
22 Reviews
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Embrace Of The Vampire
2 June 2024
What an enchanting series. The acting is profound, the new Claudia character in this second series played by actress Delaney Hayles is excellent. Claudia's story is sad and horrific. The writing, costumes, soundtrack, production design and leading performances all deserve credit. I am so enjoying it all and hope this series gets picked up for a third season. I've seen the movie Interview With The Vampire plenty of times, but when each episode ends I'll watch it again too catch up with the little nuances I may have not picked up from this television series. Lestat, Louis, Claudia and Armand have me captivated.
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The Seeding (2023)
Hillbilly Elegy
28 May 2024
I was hoping this movie would have been a homage to The Hills Have Eyes, oh how I was wrong. A slow burn bore. What a mish mash of trash that made no sense. Who was she? What was she and her clan? I was expecting better and I was disappointed in the way the movie went. The acting from the two leads were good, but the story was predictable and not executed well. It seemed like a Twilight Zone episode. Where are all the good writers at in Hollywood? The people want The Hills Have Eyes, an updated version, yes we love our inbred, murderous, twisted clan instead of this heap of malarkey. I made a wrong turn with this movie, Boo.
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Halloween Rip off, kinda.
10 May 2024
This movie was painstakingly boring and the writing was ridiculously stupid. Actress Shawnee Smith plays the Matriarch of the Cole family, she tries to rebuild her shattered life after the murder of a family member by her deranged and obsessed cousin. Dont ask me why, I was trying my best to pay attention but I couldn't grasp the reason for the murderous rampage. I hope this film doesn't do a sequel because I didn't care about the characters, they seemed to flawed. The actress Tarryn Manning played a nurse in the film also, she's been doing a lot of grade B movies lately. Overall, I'll give it a 4 rating.
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Infested (2023)
Its only a movie, I had to keep telling myself.
26 April 2024
This is a very good horror film. Chills, thrills, suspense and action. The acting was great from all, the leading character Khaleb played by actor Theo Christine made the movie and had me rooting for him. For this to be a direftors first time, kudos to him. This movie will become a cult classic. I love horror films and this is one i enjoyed, waiting from more from this Director and actors. I felt Squeamish as I was watching the film, it gave me the Willies. Yes, if you are afraid of spiders this is not the movie for you. Arachnaphobia is on full display as you're watching. You have been warned.
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Arcadian (2024)
Let There Be Light
14 April 2024
This movie had me on the edge of my seat. The story was familiar but the execution was rather different, with a good surprise. Life on earth is an apocalyptic view for Paul, the dad and his two sons. The night time brings out true dread and horror from a dark evil. Good story, good acting and good special effects. We need a sequel or prequel, hopefully its in the works already. The origin of these evil beings would satisfy us viewers. Director, producers, lets get it cracking. One of Nicholas Cage finest films. I will watch it again, a must watch for the nuanced parts, i didn't catch. Hollywood we love movies with a good story line and people we care about.
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The Hills are alive with the sound of music
31 March 2024
For some reason this finale reminds me of Pollyanna type vibe. I enjoyed the 6 part series because I am a Walking Dead Fan. But I have to say this episode was my least favorite out of the six parts. It seems like it was rushed and it didn't leave room for what will be happening in season two. Hopefully there better be a Season Two or a Spin off, because Judith or her bro can take over. By time production wrap these kids will be full grown adults, I am here for it. But overall I enjoyed this episode and just wanted more. Rick Grimes and Michonne has been made into Marvel Superheroes who are saving the world.
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Doppelganger Rick
17 March 2024
Excellent acting. Great story about love, coming home, and finding your way back. Rick Grimes has lost his way, but behind a good man is a good woman. Michonne and love will lead him back. This series/spinoff has all the right elements so far, every episode thus far has been very good. I don't know which one is my favorite spinoff series yet, this one or The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon. Its hard to choose, but i am invested. Would love to see a spinoff of Rick's daughter Judith and Spinoff of Rick and Michonnes son RJ. Producer's I hope you are listening to your loyal fan base and viewers of this phenomenal series.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Gone (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
Michonnes last stance
4 March 2024
Excellent episode about perserverance. Faith and courage goes a long way, i didn't want this episode to end, it was very cinematic for me as I was watching. Great build up, how can you not care about these characters in this second episode? The writing and acting from all involved had my heartbeating so fast. So far I'm all in for The Walking Dead The Ones Who Live. If we get this every week, this show will be a huge success just like The Walking Dead. Waiting patiently for the next episode. Give us more of this depth, character, action. And feelings And you will have a loyal viewer. Michonne 💙
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8 Found Dead (2022)
In the beginning
14 February 2024
This movie was ok, are Airbnbs this much trouble? If so, count me out, the acting was fine, I fell in love with the old couple. The wife Liz was hilariois to me, lol. Her character was way off in a kooky type of way,, she seemed to enjoy her screen time, playing her role to a Tee. Barbarians the movie was about an airbnb as well, so was the new Netflix Film with Julia Roberts called Leave the world behind, same premise didferent scenario though. I would leave immediately if I showed up and someone was occupying the place I rented out. The characters in these types of movies makes all the wrong decisions.
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Malicious (2023)
Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
25 January 2024
This movie tried to be controversial, but as i sat and watched it i found it to be so predictable. The characters on the screen portrayal was so wooden, especially the mother. From the first time you saw her on the screen you just knew she was suspect, the acting was ok, except for those punches the step father were taking. Lol, I couldn't help but laugh. This movie could have been made for the Lifetme Channel, and it probably would have a bigger audience and reception. Hate to sound like a Debbie downer, but I've seen better. Overall, I give it a 5 out of 10. It's a quick watch, but predictable.
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Harrowing and gripping
5 January 2024
This movie was excellent. The strength and courage to persevere in times of tragedies is what life is all about. From the beginning had you captivated and stayed true to the characters. What happened on that mountain in 1972 is frightening and still hits you in the gut till this day in 2023, my heart ached for the people who perished and for the survivors of this terrible plane accident. This movie deserves all the accolades and awards such a touching human story. Director J. A. Bayona did great and deserve an award for his directorial skills for his movies that tug at our hearts, The Impossible and A monster Calls, Now this one, Society Of The Snow.
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Fog City (2023)
Where is John Carpenter when you need him
21 December 2023
Snoozefest at best, why oh why was this happening? The only redeeming quality about this movie was the soundtrack. The special effects were ok. Fog city dissipates as you're watching this movie and so will you into slumber as you are watching it. What a silly premise of hysteria and survival. So much paranoia in one film, all you can ask while you are shaking your head is people really this stupid. Writers need to make horror movies more believable than the viewer can empathize with the main character better. These group of friends made all the wrong choices and it left you feeling like can this movie hurry up and go off, I have to clean the toilet.
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Bloodthirst (2023)
Amateur Hour
6 December 2023
This movie is horrible, the acting and the special effects. What a waste of talent. Costas Mandylor, Tara Reid, and the B horror movie King Robert Lasardo. The movie centers on an apocalyptic world run by Vampires, Mandylor Character is John Shepard a vampire hunter. He tracks down vampires in order to eliminate the master. We seen it all before, but at a much grand scale, as I said earlier this movie is very amatuerish. The acting and special effects. It was definitely wasted time spent. Watch John Carpenters Vampires instead or Near Dark. Two great vampire classics. Tara Reid needs a good comeback and this isnt it.
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Nefarious (2023)
Glenn Beck is the Devil himself.
20 November 2023
Sean Patrick Flanery acting was the saving grace for this movie. Other than that I found it to be very boring, a whole Lotta Blah, Blah, Blah. Talking and more endless talking. Demons suppose to be frightening, this movie was not. The only part that frightened me was when i saw the pathological lying demagogue Glenn Beck on my screen. Beck has lied with so many conspiracies throughout his career, that i was turned off seeing him on screen. What a fitting ending for the end of the movie, the real Monster , demon showed up. Again, boring movie. Saved by Flanerys acting skills. Felt like I took a Xanax.
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Squealer (2023)
Oink, oink, such a pig of a movie.
18 November 2023
Tyrese Gibson talent was wasted in this film. Maybe he should stick to singing. This genre of film i do like, reminds you of classic movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and so many others. But the problem is the budget, it is made cheap and that sets the bar real low. Money and big budgets sets a different standard on how a movie turns out with the viewers. The story and acting sets the tone as well. It could have been so much better, i love Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson and I'm surprised they weren't a leading role in this film, since they have been doing low budget movies for quite some-time.
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Reject, Wrong Turn.
15 November 2023
This movie could have been so much better, if it had a bigger budget. Cheap thrills abound. A couple is terrorized by a clan of weirdos. A deranged psychotic family of three. Its a foreign film dubbed with poor English, edited wrong. Puts you in the mind of genre classics like Wrong Turn and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Yes, those movies are much better. But if this movie would have been made better I could see the potential. It was spoiled by the bad editing and cheap production thrills. But definitely an A for effort because I love these type of films. I say don't go into it with high hopes.
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Harvest Lake (2016)
Invasion Of The Booty Snatchers
14 November 2023
Soft core porn disguised as a horror film. A real snoozefest, that had me falling asleep. The entity that came from the abyss, who and what was it? The creature from the black lagoon distant cousin. I clapped in glee as it ended, because it was painful to watch. Slow and boring with no climactic ending. Five friends rolling around in lube, this movie made me feel like I was in one of those sleazy time square theaters from the 80s, I didn't need a shower though, i needed some good sleep. Please don't waste your time watching this film, you might get better joy watching paint dry. Trust me, I'm good at picking movies.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Iron Tiger (2023)
Season 8, Episode 8
My Sweet Charlie
29 October 2023
Madison is back and angry as ever. Last episode I was angry at Anton/Victor, lol. This episode the tables have turned. The main characters in this series Fear The Walking Dead have no redeeming qualities. They're driven by self, it seems. Especially Victor. The writer's seem to push that narrative on all fronts, it showed in this episode with Madison when she found about what happened to her son and Charlie. Do Madison and Victor ever stop thinking about themselves? And put whats best for everyone first? These two characters need to do some long hard soul searching. Rick Grimes thought of everyone.
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Dark Harvest (2023)
Pumpkinhead, Hunger Games, A Bronx Tale, The Wanderers kinda vibe
26 October 2023
Leave the kid alone, lol. That's exactly what I was yelling at the screen as i was watching this movie. The vibe was all over the place, even tho I enjoyed the movie. It was set up with so many cliches, the special effects were good, even if we have seen the story told in so many ways. The movie could have been better, but I have seen worse. The acting was good, and as I said earlier so was the special effects. Sawtooth Jack deserves a sequel with a bigger budget, hollywood makes all types of movies, so I'll be looking forward to this franchise. Maybe even a prequel on the history of the Town.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Anton (2023)
Season 8, Episode 7
Dead Ringers
22 October 2023
This episode was such a psychological thriller, more than an episode of zombie horror. Is it Strand twin Anton? Or is just Strand being the lying con artist who can't be trusted that we, the constant viewer knows him for. In the walking dead series we loved the main character/star Rick Grimes, as we cheered for him each week. Sadly here in this series the viewers like myself are cheering for Strands demise. His con artist and deceitful ways have worn thin. I love the show and its many spin offs but this character Strand, should have been killed off a long time ago. They got rid of Carl from TWD.
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Un-bell-ievable dribble
21 October 2023
Randy Couture in the starring role, the plot revolves around a bell keeper. This movie was painstakingly boring. A waste of my time, I enjoy a good horror film but this was pure dribble on a modest budget. Couture could do so much better, or maybe he should just stick to wrestling. I am hoping he puts out better movies, because this flop is not going to break any box office records. The acting was sub par from all involved, but I am glad too see Chaz Bono in some of these horror movies. I blame the writers & directors, Couture needs to do a well written zombie movie. That might help his career.
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Downrange on steroids
21 October 2023
Horror/Thriller with good writing and suspense, bloody as well. Dont listen to the naysayers. Check it out. Reminds me of the movie Downrange, this one is on steroids though. If you liked that movie you will love this one. I always go into a movie with my own take, I dont pre judge, I check it out for myself. Shudder did good with this one, it was a treat to watch. The acting was good also, no cheap thrills here. You can tell when money was no subject for a movie, its not a big budgeted movie of course, but it surpasses so many cheap movies I've seen in the past year. Kudos to the director. Yay.
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