38 Reviews
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Master of None (2015–2021)
Absolute Rubbish!!!
7 April 2024
I do not understand how this show has an 8.2 rating at the time of writing this review. There are so many high raters who must've been watching something completely different to what I watched.

I started series 1 after reading the very positive reviews but gave up on the series by episode 4. I thought the first episode was just trying to shock in-between the dullest conversations I have ever heard. The acting was very poor and felt like it was improvised. If so, it was a very bad attempt of improv and bored me almost to tears. I carried on with a few more episodes to give it a fair chance to redeem itself but it never prospered for me.

It simply is not funny in my honest opinion. Perhaps it's because I'm British but it just didn't do it for me.
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One Day (2024)
Slow start but well worth the watch
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say. I was reluctant to watch this netflix series as I am not usually into romantic stuff but I am so glad I did. I felt the first couple of episodes were a little slow and I wasn't sure I'd see it through but after the third episode I was hooked. I ended up bingeing all 14 episodes over a weekend. It was nicely balanced with romance, drama and comedy progressing over three significant decades. Since I grew up in the eighties every aspect of each decade brought back many warm memories of my own life. I kept thinking back to what I was doing in my own life as each year passed.

I disagree with the reviews that say that the two leads had no chemistry. I think they had great chemistry and the development of the beautiful solid relationship was most convincing. Emmas quirky humour was refreshing and Leo was both charismatic and cheeky. They were soul mates and I was waiting in anticipation for the moment they became a couple.

The whole series had a deep lasting affect on me. Not many series can do this this to me. I sobbed through the final two episodes because it truly broke my heart. We all need to make more good memories while we can because nothing lasts forever.
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Great Combination of Humour & Horror
25 September 2022
I stumbled across this little gem when browsing for something different to watch. I am gkad I gound it as it really hit the spot. I thought the combo of humour and horror was perfectly balanced. It was very well cast, well acted and kept me intrigued. The ending was unpredictable and shocking although I was a little bewildered about Alex's reasons but I still thougarily enjoyed the series. It left me wanting more and I hope a second season will be commissioned. The kids were great especially. Ollie. I am sure others will agree he was the star of the show. I highly recommend this show to those who like a well acted dark comedy.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
What a Let Down!
3 March 2022
Predictable, unrealistic and extremely poor script. A complete waste of time and money in my opinion. I am not sure what the writers were trying to achieve here but what ever it was it certainly wasn't achieved. The acting was a real disappointment, so mediocre and dull. Only watch if you genuinely have nothing else better to do.
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Sunday Morning Tearfest
13 February 2022
I just watched this movie this morning while snuggling my dog. Such a moving story that melts your heart. If you love dogs you'll love it, if you don't love dogs you'll still love it It is based on a true story of a dogs powerful loyalty for his master and if you don't love it then you clearly have no heart. This makes me want to visit Japan and see the actual bronze statue of this hero dog that was erected in 1934. Sadly it needed to be replaced in 1948 after the war but still sits outside Tokyo's Shibuya train station to this day. RIP Hachiko you handsome amazing creature. May your bloodline continue to produce such smart wonderful beasts for mileniums to come..
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Most Enjoyable!
29 December 2021
I was sceptical about watching this after reading the poor reveiws but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was a little slow and probably could have been a couple of episodes less but overall it was compelling, dark, heartwarming, and funny in parts. A quite unbelievable story but that is what kept my attention. You just think how on earth could this grown man allow himself to be manipulated for 27 years but he was extremely vulnerable. Yes it was a little predictable but since it was based on true events how could it not be? The acting was superb and it was great to see Will playing a more serious role after seeing him play so many wacky characters in previous roles. The film told the story perfectly. Well done to all involved.
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Give it chance!
8 December 2021
I don't understand how people can write a valid review after only watching one episode. It does definitely get better and there are many unexpected events that follow. It's not as predictable as one might initially think. It is a bit if slow burner but enough happens during the build up to keep you intrigued. The acting is good enough but not outstanding and the characters perhaos a little cliche but don't let that put you off. Overall I found it to be an enjoyable mid week suspense series. Not all set in the court room thank goodness as others imply. However, the ending was a tiny bit annoying but I suppose I can see the logic in it.
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Cruella (2021)
Pleasantly surprised
20 November 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this adaptation of this childrens classic. The acting was superb and the music spot on. And as for the costumes, they were inventive and utterly stunning. Being a keen fashion designer myself I could truly appreciate this element of the film. I do hope they make a sequel as they appeared to have left it open to do do.
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The Tower (2021–2023)
Not Convincing
20 November 2021
Far too many plot holes in this series. Too many unanswered questions. The acting was very mediocre and the plot far fetched and pointless. I imagine that the real police would find this portrayal of them extremely insulting. Of course police corruption and racism undoubtedly exists but this was beyond a joke. Line of duty it certainly is not but at least that took several series to reach this sort of ridiculousness.
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Surge (I) (2020)
Watch with caution.
3 October 2021
If you've ever watched someone close have a severe mental breakdown then this might hit a few nerves. This was not overacted it was real and raw. This is happening all over the world and people need to realise it can happen to them or someone close to them. Whoever said this was overacted clearly hasn't witnessed this type of breakdown first hand in their lifetime. I hope they never do as it is most harrowing and terrifying for family members. The acting was first class and really showed the true reality of the lack of understanding of others. My heart goes out to those who have suffered such severe mental breakdowns and their loved ones that have witnessed them.
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Them (2021– )
Disturbing, shocking, horrific and heartwrenching
30 April 2021
A true reflection of racism against the black population in 1950's America. Yes extremely uncomfortable viewing for most but who would feel comfortable watching a decent hardworking black family suffer for no good reason? Perhaps not worth a 10 rating but certainly not a 1!!! Some people just don't like watching the truth because it hurts and they prefer to bury their heads in the sand. I am British and grew up in the 1980's in northern England but I am no stranger to being on the receiving end of the actions of brainless idiots in my community. Not like these poor souls but these stories need telling so that people know how much damage racism does to innocent lives. The acting was amazing and the cinematography most eerie and authentic. Perhaps you'll agree or disagree but just watch the whole series and form your own honest opinion.
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The Syndicate (I) (2012–2021)
Series 4 is Utter Tripe
1 April 2021
This used to be a great series but season 4 is deeply disappointing. The acting is mediocre at best and as for the predictable plot, Kay clearly thinks we are all brain dead idiots.

This season appears to be a pathetic attempt to give type cast daughter Gaynor Faye and a very desperate Neil Morrissey (who is probably just another mate of Kay's) some much needed work. This is most disapppinting Neil, as you can do far better than this utter drivel. As for Kym Marsh, you should have stuck with Coronation Street because your acting skills are non existent. At least you got to wear a few hair extensions.

I will not be wasting any more of my time watching further episodes. My 4 star rating is probably more than generous but unfortunately 3.5 star is not an option.
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Search Party (2016–2022)
Ticks All The Boxes
16 February 2021
It took a few episodes to get into it but I love this show to pieces. Great acting, great script, gripping storyline, intriguing, mysterious and very very dark. Keeps you wondering where it will go to next with surprises that never disappoint. I recently stumbled across the show and binged all 4 seasons over a week. Very few dark comedy shows tick all the boxes for me but this one definitely exceeds all my expectations. I highly recommend and cannot wait for season 5.
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Die Hart (2020– )
Very Average and Predictable
31 July 2020
I am not a Kevin Hart fan but I gave it a go as I like the other actors in it. The plot was simple and ptedictable and Kevin played his usual obnoxious self but the short episodes made it more bearable to watch. It's an ok time filler but very forgettable.
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Not funny, just a pathetic attempt at comedy.
18 July 2020
Being a fan of UK northern comedies such as Brassic and the Royle Family I wondered why I had never heard of this. It had a line up of actors that I'd previously seen in high rated comedy series so I was keen to give it a go. I now realise why I had not heard of it. Diabolical!! Please do not waste your time.
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Mythic Quest (2020– )
Such Unfair Reviews
13 June 2020
Yes it has flaws but it also has some great moments. It definitely gets better as it progresses so please give it a chance and don't condemn it after only watching a couple of episodes. It us not perfect and it won't be everybodies cup of tea but that's normal. It is probably a 7 but I'm trying to balance out the negative ratings. I especially loved the last episode as I watched it during the back end of lockdown and it really made me smile. Looking forward to season 2 if it gets commissioned.
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White Lines (2020)
Loved it!!!
18 May 2020
Why all the hate? This is probably an 8 but I'm giving it a 10 to balance out all the negative reviews by people who didn't get past the first 2 episodes and give it a chance. Of course it's not going to everyone's cup of tea but it doesn't really start to unfold until episode 4 and I promise you that by episode 5 the plot thickens. And as it develops it does become more intigriguing. Although it probably could have been condensed into 8 episodes rather than 10.

Also, I did not hear any techno tunes so I have no idea what some of you have been watching. Sounds like you are the type of people who think that all dance music is techno and that Beyonce is actually an R&B artist. i think you need to have lived in that era to fully appreciate this series. However, the sex party scenes could have probably have been less explicit. Not that I'm a prude as we all know what went on and what still goes on but it didn't leave much to the imagination if you know what I mean. Saying that, some of you might well switch on specifically for the wild orgy scenes. Each to their own I suppose.

All I can say is you need an open mind and a love for the 90's rave scene to fully enjoy this series.
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The Wretched (2019)
A Wretched Film Indeed
6 May 2020
The plot doesn't make any sense. Not a clever or suspesful movie. Just plain repetative nonsense. Don't waste your time.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Such a Waste of a Budget
6 May 2020
This could have been and should have been good but sadly it wasn't. The plot holes were endless but the one that niggled me the most and does not appear to be mentioned by other reviewers was the wrist slashing. How come not one droplet of blood was seen? Most bizarre! The entire movie was very disappointing to say the least. Read the other reviews for the many plot hole mistakes. There's no need for me to repeat them.
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Code 404 (2020–2022)
Decent Actors, Poor Script
6 May 2020
I'm giving it a 5 for the actors and the effort they made to try and make a shambles of a script just about watchable. I'm not entirely sure why they agreed to be in it but perhaps they wanted to do something comedic after all the serious roles they've played lately. As far as I am aware the writers haven't written much for adult audiences in the past so it explains the childish humour. There was the odd one liner that made me smile but they were few and far between. I watched all episodes during lockdown since I had a lot of time on my hands but I would have given up after a couple of episodes in normal circumstances.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Clever and Witty
9 April 2020
I am not usually a fan of US sitcom but this one proved most entertaining. Great writing, casting and perfect timing. The storyline was varied and did not get boring like most series eventually do. I am a little sad to see that the final season has now been aired but as the saying goes 'all good things must come to an end'.
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Too Many Episodes
8 April 2020
This would have been so much better if it was condensed into less episodes. Great costumes and good casting just too drawn out which made it a little boring at times.
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Trigonometry (2020)
Very Dull Indeed
25 March 2020
This series is eight episodes long and nothing interesting happens. The storyline could have been compacted into 2 one hour episodes. It just drags out and it's not even a believable scenario. Don't waste your time unless you really have nothing else better to do or you want putting to sleep. It's more fun watching paint dry.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
So much Better Than I Expected
10 February 2020
I did not have high hopes for this series after reading the negative reviews but I was pleasantly surprised. I never read the comics so I had nothing to compare it to but I understand why those that had read them would have a different opinion. It probably could have neen scarier but it depends on the age range of the audiance you are aiming for. I thought it was well acted and the ending satisfying even though it was a little predictable. Looking forward to season 2.
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King Gary (2018–2021)
9 February 2020
The 6.2 overall rating is unbelievable. This is a 3.2 at best! There are so many bad comedies on the BBC lately which are really not worth paying the license fee for. Come on BBC, get your act together and show us something funny for a change that doesn't appear to be written by 5 year olds.
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