
4 Reviews
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Got Plot?
29 March 2001
Got Plot? Because this movie doesn't. Sure it looks pretty. Thats it. End of story. The movie looks pretty. It's not even the best martial arts film ever made, and no where near one of the best films ever. The director would be better used making commercials, something quick and easy that doesn't need a plot. Obviously I am in the minority thinking that movies still do need plot and character development more than they need action scenes. Waste of time, money, and space on the Top 250 list. But if Star Wars and The Matrix can make it, I guess anything can. In ten years people might finally realize what a waste of praise this flick was, but probably not.
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People Are Missing Something About This Movie
11 November 2000
This movie is what we refer to as a SPOOF. You see the dialogue is intentionally lame, the acting is done over the top on purpose, and someone was complaining about the special effects? I mean it's a straight to video movie, what did you expect? Multimillion dollar effects? It's a funny movie, and is campy and enjoys being so. As good as the first? No, of course not, but it's far from a "horrible movie."

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Cute romantic comedy
9 September 2000
This movie isn't earth shattering, or life altering, but it's entertaining. Joey Slotnick plays well as an engaged writer still attracted to his ex-girlfriend. There are some cute little jokes here and there, and some promising moments as far as the director goes. All in all it's a good movie to watch on HBO (where it is shown every now and again) and pulls off being funny and romantic at the same time (something rarely done in "romantic comedies" which normally choose one or the other.) I would recommend checking it out if you have a chance, you won't feel like you wasted and hour and a half.
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Blood Simple (1984)
A nice little film that's not afraid to take a few risks.
9 September 2000
This movie is far from perfect. But few movies are. The Coen Brothers came out with full force and spun a nice tale about a cheating wife and her lover. There are some great moments of dark comedy (the live burial,) and some trademark excellent Coen brothers scene transitions. This movie takes a few risks and doesn't lay all it's cards face up and leaves you to a draw a few conclusions. Although this film isn't as good as the other Coen brothers films, it is still better than most rental choices. Sit back and enjoy a nice ride.

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