
6 Reviews
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Paradise Cove (2021)
Feels like a movie people would watch in a sitcom
24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this film because there wasn't much else on. I usually watch older horror films, but I decided to just go with this anyways.

Uh, well, it's certainly one of the films ever.

The only two big things I liked was Kristin Bauer's role as Bree, the main antagonist, and I also liked how she definitely had some compelling motivation, but most other aspects of the film fall flatter than a pancake.

All of the characters are so stupid that they might as well be CPU's from a video game, especially how people like the detective and neighbours take Bree's side. How dare a couple not like a deranged homeless woman living under their house!

I do not recommend, sadly.
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Somewhat of a classic that hasn't aged too well
23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this film a decent amount of times, and if you want my honest opinion, I think a lot of people like it over nostalgic reasons. I don't find the film to be very intuitive, with either its plot or its jokes.

First of all, both Jack and Greg could have issues. Jack was being a huge pain in the back. I mean, seriously, taking a picture of a 15 year old because he looks like Greg? What in the hell?

Greg was in charge of babysitting baby Jack, and failed miserably. To show us maybe Jack was in the wrong by not trusting Greg, he's criticised... because he couldn't properly take care of Baby Jack. Why? Greg couldn't keep Jack's trust. Why wouldn't he be mad? Baby Jack was also annoying. The only time I liked him was when he called Jack an a-hole.

Some of the films jokes are funny, but some of them are just really tired and drawn out. This isn't to say I dislike this film, it's just not what I remembered from when I was young.
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Very tiresome film made seemingly just for cash-grabbing
23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My family find this film very funny. Why? I have no idea. The films jokes are very plain, and a lot of them are recycled from the previous two installments. Jack suspicious of Greg? Primary element of Meet the Fockers. Andi, a female acquaintance of Greg's getting too close for comfort leading to increasing Jack's suspicions? Also done with Isabel in MtF.

I couldn't understand what the films main plot was supposed to be? Despite its name, we rarely see the twins, and they're only important in some scenes. Heck, Kevin, Pam's old friend, seems to have be imploed to have more importance at times, and believe me, he's not doing the film any service.

The film as a whole seems very weak, and there's little appeal in it, so for that, I have to give it this low rating.
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I really can't say I liked this too much
23 February 2021
I've watched a few episodes of this before, several years ago, and I can't say it was worth my time, and believe me, I have a lot of free time, so that must account for something. It's also been quite a long time since I watched any episodes of this show, but I might as well give my two cents on it eitherway.

I think that the show works well for a kids show. Colourful and happy characters, easily understandable moral lessons, cheerful and flimsical plots, nice and calm settings. What's wrong with that? Nothing. It's great for a kids show, but a kids show is exactly what it is. To anyone over the age of 10, this show will not have any great value or concern.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm a 19 year old who actually likes a lot of cartoons that most people my age would've lost interest in when they were young, but there's simply very little substance in a cartoon like this. It'd be like fawning over a kids show like Peppa Pig or Dora the Explorer. Sure, you might find it enjoyable, but it'd be like a maths teacher doing single digit math over algebraic formulae, or an English teacher reading nursery rhymes over a Shakespearen text. Sure, it can be nice, but is there much value? I don't think so.

There's simply no reason to continuously watch this show. I wasn't very invested in a lot of characters. Most characters are rather one-dimensional. There are a huge amount of stereotypes too. Tons of characters are also introduced for one episode, branded important, then barely ever seen again. What's the point? Most characters even look way too similar. They sometimes aren't even bothered to change hair of minor characters, making many of them palette swaps. Could you imagine SpongeBob if all the fish looked the same sans colour? Yeah, not a great visual choice.

The antagonists rarely seem to have much motivation other than black-and-white reasons. Some are reformed, some aren't. Why? Why is evil evil and good good? It's just seems like the show either tries too hard to be deep, or gives up halfway through. All of the moral lessons are clearly aimed towards young kids, and there's nothing much to really get out of them. There are plenty of other shows and cartoons that offer a deeper explanation of morality and values other than this fairly unremarkable show. Avatar: The Last Airbender being a good example.

I might as well mention that quite a few years back, I was a member of this shows fandom. I had barely watched any of its episodes, as I only became a brony because it seemed trendy at the time. Being in the fandom was a huge waste of time, looking back, and I just don't see what the appeal of this show ever truly was. No offence to anyone who likes it, of course, however, I can't say my time in its fandom was well-spent. I was fairly young at the time, and since thinking of my time in the fandom just brings back bad memories, I might as well just finish review.

To summarise this review, this is a nice show for kids that you shouldn't bother watching if you already know basic moral values, as you won't learn a lot. With this review being finished, I can finally put this show behind me. Thank you.
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Arctic Dogs (2019)
I think "underwhelming" is a fitting word
21 December 2019
A lot of people have described the film as "generic", which I don't disagree with, but at the same time, I think "underwhelming" is a good term. So much aspects of the film, ranging from the plot, the characters, the setup, and so on - just feel so uneventful. I imagine they had difficulty making this into a full-length film, because there's nothing remarkable to really say about so much aspects.

The voicing cast is pretty good, I'll admit, so that's at least one plus I can think of, and if I had to think of another, I guess the character designs aren't too bad either, but other than that, there's not much special aspects of the film.

It's not a horrendous film, don't get me wrong, I mean, it's not "Foodfight!" level of bad, however, it's also fairly below average too. I think it would've been to have the film as a TV special or anything similar, because it really struggles to present itself as a film.

Granted, I know the film probably isn't intended for 18-year olds like me, however, the film has so much wrong with it that I don't think a lot of children would feel particularly interested, because the film just feels like something that's already been done before, and in much better ways too.
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Back at the Barnyard (2007–2011)
An amazing anime for all to watch
21 September 2019
Back at the Barnyard is an amazing anime that has changed my life. The characters, stories, and plot are all amazing. I especially liked the arc of Pip's back story.

This is without a doubt the best anime I have ever watched. It has cured my stage IV crippling depression and has also brought hope and meaning to my life. A must anime for everyone!
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