
12 Reviews
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It would be a greater movie if Mandy Moore wasn't in it
13 June 2002
I've got to say, this was a good movie. It could be A LOT better if Mandy Moore wasn't in it. SHE WAS AWFUL. She's such a faker. The way she talks just annoy me. She pretend to be this nice innocent person in real life, but everyone knows she isn't. Just looking at her, make me want to puke. She sings okay, but she is just awful. I thinkI rather enjoy looking at Britney Spears in her corny movies then staring at Mandy Moore and having my blood pressure goes up.

This was an okay movie, really. I've seen other better love story and ACTORS/ACTRESSES. Shane West, he's good, but his leading lady SUCK! I just wish someone would tell her that instead of going with the fact that she'll get better, NO SHE WON'T, B/C SHE SUCK!! Just thinking about Mandy Moore makes me want to blast off my head.

The movie is sad, it's suppose to to. Anyway, that's all I have to say.
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Crossroads (I) (2002)
I think I'm going to puke
13 June 2002
This movie was horrible!!! Horrible acting and Britney Spears, you suck!! Your acting suck and this stupid story of yours suck! Before it came out, people had a lot of potentials for this movie, but it suck!!

It seems these days that Hollywood would make possibly any movies! Movies are not about a pretty face and sex! It's more than that! I heard on MTV Britney Spears was trying to "defend" herself by making up some lies. She said, "Whatever the critics like, I dont like. I'm scared if the critics likes my movie or not." I bet that was not how she feels about the critics when her movie didn't come out. A trip, out of thin air, can change the lives of these girls, maybe that's possible, but this movie didn't show it. It was horrible. Especially Britney Spears. She shouldn't act at all. She's horrible at it even horrible then Mandy Moore and you know how annoying it is when Many Moore talks. She tried to look all innocent and whatever. Don't pretend, Britney and Mandy...all your giving the consumers is another reason to hate you.

I just got so aggravating when I see this stars acting totally different when the camaras is on. Enough of that, this movie sucks! It makes Star Wars look better, in script I mean. It seems so easy for any brainless people to make it big these days. What happen to those people with great ideas? What has the world become these days!

What a waste of money this movie is! I'm so upset w/ myself for seeing it!
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Ughh... what a waste of money
12 June 2002
Ok, first of all, I have to say that if it wasn't for the appearance of Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker, I would definitely NOT go see this awful film. Natalie Portman was awful in this movie. I don't want to go into specific details about the "good" (yeah whatever) acting these actors/actresses portrayed.

I think George Lucas loves to earn his poor talented money from fans. There were no true passion and I didn't really like the chemistry at all. Why was she chosen to become senator? Because Lucas wanted it that way. Too much of the movie was relying on special effect. This is a movie, what's the point if the audiences can't understand the film! I wasn't surprised at all when I saw the movie. I knew it was gonna be another crash and burn.

I hope the next star wars movie can be good... at least good. Every film made from Lucas is slipping its gross. The legacy just dies over the greed of money, in my opinion. I say, leave the legacy alone, leave whatever left of its respect alone. It's truly is a great idea, star wars I mean, but somehow I just can't stand another movie of it!! The first one, good. The second one, great. Then it drags on as if it would never ends. WHAT LEGACY? THERE IS NO LEGACY!! THE LEGACY HAS BEEN DESTROY BY ITS OWN CREATOR! HOW IRONIC IS THAT! The directing was good, but the script was just awful.

This is all my opinion and if someone doesn't agree with my opinion then it's fine, we're all humans. I do liked sci-fi fictions, don't get me wrong. It's just that I hate this movie and I generally never use the word hate.

All I'm saying, if you want to see Star Wars then you should... Anakin is hot!
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Iron Monkey (1993)
Movie to remember
21 October 2001
What a thrill after coming out of the movie! The sensation of beauty was splashing everywhere! The eyes became a believer and the story was a legend. One of the best movie u can ever witness. This is how a kung-fu movie is suppose to look like. The martial skills were spectacular...everything was just so perfect. CAN NOT BE COMPARE W/ CROUCHING TIGERS HIDDEN DRAGON. THIS MOVIE IS WAY AWESOME AND BETTER GRAPHIC THEN THAT BORING OLD MOVIE.

you got to see it to believe! It's hilarious and breath taking. You sees moves that u never seen before. The fight scenes were fast and clean and even more thrilling then ever!
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Hot, Spicy, and Furiously Fast
8 July 2001
When the movie started, I was grab into the movie. The vision, Paul Walker, and the cast was dramatic. Everything was perfect, but the only problem was that I thought that the movie was cut and cut so much that the movie wasn't exactly portray liked I thought it was. I knew the plot, but the people who edit this movie cut out so many wonderful parts and takes that the movie was more liked rated G (no sex just a bunch of drama). One comment, PAUL WALKER looks good!! Really good!!!! He was the part that made me came to see this film!! My friends were screaming and yelling, "He's so hot" during the movie!! I couldn't stopped them from disrupting the others who were there. The cars were phat! What I don't liked about it was how it portray the Asian people. We're not liked that!! WE're not slutty, pervert, nor evil (well, most of us aren't). That was the only part I was offended by. The way they made the Asian people dress was so entirely gross. I mean I can't even think they think we're liked that!! Anyways, the movie went by so fast, I didn't even see Paul Walker get any "action" with Jordana Brewster. It was a shame that the writers didn't really get into the "Brian Mia's relationship" because I thought that that was an interesting "part" to know. Well, anyway, the movie was awesome, the cars were da bomb, and it has incredible special effect. For those that didn't saw it, go see it for the action, cars, or my personal favorite, Paul Walker. He look so hot and so damn sexy in that movie!! He will totally take your breathed away!!!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Nothing Can Compare To This!
24 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers

After sitting at the theater for 3 hrs and 15 mins, I have been amazed and depressed at the end. Knowing that Josh Hartnett was going to died at the end before I ever seen the movie was a bit of a spoiler to me, but it didn't stopped the feelings I felt when he died. It was so sad...I was hysterically crying my eyes out!!! After the movie, I start to daydream. I was sitting in my car waiting as my dad drove home. I was thinking, "What if Rafe was the one who landed second and Danny was the one who were attacked by the Japanese soldiers? Then Rafe would be the one dead...and I started to find an ending to the movie if Rafe die." And then I retrace back to Danny.I guess the writers lets Danny died because his death would have a bigger ending and the audiences would cried even more than Rafe's death (basically). The whole relationship between Evelyn, Danny, and Rafe was just a big misunderstanding. If only Evelyn wasn't pregnant w/ Danny's baby then I would really think she would of gotten back together w/ Rafe. The whole drama at Pearl Harbor and the problems with the Japanese were really interesting. Watching this movie, I felt liked I wanted to be part of the war and if there were ever a war in our time, I would volunteer because watching this movie was so so sad plus it was very entertaining. Basically what I'm trying to say is that this is a absolute best movie I have ever watch!!! At the beginning I was kinda of bored at how the characters develop and the storyline grew. But when the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor I was so into it that I was so feeling every emotion, tragic, and pain. And I thought that this movie was so much better than the Titanic's scene when the ship was sinking. "Pearl Harbor" created a strong powerful feelings/visual that I felt during the movie. When Danny died, I was so sad because I knew he was going to died, but I didn't knew how. If only if the Chinese came earlier then Danny would of kept his life. You could say that Danny save Rafe's life when he was landing and shot those Japanese, but.....if Rafe hadn't destroy his position when Danny's plane crash, I would think this movie would have another turn out. This movie brings out alot of joy, pain, and sadness. The ending was terrific. Danny's death was a perfect plan for how the movie was to end. I give this movie an A+ for every category. Better than Gladiator don't you think!!!??!!
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Driven (2001)
WOW!!! What A Thriller!
30 April 2001
When I went to see this movie, I wasn't actually "looking forward" to it. I really wanted to see "The Forsaken". But when the movie started playing, I was amused and amazed!!! This movie didn't have a lot of dialogues to explain the characters' personalities, but by the middle or end of the story, you HAVE and WILL understand the story completely. It was an amazing film with great special effects and characters development. Every characters in there has their own identity and what the writer did was amazing. The writer, "Sylvester Stallone", perpetuated the characters' emotions and feelings so well and that was probably the best thing I love about this movie. Never in my entire life has a thriller or drama movie caught me by surprise and astonishment before. If I had to rate this movie from 1 (awful) to 10 (great), this movie deserve a 10 because I couldn't find any big mistake in the movie except for the special effect. When the car went flying and rain pouring onto the driver's helmet, it look so fake not like Stars Wars which has technology beyond our standard. The music and the sound vibrations were just awesome. This is the first movie that left me shocked and speechless. This movie is a 100% must SEE!!
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19 March 2001
WOW!!!!!!! The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air is one of my all time favorite show in the whole universe!! It is so funny that every episodes you can't help but laugh so hard!! The script are da bomb and always funny....and beside Will Smith plays in it!!!!!
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Ghostbusters (1984)
A mixture of comedy and horror
22 December 2000
Ghostbusters was a very long dried movie. No offense, it was very good at the end, when the ghostbuster team had to face that Gozo and the Puffy marshmallow guy. In fact, this movie was sometime very funny. I liked how they mix sarcastism in this movie. It made it more thrilling and more spontanous. A very GOOD movie!
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Rush Hour (1998)
It's So Funny and hilarious!!!!
16 September 2000
I love Rush Hour! It's so funny!! Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker did a spectacular performance! The writing was absolutely magnificent. It a must see movie. If you never saw this movie, you gotta see it. It's so funny!!!
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Higher Ground (2000)
Just The best Show made.
29 August 2000
Higher ground is just fantastic!. The scence, the acting, just perfect. I don't know why people think dawson's creek or felicity is better (probably they are at a better station.) They both pretty much suck! I love higher ground and the cast. Hayden is just so talented and hot! Higher ground is a truthful, realistic show. I don't know why people want to cancel it for it second season. I recommend this show to everyone because higher ground is just the best. It should really win an award for it.
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Ehhh, okay.
29 August 2000
I know and agreed that Stars Wars is a movie of its time and is one of the best fiction stories around. Stars Wars took us to another place or generation we didn't even know existed. But don't you think each new episode is getting kind of dull now. I must say Stars Wars is a great story, truly an "A+", but as the "series" continue, I'm wondering when it will end, but happy to know I will be watching the two upcoming episodes because Hayden Christensen is in it. He's my favorite actor.
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