
34 Reviews
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Pretentious tear jerker
27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After reading the review section I have to disagree with the majority opinion that this movie is a masterpiece. It is very hard for me to sympathize with the boy as almost every decision he makes is poor, even for a boy of his young age. He could've stayed with the aunt who can provide him with food and shelter but choose not to because he couldn't put up with her hassling. Sure she has a cruel mouth but it is the lives of him and his sister at stake here so he should've known better and put up with it. The aunt's distaste towards the boy is entirely justifiable yet the movie portrays her as a villain. She took two orphans in despite limited food supplies(which already shows kindness) and got angry when one of them is a clearly able-bodied teenager who decide to not work during these difficult times doing nothing but to play with his sister all day while taking the food&care she provides for granted. The boy's character also doesn't match with his actions. He seems to be very resilient and mature for his age despite coming from a well off family but his action suggests some heavy main character syndrome. He asks for the charity of strangers and when that doesn't work out he resorts to stealing, even laughing maniacally when the town nearby is bombed because that provided him with more opportunity to steal. Why didn't he even attempt to go out and look for work during his stay at the aunt's house? Why didn't he offer his labor to the farmer in exchange for food? It is not because he needs to take care of his sister because he clearly felt comfortable leaving her alone while he go out stealing. These are some of the questions that filmmakers failed to answer while they are too focused on trying to buy a cheap cry from their audience.
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Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000)
The most authentic depiction of high school on TV
1 May 2022
As a high schooler watching this in 2022, I went into this 90s comedy expecting laugh tracks, overdramatic acting and fake-looking props, but at the end of the first episode, I was blown away by the level of authenticity that is presented. This show just gets teenagers and high school.

Every character is relatable and endearing, they face problems teenagers face everyday in the real world, they feel insecure about their body, they struggle to gain social confidence, they don't know what to do after they graduate high school, and they just behave like normal kids. So many other teen dramas are detached from reality, with completely ludicrous character motivations and characters who look like as if they are supermodels attending a fashion show, but not Freaks and Geeks.

The casting in this show is impeccable, mainly because child actors are actually hired to portray a child. Linda Cardellini also did a great job playing Lindsey, she totally pass as a 16 years old, as does all of the main cast. The writing in this show is probably one of the best that I've ever scene. Every line is so simple yet reveals so much about characters and what they are about. The amount of subtlety is insane.

No other comedy made in recent years has felt as natural and genuine as Freaks and Geeks, even if you look at great comedy series like the office, parks and rec or Veep, the characters in those shows are absolutely amazing but they do feel fictional, and I think that's what make Freaks and Geeks stands out among the crowd, its true to reality characters.

Can't believe they canceled this, this show was 30 years ahead of its time.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Shingeki no kyojin S1-S4 part 1
12 November 2021
Characters/voice acting: 28/30 Writing: 19/20 World building/atmosphere: 20/20 Plot/story: 20/20 Music: 10/10 Overall: 97/100

This is the best anime of all time.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Please keep it up
12 November 2020
This show radiates positive energy, which is not very common among other TV shows. I thought a heartwarming show like this would be cringy and forced, but great acting and a solid plot had proved me wrong, this show is just very special. I do think this show needs to have a great ending now, because everything is quite connected and densely packed, you really don't need to drag the storyline and make stuff up until the show lose its charm. A show like this really needs a good ending, so I hope it won't be extended unnecessarily for 8 some seasons, I really don't won't this show to deteriorate in quality.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Another Level of comedy
21 September 2020
The Office is in short, comedy on another level. This show has the best dynamic set of characters, some characters are not as likable as others, but I can't imagine this group being distorted, that's how I much I grow attached to the office group. The unique charm of the office is that it is so relatable, every character despite how interesting they seem, are people you imagine you meet in real life instead of on TV. This is something that is really hard to achieve in comedy series. In addition, the humor is top-notch, you can find a compilation of the funniest moments in the show and it will be hours long. But personally, I think characters is what makes this show so great. I started off watching the show expecting it to be like Brooklyn 99 where every other moments is laughable, but as I started to know about the characters, I realize that this is not those type of show. It is about the lives of ordinary people in an office as they pursue their goals and overcome adversities, and it is perfect. I did not laugh as much as I expected, but I feel so good watching the show, the cast excelled in bringing out the personalities of characters, i feel for them deeply as the show continues. The office for me had a rough start, it looked like any other comedy out there. But midway in season 2 I realized the reason of why this show is celebrated. Give the show some time and it might as well be the greatest comedy you've ever seen.
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
Great first season
9 September 2020
Season 1 of Jessica Jones is just as good as daredevil. It was almost perfect with a great protagonist , plot and villain. It has an unique style to which I think fit the characters perfectly. Season 1 also have what I consider an all time TV villain who pushes the plot forwards, I had no clue who killgrave is before season 1 so I don't really have any expectation, but the acting of David tennant truly impressed me. First season was a must watch, but seasons followed was no where near as good. Plots were dragging a lot of the times and the situation protagonist faced don't feel as urgent. Season 1 did have a complete story so I'm still happy how the show turned out.
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Bodyguard (2018)
9 September 2020
Watching this show was a very enjoyable experience, it's a very solid thriller, featuring great suspenseful sequences and good characters. Season 1 is very short so it won't take too long to finish the series. If you like crime thrillers like line of duty, this is a can't miss. One complaint about this show is that the plot is a bit flat, although all episodes are good nothing stands out, it also has a very forgettable climax. Overall it is still a good show, you should watch it if you want to have a good time.
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American Vandal (2017–2018)
So funny
9 September 2020
This show is very underrated. Everything episode is highly entertaining with funny and relatable situations, added to a very suspenseful plot. I think this show has the most accurate depiction of high school on TV, the producer of this show definitely knows who their audience are. Loved Dylan from season 1, he was savage and a great character. Watch the trailer, if you are interested on what the show is about then you won't be disappointed on what the show has to offer.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Very Good
8 September 2020
A lot of people praised this show like it is the best comedy of all time, I feel like that's an overstatement but this show is definitely really good. The plot is very interesting, characters are amazing and the style is very innovative. This show is definitely not a laugh out loud comedy, it focuses on drama and plot quite heavily, it's not always funny, you will probably be disappointed if that is what you were expecting.
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Veep (2012–2019)
So underrated
8 September 2020
This is one of the best comedy out there and no one is watching this. Usually political satire feels unrealistic but this show really breaks that trend while being hilarious. First season was alright, jokes were funny but it just gave me a depressing vibe, I don't connect to the characters as much as I would like. Then it just went right up in season 2. This show had an amazing plot for a comedy, you also get attached to characters as the show progresses, it is just a great show. Obviously this show as a political satire contains a lot of content that may be considered offensive to some, but if you don't take this too seriously the show is great.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is a cinematic masterpiece while also having a solid story, most characters in this show is good but I found some of the main cast unlikeable. This show really focuses on the visual and world building, the plot is interesting but it is not the best ever. I liked both season 1&2 but the finale that took place in Paris was not great, it feels like a rushed attempt to just get this show over with. This show can be slow at times but it is highly entertaining, very underrated.
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
All time favourite
8 September 2020
The best fx show out there, beating Fargo. The plot was so intense, especially in the first season. I thought all 5 seasons were all pretty good and the concept of making a show on prison break was pure genius. I do think they can do more with the character, there is really no great character development in this show. The show is very entertaining, highly recommended.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
8 September 2020
This is just Quality tv. The plot is decent but the show really focuses on characters and their development. I thought that this was a bold choice in a crime story but I'm glad it worked out. Season 1&2 were great, there was a solid plot and the acting were amazing. But season 3 just abandoned the plot altogether, all of the other aspects were still good but i feel like it's missing something. Hopefully they fix that up in season 4.
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Detective Conan (1996– )
People are missing out
8 September 2020
This is one of the best show of all time based on one of the best manga of all time. Because is really hard to find translated piece of the manga, people who only speaks English are missing out on this masterpiece. I highly Recommend reading the manga first, I watched the show as a kid so it is really special to me, but looking back, the animation of the early episode was really a product of the 90s, the anime also have a lot of tv original episodes that acts as a filler, they are generally not very good. I hope somebody could translate the manga in English so everyone can see just how good this is.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Best sitcom of all time
8 September 2020
I don't really like sitcoms, I thought this form of comedy is outdated and are always inconsistent, but this show proved me wrong. It has a very innovative take on the genre, almost every joke lands and this show is the funniest show I have ever seen, the it isjust hilarious. This show is also very consistent, characters never run out of funny things to do, I found that very rare in sitcoms. Season 6&7 were still really good but I saw the trend of this show deteriorating from there, I don't like they way characters started cursing, I thought that was a weird touch but it didn't really affect the show too bad. I just hope they keeps this up.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
So good
8 September 2020
Ozark is very good, is has the classic Netflix style, also featuring some of the most unique and well-acted characters on TV. The plot is great, especially in season 2. Some people compare this show to breaking bad, they definitely shares a similiar premise but Ozark has a very different and original story. Highly recommend this show.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
8 September 2020
Never watched the original Narcos, thought it was too long so I clinched on this one. This show is great and I think is a great introduction to the world of Narcos, it definitely have its own style, it also features great character and performance. The show can be quite slow but it has a great buildup, I hope this trend can continue in the second season because that is something that is hard to keep up. It is not something I would binge-watch but it is still a very enjoyable experience nonetheless.
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The Night Of (2016)
HBO hidden gem
8 September 2020
The show started off really well, it's realistic, suspenseful and immediately got me hooked. This show is pretty good all the way through, but the ending was a bit generic. Majority of this show is very realistic and it almost feel like is based on a real story, definitely worth watching.
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Inside No. 9 (2014–2024)
Solid experience
8 September 2020
Writers of this show are very talented, kinda like twilight zone, each episode is a unique story that is unrelated to any of the other episode. Every episode is very suspenseful and features a twist, I love that about this show. Since every episode is unrelated, you can just go ahead and pick the highest rated ones to watch. Some of those twist are so shocking I got blow away knowing there is going to be one coming. A lot of people compare this to black mirror, I guess I can see where they are coming at but these two shows are really different, you don't want see this show thinking this is another black mirror. Overall a great show.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
One of the best drama
8 September 2020
This is one of the most unique show I have seen on Tv, if you are intrigued by the first episode you will probably fall in love with the rest of the show. The plot is top-notch and it is very suspenseful, it features some of the best tv characters ever, every actors nails their role. This show also features heavy amount of Hacking, I thought that was very neat and cool, but do not expect to see too much of that aspect, the focal point of this show is really the story. Definitely a 10 out of 10 for this one.
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
Best Comedy Ever
8 September 2020
I honestly thought that this show is the best comedy of all time. I love every character in this show, it was hilarious, exactly what I'd come to expect in HBO, even exceeding expectations. The plot in this show is also very intriguing, definitely the best plot I've ever seen in a comedy serie. I love every bit of this show and I highly recommend everyone to watch it, the humor is definitely not for everyone but you will know very early if you likes this one or not.
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Where is the Second season
8 September 2020
This serie is visually stunning and it really shows the power of animations. Almost every episode features very entertaining plots and great soundtracks, definitely one of the best coming out of 2019. One problem with the show is that the show is way too short, as a tv show it almost feels like as if I'm watching YouTube videos, I really hope the second season would improve upon that, but it was still a very enjoyable experience.
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Succession (2018–2023)
8 September 2020
This show has a very unique style, I thought that is what make this show great. Every character in this show is not a great person, I think you can tell that from the first episode. Yet it is very easy to get attached to those characters. I think this show nails its world building, every aspect of the show is refreshing to see in TV. One thing I don't like is the plot, despite twist and turns it dosen't really go anywhere and it is not very engaging. I don't think that's a very big issue though since this is not the selling point of the show, overall it is still a very good show.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
Quality comedy
7 September 2020
One of the best comedy series out there. Great humor throughout the show, it is very consistent, there's not one season I feel like it's missing something. This show also have great characters, there is got be 4 or 5 great comedy characters throughout the show, this show just have the perfect casting. the end the show features a lot of futuristic technologies, I thought that was a weird choice and kinda messed up the tone, making it unrealistic. Other than that, the show is great, highly recommended.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Marvel did it right
7 September 2020
First season of daredevil was as good as it gets, great protagonist, great side characters, and one of the best villain I have ever seen on TV. The pacing of the first season was almost perfect, the plot gradually thickens while making the audience engaged. I had such a good time with season 1. Season 2 was good but still a bit underwhelming, I thought there was too many subplot, while the show focuses too heavily on side characters. The pacing of season 2 is also very weird, it's very inconsistent, there is barely any buildup for sequences. I thought the second season was missing something, but third season was back to season 1 quality, I'm glad to see that. Overall a great show.
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