
2 Reviews
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First scare in a long time
24 July 2002
Before the 80s, we had traditional horror movies like Dracula, and Frankenstein. With their 'old-horror-movie' special effects, they provided great entertainment. In the 80s, we had the Nightmare on Elm Street series. I remember not being able to sleep after one of those movies (I was too young to remember which one). In the 90s and even into this millennium, we have had teen-slasher movies galore. However, Jeepers Creepers takes us back to the 80s, without actually taking us back to the 80s. Without masses of computer-generated special effects, this movie still provokes our fear, and tantalizes the senses. Unlike teen-slasher movies, you do not spend the movie trying to work out who the killer is, but you are concerned about the characters. Like most horror movies, you invariably end up shouting at the screen telling the characters not to do something, but in this movie, I did that only once. The other times, the characters were intelligent enough to know what to do, and not enter the dark decrepit house with no one around for miles, and no one knowing where they are, etc.

The acting is great and the direction better. I will definitely look out for more of Victor Salva's work. On the whole, if you go into this movie thinking 'I want to be entertained and frightened a little" then this is the movie. If you are thinking "I want to see a movie where the characters are incredibly believable and so is the story" then give this a miss.
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Spider-Man (2002)
A great comic adaptation
27 April 2002
I saw this movie last night at a preview, and I must say I was impressed. The acting of all the cast was good, especially William Dafoe. I must admit that I wans't quite sure about Tobey Maguire as Peter Paker, but after watching it, I cannot think of anyone who would be better suited to the role.

The only places where it changes the orginal comicbook story are when the comicbook is not very believable. So these changes don't harm the story in anyway, but might even make it better.

On the whole, I would have to say this movie is definately worth seeing, especially if you are a fan of the comic/cartoon series or just a general comic fan.
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