
Like Field of Dreams, but for kids
13 March 2020
This really reminded me of Field of Dreams, in a good way. A magical road trip with distinctive characters, culminating in a tear jerking scene with the main character's dead father. It's a great movie for kids and will surely make the dads in the theater tear up as well.
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Knives Out (2019)
Good Movie with a Great Ending
9 March 2020
The one liners and over-the-top performances make this a fun who-dunnit, even though the movie gives away its ending at the halfway point. Because you think you know everything there is to know by the end of the 2nd act, the beginning of the 3rd act seems confusing and disconnected... that is until the final reveal hits you and you realize that the writer has far more tricks up his sleeve than you were ready for.

The final reveal is done with an old fashioned great big soliloquy by Daniel Craig's character (who is a PI with a cartoonish Southern accent.) I, personally loved it.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Just enough Shining to make it worth watching
16 February 2020
This movie is plodding, uneven and too long. That said, the new characters are fun and interesting and the third act plays such wonderful homage to the original Shining that I'm really glad I saw it. I suspect if you're a fan- you should see it too.
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