
11 Reviews
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The Master Demon
1 July 2006
To properly judge this movie, you shouldn't take it seriously at all. It is another example of an low budget fighting movie. If you take a closer look at the movies of Bruce Lee or Jacky Chan (or any karate movie at all), you won't find any bit of reality or sense in there, all "Hong-Kong made" with horrible re-recorded sound. Hellavalot of "punch-punch-punch" and our beloved hero gloriously walks out in the end with some candy-girl by his side. But this movie, (I'll be honest) I did really liked. It has some touch of "bad-humor", watching this movie I kept on laughing, I don't know but it's stuffed with all possible kind of "karate-cliche" which makes it lot's of fun to watch. The "special" effects are adorable, it's fun to see it, it's really is. And all that enthusiastic people involved in this movie, fantastic. I put this DVD into my Comedy section, same reason you can't put "Welcome to the Jungle" to the drama section, do you? So, if you like B-Movies or low budget pictures from the 80's, than this is your thing. It has some nostalgic elements from the 80,s.
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The Final Cut (2004)
Final Cut
16 June 2006
I'll be honest, I never liked Robin Williams personages. The major part of his play was always to show how childish an grownup man can be, no matter how far you got in your world of grownup's you still being that young boy who use to dream of becoming mailman one day, or something like that. So in my DVD collection that counts over two hundred movies, I've never made place for his work. Till I bought "Insomnia" starring Al Pacino. I was really stunned by exact wright type of a character RW was playing, great performance. After making "100's" of movies he finally did show what he actually is about. This "old dreamer-buddy boy" have finally grown up and now he shows us a dark side of being lonely, delusional, pathetic man. Maybe his character finally understands that he's dream world has only existed in his naive youth and he's watching now happy family's in RV's and he gets frustrated, understands he's failure. See "Photo Session" for example. After watching that movie I've decided to buy "Final Cut".

Now about the "Final Cut" it is an great movie in my opinion. All this moments of our life we do not cherish, it won't last forever. Feel of Guilt, happiness, love or hate all that we all carry in our bag-packs. Lot's of events in our life we cannot remember, but willing to give anything to enjoy the lost moment just to be there ones again, feel the sensation, hear someone's voice, private company we use to share etc. It is impossible to leave your past behind and start all over again, the past creates us and our future along with it, whether you like it or not.

Bytheway love-relation between Mira Sorvino and Alan (Robin William) it still unconvincing to me in this movie. I felt more father and daughter distance between them (the way it should be) but i couldn't believe they went together to bed. Maybe his character still have a way ahead to grow up, maybe I still couldn't see a man in him? Anyway, his character needs more development within him self to be done. Somehow, i still convinced that RW need to hit someone with heavy brick, before getting this person to bed, because hot number like Mira Sorvino is definitely out of his range.
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Skippy (2001)
Crappy Skippy
15 June 2006
Horrible, disaster! I've spend 5 euro for DVD and was very disappointed. Low budget movie with old jokes that won't work anymore. Maybe on younger generations that haven't seen much yet, this movie i suppose can be funny or inspiring for them. But once again, this is another debut movie of new actors. To get through they need to do much better job than that, unveil your talents, become a trademark. Without charisma people won't remember your name and as an performer you have no future. But if you want just to be on screen, than don't do movies, please. Somehow this pathetic comedy came on DVD and did it to Europe. I have always place for a good comedy in my movie collection, but please make me remember your acting, your jokes, your face and your name...
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Orange County (2002)
Jack Black is a kick-ass...
14 June 2006
I bought this DVD actually for a reason of Jack Black and short presence of Ben Stiller. Same reason I've bought "Evil Woman". I enjoy performance of JB in almost every movie, so i was very wondering about new fresh flavor he'll add to this one. Did I like the story line? No, not at all! After plugging in the DVD and watching first 10 minutes of this movie, I was worried that the whole movie would be only about the youngsters and they're first kissing, holding hands, touching nipples, walking under moonlight etc. I try to spare my time and to avoid such crap. So, gladly JB got more space in this picture than I've expected, which is positive. He's presence placed it in comedy genre, without him Hanks-Junior wouldn't make it even watchable. So I'll give an 5, to make it 10 they need much more than JB presence, but also good script and fun that keep's you laugh even on next day.
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Student movie that's all...
14 June 2006
I actually found this DVD in supermarket basket full of discount products. 3,50 is not much, especially when it's says: The most funniest comedy since "There's something about Mary" starring: Ben Stiller, Janeane Garofalo, Mike Meyers, Alanna Ubach and many others... Alanna Ubach is the hot number from "Meet the Fockers" and Janeane Garofalo (which i personally like as well) known for her work with Ben Stiller on "Reality Bites", "Mystery Men" and lot's of other projects. So i rushed to the counter to make this disc (full of visual moments of adventure) all mine.

I honestly did expected much more from the storyline, i couldn't watch it in one time, it's getting so boring so i took couple of days of interval before i finished the movie. Sorry, but in such cases i rather read something in between. But at the same time if they had more money on this project. They probably did much better job than the final result. Sound and visual shout for improvement. Crap movies like "The whole 9 yards" for example, had much, much more financial backup so they get more attention and credit.

I would say, nice try, they did it because they have guts, less afraid to fail. Bruce Willis started with "The Moonlightning" as well. Look at him, he managed to survive that and he's big boy now. But retail price 3,50 is exact wright amount to ask for, no one deserve to get reach on this movie. This is kind of a student-introduction movie and not like: Hey, give me your wallet!
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F.T.W. (1994)
F.T.W. two thumbs way up
13 June 2006
F.T.W. Is an very good movie, this movie makes you think. If any book you've rad yesterday makes you think about the context of it today, it means the writer have achieved his goal. He brought the idea in exact wright manner to move you, to make you think about it, to make your brain chew the theme, maybe even to change your views. Same goes for the movies. And this is an kind of a movie that makes difference, probably this is one of the best M.R. movies. I don't want my "movie-hero" to use a gun, or be cool. All this naive state of being cool is temporally, Pulp Fiction is not cool. Cool means stable state of emotions, or mental condition, to be able to have under control the negative reactions that may accure. If your "movie-hero" using F word and every two minutes reloads his gun, he is sick person and needs medical attention and that ain't cool. In this movie FTW lost his years in prison, after his release he decided to move on and leave the past behind. Emotionaly and mentally he require full recharge of his lost strength. You can witness him being cool, emotionally balanced person. He had all his reasons to use every second the "cool" F word or kill every cop in this movie trying to be die hard outlaw. But I guess it is much harder not to do that.

I actually grew-up with the movies like Desperate hours, Barfly, F.T.W. Angel Heart, Johnny handsome etc I guess I saw all his movies, but I've lost my respect for this actor after I've forced my self to finish watching Exit in red, and then Point Blank. I had bad feeling that MR needed so badly money for a new operation, so he was willing to make any movie just to make another buck to get another face-lift done. Sorry MR I love your early work...

But please find out for your self and make your own judgment
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King Kong (2005)
Great movie to make your friends leave earlier.
11 June 2006
Almost 3 hours of cartoon and visual graphics ala Animal Planet channel was a way too much for me. All personages of the movie were very distant, cold without any depth in personality. So I didn't felt any sympathy to any of them at all, they all looked traumatized and depressed to me. Even Jack Black I've expected to see some firecracker of personality of his, he's trademark of being complete pathetic loser. Or Ann Darrow, hot number (she gets 10 out of 10 onmy scale), but still her interest to this animal I can't understand. All this: hugging apes giant finger or dancing on ice (scene in NYC), like: "We were meant for each other." It's sick and weird. Back on island when Jack Driscoll came to rescue her, he reached his hand and tried to wake her up, she looked at him with weird expression of: "What are you doing here? We are happy, leave us alone." Only after some moments she decided to respond the same way. I felt confusion, she was very traumatized like she lost all her trust for the human world and she finally found her (also lonely and depressed) soul-mate. But audience, it is wrong to have such feelings for your pet even if it's big, stinky and hairy! There are also lot's of moments in this movie without any dialog, for example dinosaur-ape fight in the jungle (logical because there is no one around besides our female animal right activist, but still BORING) or last 20 minutes in NYC, "Beautiful, Beautiful" is not enough to wake me up and make grey cells get on track again. I kind of a need some portion of sense in the movie. I personally can't stand fighting movies like "The Matrix" or "Van Helsing" fully stuffed with unreal fighting elements, choreographic dance, I call it Ballet. Watching such fighting-dance-crap I literally get hypnotized, quickly bored, very tired and almost fall in sleep. So, all this animal fighting-Discovery channel moments in this movie I didn't like at all. How did they get the ape on the ship or did feed him all the way to US? I guess it makes much more sens (during the first trip) to collect couple of giant bones of his fallen mates and get them to US, to show and inspire investors to get back with an army and than get this creature to main land. Or what tried Jack Driscoll to make clear with his stupid cab drive leaving him without any scratch after the hairball smashed his car, somehow watching this scene I felt dejavu moment, it made me think of NYC cab drive scene in Godzilla movie. I guess we all saw it before. And back to island, did the primitive natives made that bridge, they used for sacrificial ritual to Kong? Come on, how real is it? Jack and Ann back in NYC how did they split up? Why, couldn't she resist the feelings she had for the animal? Sick, there is a name for it called: ZOOPHILIA! By the way, i saw them using lot's of chloroform on Kong, every time they smash it, you can see the dump coming up. . So my guess was, imagine their plan screw-up and they all lose consciousness and after minutes of 20 they all inclusive Kong finally wake up ... Messy idea isn't it???

So to make it quick I'll give an 6, but graphics i'll give 8. Ones again, please find out for your self and make your own judgment
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A History of violence
29 May 2006
I do have this movie on DVD, but I truly expected much more than it really was offering. The storyline is much too simple, I've seen it all before. Here in Holland they use this type of story in life insurance commercial on TV. And it has even a comedian side of story. Have you seen JOE DIRT the movie? Exact type of trouble Christopher Walken gets into, old gangster changes his name, leaving big city behind for a God forgotten village, after he become a hero the bad boys came to mug him, and guess what, he killed them all. In JOE DIRT they fitted the same story into a couple of minutes of action within they're own story. There is nothing new in A History of Violence, no fresh new ideas. I know Willam Hurt as one of the greatest actors of all time, my personal opinion. See Smoke the movie for example. But in this video clip he get's a short appearance, which I've expected to see much more than that... And there're so many lacks in this story, like where is the FBI? The two serial killers moved from state to state so it's FBI problem, but there is no any kind of presence of them anywhere. And killed gangsters from Philly and NYC are no case for the local traffic-Sheriff, the FBI suppose to surveillance and questioning the whole family. There is no gangster left alive, they killed them all in close range, in cold blood, police will never buy they'r story, FBI will develop they own theory which will lead to Philadelphia.

Notice! If you take a closer look at the crime scene than you'll find 3 dead body's, murdered in cold blood. One body shot to death (his gun has never fired a bullet, so he was shot before he drew the gun, if he had any), second one shot in the back (probably he tried to flee), and another one with broken arm and broken skull (and again you won't find any traces of gun powder on his hands). The "victim" him self has been shot with minor injury as result) Conclusion is simple it doesn't look like self defense. There is no possible way to clear up this situation to any authority's in the world. Statements of his son or wife would be seen as not reliable, they'r all closely related. They definitely need a lawyer or two... But please find out for your self and make your own judgment
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Back to the Future part2
26 April 2006
This movie is an great nostalgic masterpiece for every nation or age. I'll give an 10/10 for all three pictures... "Plot holes: In the future, old Biff steals the time machine to travel back to 1955 and give his younger self the almanac. When he returns to the future (and crashes into the trash cans) it is the same future as he had left even though it should have been an alternate future in which he was rich".

But in my opinion, the old Biff on his way back to the normal future, should disappear at all, because changing future of young Biff he is changing his own life (and the future environment) the old Biff is not part of it anymore. And he's personal experiences have never happened, so his development stops at the same moment when the young Biff even touched the magazine. The new future belongs now to the young Biff who got the Sport magazine. So the DeLorean should stay in 1955 or flew (if he disappear on it's way) empty to the bad future.

Plot hole: If you take all three pictures and put them together that you'll realize that we see maybe 2 week's of the life of Marty McFly. In the beginning he is an shy virgin, which is waiting for his first shot, in all period (of three movies) he has no chance to start his sexual experience. But in the film his character changing very quick in an experienced macho. It is impossible for any person to change in a week or two so fast. Even if the life events are going very fast, the mind of the person needs time to put it all together. My point is that this movie was made 1985, 1989 and 1990. Time gap of 5 years, during making the movie M.J. Fox grew up and changed the personage into a brave macho guy. So the story period is to short to make such change, M.J.Fox needed 5 years and Marty McFly only a 2 week's.

Same impossible change you can see in The Lords of The Rings. Periode of the story is only a week top. But in the beginning Frodo is afraid to even touch the sword and the following movies he's cutting demos like butter. Can't be wright, you can't make a man in couple of hours from a fuz... But please find out for your self and make your own judgment
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Matchstick Men Nicholas Cage
22 April 2006
Matchstick Men is an nice balanced movie. I absolutely agree with Quentin. I only want to add that this movie is not only perfect for a father/daughter to watch. But also pointed to people who need to re look they're goals and achievements. They're needs and things they really love and care about. To have the courage to change what need to be changed. To forgive and to be forgiven. Chances people have every moment, they only need is to try. This movie can be an wakeup call, or guide in your life. I would easily give an 10 (excellent) for this work. Also i would recommend Adaptation (N. Cage), also an great masterpiece. Both of them would stay in my DVD collection.

But ones again, please find out for your self and make your own judgment
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
The Pledge Jack Nicholson
22 April 2006
This movie is an great masterpiece. You can see in this picture growing paranoia of the personage. Please, imagine that the killer of this girl was actually (Del Toro) the person who shot him self in the beginning of the movie, or imagine that the killer did died the same day he killed the girl. In an car accident, suicide, age... (forget the car crash at the end, because they put in the film to somehow justify his sick behavior, or place this car accident at the day of killing) Was the paranoia of the Jerry Black really worth it? Was it even real to count on catching the killer? No, first of all it wasn't his case at all and the killer did not existed (not for him) and ex-cop lost his mind after he saw (Del Toro) killing him self. He shouldn't have taken the call at all, it wasn't a great move for his new beginning of happy ending of his last days. Jerry Black was an old, lonely, pathetic man. His Job is only social contact he ever had, and he was very afraid to lose his last "day therapy" and it wasn't easy for him to handover the new chances to a new generation. This picture shows that you must learn to leave behind, to start over again or try to get over the past. To use ability of choice to break this "magic circle" of everyday routine. For J. Black this "hide and seek" game wasn't really about the victim or the killer, he was straggling with him self. He was rushing full speed leaving his sanity behind, without even looking in the rear-view mirror. He could beautifully walk out of his office as an legendary detective with respect, an gas station and young female on his side, but no he choose to hunt ghosts. But please find out for your self and make your own judgment
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