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Inspirational Film
21 March 2004
Never before have I watched a film that has changed my life. Prior to watching "Bowling for Columbine," I thought that Michael Moore was the biggest moron in the world. Now, I think the complete opposite... this movie is one that should be viewed by everyone.

Dick Clark and Charlton Heston, among others, should be ashamed of themselves for their views on gun violence.

I can't say much more about this movie. It's inspirational and I recommend it to anyone... all ages. I think that schools should show this movie to their students. Maybe if students watched it, they'd realize the amount of hurt that guns can cause. I give it a 5 out of 5.
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A Hilarioius Masterpiece!
18 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about Stealing Harvard? First thing, this review may contain slight spoilers. And then I can say that it has to be one of the funniest and entertaining movies that I've seen in a very long time. With Tom Green, you know it has to be a riot, which is exactly what this movie is. The writing is wonderful and with a wonderful cast to back it up, it turns out to be a wonderfully entertaining masterpiece. This movie was just plain hilarious, what more can I say? With Tom Green, you can't go wrong. The plot deals with a man played by Jason Lee, who works for his rich, soon to be father-in-law, played by Dennis Farina. Lee promises his niece, at a young age, that if she ever gets accepted to college, he'll pay for the entire thing. So, when she reaches the age, she gets accepted to Harvard and needs $30,000 to cover the charges that she doesn't have. Lee calls on his friend from High School, played wonderfully by Tom Green. After many mishap robberies Lee's fiancee decides that they should steal the money from her father. But, will they get caught like every other time? For a ton of laughs, wonderful acting and writing watch Stealing Harvard. I give it a 5 out of 5.
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Salute Your Shorts (1991–1992)
Greatest Show of My Childhood
2 February 2003
This has to be one of the greatest shows ever aired in the history of television. First off, it starts at camp, which is always interesting. It was about a group of teenage campers facing everyday problems, at camp! The writing for the show was very creative, and it was very well acted. It seems like Nickelodeon is unable to air shows like this today because the crappy cartoons take up the whole schedule. I wish that Nickelodeon would just take one week and air episodes of "Salute Your Shorts," "Hey Dude," "Welcome Freshmen," "You Can't Do That On Television," "Nick Arcade," and "Wild and Crazy Kids." Maybe if these shows would air today, a new generation would be able to enjoy them. Ah, those were the days when you would come home from school and have these shows to look forward to. Too bad they've taken it away.
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23 December 2002
Give me a break! This movie deserves some credit. There were a lot of scenes in this movie that had me rolling on the floor in tears, FROM LAUGHTER. Just thinking that Chris (Dave Foley) in reality was a guy and that Pat (Julia Sweeney) in reality was a woman made it all the more funnier. I would have paid to see this in the theater if I would have found out about it earlier! I suggest that if you need a laugh you watch this, over and over and over and over again, like I did. If it's not great the first time, I can assure you, it gets better everytime after that. It's Pat, it's great, it's getting a 10 out of 10!
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Wonderful Show
9 August 2002
This was a great show, and if you see any of Bette's other shows, this one was really toned down because it was aired on TV. Bette covers all of the songs from her career until the "Broken Blossom" album. Special guest appearance by Dustin Hoffman who sings the song "Shooting the Breeze" with Bette, music for the song written by Dustin Hoffman and lyrics by Bette Midler. This is a great show and it contains a great version of "Hello in There." Other songs include: Friends, Do You Want to Dance, and Shiver Me Timbers. A must see for any Bette Midler fan. A very wonderful show and a 10 out of 10. Another job well done by Bette Midler.
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The Mondo Beyondo Show (1988 TV Special)
29 July 2002
What can you say about Bette Midler? She's great... she puts such energy into everything she does and Mondo Beyondo is no exception. In it she plays Mondo Beyondo, host of a cable access show. It involves different acts, including Bette's husband performing as one of the two Kipper Kids. A great show and a wonderful performance by Bette Midler as usual. The one thing that disappointed me was that we didn't get to see more Bette! Still, a wonderful show. A 10/10.
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They're Back
13 June 2002
Usually when they make a great film they make a sequel that is horrible and then they make another part that is even worse-- that's what happened here except the third part isn't bad, it's a lot better than the second part. This deals with two friends delivering a car to the girls father but they are stopped by Leatherface and the gang. It pretty much just follows the same plot line as the first part. What more can I say about it? I'd just like to point this out William Butler was in the remake of Night of the Living Dead written by George A. Romero and Ken Foree was in this film and he was also in Dawn of the Dead done by George A. Romero and the strange thing is, George A. Romero is in no way related to this film. To wrap things up this is a lot better than part 2, not as good as part 1 but it gets a 10 out of 10.
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Great Horror Film
13 June 2002
A masterpiece for director Tobe Hooper. The film deals with a cannibalistic family in the backwoods of Texas who torment people that get in their way. At the beginning of the film we meet the teenage characters, probably most importantly Sally Hardesty and her wheelchair bound brother, Franklin. As in most horror films they are warned by locals not to go to the old house because they're all nuts up there, but as in most horror films they don't listen to what the locals have to say and make their way up there. Now, it wouldn't be a horror movie if they didn't go up there and get murdered-- that's exactly what happens. We meet the backwoods family such as the oldman and the chainsaw using Leatherface. This is a great film with a horror climax, it gets very scary at times and never lets you down. There's always something happening and it's full of suspense and very realistic. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes the horror genre, this is a film that is meant to be taken seriously and that's the thought that you should have when you go into watch it. My favorite scene in the whole movie is the end with the truck driver- it just seems so realistic! I give The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and 10 out of 10.
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Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990 TV Movie)
Great Film-- Told in Flashbacks
12 June 2002
Another part to the Psycho films. Thankfully, again, starring Anthony Perkins as troubled Norman Bates. This time he goes by the name of Ed to call into a radio show about boys who murder their mothers. In this part we get to see why Norman is the way he is. We see Norman murdering young women and commiting incestuous acts with his mother. Henry Thomas does a great job playing young Norman Bates, he acts just like Anthony Perkins does in the first part of the series. When Norman calls into the radio show he tells the host that he has to kill his wife because she is pregnant with his child. Norman believes that the child will be crazy and murderous like he was. In the end Norman Bates destroys his past by burning down his old house. This film is still great even though it doesn't really go along with what we learn in the first film. In Psycho III we learn that Norman's mother is not Mrs. Spool from part 2 but it is actually Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Spool just wanted to take Norman because she believed that it was Norman's father and Mrs. Spool's child-- it's a bit confusing at times but this part of the series clears up all questions. Psycho IV: The Beginning was aired in 1990 on HBO or Showtime (I can't exactly remember). But, it doesn't matter, Psycho IV: The Beginning is a wonderful film and a great part to the wonderful series. Psycho IV: The Beginning gets a well deserved 10 out of 10, the series also get a well deserved 10 out of 10. The Psycho films are the greatest series, I have yet to find something that beats them.
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Psycho III (1986)
They Keep Getting Better
12 June 2002
I watched the whole Psycho series back to back and they get better with each film. Psycho III starts with a woman escaping from a convent after the accidental murder of a Nun. She is picked up by a hitchhiker and nearly raped. Norman then hires the "raper" and the woman, Maureen, then finds a diner, the same one that Norman worked at in Psycho II. In the diner, before Norman gets there, they are discussing the Mrs. Spool case-- she is missing. A reporter is sitting in the diner and suggests that Norman murdered her, the sheriff brushes it off and tells her to leave Norman alone. Soon, Norman enters and the reporter interviews him and he cringes when the name "Spool" is mentioned, but then comes the good sheriff and brushes it off again and Norman leaves. But then again, murders start occuring at the Bates Motel and no one feels safe. After Maureen's near suicidal death she is back and in love with Norman, but mother doesn't like that and in the end she makes her way up to the house to talk to Norman, but mother gets in the way and scares Maureen knocking her down the stairs and she gets hit by Cupid's arrow-- in the back of the head. Again, Anthony Perkins does a wonderful job as Norman Bates, what more can be said? Psycho III gets a well deserved and well earned 10 out of 10.
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Psycho II (1983)
Great Sequel
12 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts two decades after Norman Bates was first arrested for murder. He is now sane and ready for normal life. Normal life is not ready for him! Lila Crane-Loomis doesn't want to see Norman released and she would do anything to make sure that he's not-- and she does. (Possible Spoilers) Norman gets a job at a diner as a part of a rehabilitation program, there he meets Mary Samuels, a girl with "boyfriend troubles" Norman notices that she no longer has a place to stay because her boyfriend kicked her out of his house. Norman offers Mary to stay at his motel F.O.C. of course, so she does and soon "mother" is talking to the so-called stable Norman. Mary Samuels turns out to be Mary Loomis the daughter of Lila and Sam (from the original Psycho). Despite all of the killings that take place Norman is always vindicated by the town sheriff. In the middle of the story we learn that Mary and Lila are trying to make Norman go crazy again calling the house as his mother, leaving him notes, and yes-- even killing people. Also, in the end we learn that Norman's mother is NOT dead, Mrs. Bates just took care of him-- Mrs. Spool-- the lady from the diner is in fact Norman's real mother. Well-- like a loving son, Norman poisons her tea and kills her, and like his stuffed birds, stuffs mother and starts doing just what he did before. Believe it or not, this film has some dramatic moments and you actually feel sorry for Norman in most of the film (watch for the "Toasted Cheese Sandwiches" scene) don't get me wrong the film has suspensful moments and is much more intense than the original. Anthony Perkins does such a good job in this, as in the first one and the two next sequels. Psycho II gets a WELL deserved 10/10.
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Psycho (1960)
Alfred Hitchcock's Best
12 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really the earliest horror film that everyone knows. It deals with a young man named Norman Bates managing a motel that his mother once owned. What role does the mother play in this film? A big one! Even though we only see her one time in the entire film she is one of the main characters. (Possible Spoilers) Norman Bates killed his mother and her lover in bed because he was jealous of her. After he killed her (as stated in Psycho IV) he still needed her and wanted her around so he stole her corpse from the grave and talked to her as if she were still alive. When the film starts we are first introduced to Marion Crane who steals $40,000 from the real estate company that she works for, she then darts for it and before you know it she ends up at the Bates Motel. When she first arrives she is charmed by Norman, offering her sandwiches and milk. But soon she hears Norman's mother talking and realizes that he has a rather dark side to him, the say goodnight and go to bed... or so you think. Soon after we see one of the most well known death scenes in cinematic history-- the macabre shower scene where Marion is stabbed to death by an unknown woman like figure which in the end turns out to be Norman Bates dressed as his mother. When Norman's mother first does the killing he has no idea what he is doing because the "mother" in him takes over and Norman blacks out and after he awakens he cleans up the bloody mess in which he believes that his mother has commited. There is much that this film has to offer, Alfred Hitchcock is a true genius! Psycho is one of the most horrific films in history. It is my favorite series of movies. Psycho gets a well earned 10 out of 10.
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The Others (2001)
A Rarity
15 May 2002
I don't believe in watching horror movies after 1990, but this one proved me wrong. First of all, I wouldn't really call it a splatter horror movie, it's just an old ghost story. But, if you've seen this movie and don't understand (like I did the first two times) I'm going to explain it to you. And if you don't want me to spoil it for you please do not read ahead. Ok, I'm going to attempt to explain: Nicole Kidman lives with her two kids who seem to be haunted by a family of ghosts... but, Nicole Kidman and her two kids ARE the ghosts to the other family. In the final scene the family sits with a psychic trying to contact Nicole Kidman and her two kids when the psychic DOES reveal that Nicole Kidman had killed her kids and shot herself, which did happen... Nicole Kidman's family was haunting the other family. I found myself saying "Ohhhhhh!" at the end when the family (NOT Nicole Kidman's) decided to move out they put a "For Sale" sign up. So what I'm trying to say is that Nicole Kidman's family are the ghosts actually haunting another family, though we are lead to believe that the Nicole Kidman family is the "good living" family, they are actually dead because Nicole Kidman went crazy and killed them all. Okay! You probably can't understand that but if you can it will help you. I had to buy this movie after seeing it and I give it a 10/10. The only weak point in the film is the accents that the characters have, but, I guess it does kind of give it an eerie feeling. Check this out. Nicole Kidman and her two kids do great acting and great direction by Alejandro Amenabar! I promise I won't say Nicole Kidman again...
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Better than the Original
4 May 2002
First of all, I have to admit that this movie is 10 times better than the original. I've been told by numerous people that it isn't, but, I have reasons to support why I think so. 1. The pop-out Zombie in the cemetery is brilliant. 2. The make-up is outstanding. 3. Barbara doesn't just sit there. 4. The first scene in the movie is shot on a nice spring day that creates the atmosphere (for those who don't know) that it's going to be a nice movie. I could list more but there are just too many. I would also like to mention that the original film from 1968 is great as well. And something that I like about both of them is that they were shot not too far from my home in Pennsylvania. Watch both versions of the film. But I give this one a 10/10.
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Early Memory
19 April 2002
I remember watching this when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. My mom told me that it was on at 8:00 pm and I tought that it was strange. So I stayed up and watched the entire thing until 9:00, which was way past my bedtime back then. Lamb Chop is my childhood, and this is one of the shows that I remember. Lamb Chop and the Haunted Studio, which back then was scary. It had a special guest appearance by Alan Thicke (from Growing Pains, who I've heard was a close friend of Shari Lewis.) They don't really do things like this anymore and that's too bad for the children.
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Kook's Tour (1970)
Unintentional Sadness
30 March 2002
This was the last film made by The Three Stooges. The story line deals with the Stooges, long retired, going on a camping trip to relax after their long careers. My favorite scene is when Larry tries to catch the fish. Larry was always my favorite stooge which made it sad for me to watch knowing that he suffered a stroke during the filming. Knowing that, it's really hard to laugh at this. It's still a great film to watch and interesting to see the Stooges in color. Watch this, because there will never be anything like it again. A 10/10.
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Great Movie
22 March 2002
I didn't get the chance to see this when it came to theatres, I wanted to though. I thought it looked like a great film, and when I rented it the first day that it was released I wasn't wrong. I have to put this on my top 5 list. Drew Barrymore (as usual) is awesome in this. The plot line deals with a girl who gets pregnant when she is 15 to a guy that was kind of just there, he wasn't the one that she "was supposed to end up with." We see Drew Barrymore at different stages in this movie she's about 12 years younger and 12 years older. Great direction, production, and writing. Drew Barrymore should have been nominated for an Academy Award. Penny Marshall did a great job with this. All fans of Drew Barrymore should see this, also if you're not a Drew Barrymore fan you should see this... it made me one. A 10/10!
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The Funniest Movie Ever Made
17 March 2002
First off, everyone knows Tom Green as the annoying but hilarious talk show host on the popular MTV series "The Tom Green Show." And in Freddy Got Fingered he's pretty much the same character. But this movie is really funny. It's about a man named Gord Brody (Green) who wants to sell is animations to a company and have a TV series made. Like Tom says on the commentary of the DVD there are a lot of misunderstandings, like an episode of Three's Company. There's not a lot that can be said about the movie except that it's funny and Tom Green should win an Oscar for his performance. Watch this movie if you want to laugh. I give it a 10/10.
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As Good As the Other Ones...
17 March 2002
For some reason when you watch this movie alone it seems really scary. If you see this movie uncut on VHS or DVD it's better than it is on TV. The good thing about the Friday the 13th movies is that they always pick up right where they left off, the credits roll, and they start a new story... with the same setting... and the same killer, Jason Vorhees, with the exception of Part 5. For years my brother, who is 3 years older than me, talked about these movies that I couldn't stay up to watch because I had to go to bed. So after that I took matters into my own hands and rented every one of the Friday the 13th movies. The second part to the 10 part series starts with Alice, the main character in the first one. I won't tell you what happens, but I can tell you that she's not around very long. I have to give this movie a 10/10 and I'll also give that rating to any other Friday the 13th movie that you give me. Pick the 2nd one up though, it's worth seeing.
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Scary Movie 2 (2001)
Almost BETTER than the 1st
19 November 2001
This was a really good movie. I admit that the original Scary Movie is really hard to beat but no one even gave the sequel much of a chance. It has some really funny parts in it. My favorite character would have to be Hanson (Chris Elliot)the deformed hand is the greatest. This is a good movie... so see it, but I will tell you right now that's it's not exactly the best as the first part... but it's pretty close!
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No Big Deal
19 November 2001
They bragged this movie up way too much. It was too anticipated and then when it finally came it was no good. I guess the plot line is good. But, how could this book have become so famous? The acting and special effects in it were great, but I didn't care for the plot line. I don't even know why they would have made the movie of this to begin with, the movie and the book were completely different. This movie has angered a lot of people due to that fact. I suggest... MAYBE... seeing this just to the fact that it's "Harry Potter," not saying that I'm a big fan of the book at all... and I'm not. This was really just an excuse to get out on a Saturday night. Give it a try. It's just not something that I'm interested in. I give it a 3/10.
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For the Boys (1991)
Best of Bette
19 November 2001
This is my second favorite Bette Midler movie, the first of course being Isn't She Great. I really like this movie. The plotline deals with two USO singers (Bette Midler, James Caan)who entertain the troops during WW2. They are so popular that years later they are called back to do a reunion, in which they are being honored, to perform for a new generation. This is not a film for the whole family. It's a war movie, but it's not all killing, it has very sensitive subject matters in it... such as the death of Dixie Leanord's (Bette Midler) husband and son. If you wanted to be entertained 2 hours and 20 minutes this is the film to see. This is on my top 10 favorite movies list, and if you see it, it might be on yours too. A well earned 10/10!
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Ghosts (1996)
Thriller of 1997
27 October 2001
This film is not really a film at all. It's more of a TV show. It deals with a "Freak" living alone in a house that tells kids strange stories and performs strange tricks. The townspeople want him to leave, but he doesn't want to... so he does what all "Freaks" would do... dance. Just like on Thriller. I felt honored to see this, being that it was only released overseas. VH1 and MTV aired it many times during the Halloween season. I taped it... so, I can watch it any time I want. I think that you should check it out if you ever get a chance. Of course, Thriller is better... but this is a close second. A 10/10!!
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The Greatest Movie, I have ever seen!
26 August 2001
Bette Midler's performance in "Isn't She Great" is absolutley sensational. As well as the performances by Nathan Lane, Stockard Channing, David Hyde Pierce, and John Cleese. The story deals with the life of Jackie Susann, author of the books Valley of the Dolls, Dolores, and Once is not Enough. The story just tells her life, and writing a book, as well as having a son, Guy, who is suffering of severe autism. It has a great soundtrack by Burt Bacharach and Dionne Warwick, included the song "One my Way!!" I don't know why this is a film that no one liked. Must have been a bad year because the film only made about $2 million... you'd think that Bette Midler and Nathan Lane would have so many fans wanting to see this film... like me!! Well, maybe people are just too cheap!!!! A film worth seeing, and buying!! I give this movie an 11 out of 10!!! It's very outstanding! Great writing, production, directing, and not to mention the very outstanding work of Bette Midler and Nathan Lane, they should work together more often! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!
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Bill (1981 TV Movie)
Sensational Movie!
5 August 2001
This movie deals with a mentally retarded man who was just released from a mental hospital his name is, Bill. (Mickey Rooney) A film maker named Barry Morrow (Dennis Quaid) and his wife Bev (Largo Woodruff) are going to soon have a baby. Barry makes a film about Bill and tries to sell it to a company. They soon move to Iowa to take a job offer and feeling bad for Bill they take him with them. This movie is a very sad drama based on a true story. It wone two awards for the sensational performances! Pick this movie up! I give it a 10 out of 10!
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