
6 Reviews
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Can't Hollywood leave anything alone?
3 December 2004
For crying out loud, this has got to be the most ridiculous, insensitive thing I have ever seen! (Well I haven't seen the movie but just the fact that there is one made)...can't Hollywood leave anything alone anymore? Why is it that every real-life tragedy has to be turned into some MADE FOR T.V. MOVIE? I guess producers can't come up with anything else more original and as if they don't have enough money already they need to bring in old soap actors (Sarah Brown as Laci Peterson???)into this just so their careers don't fade away completely!

Seriously Hollywood, stop feeding off of the families' pain and come up with your OWN stories instead of trying to re-enact real life tragedies and leave well enough alone!
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Passions (1999–2008)
You have got to be serious!
2 December 2004
This has to be one of the worse acted, cheesiest soap opera I have ever seen...not to mention the sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooowness of it! How many times can a character (Sheridan) die and come back to life? And in every so-called "new" (I use the term lightly) storyline it's always steers towards the same goal: KILL SHERIDAN AND LUIS...for Pete's sake, think of killing someone else instead already! For the love of God can't they cast better actors? Seriously, if you start watching this show and miss a couple of episodes, don't worry you haven't missed much! By the time you start watching it again chances are that the storyline will be the same, even if you give it a 2 month break! Come on people, even retards or people with half a brain wouldn't watch this cr*p! In simple words: horrible acting, too sssssssslllllloooooooooowwwwwww and unoriginal story lines and oh, have you noticed when they do flashbacks how the characters are supposed to look younger but instead they look 10 years older? Where the heck did they fetch the make-up artists from? This show has been on since 1999 and am shocked that it hasn't been cancelled yet. I guess people really do like sappy/bad acted soaps...oh well, can't win them all I guess...
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Not bad
15 August 2003
When I went to see this movie I was expecting it to be more funny. Instead, the only thing that came out of it was the drama that the characters go through when they find out that Angelo is gay and he's been sleeping with his childhood best friend. As an Italian myself from Montreal, I always get asked by other people if that is the way Italian 'famiglia' is like (slap up-side the head, parents being on your case 24/7 and people trying to fix you up with someone you can't stand even from 3000 miles away) the answer is YES, YES and YES, that's the way it REALLY get over it already!

The poster for this movie calls it "The Comedy of the Summer" or if you've seen it in french "La Comedie de L'ete", don't be fooled, it's not all THAT funny. Expect to see lots of drama in it.

My rating for this movie out of 5 is: ***1/2
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Bad Boys II (2003)
27 July 2003
Well I was hoping to see a good action movie but all I got from this flick was sickening gore and needless car-crashing-exploding-360 degree ferrari swirling junk...Although I have to admit that some scenes were hilarious (i.e.: With that Reggie kid), Martin Lawrence and Will Smith do work well together, all the hype that was put in this movie is pointless. Who needs to see cars crashing into each, exploding in your face and running over dead corpses as they shoot out the window while holding the steering wheel with one hand. What else can I say about action movies these days? These are your now typical action movies...**1/2 Suggestion to action movie directors/producers, KEEP IT SIMPLE!! Adding too much will only make the movie look ... dumb
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Jason X (2001)
What the?????
30 April 2002
Well I went to see the movie `Jason X', I guess I got excited for no reason. The movie was nothing but a dull-21stcentury-futuristic-unrealistic story line. So Jason goes to space and becomes this Terminator wannabe..right. Anyways, it is needless to say that my friend spent the whole movie cracking up while some others were being `scared' out of their wits and I was trying to make sense of the plot. There was a big lack of character and of course plot. I must admit that I was more jumpy while watching `Resident Evil' which actually a plot and characters and made sense. If you have never seen a Jason movie before like me, and are anxious to see it, don't rush, it will be worth your money much more when it comes out in video stores.Peace!
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27 January 2002
I have just seen this movie and I gotta say it brought tears to my eyes! Whoever says that this is just another teen movie doesn't understand anything about movies of this type. They certainly don't know what it's like to live what the main character went through. But for the people who have been through the kind of harrassement that Jamie Sullivan did, know exactly what it feels like. No matter how many times writers make up stories like this one, each is unique in its own way and each represents a real aspect of everyday life among teenagers. It represents a tough period in their lives, for those who know exactly what this movie shows, some people just can't understand it because they have never been through such a thing. This movie deserves major credits and I for one give it a 10/10! Mandy Moore shows her ability as an amazing actress!(Oh and just a little side note, for those who say that she has no business in acting I got a question for you....YOU THINK YOU COULD'VE DONE BETTER??? NOT) She shows real emotions and real character power in each and every scene. She will go far in acting and this will not be the end of seeing her on the big-screen! This multi-talented girl will keep going and going.
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