
8 Reviews
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Solid Acting and an Interesting Plot Cannot Save a Movie from Bad Writing / Directing
17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One-dimensional and two-dimensional characters can work for a film when the plot drives action quickly. But this film's heavy reliance on stereotypes leaves viewers caring very little for main protagonist Cassie after the first 30 minutes. The performances by Mulligan and all of her costars are solid, but the dialog and backstories of all characters are thin to the point of insulting. Examples: Apparently all 3+ of the onscreen guys who encounter drunk protagonist Cassie are single-minded jerks who cannot seem to keep their hands off her (or who gloss over her her own deceitful behavior when confronted with their own). Or a pediatric physician used to chatting up sick kids cannot seem to ask meaningful questions and pinpoint suspicious stories in the coffee shop barista he is courting. And 30-year-old Cassie's parents have never caught on that their formerly brilliant student doctor might be leading a double life despite living at home for the last 5+ years. And who knows how poor barista Cassie got the money to pull off the variety of her stunts?

An interesting plot in need of a better writer / director.
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Surprisingly good, short, quirky film
24 February 2020
Billy Crystal's nuanced performance meets very good writing in a tale about uncommon friendships and uncommon redemption. Not a perfect film, but great performances and quick pacing enable the writing and plot to tell an efficient, funny, touching story well.
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Kinsey (2004)
Good Film
7 November 2004
Not easy to get worked up about a film where the main idea is a statistical survey handled by a scientist who's trying to be unemotional throughout. But a very good film all the same, well constructed, with plausible and engaging dialogue, and a really nice set of performances by Liam Neesen, Peter Saarsgard, and Laura Linney.

There are some mediocre bit performances by John Lithgow (who never really seems to play older characters well, IMHO), and Chris O'Donnell (who hasn't bit off a meaty part yet), but those don't detract substantially from a good plot with excellent subplots. The relationship between Kinsey & his father calcifies his struggle to both become a man with his own identity, and his struggle to overcome sexual barriers to conduct a nation-changing study. A good film indeed, but tough to get terribly aroused by it. Ahem.

Worth seeing. 8/10.
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Sideways (2004)
Too Long, Bad Characters
18 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Note: contains spoiler information.

I respect that many people apparently liked this movie more than I did (6 out of 10). But I've got to say that it was too long, and it seemed to go from being a nice, quiet pastoral film with drawn-out subtleties to a Hollywoodized, over-the-top, blunt semi-comedy. It failed to appropriately admonish the main characters for their horrible behavior (Jack sleeping around with other women before his wedding, and Miles betraying Jack and then lying to Jack about it to his face). And it didn't seem to know where it was going. There was a bit of sloppy storytelling in this film, and quite a few poorly written scenes, but the worst thing of all was that the main characters had almost no redeeming qualities. In addition, every character outside the main three is 2-dimensional (or one-dimensional), and they go through an entire week-long bachelor party without once mentioning the words "bachelor party." Very odd.

There were some beautiful moments in this film, and also some hilarious moments. I definitely laughed out-loud many times, and halfway through the film thought that I liked it quite a bit. But the ending sucked, and the last half of the film ruined the chance at redemption that either character had. If any good story is about change, I don't believe we saw much change from either character at the end.

6 of 10 for me, 5/10 and 4/10 from the people I saw it with.
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The Cooler (2003)
Could Have Been a Really Decent Film
26 October 2003
Just to add something to the comments already up here: I just saw the movie today in Chicago at a pre-release screening, and about 70% of the audience appeared to like the film. I didn't, but my fiancee did. Same film.

I thought the film was slow and melodramatic, the symbolism was hit-you-over-the-head, and the dialogue fairly sketchy. Even my fiancee, who liked the film, thought we'd been watching this film for 2 1/2 hours. The director really needs to re-edit this flick and cut a good 20 minutes out, primarily from some of the longer lovemaking scenes and less integral dialogues. Several subplots that this movie attempted to undertake seemed irrelevant or poorly developed.

That, and the ending needs re-doing. Not to give anything away, but it was just too quick and slightly too unbelievable at the end.

Still, 6/10 from me. Decent performances, and a nice concept.
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Absolutely Horrible
27 May 2003
Sorry that I'm even commenting. Plunked down the money to see this film with my fiancee, and we both walked out of the movie about 45 minutes into it. The premise was highly suspect, but we were willing to suspend our disbelief long enough to let it work. Unfortunately, it didn't, and it didn't even come close.

Queen Latifah's character was simply obnoxious, and the situations that the writer put forth just were too unbelievable to work as a story. To make matters worse, in 45 minutes of story, there were no redeeming qualities to either of the main characters, save for Steve Martin's funny trick to win over a client by bribing a waiter. The few enjoyable moments in the film were Eugene Levy's, and those were too rehashed and too inconsequential to be worth sticking around for.

Voted 1 out of 10, and hope not to see anything this bad again.
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8 October 2002
Shame about this movie. Good cast, and decent acting, but it's a see-through plot that feels completely forced. Too many scenes are "Hollywoodized," where the characters stumble into coincidences that simply just would not happen. And several holes in logic are required to make this movie run. Samuel Jackson's character goes into a loan office/bank and picks up a computer monitor in one scene, throwing it into the window of the office. Not only is he then allowed to leave the office without being stopped by the security guard/police, but they never seem to look for him either. Which is not to mention the assault he puts on two white guys at a bar earlier in the movie, again not getting pursued at all.

The movie is too simplistic, trying to comment on a situational phenomenon while forcing its way through a plot that would be interesting if it seemed less contrived. The plot hinges on too many forced and improbable coincidences.
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Wasn't THAT good
24 March 2000
This movie was good. The acting performances were great, and the writing was pretty good throughout. Kevin Spacey's performance was certainly Oscar worthy.

However, it wasn't a 10. The ending seemed contrived, and was developed poorly. Annette Bening's character had some idiotic lines in the end, and it was never clear throughout the movie why Lester Burnham was hated by his daughter. The two seemed like a natural fit.

I voted it an 8.
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