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The Martian (2015)
My favourite movie of the last decade
5 March 2016
I am genuinely amazed at the number of bad reviews there are on here for The Martian. Now I never read the book, but I absolutely LOVED the film. So much so, I watched it twice within a week. It has been such a long time since I have been left with that wonderful sense of satisfaction after investing two hours in a really good movie, and this did it 100%

I am usually left highly disappointed after watching this genre of film, so I wasn't expecting much. Something like Gravity I thought, great special affects, dramatic scenes, and an average storyline, but The Martian was a whole different calibre of film and was perfectly constructed from start to finish.

I was instantly thrown in to a scene where astronaut Mark Watney and his crew are setting about their mission on Mars. But the sh*t hits the fan about ten minutes in where a storm causes Watney to be thrown from the crew and left for dead. There was no long lingering introduction to the film and its characters, just instant drama and character development. This forcibly got me caring for the entire crew, and got me emotionally invested until the end.

Matt Damon has always been good at what he does, but I felt he hadn't really shown off his true raw talent since Good Will Hunting back in 1997. Well he did in this. He was captivating in every single scene, and managed to do what Tom Hanks achieved in Cast Away and single handedly gripped the viewers' attention completely (with the help of a beautifully crafted script). Another reviewer got it bang on when they described it as Apollo 13 meets Castaway. The exact comparison I too had made and a combination, which works superbly.

The makers of this film put so much effort in to making it scientifically accurate which made it all the more pleasurable to watch. There was nothing far-fetched or stupid like in a lot of films of the same genre, and the combination of this, with a solid plot made for a truly interesting, exciting and enjoyable film.

There was drama, great effects, humour, heartwarming moments, a great soundtrack and a flawless screenplay. If you only see one movie this year, make it this one. An absolute must see.
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The Grey (2011)
A fight for survival just watching it. Very disappointing.
22 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually leave film reviews but after watching The Grey I felt an overwhelming desire to save people from the absurdity of this shockingly poor and very disappointing film.

It was a good start with a convincing plane crash followed by an engaging 'dazed and confused post crash' scene. After this, a touching scene, where Neeson supports a fatally injured passenger through his impending death. I thought I was on to a winner but then, like the fatally wounded passenger, it took a turn for the worse.

When some mean, blood thirsty, man-eating wolves appear I started to doubt the premise of the film. I'm no wolf expert but I'm almost certain wolves don't hunt people in this way. They certainly don't viciously attack small groups of people minding their own business sitting by a campfire. The film implies that wolves are vengeful and spiteful and want to kill humans off for the sake of it, which simply isn't true.

Neeson did what he could with the repellent and clichéd survival-expert character he had been given, but not one for the top of his CV. The others' performances were uninteresting and their characters came across as somewhat stupid. They learned relatively quickly that a wolf could attack them at any moment and yet they don't think to carry some sort of weapon like a branch or a rock or say the big fat knife that was used to cut the wolfs head off! But enough of the wolves, they're not even the worst thing about the movie.

It continues along a path of crass ideas, my favourite being the group jumping off a cliff in to some tall trees in a bid to escape their toothy attackers. That was obviously not going to end well, and the rationale behind this act just added more absurdity to the film. Some very poor character development was attempted half way through the film by way of a boring campfire heart to heart, but this was too little too late, as by this time I really didn't care if any of them survived.

I'm not sure if I was missing something but what actually happened to Ottway's wife? If she died just tell us. I don't want to have to spend the duration of the film trying to figure it out when it seems to be to be mostly irrelevant to the plot anyway. The attempted religious undertones of the movie were confusing and also irrelevant and made me ask what was this film actually about? Survival? Faith? Man-eating wolves? It couldn't really make up its mind.

An hour and a half in to the film I kept watching, confident that Neeson was going to get himself out of this wolf infested Alaskan hell. But alas, instead I watched him fannying around for what felt like hours, piling up the wallets of his dead buddies (why?), whilst looking through their wallet sized family photographs. Cue sad piano music for emotional effect: but still I felt nothing because I really didn't give two hoots about these guys. To be fair to this scene however, the sad piano music may be its only redeeming feature, a beautiful piece by Jamin Winans.

At last the finale. A bit of action I thought. Finally Neeson is face to face with the alpha male of the pack with a knife and some airoplane miniatures duck taped to his time. But NO! It was almost as though the filmmakers had gone over budget. Despite the fight scene actually being filmed (and appearing in the trailer!) the producers decided not to use it. Instead of watching what could have been a high octane wolf Vs man duel, I had to wait until the credits finished rolling for a two second shot of some fur and the back of Neeson's head. I can only assume this was a ploy to force me to make up my own mind as to who won this supposed battle.

I actually felt angered and cheated at the end of this movie and I despise any film that makes me feel like this. It is everything I hate about bad movie making condensed in to two hours of my life that I will never get back.

Throw it to the wolves and don't waste your time.
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