
11 Reviews
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1917 (2019)
Superb Filmmaking!
11 January 2020
Ignore the critics and the dumb ones who say it's too long. Since when is a film at 119 (that's 1 minute shy of two hours) considered long??? You people are simply impatient.

Great camera work and the mission to get the message delivered by a couple brave soldiers under their duress and obstacles is the highlight of this masterpiece. Set in the year 1917 and during WWI, this is a must see!

Best war film since Heartbreak Ridge and Platoon. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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Sully (2016)
Great Film!
10 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Clint Eastwood and Tom Hanks do it again. An account of what happened on that heroic day in January 2009. Tom Hanks as Captain Sully recount the events that led to that heroic landing on the Hudson River. An investigation ensues and it boils down to computer simulations vs. human reaction and emotion. Always some agency trying to capitalize on someone's judgment, even if heroic.

I highly recommend this masterpiece of film making and a bit of a history lesson here and something positive for New York City, since 9/11. At just over an hour an a half in length, it makes for a perfect night out at the movies.

Oh btw, ignore that child-like, immature review by "Turn Your Weapons To Snow", giving this film a "one".

This film and masterpiece is a well-deserved 10/10.
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San Andreas (2015)
Good movie.......But!
31 May 2015
As a fan of disaster type films, I was really looking forward to "San Andreas" and the magnitude of destruction L.A. and San Francisco would receive. A precursor event a the Hoover Dam, followed by a 9.1 in Los Angeles and a monster 9.6 in the City by the Bay!! As usual we have the human drama family issues as a secondary tale, which in comparison to other movies of the genre, it was rather tame and low key, as compared to say, "Twister", which was horribly annoying to watch. In "Twister" the human divorce drama was too much at times and totally pointless. In "San Andreas" it's just about right.

As for the disaster sequences, I would have preferred more views from different parts of the city being destroyed, instead of just one general area where the family rescues were to take place. L.A. is a huge city and for the focus to remain just in one area is a shortcoming.

The San Francisco portion was more widespread, mainly from the Golden Gate to downtown, but that's it.

The CGI effects weren't much over the top and were the highlight in this film. You should not be disappointed at all.

Recommend the slower, but very impressive, non CGI effects in the 1974 film "Earthquake" with Charleston Heston and Ava Gardner, if you want more of a city-wide view of L.A. being destroyed by a major quake.

In the 1974 version, you have freeways bridges cracking, city blocks crumbling, LAX shaking, cows tumbling, cars getting crushed, elevators free falling, power line towers rocking, houses falling off stilts, mission bells shaking and the Capital Records building getting sheared.

Overall, I give "San Andreas" a 7/10, impressive effects and a good human story. Bring the popcorn and a tissue!!
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Man of Steel (2013)
Good Looking Superman, CGI Overkill
19 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Went to see "Man of Steel" today for a matinée showing and I have to say that I wasn't all that impressed. Superman himself is good looking, serious and appealing in the cape and suit he wears and has a true super hero appearance.

Comparing this to the 1978 masterpiece, which I thought this movie would be based of, was disappointing. First of all, Krypton is supposed to be made of ice crystals, not some underworld looking planet. Krypton was destroyed by another sun in 1978, so why by its inner core this time?? Very little human tragedy before Krypton explodes. Remember people falling to their deaths in the '78 film? (enough to tear-jerk me a few times!) Remember the individual rescues in the '78 film (Lois in the helicopter, Air Force One, the gun battle on the port, the robber on the building, saving Jimmy from the dam burst, btw where's Jimmy in this film? even the kitten in the tree). This film has none of that. Also the people in amazement when Superman arrives to Metropolis in '78?...nothing here.

As for the action in this re-boot, the special effects are great, but the only problem is that there is TOO MUCH of it. Kind of reminds me of the 2012 overkill with the plane flying through every scene of destruction, but manages to survive. In "Man of Steel", just scene after scene after scene of close-up destruction and buildings falling, never mind the thousands getting killed in this process (which is never shown for some reason and we thought Superman cared for the people!). Overkill!! Superman II does not even have 10% of this in the battle against General Zod in that film. I could go on and on, but I won't.

Very little humor in this film and way too much CGI action scenes take away from the story of why the Man of Steel is on earth to begin with.

I could easily relate to that in the 1978 film, which by the way rates 9/10 in my books. This film, although impressive in some aspects, gets eaten alive by the excessive CGI and lack of "true to the story" shown to us in the Christopher Reeve films. There's only ONE Krypton and it's made of ice crystals.....period! Why Hollywood deviated so anyone's question.

Superman himself in this film as a super hero 9/10, overall acting 8/10, effects 9/10, musical soundtrack 7/10, storyline to the original 4/10, frequency of CGI as action scenes 2/10. Overall 6/10

Don't get me wrong, this movie is good, just not great and certainly not bad. Just overkill in the action scenes.

Superman (1978) featuring Christopher Reeve and Gene Hackman, all the way!!
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War Horse (2011)
Warhorse is King!!
28 January 2012
I cannot believe some of these reviews I am reading....people actually giving this masterpiece one or two stars, such a stupid joke!

What do this "people" want in a film??

Most common complaints read:

1) Too Long 2) Predictable 3) Clichéd 4) Historical accuracy 5) Animal Cruelty 6) Violent war scenes...... 7) Tedious

It's obvious you are ones that always complain about movies, no matter the content, no matter the style & no matter the story. Nothing ever satisfies you....but that's OK....your worthless 1 or 2 stars, has not helped your sick cause, since the movie is averaging a 7+.

So much for YOUR hype, it means nothing at go ahead and keep bashing the masterpieces as you always do and stay home and watch your teen bop romantic comedies. Nothing will ever please you! And do us all a favor.....stay home and stay away from the cinemas!

Oh, as for "War Horse"....there's nothing to be said.....just read all the reviews that average 8 or above....agreed by people with common sense, not reckless minds!

Thank you Mr. Spielberg for another wonderful masterpiece!!
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The Muppets (2011)
Waka Waka Waka Waka
26 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a comeback for the muppets! A great story about Kermit the Frog and company wanting to reunite and save their old Hollywood studio from becoming an oilfield. An 80's robot helps locate Miss Piggy, Animal, Fozzy Bear, Rolf and everyone else to do a telethon and raise 10 million dollars to save the Muppet studio from destruction by an oil tycoon.

Lots of songs sung and of course that beautiful Rainbow song sung by Kermit on the log in the woods (opening of the 1979 Muppet Movie).

A very enjoyable film that brought a tear or two to my eyes (and I'm over 40), especially at the end, when a mass of muppet fans embrace the return of the muppets! Wanna go back to your childhood?? THIS IS THE FILM! Enjoy! 10/10
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Excellent Film
20 June 2011
All you whiners complaining about the "shaky" camera effects, are just a bunch of sissies. Really people?? Cloverfield was 100 times worse than this. Getting dizzy??...get an eye checkup then! Wimps.

As for Battle L.A., it's a war film, in the eyes of the military, the effects will always be moving and shaky. Give it a rest! Excellent character development, from the military personnel to the frightened civilians and children. The destruction scenes seem realistic and the emotions by all involved are just perfect for this type of film. I love the can-do attitudes of the military and it shows in this movie.

Overall, a great effort and would watch again!! 90/100
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One of the BEST films ever made!!
20 June 2011
Shawshank Redemption deserves to be ranked among the elite films of the past. Some complain that this will never be a classic and should not be ranked with the Godfather, Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction...etc...Well guess what...This masterpiece of a film is rare breed. Sooner or later, a film deserving elite status WILL be produced,and there will be others in the future. You complainers would have said the same idiotic thing back in the early 70's, when The Godfather was released.

Shawshank is a tremendous piece of work that forever will be thought as one of the elites ever produced in the history of film and cinema.

Shawshank deserves to be #1 and I hope it retains that position. Someday another elite film will be released and may overtake Shawshank and then the complainers will be out in full force once again! Can't please everyone can we, typical stupidity once again.

Thanks for such a wonderful piece of art and film....It's one DVD I will always keep in my library for many, many years to come! Shawshank Redemption is not the best film of the 1990's, it's one of the BEST films of all time! Ranked right up there with other elite films of similar caliber!
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Avatar (2009)
Simply Said: STUNNING!!!
25 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was hesitant to go see a movie on Christmas, only that has never been my tradition and I'm 42. Boy I'm glad I did! This has GOT to be one of the BEST movies ever made...period! The visual effects of Pandora are absolutely stunning...first of it's kind..the color, the details, the action sequences, the costumes, the characters, the animals, geography..etc.. just stunning!! The love story was done correctly, the events leading to the finale were done appropriately and so mesmerizing and almost dream-like! Lastly, the human (alien)emotion element to the effects of death, injury and loss of a tree fortress and fire, was something that many prior CGI "blockbusters" simply lacked, especially in that redicule of 2012. It made me shed some tears!! This masterpiece of film, is something that has never been shown in cinema before and I really hope this eliminates the tons of other trash movies that have failed miserably in the past, when it comes to the above-mentioned.

I HIGHLY recommend this "piece" to every person in the world that can get a chance to view this spectacle of art and perfect film-making..nothing like it seen in theaters before!!!! Mr. are a master of film..Congratulations!! What a way to end Christmas day!!

Oh, and to those critical of this masterpiece in the making, basically giving this film less than 8're lost and have no idea what you are even talking about...cliché this, cliché that, predictable...too long of a film?? Leave the theater's your loss! Can never appreciate a good film at it's best. To you dummies, nothing is ever good. Unbelievable....

Must be a true reason why this masterpiece is averaging nearly a 9 rating on IMDb..and trust me, it's not by accident. Well Done!!! 11/10
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2012 (I) (2009)
A highly exaggerated, unrealistic mess!!
14 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I exited the theater, I said to myself....REALLY?? Was this a film about the world ending in 2012 or was this a film about how 10 different close-call escapes from death are filmed and executed? I mean come on..seriously! I really cannot stand when close-call escapes are done, so out of of touch with the real world, that it makes me shake my head in such disbelief. I know it's a movie, but please...this looked like a roller-coaster ride, not a movie. Can a car escaping death and destruction by driving through a collapsing building as it's falling down and come out practically unscathed with no terror or expression by it occupants?? Or bridges falling around them or fireballs raining around them without the true human drama or scared facial expressions / crying..etc..?? Or heavy motor homes jumping 20 foot wide chasms in the earth, like its no big deal to them?? This isn't nail-biting action scenes, it's pure STUPIDITY on Hollywood's part and it shows!! How about the fear and chaos of the world ending...NONE shown by the general U.S. population or even world population for that matter.

All we saw, is squabbling by government commanders, little kids worried more about where their divorced father is constantly and some little mutt doing a high wire act to be re-united with it's owner.

This movie had no suspense in it at was just drama about how the main characters can survive 2012...nevermind the 300 million others that live in the USA and what they were doing to prep for the world's end.

As for the actual disaster scenes..too short, not enough end-of-the-world destruction scenes. Each scene would begin and then cut out to what the main characters were doing instead...arguing, squabbling, doing unrealistic scenes and talking to each other about non-essential things, except what was occurring around them...the world ending, the earthquakes, the tsunamis..I mean WHO THE HECK cares about some stupid divorce??? in the middle of "supposedly" end of the world chaos? I didn't even feel for the characters....except the President staying behind and the trapped mom on the ark. Titanic was very moving, this was not.

The only thing that saves this movie into something halfway decent is the special effects....but once again, not enough disaster scenes were shown in continuity.

The special effects (CGI) were outstanding, the overall story and idea was good, the acting...just OK, the escapes scenes....far too excessive and very, very unrealistic and totally unnecessary in this film. When will you learn Hollywood?? It was not what I expected for an end-of-the-world film. Sorry! A generous 5 out of 10.
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Marley & Me (2008)
6 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For all you dummies out there complaining of this movie being not suitable for Children...What does PG stand for?? PARENTAL GUIDANCE! Meaning that PARENTS are responsible for educating their children on some of the issues that take place in Marley & Me. This is not a PG-13 or R rated film and certainly not a G rated film. Based on the films contents, a PG rating is appropriate.

As far as the film is concerned. A very touching movie about the somewhat hectic life of a TYPICAL family in America going about life and it's issues with a very cute dog named Marley.

The dog was a bit destructive for my taste, but it made for an entertaining movie for the family.

Parts of the dog scenes, being somewhat of a menace, may have been a bit repetitive. As the dog grew older, it calmed a bit, which made for a welcome change to the dog's behavior and a sigh of relief for the family. And of course, the last 15 minutes were sad.

I probably would not have released this film around Christmas (due to the sad nature of the ending). Maybe a happier ending all-together would have been better, but oh well. The snowfall scene in PA was nice.

A really good family film overall and worth the price of admission. Although, I only paid one buck at Redbox!! he he he he
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