
14 Reviews
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What a unique and enjoyable debut film!
3 February 2024
I bought this on Amazon Prime after seeing that the writer/director, Cole Daniel Hills, was from Erie, PA. I like to support local businesses and artists! So, I went into it without expectation, yet I was absolutely delighted by the film!

Hills has managed a debut feature film that feels both innovative and resonant. From the very first frame, it was evident that this filmmaker possesses a unique voice, combining a keen visual sense with a narrative style that belies his young age.

I think what sets this apart from the "typical" debut is his ability to tell a compelling story with an authenticity that feels both genuine and refreshing. The film is a delicate balance of emotion, intellect, and humor, showcasing a maturity in storytelling that I think is rare for someone at this stage in their career.

The casting choices in "The Root of Perfection" are inspired, with actors delivering performances that are both nuanced and powerful. It's clear that Hills has a talent for extracting the best from his cast, fostering a sense of chemistry that elevates the film's impact.

Additionally, the film's soundtrack complements the storytelling beautifully, adding depth, humor, and emotion to key moments.

Cole Daniel Hills is undoubtedly a filmmaker to watch. I am eager to see what else he does.
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Why are they tan
12 June 2022
No clue who thought tanning would enhance the movie. Many characters have TANS in England with obvious white skin where goggles were. Other than that, love the characters, music, writing.
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An uneasy masterpiece
2 January 2022
I very infrequently review movies, but I felt compelled.

This was truly unnerving. If you are waiting for a moment to feel 'at ease' during this film, trust me, it never comes. Responses aren't what you expect, plot lines don't follow your predetermined path, and, at times, it's oh so frustrating, yet you can't look away.

Don't decide what you want the beginning, middle, or end to be. Just go along for the ride.
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Fat Head (2009)
presents itself as fact when its dangerous and ridiculous garbage
3 March 2011
i don't review many movies, but i had to comment on this piece of trash.

when all of the films 'experts' had no listed credentials, i started to smell a rat. then when they opened their mouths to speak, i would've laughed if the nonsense they spouted weren't so dangerous

dr eades went to medical school alright, but never did a residency. he's board certified in NOTHING! why would he be one of the experts? like the film says, 'follow the money' - he writes...wait for books.

where were the cardiologists to talk about heart attacks and blood vessels? the neurologists to talk about the pathophysiology of stroke (i am a neurologist)? where were the research scientists?

according to this idiot, he is set up by his genes to be overweight, yet he eats nothing but crap for a month and he sheds a dozen pounds and all of his lipids have dropped. what was he eating before this film? salads? it was the lettuce he used to eat that made him fat. he should keep going with this diet, he'll be the most fit person ever.

i tell you what i see in my ER. young fat people and old slender people. it doesn't take a research grant to add that up. find me an obese 80 year old. 90 year old. good luck hunting.

the doctors involved in your day to day health are the ultimate skeptics. we review and critique every piece of medical literature. before we accept data, we LOOK for ways to invalidate it because that is our job. we fine tune research. there is no conspiracy.

isn't it odd that the average life expectancy continues to CLIMB when it's based upon a bunch of lies us doctors are telling you to pad our pockets? hmm.

(oh yeah, genius, cave men were healthy because they died in their 20s)

this guy is an idiot and the 'scientists' in this film should be ashamed.
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Avatar (2009)
Cameron will destroy what you thought you knew about film
18 December 2009
Ever see a group of people NOT leave their seats, NOT text, NOT talk for three hours for fear of missing something? You will if you go so this movie.

An AMAZING film! 10/10 easily one of the best movie experiences you will ever have. You will be telling your grandkids about this one.

The rating system on this site is ridiculous though. At the time I am writing this, 10% of the votes cast are 1/10? Obviously people who hate Cameron and DID NOT see the movie. No one who sees this movie would ever give it below a 8. The IMDb staff are idiots as well. 5/10? Really? It's worse than Meatballs 2? Idiots. Another group of Cameron haters. I thought ratings were supposed to be about the film itself and not peoples' opinion of the director.

Anyway, haters, it won't work. You can gather up and all give it a 1/10 and real audiences will ignore your fake votes and see it because it's truly stunning. I saw Star Wars when it was new at the theater and sitting there you could tell that film would never be the same. That's the exact feeling you will get when you see this movie. Cameron has changed the art form.

Haters, I see you! (you won't get the reference because you didn't actually pay $10 to see a movie by a director you hate...your votes are fake)
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Dreamgirls (2006)
I have to say, I wanted to hate this movie....
28 March 2008
When a movie gets so much praise, I usually go into it with a skeptical eye. I didn't even want to see this movie because I heard so much praise for it. Having watched it, all I can say is that it made a believer of me.

The only way it has this low of a rating is due to backlash from all the praise, because, honestly, it's stunning.

E. Murphy deserved the Oscar, his performance DESTROYED Alan Alda's weak performance in the WEAK movie 'Little Miss Sunshine' And JH's performance? Incredible. When watching the Academy Awards, I was miffed that she won Best Supporting Actress over other 'professional' actresses. Having seen the movie, I relunctantly admit that she deserved it.

Beautiful soundtrack, perfect performances by so many, just an incredible movie.

Again, the low rating has to be due to backlash...and not true ratings. It's 10/10.
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Mainly Etc. (2001)
Great Film!
28 June 2006
I watch tons of movies and had no idea this would be as good as it was. I was looking forward to it after reading the plot (even though I find Nirvana overrated). It sounded like it would be tons of fun but it was more than that. Jansen puts in little touches like the books (Kubrick book among others), movie posters, etc. I like when I see a director takes his time and put his heart into a film. And you can really feel that in this. There are tons of scenes and moments that I love, I am trying to think now of some other films that are like this and I would say the only thing I can think of are Cameron Crowe films. Takes little moments and makes them stand out and special. The soundtrack is amazing and each song works perfectly with the scenes and feel of the film. This film is amazingly shot, and the editing is outstanding. I could really go on and on about the film. I cannot recommend this enough really. If you want a fun story with great tunes from a director who clearly put his heart into his work then check this out.
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this movie can NOT be overhyped - awesome - jaw dropping
20 December 2003
the best of the three! my head is still shaking....

honestly, if you have yet to see it, expect TOO much from it and you will still not be's that good.

the acting, the special effects, the directing, the cinematography, the music, all flawless.

this is the greatest epic of all time and this is the greatest part of the three.

if you miss this on the big screen, you'll never forgive yourself

(unless you get another at it's 20th anniversary theatrical rerelease!)
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25 February 2003
The number one romantic comedy of all time? It doesn't deserve to be in the top 100! You MIGHT get a chuckle or two from the windex, but other than that, this may be the most overrated and overhyped movie of all time. ('blair witch' might still hold those titles of 'most overrated' and 'most overhyped' though)

If you haven't seen it, don't.

If you decide to NOT listen to me, you will be VERY TICKED OFF when you finally do see it and discover out how MARGINAL and AVERAGE it is.
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best movie i've ever seen
22 December 2002
ok, i am stubborn when it comes to such highly praised movies. i drag my feet even going to see them, and once there, i am prejudiced AGAINST them because of all the hype.

but, i have to tell you, this movie is absolutely incredible in every aspect.

the SUPERB acting, the PHENOMENAL special effects, the wonderful story, the NON-STOP's a feast for the eyes, mind, and heart.

don't miss this one on the big screen. a must see motion picture!!

absolutely deserves every bit of the praise it's been getting.

10/10 stars
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Jack Frost (1997 Video)
13 December 2002
the more i see it, the more i enjoy it. this movie is fast moving into my top 10!

when i bought the VHS (EXTREMELY well-used from the local video store) it came without a box and barely had a label still on it, so i was unsure which 'jack frost' it was.

i asked the girl working the counter if this was the 'horrible one'?

she told me it was and i IMMEDIATELY made a purchase. best $3 i EVER SPENT!

trust me, if you enjoy a pathetic script, miserable acting, non-existant 'special-effects', and poor attempts at humor, you will love this movie as much as i do.

the makers of this movie KNOW it's a terrible motion picture and they don't attempt to hide this fact. in fact, they enjoy shoving your face in it....quite like jack does when he drills some poor woman's face into a box of glass christmas ornaments. (that scene is worth the price of admission alone! and be sure to check out the music being played during that scene!!)

9/10 *'s!
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The Skulls (2000)
Just rented it cause nothing else was there. Mistake.
21 October 2000
Just horrible. Ridiculous from start to (wishing it were sooner) film end.

Secret society? In the middle of campus? Where everyone sees them walking in? Video taping the empty interior of the building 24 hrs a day and then storing the tape off of the 'secret society' locale? I guess they tape the building's interior just in case....just in case the writer needs some way, any way, to continue this horrible storyline. It doesn't mean to be funny, but it is. When a movie is this bad, it is, somehow, enjoyable for me. Don't get me wrong, watching it is NOT the enjoyable part. Commenting on it's 'badness' is what's fun.

WARNING! GIVING AWAY A SMALL CHUNK OF PLOT (can it be called a plot?)

Ok, an example of it's ridiculousness. There are so many, but this one tickled me. The hero, having successfully stolen one of the video tapes of the secret society (tape is inexplicably NOT destroyed even though it contains proof of murder,) is chased around town, through alleys until he is cornered against a fence. The university's provost (who somehow knew the tape was being stolen at that precise moment) is about to blast him when his friends drop down with halloween masks on (?) and pummel the provost. Apparently they were waiting in the fire escapes above and lowered themselves down on ropes. I guess that was the agreed upon meeting place - half a mile away, in the dead end of an alley. Get this...the hero and his friends hop in the getaway car and the friend says, "Great plan!" about just picking him up in front of the building?

I enjoy most movies. Even ones considered bad by many. But, come on? Who read the script? Anyone?
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Titanic (1997)
Movie is 'Desert Island' material
21 October 2000
You know. If you were stuck on a desert island and could only take one movie? What would it be? That's what I mean by desert island material. I'd take this one. Romance, adventure, heroism, betrayal, lust, history, laughter, tragedy, grandeur....

Perfect in it's idea and execution. A fictional romance intertwined with the most famous of human tragedies. Unparalleled attention-to-detail. SPARKLING cinematography. A soundtrack that draws you back to the ship every time your hear it. Just a breathtaking film.

The ONLY reason it is not in the top 10 all-time are the 'bogus' voters who gave it a 1 out of 10 rating. Obviously, they cast retaliatory votes. Retaliating against the oversaturation of Titanic memorabilia, hype, etc. Everyone has their own opinions, but they should really just rate the film and not the hype. The most awarded film in Academy Award history. The highest grossing movie of all-time. Top selling classical soundtrack in history. Rates a 1 of 10? Of course not. It's a treasure.
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It's better every time you watch it...really!
21 October 2000
A true delight! Laughs from start to end with HYSTERICAL performances by some of the best comic talent of all-time. Some of my favorites were Milton Berle, Jonathon Winters, Buddy Hackett, and Ethel Merman. The timing is flawless, the photography is gorgeous, the acting is so professional and believable you will be sucked into the perfect storyline as though it were happening around you. The infamous cameos are a time capsule of genius that will never be duplicated. If you've seen it, you love it.

Best scene? So many, but it has to be the Sylvester (Dick Shawn) twist dance with his girlfriend! If you are a Mad, Mad fan, email me your favorite scene!

I figured to make this movie my first review as an IMDB member because it's one of my all time favorites.
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