
102 Reviews
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Hacks (2021– )
Meandering and dark third season
21 May 2024
We enjoyed the first two seasons...they were funny, charming, and the characters were likable. Seasom three has no strong story except the plot of Debarah trying to win the position of hosting a late night talk show...more sad than funny. The Ava character has developed into an obnoxious know it all accompanied by a voice that would drive many nuts. Her gay sexual adventures are just thrown in for whatever unknown reasons the writers wanted...completely unnecessary for the advancement of the meager story line. The sad story writing of this season apparently spells the end of the one seems to care on the production team anymore.
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Surface (2022– )
A 2-hour movie stretched into eight hours!
10 April 2024
Slow, slow. Slow. And dragged out! The story would have made a taut and exciting 2 hour movie. But since the producers signed an 8-hour deal, we are subjected to an overload of flashbacks and countless slow and long conversations. Silly dialogue takes place...a wondeful example is when our main character seriously states "you can't fix something that's already broken"...duh...yes you can! The main star is a fine actreess and I admire her courage to use her real name, however, she will never obtain real stardom with a name like Gugu Mbatha-Raw...this is not a name people will remember. She will always be referred to as the "woman" in that "Surface" film.

Avoid this film if you dislike series that has "filler" episodes.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Series is dragged slow and boring
6 April 2024
I love science fiction and I was excited about this series after the first episode (I didn't read the books that it is based on). The premise seemed exciting and the story felt like it was going to be smart. However, from the third episode on, it felt like the producers were just filling time and had to meet their contractual obligations to deliver the streaming service an eight episode show whether the story required it or not. For example of the fluff, there is a scene where one of the characters takes a bath...we get to see her get into the tub and we watch her think and think about her angst for a really's already been pounded into out heads a dozen times that she has angst...unnecessary streaming series fluff! Most of the episodes seem like filler...too much time is spent on relationship angst and unrequited love. This story would have worked better as a medium length movie rather than this dragged out 8-episode borefest.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
Moves at a snail can actually be OK by skipping episodes!
6 April 2024
This showed moved at a snail's pace...over and over there were flashbacks of the stars childhood which kept repeating the same ideas. The problem with streaming series like this one, is that the producers and directors are contractually obligated to deliver an eight hour series, whether the story requires it or not...thus everything is dragged out and filler episodes are created.

We struggled through the first two episodes and we were about to give up on the show...we couldn't take anymore of the flashbacks. However, we decided to skip the middle four episodes and only watch the last two. We happily discovered we did the right was easy to pick up on the story and we felt like we didn't miss anything!
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Mean Girls (2024)
Walked out!
18 January 2024
I was very excited to see this movie, however the moxie was a mess. The film was directed by two inexperienced filmmakers...while it can be a courageous act to take a chance on unknowns, one should be certain if they have talent. All politically incorrect humor was removed, overuse of the "tik-tok" effect, terrible casting, songs that really weren't songs, and basic story-telling rules that are taught in Filmmaking 101 were ignored. I gave the movie 45 minutes of my time...I could not suffer through another hour of it! Tina Fey is an extremely talented writer...I don't what went wrong with her involvement...was it just a paycheck for her?
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Produced by the Obama...and it shows!
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts out with a bang...extremely exciting and almosts felt like a superior M. Night Shyamalan film. Then, at about an hour in, one senses that the film will be going nowhere and will probably not have an ending. Racist comments are made by the black female character, but strangely none are written for the white characters, The male characters are once again, through true Hollywood fashion written as whimps, no longer able to take control of the dire situation. The movie has too many plot holes...1}they are a stone's throw away from NYC, yet, they are supposed to be so isolated that people can't find them. 2) there's a major scene with a Spanish speaking woman screaming and yelling panicky, however since most of us don't speak Spanish we do not know what she is telling us...and we never see her again. 3} the ending is not the's only a minor commentary about society...this commentary was not worth creating a whole exciting story about war. What a waste of time!
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High Desert (2023)
Lazy writers using too many cell phone calls for explaining
21 August 2023
This show has a cell phone conversation every 5 minutes...which is a sneaky way to narrate and explain the story, Are the writers unable to construct a series that SHOWS what is going on rather than constantly EXPLAIN it via cell phone calls. Consequently, this show is tedious to watch...we gave up after episode three. The main character is quite annoying...but I had the feeling she was supposed to be nutty and lovable. All the supporting characters turned out to be quite vanilla and unmemorable.

A strange choice in casting...Bernadette Peters is supposed to play a character that is Patricia Arquette's mother. However, the physical appearance of Arquette makes her look like she should be Peters mother!.
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Unstable (2023– )
Slow moving
12 April 2023
Nothing really much happens during this series...the plot has been done a hundred times...a man who is trying to get over the death of his wife tries to reconnect with his estranged son. Most of the show is just talk...very little actually happens...almost everything is explained by two (or three) people telling each other.

John Owen Lowe seems to be only there because of his dad, Rob Lowe...he lacks any type of charisma. Rob Lowe is quite one-dimensional in his role. I stopped watching after the sixth episode.

There is also an annoying subplot revolving around two gay men attracted to each other...this has nothing to do with the story and is only thrown in there for obvious reasons.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Talk, talk, talk, and more talk
9 February 2023
97% of this show is talking. Two people talking in an office, two people talking at home, two people talking while they do a run, two people talking over a cell phone. Other than the constant talking between two (or three) people, nothing hardly happens. The only times we see any kind of activity was a minor car collision and two punches in faces.

The Jason Segel character is a woeful person who is trying to get over his wife's death...a story plot line which has been used too often in stories. And I still don't know why the writers of this show felt compelled to give the Harrison Ford's character a case of Parkinson's far it has nothing to do with anything.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Unwatchable 4th season
9 November 2022
I enjoyed the first three seasons. However, after watching just two of season's 4 episodes I had to turn it off. The lead character has become so miserable as he wallows in never-ending self pity and guilt. The writers of the show failed in recapping the reasons for his guilt, which results in one not really feeling empathy for him. His girlfriend character is so underwritten that she becomes boring, uninteresting, and involving. It annoyed me that they had to introduce a "alternative" lifestyle person for no reason except to be w*ke. It was also unfair of the writers to mock a smalltown by describing them as being xenophobic simplybecause a local cafe was bought by some asians.
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Static Unfunny Sitcom
25 July 2022
I only could get through the first episode. Most of the plot is dialogue driven with two (or sometimes 3) people just sitting or standing talking...there is very, very, little visual action taking place. The main character, played by Melissa McCarthy, is extremely annoying. Netflix, once again, threw money to this star to make something and she just took the money and ran.
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19 February 2022
The animals in this movie are creepy looking and acting...very unnatural. It was extremely difficult to continue watching. This story did not call for a live-action remake. It is also hampered by "woke" Hollywood messages throughout the film. This film should be one of those "How Not to Remake a Film" tutorials!
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B Positive (2020–2022)
Another new low for CBS!
16 December 2021
CBS was once the "Tiffany" network, broadcasting great shows like I Love Lucy, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Everyone Loves Raymond. Now they are putting on shows like B-Positive which contains no jokes (but a very loud laughtrack to convince you there are jokes) and very offensive matter. Cancer and kidney disease are not subjects that one should joke about...too many people and families have suffered through the pain of losing loved ones to those diseases. On top of that, there are also very poor taste comments (the writers think they are jokes) about old people living in an assisted care facility.

Thomas Middleditch, who showed a great flair for comedy on the seven seasons of Silicon Valley, is embarrassing awful in this. Part of his problem is the extremely poor material they have given him...I cringe at his pratfalls and his mugging. He is far, far, far, superior than this show lets him to be.

Annaleigh Ashford portrays a very annoying person on the show...her voice can be unbearable at times...way too whiny.

CBS...just give up...your days are over!
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American Auto (2021–2023)
It's Just Like "The Office" but without being funny
14 December 2021
Just imagine "The Office" being transplanted to an auto company and you have the show. Bur, unlike "The Office" none of the characters are likeable...I did not find myself for rooting for any of them...they were mostly all annoying. Combine all of this with quick fast cutting and an annoying shaky hand held camera you have a show that creates a very unpleasant experience.
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Fake Film?
30 November 2021
I am certainly open to discussion whether this film was really made in 1939. However, being a big fan of pre-1950's movies I would have to say there are certain aspects of the film that would make one suspicious. 1) The film "damage" almost looks like film is fairly consistent in looks and comes at a regular intervals EXCEPT during action scenes when they disappear or slow down, 2) missing from the male actors hairstyles is pomade...extremely common usage in the 1930's, and 3) the most important clue is the cinematography and editing...unless the filmmaker was a genuine "visionary" the movie is edited more in the style of modern films...the length of each shot is extremely short, far too many closeups (even of feet...completely unusual), and the editing and cutting between the shots do not match up to what mainstream filmmakers were doing at the time.

If I have to trust my gut...I would have to say that it never felt like an old film to me.
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Madoff (2016)
Interesting dramatization but narration ruins it.
9 November 2021
It is interesting to see all the Madoff news events come to life with a group of talented performers...Blythe Danner is especially effetive as Madoffs wife. However, the movie is narrated by the Bernie Madoff character. He is telling us, the viewers, what he is thinking all the time. Unless he was a consultant for this film, the writers had no business interpreting what was going through his mind during his evil actions. I think they gave him a little more sympathy than he deserved.
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Horrible story telling made worse by trying to be "woke."
6 October 2021
There is no clear protagonist in this meanders among several characters. The story doesn't begin until late in the film. The first hour or so is spent on a story involving a George Floyd type of events...all about black people being treated differently and how they react by rioting and looting...isn't that stereotyping?

I watched the entire series of The Sopranos and I found this movie (or extended TV episode) to be confusing and boring. The series was smart, exciting, and crispy written...this film was the opposite.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Yikes! Another PC "woke" garbage show from network television
29 September 2021
The networks seem so obsessive about inclusion and being PC that their shows begin to lose all sense of reality. La Brea has every ethnic group covered. It tries so hard to be PC that only white characters are bad...they even have a white cop who's bad.

However, the one of the main problems with the show (hey producers...try concentrating on story and acting instead of being "woke") is that the acting is truly atrocious...but maybe it's the directors fault...he has his characters just standing and reading their lines.

Casting is bad the attempt to have younger players on the show (networks want to please that demo group!), none of the parents of the teenagers look old enough to have kids that young...I thought they were brothers and sisters until they used the word "mom."

Finally...the seems so much like "Lost." I have no intention of sitting through season after season, like I did with Lost, only to be served a disappointing ending and no real explanation.

To me, it is a show to watch and laugh at... the script, the acting, the plot is all like a 2022 version of a bad 1950's science fiction flick.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
The main character is obviously a combo of Trump and Biden
9 January 2021
Danson plays a character who is newly elected as mayor of LA. He is as rich as Trump and knows nothing about political behavior...however, he is as old as Biden and constantly showing his age with long forgotten cultural references and expressing crazy ideas. The result is a person who is annoying and quite unlikable. Holly Hunter's physical appearance was a little unsettling to me...she appeared as if she is suffering from a bout of anorexia. Overall, the show seemed forced with writing that wants to come off like it's cool but instead misses that mark by being quite uncool.
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The Masked Dancer (2020–2021)
Yikes! One of the most fake and unnatural shows on TV!
7 January 2021
With so much fake audience and judge enthusiasm, this show becomes 100% annoying...there is not one real audience anywhere in the world that would get so excited over nothing like this audience does. The director of the show, would rather keep rapidly cutting from shot to shot, rather than do true directing and letting us watch the show more naturally. And the host is is so obvious that he is reading the lines...he shows no real involvement to the activities going on...and somebody on the show should show him how to properly hold the microphone!
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Poor actors playing totally annoying characters
24 November 2020 bad can a show get! The acting is terrible...most just seem like they are reading their lines. But worse than that...all the characters are annoying or unlikable...there is not one person one feels like cheering for. David E. Kelly, who sometimes is a genius, has provided a script where everything moves slowly and , worst of all, predictable. We know exactly what is going to happen next. There is no way that I am going to sit through another intolerable hour or this show!.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Are they trying to please the angry people on Twitter?
17 November 2020
This once absolutely great show has now become a mouthpiece for all the people who cry out that this country is horrible (they usually spend most of their time on Twitter). The rest of us just want to sit back and enjoy a decent drama without being pounded with a biased social message. The show has become a miserable mess!
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Judy (II) (2019)
Fatal mistake not to use Garland's voice during musical numbers
6 October 2019
Why didn't the producers take a cue from Hungarian Rhapsody's decision to use Freddie Mercury's actual recordings. To listen to non-singer Renee Zellweger try to sing like Judy (with the aid of lots of studio digital adjustments) is a waste of time when one is viewing a film that celebrates her talent. NO ONE SOUNDS LIKE JUDY! This film should have been a cinematic record of Judy...instead it is a film about an actress (Renee) who had the gall to want to use her own voice instead of Judy's for whatever egotistical needs she had to feed.
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Cleopatra (1912)
Totally wrong added musical soundtrack!!!
5 October 2019
Wow! The restorers of this important silent film added a music soundtrack that is totally inappropriate to the feel and nature of this film. First of all, good soundtracks are not even noticeable...they should blend with the film so naturally that a viewer should not be aware of them. This movie's soundtrack OVERWHELMS the film. It's's too's strange in parts. When watching this film on TV, just make sure you mute the sound!!!
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Sunnyside (2019)
Once again...political correctness runs amuck!
2 October 2019
It feels like the producers of this show wanted themselves to feel good...they wrote a show hiring minorities that is about a minority person helping the other minorities get their citizenship. Normally, that could be an interesting idea, but the way it is presented here just reeks of political correctness. Nothing feels real...everything is a forced set-up to prove the producers point...they are the biggest employers of minorities on TV and they feel good about it. However, the main bottom line problem is the lame jokes and stereotype characters. This show is not likable and is doomed!
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