
16 Reviews
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No one Speaks Like This unless you're the Monarchy.
13 March 2024
I actually liked this despite the fact that the "British Accent " Is the worst thing I've ever seen or heard. I know most of the cast are English. BUT for goodness sake. That stilted stick up your Jacksy accent and ridiculous pronunciation by everyone made me want to cringe. Sorry but in my humble opinion things like this enforce the Stereotypes. Just waiting for the Old Police Box, Red double decker bus, Beefeater's mounted Royal Guard, the obligatory shots of Buckingham Palace and afternoon tea to make an appearance. And don't even mention Big Ben. But I kept the Stiff upper lip and ploughed through it. 😂😂
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Smile (V) (2022)
Sorry. Too long. Ridiculous Ariel Scenes To waste time.
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's only my opinion but couldn't wait for it to get going. It didn't. As a child of the 60's we've seen it all executed far better. Everyone who has ever read a Book by Steven King could have written a better screenplay and we all know that Kings stories NEVER live up to the books. Shawshank and Green Mile excluded. In the end couldn't wait for it to end. Come on. Who couldn't see the dead cat in the prezzie? The soundtrack was terrible too. Didn't enjoy it at all but stuck it out in the hope that there might be a big finale. DID NOT HAPPEN. BAD BAD BAD. Let's hope there's no SMILE 2 ha ha ha.
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I'm a blubbering wreck. A film about True Devotion.
11 February 2022
I have no idea why I missed this film. It's a modern retelling of a true Japanese story about a faithful dogs undying love. In the same vein as Greyfriars Bobby. A Scottish terrier born in Edinburgh Scotland who guarded his masters grave for 14 years after he passed until he himself died. Wee Bobby is actually buried in the same cemetery in Edinburgh not far from his owner. This film about Hatchi was uplifting and sad at the same time. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Great acting all round but especially the pups, adult and elderly dogs who portrayed Hatchi. Fantastic!!!
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The Responder (2022– )
I'm so sorry but barely understood a word and I'm Scottish
5 February 2022
This is not a criticism of any ones acting skills or ability to do accents or dialects. Maybe the accents were just too good and pronounced. Disappointed because I particularly love Martin Freeman. The story looked great. I watched for 45 mins or so and got lost. So having to try to translate the dialogue in my head an failing miserably I won't be watching again. Sorry.
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Gemini Man (2019)
An entertaining bit of hokum. See it for what it is! Relax.
20 December 2021
Come on people. What did you expect from a film with that story. I don't understand the poor reviews and the haters. Don't you ever just sit down to lose yourselves in an entertaining film? How do you even follow the story when you are sitting there looking for flaws and loopholes to criticise. I loved it personally. It's not meant to be in anyway factual so a good bit of artistic license is the name of the game. Come on peeps. Lighten up.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Liked it.
25 November 2021
In my opinion sometimes film adaptations of Steven King stories are ( sorry folks) like the books. A wee bit too long. BUT! I enjoyed this film. Nothing to write home about and certainly not scary. A wee bit MEH? Far to long but o.k for a rainy Sunday. Xx.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
Monotone! Monotone! Monotone!
4 October 2021
To be fair I kind of enjoyed the story. Truthfully I almost turned this off. I am a regular reviewer on this platform and always try to be objective about everything and NEVER try to be an armchair critic who waffles on about cinematography or what the writer, producer, director was trying to say. If I enjoy it I will let folks know. If I hate it I will let folks know ... BUT .. Sorry.. I was mesmerised by the total lack of animation in the actors voices and facial expressions. It is only my opinion but Megan Fox to me was totally miscast. As an actress I don't know her very well but to me her lack of expression, strange immovable features and funny duck pout was a distraction throughout. Sorry Fox Fans. In saying that it was an ok film.
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Who knew? What a wonderful touching Film.
9 May 2021
Please watch! So uplifting but at the same time touching and wonderful. Who knew that Octopus were so clever! I know there's a bit sadness included but it just reinforces the circle of life. I didn't realise I was crying until the tears from my chin splashed into my Vodka and Irn Bru. Beautifully made. Beautifully filmed and Beautifully narrated. So glad I saw this.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Fan-Fipping Tastic!!
28 December 2020
Are you kidding me? Ok everyone has a right to their opinion. Coloured? The only coloured people on this earth are white. We go green with envy. Red with anger, white with shock! Etc etc etc This to me was an absolutely fantastic yarn! It bugs me that there is a shameful history. No one is proud. No one is innocent. No one can erase history. And no one should try! But for goodness sake! Go with the flow and just enjoy a fantastic blooming entertaining show! This is NOT a political platform. Still shocked that COLOURED was excepted!!
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Stage Mother (2020)
So so good 😊
20 December 2020
I just realised that I watched this film all the way through with that stupid smile on my face that you only realise you had been wearing because of the painful cheeks you get when you stop smiling. And that was in between suddenly howling with laughter or wiping away an appeared from nowhere tear in between. A really feel good uplifting film. Brilliant casting. Brilliant soundtrack and a no preaching lesson in acceptance. Loved loved loved it!! But don't take my word for it. Watch it and judge for yourself. If there's any justice in this crazy world this should go down in history as one of the best stories about our Drag community since Pricilla or AJ and the drag queen! Superb!!
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Venom (2018)
Fun and games! Tom Hardy to boot!
26 August 2020
Fantastic fun And games. Venom does exactly what it says on the tin. It's a fantasy guys.. and sometimes hilarious. Ok no one won an Oscar but the actors in this did a great job. Tongue in cheek it set out to entertain. To me it did just that. I get really frustrated with the armchair critics on this site that instead of going along for the ride they nitpick everything.. Ok so you don't like computer animated action shots.. ok you're not keen on Tom Hardy.. Ok the story was far fetched.. Even professional critics get my goat but at least they get paid for it! Remember everyone has different tastes and opinions but to me some of the reviews of this film are from bombastic stuck up "I know everything " twits. Reminds me of the time a roomful of art experts were duped into declaring an oil painting as a lost masterpiece.. only to find out later it was painted by a herd or elephants! Loosen up guys! Go with the flow and enjoy 😊
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Innocence (I) (2013)
Meh.. nothing new here.
23 August 2020
This film passed a rainy Sunday afternoon. I have to admit my attention wavered a few times resulting in having to rewind on a couple of occasions. I've seen worse films but the horror was woefully lacking. Some great actors in this who were a bit wasted on the story. If you want to see Kelly Reilly at her best I recommend you ditch this film and watch Eden Lake. Reilly's sometimes breathless over acting is so much more appropriate to the film Eden Lake and she puts in an "Edge of your seat" performance. Innocence? An ok film but distinctly lacking in something.
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Alpha (II) (2018)
Oh come on! A beautiful story of love 💖
26 July 2020
Ok you pompous a- holes! This film is not a factual history lesson! I feel for you sitting there unable to be entertained because ok as usual Hollywood has tweaked the facts. That's the name of the game! I was deeply moved and thoroughly entertained by this move from start to finish! Loved Loved Loved it! For me it did what it said on the tin! Made me smile and cry 😢 The story is about Love and loyalty! Suck it up haters! I wish for you that someday you will be loved and be loved unconditionally!
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Extraction (2020)
Good film
3 May 2020
I enjoyed extraction. Yes it was a great action film but in my opinion too much action. Gunfight after gunfight with not enough story or back story in between. Fight after fight with no breathing space. Because of this in my opinion the ending didn't have a lump in the throat ending that most great action films do. There was not enough space between action scenes to make you care about the characters. Don't get me wrong. It was good in its own way. Acting was great! But if you asked me tomorrow who was in this film? I would struggle to tell you. 🙂
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Anonymous 616 (2018)
Interesting! Didn't waste my time.
16 August 2019
I thought this film has been seriously underrated by some reviewers. Makes me wonder if there's a club of rival reviewers that are paid or offered something as an incentive to trash decent films or if they just didn't get it! Personally I liked it.. ok we've seen similar stories but this film was a bit different and not padded out with cliches. Don't trust the haters. In my humble opinion there was enough tension to wonder what next..and sometimes it verged on voyuerism even in softish focus. Worth a watch.
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Reclaim (2014)
Give it a go!
16 August 2019
I don't understand all the negative nay nasty reviews of this film. It was entertaining and held my interest throughout. Maybe not the most exciting or action filled film but it was a good story and had it's moments. A thoroughly pleasant way to pass a couple of hours. I also thought the actors did a great job. The little girl was adorable and thoroughly professional. Good job all round.
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