
9 Reviews
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An old fashioned movie that grabs you
21 February 2002
This is the kind of film they would have made in the golden age of hollywood,probably with Gable and Tracy and Joan Crawford.This fim is of a high quality.Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise with a vengenance and Demi Moore is great to look at and Kevin Pollack is good too but the film belongs to Jack Nicholson he has a screen prescence that few modern stars can attain. The film moves quickly and with some great quotable lines along the way.this is what US movies do at there best,perhaps not quite a great film certainly one that can be watched every couple of years.Sit back grab a coffee and enjoy 8/10
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Star Quality
14 February 2002
This film made in 1939 has stood the test of time very well, the first half of the film flows with great pace,The dialogue is witty and acting is top notch,the actress who plays Mammy is fantastic,although modern audiences may feel uneasy that all the black actors play servants or carpetbaggers but thats how it was in those days, The scene where Scarlet crosses the streets of Atlanta covered in dead and dying soldiers stays with you,the civil war was the first modern warand casualties were on a massive scale. Gable is great,Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland play their parts well but this fikm belongs to Vivien Leigh she is brilliant. Find time,grab a supply of sweets and watch this movie it's hollywood at it;s best 9/10
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A film about following orders no matter how painful
31 January 2002
One reveiwer critices this film about lack of action he misses the point,all the characters are well developed which makes the ending so painfull. The acting is first rate every part is played with a great belief,,there are so many great scenes that touch the heart.The men are bonded together by their actions and when the bonds are broken through death or orders it hurts us all. Donna Reed is gorgeous to look at ,only a small role but well acted. At the end of the film you feel a lump in your throat and a tear forms in your eye,I love this movie.9/10
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A Film about heroes
19 January 2002
This is the story of 5 people two ladies and three guys all different ,all with problems.Robert Lee Prewitt is the boxer who refuses to fight after hurting a guy. Burt Lancaster is the army sgt who falls for the captains wife played by Deborah Kerr culminating in a classic love scene. Donna Reed is the love interest as a hostess who Prewitt adores,Sinatra is his buddy who ends up in serious trouble All the acting is marvellous, its a great movie ,watch and enjoy hollywood at its very best How it all works out is really interesting, a quick mention for Ernie Borgine who is a bad guy.
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Rio Grande (1950)
Roman Riding
7 January 2002
This western is a study of duty versus family life,can a man be a good soldier and still keep his family together.This western oozes class,the duke gives a superb performance underplaying his role,Maureen o Hara is first rate as the estranged wife,the story is slow but the acting is supberb creating a great atmosphere.This is John Fords film and the usual actors apear ie Harry Carey,Victor Mac and Ben Johnson watch and enjoy
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God bless easy company
17 December 2001
This great series takes to the front line of world war 2 from Dday to the end of the war.Why is it great because it is well written and very well acted but lots of war films have been,this one stands out because of the clips of the veterans.It moves you to hear the survivors talk of the war and the horror yet they remember each other and would willingly sacrifice their own lives for each other.I will close with two memorable quotes from the veterans unfortunately I forget who they were but they are true indeed. There are very few heroes alive from world war2 there buried over there and this quote says it all Grandpa were you a hero in world war2 No but I served in a company of heroes.
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stunning romantic epic
14 December 2001
A great film directed by a master,superb panoramic views,great acting,interesting characters along the way,historic background to a love story that works. Its a film for those adults who long for romantic epics,watch and enjoy.The dvd region 2 has loads of extras. My score 8/10
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Hoppy Survived
29 August 2001
This is an entertaining movie if somewhat dated ,still worth an occassional veiwing. Gary Cooper carries the film with a great performance showing him for the star he was. The cast is packed with good character actors and actresses,and is filmed in colour,based on a true story that De Mille heard on the radio as told by FDR. The story of how the doctor rescues some badly injured sailors in the Phillipines is told in a flagwaving way,with humor and tragedy side by side. One reveiwer asks about Hoppy a badly wounded soldier who is left stranded on the wrong side of a demolished bridge,the film shows the Japanese closing in on him and a nurse then they disapear. In C.B,deMILLES BIOGRAPHY he reveals that Hoppy did survive and at the end of the credits he told the film audience this fact.
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The Alamo (1960)
16 February 2001
This reveiw is about the widescreen vhs version with over 50 minutes of added story line. This film is about freedom the need for it and the pain of fighting for it.Wayne had been desperate for years to make this movie,I had only seen this film in the abreviated form before and had found it an average movie but this version turns it into a classic.You feel you know the defenders of the alamo as freinds making the ending all that more painful when it arrives. The film does have weaker moments but these are compensated for by the overall story,perhaps the most moving is when the line is drawn in the sand and every one crosses it always fetches a lump to the throat. The film was panned when it came out but seen in this version it is a great movie John Wayne can look down from heaven and feel proud the alamo has stood the test of time.
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